The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 257 Chapter 255 Preparation

Chapter 257 Chapter 255 Preparation
After hearing Finny's thoughts, Phoebus fell into deep thought,
After all, she is his youngest, most beloved, and most indebted daughter. How could he not be entangled?

However, he didn't struggle for long before making up his mind.

Just do what Finey did,
After all, if you do nothing, Astoria can only live to be 20 years old, and in the years between now and 20 years old, Astoria will become weaker and weaker because of the curse, enduring All kinds of suffering, it is better to take a risk, succeed, everyone is happy,

If it fails, it can save Astoria from suffering for a few years.

Now that he had figured it out, Phoebus didn't delay any longer, and wrote letters to Dumbledore with Feeney.

Because Dumbledore was spending the last time with Nicol and his wife in Nicol's manor at this time, this letter could only be sent by Finny who knew the location of Nicol's manor.
After all, Nico's manor is protected by a spell. Only Dumbledore and Finny know the exact location, and they can't even find the exact location of their owls. They can only communicate with each other through Nico's owl.

Because he was going to get rid of Astoria's curse as soon as possible, Feeney didn't delay, and greeted Sirius, and after letting him go home, Puff took him directly to the border between England and France ,

Even a house-elf can't cross the border with a single apparation. It would be fine if the Greengrass house was closer to France. However, based on where Puff stopped now, it can be basically judged that Greenglass The family estate of the Bryce family was also near the Scottish Highlands, as evidenced by the address Phoebus told him.

Therefore, you can only stop here at the national border, and then apparate once.

Fortunately, the magical talent of the house elves means that they don't need to rest and recover their magic power even for such a long-distance apparition. After three pauses, Feeney came to the small town of Nicholas in France, which is Nicholas. The small town where you can live in seclusion,
After making Puff invisible, Finny came to the location of Nico's residence familiarly, walked in,

At this time Nicole and Dumbledore were drinking black tea and eating dessert in the living room,

I don't know if it's because both of them are very old.Or because people gather together and things are divided into categories,
Both Dumbledore and Nicol have a sweet tooth, but Finney thinks that the second choice may make more sense, because he also likes sweets.

At first, he bought the sugar factory to lick Dumbledore. Later, he also fell in love with this kind of food that makes people feel good.
After greeting Nico and Dumbledore, Finny expressed his assumptions and thoughts about Astoria's curse,

"It's a nice idea and has the potential to work."

After listening to Finny's thoughts, Nicole said in praise,

"It seems that you have a deep understanding of the essence of magic now, Finny. If you weren't restricted by your age, you might have become a great wizard by now."

Finny smiled and asked,

"So, senior, professor, do you two think that this idea has a high chance of being established?"

Dumbledore nodded and said,

"To tell you the truth, Feeney, I have made similar assumptions before, and even a student at Hogwarts once made a similar idea and did it himself. However, his control over Fiendfyre, And the difficulty of controlling the Phoenix Flame far exceeds that of Fierce Fire, which made his experiment fail, and because of this, this idea was hidden, "

Finney said confidently,
"You don't have to worry about this, professor. I am very confident in my control over Fiendfyre. As for the Phoenix Flame, no one in the entire magic world can say better than Professor You , So, the main purpose of my coming this time is to invite Professor you to go with me to lift Astoria's curse."

Dumbledore glanced at Nico, hesitated,

There are two reasons for his hesitation. First of all, this idea is just a hypothesis in the final analysis. Although the probability of realization is very high, it is only a hypothesis after all. , this is something that Dumbledore, who is already very kind at this time, cannot do,

If it was him decades ago, he might be able to do this without blinking his eyes, but now he,,,,

Another reason is Nicole,
Because of the agreement, and Nico's own decision, the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, and the elixir left behind could actually only allow Nico and his wife to live until September this year.This is still the situation where Nico has to live a few more days to prepare for the funeral of the two of them. As one of the few old friends who are still alive, Dumbledore is really reluctant,

Nico seemed to see Dumbledore's hesitation, and said with a smile,

"Speaking of which, I'm still very interested in Feeney's ideas, Feeney, I think, you won't refuse some old-fashioned old men to watch your experiments, right?"

Feeney was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly said,

"Of course, senior, if you can pass by, I will be more confident,"

Yes, as the most powerful alchemist in the magic world today, even the alchemist of the Presbyterian Church, Nicole,
If he was present, it would be possible for Finny and the others to fail and still save Astoria's life, such a harsh thing.

Seeing that Nicole was about to go, Dumbledore no longer hesitated, and decided to go to Greengrass' manor with Finny.

Because of his loyalty and Astoria's sake, Phoebus directly told Finny the location of the manor, so they didn't need to go to London to wait for Greenglass' carriage on the way back.

"Thank you very much for coming, Professor Albus Dumbledore,"

Phoebus had been waiting at the gate of the manor for a long time, and when he saw Feeney and the others, he walked out and said hello to Dumbledore.

Just as he was talking he saw Nicole,
It's just that Nico has lived in seclusion in the magic world for hundreds of years, so Phoebus didn't recognize his identity, and he hesitated immediately.

However, he is the patriarch of a family after all, and his thoughts changed very quickly. He immediately thought that this must be the one that Feeney invited to treat his little daughter, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and said,
"And this gentleman, thank you very much for coming."

As he said that, he went to hold Nicole's palm, and looked at Finny for a while, but it was too late to stop him.

