The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Chapter 253 The truth about the curse of the Greengrass family

Chapter 255 Chapter 253 The truth about the curse of the Greengrass family
Even though he knew what such a choice meant, Phoebus knew very well that he did not have the right to make other choices.
That being the case, instead of waiting for Finny to bring it up, it is better for him to say it himself, and he can gain a good reputation for being kind and kind,
After hearing what Phobos meant, Feeney also understood what Phoebus meant. However, it didn't matter at all. His purpose of coming here this time has been fulfilled. The Greengrass family's refuge is equivalent to that of several Malfoy families.

Feeney smiled and stretched out his right hand to Phoebus,
"If it is really necessary, I will not be polite to you, Phoebus."

After getting the answer he wanted, Feeney's address for Phobos changed from Mr. Greengrass to Phobos,

This is not only an expression of intimacy, but also a reflection of the status and relationship between Feeney and Phoebus.
After Phoebus said that, the Greengrass family was considered to be subordinate to the Black family, and naturally Feeney could no longer use the respectful title of Mr. Greenglass to call Phoebus.

If Greengrass was not recruited by Feeney, he could still call him that, and he could even call Phobos his uncle, because in that case, Phoebus would be regarded as a subordinate of Feeney's elders, and such a title would show the close relationship between the two However, the Greengrass family was recruited by Feeney, and the representative, Phoebus, is Feeney's subordinate. Naturally, it cannot be called that.

Phobos didn't care when he heard about Feeney's change of address, because he knew very well that this was an inevitable situation.

If you want to improve your relationship with the Black family in the future, you need some other means.
Thinking of this, Phoebus glanced at his little daughter, maybe, this is really okay?
Between Finny and Phoebe's friendly conversation, Daphne's resentful eyes, Sirius and Mrs. Greengrass' jokes, the dinner came to an end.

Feeney wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and said to Phoebus,
"Okay, Phoebes, I think that before using that potion, maybe I can check Astoria's physical condition. After all, that potion is based on the curse on bloodlines from other people and the elders. The research report developed, although effective, but the effect may not be obvious,"

Having said that, Fini paused and said,
"After all, it's just a palliative measure. I think if I can get more results from the blood curse, I might be able to find a way to cure it completely."

Phoebus also put the tableware in his hand on the table, wiped the corners of his mouth, and nodded to Finny,

"What you said makes sense. I will ask someone to prepare a quiet room for you. Is there any special equipment or requirements? I will also ask someone to prepare together by the way."

Finny shook his head and said,

"A quiet room and a set of potion refining tools are enough. Commonly used herbs are carried. If it is convenient, please prepare some owls in the room. I may contact Professor Dumbledore or Monsieur Ni Flamel."

Phobos' eyes lit up, and he knew very well that if anyone in the magic world could really solve the blood curse, it would most likely be the two that Feeney mentioned.

Dumbledore's phoenix can suppress the effect of the curse, so Astoria has already stayed at Hogwarts for a year in advance,

And Nicole even successfully refined the Sorcerer's Stone, invented the elixir of life,
Of course, the most important thing is that these two are not members of the Presbyterian Church and will not be restricted by the Presbyterian Church.

Yes, Phoebus guessed it, those elders in the Presbyterian Church must also find a solution to the blood curse, but they need to pay some price they don't want to pay, they have already blessed the Greengrass family. Under the effect of the blood curse, this family will disappear completely sooner or later. At that time, the Council of Elders will not treat the Greengrass family specially because of their kindness thousands of years ago.

Officially because they guessed the attitude of the Elders, the Greengrass family has remained neutral all these years, and it is not even particularly emphasized that they will not take the initiative to participate in the meeting of the Oath Family, because it is completely unnecessary.

After a while, Phoebus seemed to have received news from the house-elf, stood up and said to Finny,

"The room is ready, we can go there."

This can be regarded as a kind of etiquette in pure blood families, that is, house elves are absolutely not allowed to show up in front of guests.
Feeney nodded, stood up and looked at Astoria,

"Then, Miss Astoria, you may need to follow us to help."

Astoria naturally knew what they were talking about. After all, now that the Greengrass family has the blood curse, even his father is very lucky not to suffer from the blood curse. His uncle died because of the blood curse.

Coming to the room that was just prepared, Feeney looked at Phobos and asked,

"Well, Phoebus, I have always had a doubt."

"you say,"

"According to the records in the Presbyterian Church, the blood curse of the Greengrass family should be possessed by all members of the family. It will not appear in the current situation where it is produced in the descendants of the family, and the condition of the person who owns the curse will get worse. .”

Phoebus sighed and said,
"This is actually a change made by the ancestors of our family to ensure the continuation of the family. Well, in fact, this should be regarded as a kind of black magic in the blood."

Feeney was taken aback, and asked,
"Can you elaborate? You know, everything about the blood curse may affect my research,"

In a low voice, Phoebus uttered the bloody truth hidden in the history of the Greengrass family.

It turned out that many, many years ago, the blood curse of the Greengrass family was just like what Feeney said, all members would carry it on their bodies, and the carrying members would not live to be 40 years old.
This is a very serious matter among pure-blood families. Even with the promise of the Presbyterian Church, regardless of whether there are legendary wizards in the Greengrass family, they will not be removed from the position of the vowed family like other families. It's also a very serious matter.

