The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 252 250 Horcrux Diary

Chapter 252 250 Horcrux Diary

Lucius was still thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out, not only Finny's purpose, but also the future trend,
There are too many things he needs to think about now, whether the mysterious man will return, and whether Malfoy's ending after his return is really the same as what Finny said,
What is the direction of Malfoy in the future, and what is the road like?
In the end, he was still a little unwilling. He not only wanted to make Malfoy become the Covenant Family again, but also wanted to make Malfoy go further, and Black's current position was his goal.

Moreover, Lucius also understands another truth, that is, the choice Finny gave him is not completely reliable,
The Malfoy family fell under the Black family's sect. Apart from what Finny said, it would make the mysterious person fearful and not attack the Malfoy family. In fact, there is another possibility.

That is, after the return of the mysterious person, he doesn't care about the Presbyterian Church as much as before, or he doesn't care about the power of the Black family.

Under such circumstances, the situation of the Malfoy family is very miserable. After all, no leader would like such a thing as changing the family.
Moreover, there is actually one thing that Finny did not tell Lucius, that is, if the Malfoy family really chooses Black, then it is not possible but inevitable for the mysterious man to take action against Malfoy.

After all, if Malfoy can escape from the control of the mysterious man in this way, then the other pure-blood families under the mysterious man who want to leave him will also imitate Malfoy's behavior and find a thigh hug each other, then The mysterious man wouldn't take action against them, after all, the Malfoy family was fine.

If such a thing really happened, there would be no one under him except a few die-hard loyalists of You-Know-Who.

Therefore, it is inevitable for the mysterious man to attack Malfoy,
In other words, no matter what choice Lucius made, it was inevitable for the mysterious man to attack Malfoy.

"Finny, if I really choose Black, then it is inevitable that the Mysterious Man will attack Malfoy,"

After thinking for a long time, Lucius finally thought of this key point, looked at Finny, and said,
Feeney nodded, and he didn't choose to deceive or conceal, he directly told the truth,

"That's right, no matter what choice you make, after you claim that you were hit by the Imperius Curse and killed many of your colleagues, you have no choice, not to mention that Malfoy still has such a manor , the mysterious person will definitely think in his heart that it is certain to take action against your family."

Lucius also raised his legs to look at Finny, and asked playfully,
"Since the outcome of choosing Malfoy or not choosing Malfoy is the same, why should I choose?"

How could Finny fail to understand that Lucius is actually asking for benefits and promises?
As I said before, Lucius actually has no choice, because whether he chooses Malfoy or not, he will face the blow of the mysterious person. However, if he chooses Black, Malfoy still has a chance, but this chance is It is possible for Black to be willing to fight against the mysterious person,
Therefore, Lucius needs a promise from Finny, a promise that he can help Malfoy regardless of the consequences and keep Malfoy when Malfoy is facing the attack of the mysterious person.

But the value of this promise is actually far greater than the benefits that Malfoy's joining Black will bring to Black, which makes Finny very entangled,
Feng Shui took turns, and this time it was Finny's turn to be lost in thought.

Whether Malfoy is worth this promise is actually worth it, but there is nothing wrong with saying it is not worth it.

It's worth it because Malfoy's joining can bring economic strength to Black, and it can also provide some discourse support in the elders meeting in the future.
It’s not worth it, because the premise that Malfoy wants to help Black in the Presbyterian Church is that Black helps Malfoy to return to the Presbyterian Church. The resources that need to be spent in this are actually similar to the benefits that Malfoy gets from turning to the Presbyterian Church. ,

However, if he still had to fight against the mysterious man and fight to the death, then Malfoy's benefits would be a little bit worse.

Now it depends on whether Feeney intends to seek immediate benefits and choose to make steady profits without losing money, or choose future benefits and invest with possible losses.

If you don’t invest, you will never lose money, but it also means that there will never be any further possibilities.
And if you invest, you will lose money, but you may also turn the tables and get greater gains.

So, Feeney took a deep breath, looked at Lucius and said,
"Lucius, I can promise you here that if Malfoy is attached to Black, we will find a way to let you return to the status of the sworn family of the Presbyterian Church. Similarly, when the mysterious man attacked Malfoy, we And will do everything to keep Malfoy alive."

What Finny said is actually very interesting,
If Malfoy seeks refuge with Black, he will find a way to get Malfoy to return to the Presbyterian Church, but he did not say that he must, but find a way, that is to say, there is no conclusion on this matter.
And keeping a trace of Malfoy's incense will actually protect Draco,

As long as Feeney takes Draco back to the old house at No. 12 in Grimmauld Place and hides him after the mysterious man returns, then he will not be in any danger, and he will naturally retain Malfoy's incense up.

So, his promise seemed to give a lot, but in fact, he offered nothing.

Lucius is not stupid. As the patriarch of the Malfoy family for many years, he communicated with the Ministry of Magic, pure-blood families, and even Muggles, which made him very sensitive to the traps and deep meanings in the conversation. After Ni made this promise, he thought of what Finny meant.

In fact, it can be said that Finny wants an empty hand for the white sheep, but what Lucius needs is such an empty hand, so that his sheep can take the initiative to get in,
The promise he needs has never been to keep the Malfoy family. For 11 years, he has been living in fear, especially after he saw the diary that the mysterious man handed him and guessed what it was,
At that time, he realized that the mysterious man would definitely return, but it was uncertain when he would return.

He doesn't care about losing everything in the Malfoy family in this matter, as long as their family can live well, that's all.