Just listen, click.

Nico's metacarpal bone was broken,
"Ah oh!"

Nico yelled, and Phoebus let go of his hands in a fright.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Dumbledore smiled and cast a healing spell on Nicole,
Feeney explained to Phoebus with a smile,
"This is Nicole Flamel. Because of the elixir, his body is relatively fragile now."

Phoebus was completely stunned. Dumbledore is also a legend in the magic world, but after all, it is something that everyone can see and touch, so he is not so surprised.

But Niko is different. According to legend, he has lived for 500 years. He is not only a legend in the magic world, but also a myth. When a mythical figure appears in front of your eyes, shock is considered a very rational reaction. ,

Feeney, Dumbledore, and Nico were all amused when they saw Phobos's expression. The three of them guessed Phobos's reaction when he knew Nicole's identity on the road. ,

The current reaction made all three of them amused,
"Okay, senior, professor, let's go in. Astoria was put to sleep by my stunned spell. She probably hasn't woken up yet. We still have to wake her up and tell her some preparations. "

Dumbledore put away the smile on his face when he heard that,
He is very clear that in order to realize Finny's method, in addition to controlling Fiendfyre and Phoenix's flames, more importantly, the caster needs to have the awareness of value preservation in the audience, otherwise even if he has Phoenix's flames, the only ones who can be rescued are would be a living dead, being without will and soul,
However, what kind of willpower is needed to bear the feeling of being burned by the flames soberly,
You know, Astoria is just a little girl who is not yet 11 years old, and now Dumbledore feels distressed when he thinks about what will happen to her next.

It's not enough, there is no way to do it, it's the only way.

Led by Phoebus and Feeney, they came to Astoria's sleeping room, and Feeney called her up,

"Is it over? There is still no way, right?"

After waking up, Astoria asked subconsciously. The calm and skillful tone made people's heart skip a beat.

Finny shook his head and said,

"I have some ideas. If there is no accident, after this time, you will not be affected by the curse. Even your family may not be affected by the curse anymore."

Astoria heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she woke up from the dazed state of just waking up, and asked in surprise,

Then she noticed Dumbledore, Nico, and her father, Phoebus, who stood aside and hurriedly got up to salute.

"Professor Dumbledore, father, and the old gentleman, hello,"

Dumbledore nodded and said,
"Finny is right, we have indeed found a way to solve this curse, but now there is still a problem, we need to ask your opinion."

Astoria said hurriedly,

"I have no objection, you just do what you think."

Finny shook his head and said,

"No, this method requires your cooperation,"

Dumbledore added,
"And this cooperation must be your active cooperation, and at the same time, it will also be a kind of pain that you have never endured."

Astoria looked at her father with a puzzled expression. After seeing her father nodding, she looked at Finny, waiting for his explanation.

Finny took a deep breath and said,
"I found out the specific situation of the blood curse in your body. If this curse has just been placed in your body, there may be other ways, which will be easier. However, this curse has been in your family for thousands of years. It has been passed down to your flesh and blood, so if you want to lift the curse, there is only one way?"

Astoria asked,
"any solution?"

"Break and rebuild. That is to completely destroy your body, and then rebuild it, so that the power of the curse can be separated from the blood, and the curse can be completely lifted."

A trace of fear appeared on Astoria's face, and she asked in a trembling voice,

"Will it hurt to completely destroy it?"

It's normal for a child to be afraid of pain. Don't look at the frankness and indifference of Astoria and Feeney when they asked him to do the experiment on her directly, but in fact, she is also very afraid.

Feeney nodded, and said in a low voice,

"That's right, and because of the curse, the magic we use to destroy your body must be the extremely destructive Fierce Fire Curse. Correspondingly, the only way to restore your body is to use the phoenix with similar attributes to Fierce Fire. of the flame,"

Dumbledore sighed and said,

"Miss Greengrass, you have experienced the feeling of the phoenix flame suppressing the curse at Hogwarts before. The fierce flame burns and the phoenix flame recovers. This process is far beyond your previous experience, even hundreds of times. A thousand-fold increase, and, in order to ensure that there are no other accidents in this process, and our final success, we need you to maintain your own consciousness throughout the process, "

Astoria was taken aback, and said blankly,
"In other words, I need to clearly feel the pain of the whole process?"

"Yes, that's right, Miss Greengrass, I'm afraid the truth is what you say."

Astoria pondered for a moment, then said firmly,
"Okay, I see, so come on."

That tone seemed to be about to die, which moved Finny very much.

He looked to Phoebus and said,

"We need a very strong room that can withstand magic like Fiendfyre in the end."

Phoebus thought for a moment and said,
"I definitely don't have a room that can withstand Fiendfire. However, there is a room in the castle where our family used to practice spells. Some war magic will not cause much damage to the room."

Feeney nods,


When Phoebus heard this, he led several people to the basement of the castle, which was an empty round room.

The room is very bright, the floor, ceiling and walls are all dark green, and there are some huge portraits hanging on the walls,

"This is our magic practice room. However, the place I want to take you to is not here."

As he spoke, he came to a portrait, bowed slightly and said,

"Grandfather, I need to use the refuge room."

The figure in the portrait glanced at Phoebus, then walked aside, revealing a door behind him in the portrait,

Phoebus stretched out his hand to grab the doorknob on the portrait, and with a strong pull, the door on the portrait opened, and a series of stairs stretched out from the portrait.
(End of this chapter)

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