You must know that the reason why the pure blood family is strong lies in their background, and the legendary wizard is also part of the background.

In order to ensure the inheritance of the family and have as many legendary wizards as possible, the patriarch of the Greengrass family in that area made a decision,
In my veins another curse lay,
The combination of the functions of the two curses produced a very interesting but cruel thing,
That is the transfer of the blood curse,

Members of each generation of Greengrass will suffer from the blood curse when they are born, but as long as they have blood siblings, the curse will be transferred to their younger siblings, who are the youngest children of Greengrass, and curse The power will accumulate together,
In other words, if a Greengrass is the youngest of their generation, and he has three older brothers, then he has four curses in total, including his own and the curses of his three older brothers. With the power, this will make his original lifespan of forty years become ten years old.

This is the case for Astoria, because she has the curse power of herself and her sister, so she can only live to be 20 years old, but Daphne can live a normal life,
Although this kind of behavior is very effective, it is very cruel, and it is very unfair to the youngest child.

Phobos also told Feeney that it was not the case in that ancestor's vision,
In his vision, all the power of the curse will be transferred to the youngest member of the family,
This will lead to a baby who dies at birth in every few generations, but other members of the family will not be affected by the curse, and it can be regarded as a disguised solution to the curse, but this kind of sacrifice is very The evil so is a black magic,

Unfortunately, the final result became like this. At the same time, the ancestors also left a rule, that is, members of the Greengrass family must have at least two children, so that they can maintain a completely normal child to inherit the family. family.

Therefore, Astoria was actually born as a victim, but this child is too sensible and kind,
The more sensible and kind she is, the more heartache she will make the Forbos couple feel, and finally become what she is now.

Phoebus didn't avoid Astoria when he said this, obviously the little girl knew about it a long time ago.

Feeney looked at Astoria, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something comforting, but he couldn't say it. Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering.

Astoria smiled at Finny,

It was only then that Feeney discovered that the little girl's smile was so bright, the big eyes that seemed to be talking were shining brightly, and the corners of her mouth were filled with a sense of freedom, which made Feeney, who originally wanted to persuade him, even more so. feel a little uncomfortable,

"It's okay, Senior Black. I feel good now. It's really good to be able to contribute to my sister and the family."

This is indeed a very good little girl. Even when she knew that she was just a sacrifice, a victim was born, she still chose to accept it, and even took the initiative to persuade others.
Finny sighed and promised Astoria,

"I will try my best to find a way to undo the curse."

Astoria smiled, but didn't say anything, she just turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window,
Perhaps in the eyes of the little girl, Feeney also has no hope,

It may also be that over the years, she has witnessed too many times when she wanted to try her best to break the curse, but in the end there was no way. This way of giving hope, but in the end it was a feeling of despair, which may make the little girl even more uncomfortable. Maybe even close your heart,

Feeney can see that the little girl's eyes looking out of the window are full of longing, which is a kind of longing for life and freedom.
Yes, if there is no blood curse on Astoria, then her future will be different, right?

Like other little girls, after graduating from Hogwarts, she will find a man who loves herself and loves him to marry, form their family, have their little baby, and live the life she wants. You can even travel around the world to experience things that she has never experienced before,

According to the lifespan of a wizard, she has enough time to do these things,
However, Astoria can't, she can only live to be 20 years old, and she was 17 years old when she graduated from Hogwarts, and she only has three years to enjoy life.

In a better situation, she can still have these lives, but for a shorter time,
But what is more likely is that the curse slowly eroded her body over time, so that after graduation, she could only return to this old castle and wait quietly in this cold and dim environment die.

Perhaps, the precocious Astoria already knew what her life would be like, so she had such a desire for life, but she was always disappointed because she had no hope.

Regarding such a situation, Feeney didn't know what to say, turned to Phoebus and said,

"Phobos, may Astoria and I be alone for a while? I'm ready to start my research,"

Phoebus nodded,

After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, looked back at Feeney and said,

"Phinney,,,, Mr. Phineas Black,"

"What is it, Phoebus?"

"If, I mean, if you can really undo this curse, sir, then from now on, the Greengrass family will do whatever it takes to obey you instead of Blake,,,,, if, you can really do it If it comes, even if I have to pay my life for it, I don't care."

Feeney nods,

"I'll do my best,"

As he spoke, he glanced at Astoria who was still looking out the window and said,

"Letting such a sunny life pass in front of me, but being indifferent, or even unable to do anything, is not the life I want, and it is not something I can accept as a wizard."

Phoebus nodded, walked out, closed the door very solemnly, and did not leave after that, but stood at the door like that, guarding the last hope,

He has actually tested the potion provided by Feeney before, otherwise he wouldn't come out to find Feeney in such a hurry,
It was tested with the shooting equipment left by the family, and the potion was indeed effective for the curse, but, as Finny said, it only cured the symptoms, not the root cause.
However, it was precisely because of this result that he was understanding what Finny represented to Astoria at this time, that was hope, the hope of life.

For human beings, whether they are wizards or Muggles, hope is always their most precious thing,
As long as there is hope, then everything is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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