Worst of all, it would be good to save the life of their only child, Draco,

Therefore, the promise that Lucius actually needs is a word, when the mysterious man attacks Malfoy, it is enough to keep Draco's life safe.

Although Feeney is not very sure about this, after all, he really didn't think of this, but the negotiation itself is a process in which you bid and I counter-offer, this is just his first tentative bid,

Lucius nodded,
"I hope you can do what you say,"

After receiving the first trial, the deal was completed, which surprised Finny, but after a moment of trance, he immediately got up and shook hands with Lucius, and then signed the magic contract together.

Malfoy's family will publicly express that they have taken refuge in Black, and after that, everything in Malfoy will serve Black,
Black needs to let Malfoy enter the Council of Elders. This is not only to find a helper for himself, but also to use the power of the Council of Elders to frighten the mysterious person, and to protect Draco's life in times of danger.

The contract is established, and those who break their promises shall be punished by eating rocks,

"Very well, then the contract is established,"

Feeney smiled and said to Lucius,

"Then, I can take care of that thing from Malfoy's house,"

Lucius was taken aback for a moment, of course he knew that Finny was talking about the diary, but, is this a certificate?

"Of course it's not considered a certificate of merit, but, after all, it belongs to him, and, Lucius, you know what it is, so it is inevitable to destroy it,"

Lucius nodded thoughtfully. It seems that Finny still has something he doesn't know. Is it a deal with Dumbledore or cooperation?

Finally, he sighed,
"Well, he once gave me a diary, and I later guessed that it might be a Horcrux. Now, I can breathe a sigh of relief by handing it over to you,"

As he spoke, he brought Finny to his study.

This is a room with bookshelves on three sides and French windows on one side. In front of the wall next to the French windows is a desk, on which there are book turning sticks, paper cutters, ink, quill pens, and a thick stack of books. parchment.

Feeney took a general look, and the bookshelves were almost all common books, and a few were relatively rare books with collection value, or orphans. Of course, these books were allowed by the Ministry of Magic, and they It is a book without any records of black magic,
This is completely different from the inheritance background of the pure-blood family, so the inheritance books of the Malfoy family are not in this room.

"There used to be some books on black magic here. As you know, the Ministry of Magic issued some decrees to thoroughly investigate pure-blood families. I sold those books. On the one hand, it can subsidize the Malfoy family's financial situation, on the other hand On the other hand, those books are really of no use to the Malfoy family now,"

This is the loneliness of a pure-blooded family,
Feeney secretly sighed in his heart, of course he knew the meaning of Lucius' last words,
Because of the policies of the Council of Elders over the past century, and some reasons of the Ministry of Magic, the level of magic in the magic world has retreated significantly, and it is not even comparable to that of a few decades ago.

You know, when Grindelwald was the Dark Lord, a war magic with a fire shield almost destroyed the entire Paris, but now, even with a powerful magic like Fiercefire Curse, it is difficult to achieve this ,
Many of the magics handed down from ancient times have been lost, and many of them have become history under the concealment of the Presbyterian Church and the Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention that even in a pure-blooded family like Selwyn, there are only four children from Solim's line of direct heirs; The couple is in Azkaban, and they have no offspring yet, and their family's headquarters in France, there is only one pair of brothers and sisters in the direct line. The Rich family is the best of the four consular families. There are three direct lines. There are three or four descendants of each branch. As for Black, now only Feeney and Sirius, as well as the scattered descendants of other European countries, can barely be regarded as direct descendants.

Not to mention families like Malfoy, Greengrass, Flint, Ollivander, and Nott, even Dumbledore, Gaunt in England, Nicholas in France, Lovegood, these families can already Said to be dying or already dead,

Both Lucius and Finny looked a little gloomy. From another perspective, the decline of the pure-blood family is actually the decline of the magic world. If this continues, even Muggles have not discovered the existence of the magic world. will also perish.

Lucius walked to the bookshelf, gently flipped a book on the history of the magic world on it, and a hidden compartment opened in the bookshelf.
"To be honest, if you didn't come to ask for this diary this time, I would find an opportunity to sell it later. The Ministry of Magic sent me news that Arthur Weasley of the Weasley family proposed The proposal for another thorough search of the pure-blood family has been passed, and may be formally implemented in a few months."

As he spoke, he handed the only item in the secret compartment, that is, the diary, to Finny.
Feeney finally went to check it briefly, and it was indeed blank, with nothing in it.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and it really was this one. He had already felt the unique, dark, sinister aura of the Horcrux in this diary, as well as the faint fluctuation of the soul.

Satisfied, he closed the diary, smiled and said to Lucius,

"Just leave it to me, and then you don't need to worry about it."

After speaking, he put the diary on the desk in front of him, and under Lucius' dumbfounded expression, he took out a dagger from the pocket of his robe,
It was a bone dagger, made of Basque teeth,
He didn't expect before that Basque could take the initiative to withdraw his teeth and keep the toxins on them, so he specially asked for a tooth to make this dagger,

The basilisk's poison is deadly to a Horcrux.

Therefore, after Finny took out the dagger, he directly stabbed it hard in the diary.

Then a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced the eardrum came out of the diary.

Streams of ink spurted out violently from the diary, flowed down the fangs and daggers onto the desk, and then slowly onto the ground,

The fang's venom scorched a hole in the diary, and it was still hissing black smoke,

Even if the ink dries up and the sound disappears, the black smoke still hasn't disappeared completely, and it slowly turns white, as if it is about to be ignited.
Of course, it is impossible to ignite it, but the diary has also become so strong that it can no longer be opened.

(End of this chapter)

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