The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 251 249 Conversation with Lucius

Chapter 251 249 Conversation with Lucius

Instead, it will take place in the ballroom on the second floor,

At this time, the visit of Finny and Sirius, and the conversation with Lucius did not take place here, but went to the special parlor on the second floor.

The first floor is more like a decoration in essence, unless it is a large-scale visitor, it is rare to talk here.

"Welcome, I've got the kitchen ready for lunch,"

After arriving at the living room, Lucius was the first to break the calm among the few people,

Finny smiled and said,

"Then I'll look forward to today's lunch,"

Lucius nodded with a smile, and invited Finny and Sirius to sit down and talk,

When the three of them were seated, Lucius was still a little hesitant. He was hesitating whether to call Draco over. After all, Feeney and Draco are both in Slytherin now. Classmates, maybe we can communicate with each other and use it to get closer.

After sitting down, Finny said with a smile,

"Okay, Mr. Malfoy, let's talk about the business first. Today's time is still enough for reminiscing about the old days."

Lucius nodded,
"Just call me Lucius,"

"Of course, that, Lucius, I think you should know the real purpose of my visit today?"

Lucius was silent for a moment, then said,

"There are some speculations, maybe it has something to do with the incident on the Hogwarts Express last September,"

Feeney nodded, leaned on the sofa, put his right leg lightly on his left leg, and said very easily,

"Naturally, there is a part of the reason for that incident. Since you mentioned this incident, Lucius, let's mention this incident now."

Lucius was not smiling either, leaning forward slightly to look at Finny and reaching out to signal Finny to start,
Finny smiled and said,

"Then Lucius, you should have heard about the details of that incident from Draco, right?"

"Of course, I already know what the Parkinsons are doing,"

"The Malfoy family used to be a big family. Although the number of people is small, it still retains a part of the heritage. This part of the heritage is the most valuable part of the Malfoy family today. I think the reason why the mysterious man recruited you to be his subordinate is because This is the reason."

Lucius obviously didn't want to mention this matter. His identity as a Death Eater can be said to be an open secret in the magic world, but on the surface, no one would point it out, because this It can be regarded as an incident that violated the interests of many pure-blood families,

Of course, there is naturally no Finny among the people who dare not name,

Therefore, even though Lucius' face was a bit ugly, he still nodded in recognition,

Feeney continued,

"And the connection between Malfoy and Parkinson was established because of this identity, wasn't it? After all, the Parkinson family has a certain strength now, but compared with the Malfoy family that used to be the Presbyterian oath family It's worse,"

Lucius nodded,
"So, Parkinson has always had the idea of ​​marrying his daughter to Draco, and he has mentioned it to me more than once."

"But you never agreed, did you?"

Lucius nodded,
"Indeed, compared with the Malfoy family, the Parkinson family may have enough strength, but a little less background, so,"

Lucius' meaning is very clear, that is, the Parkinson family is not worthy of the Malfoy family, there is no doubt about it,
In the final analysis, the Parkinson family is a new pure-blood family. It has never entered the Presbyterian Church, and its history of hundreds of years does not have enough foundation. It is not even the school director of Hogwarts. Bringing any benefits to Malfoy will also drag down the Malfoy family,
This also proves that in the original book, it was Astoria who married Draco instead of Pansy.

After all, the Greengrass family may be a little weaker in strength, but they are the sworn family of the Presbyterian Church after all, and they are still publicly blessed by the Presbyterian Council. As long as they are not looking for public anger, there will be no problems. surpassed the Malfoys,
And the Malfoy family can be regarded as one of the emerging pure-blood families. They have enough economic and political strength in the magic world to complement the Greengrass family. Therefore, the ending of the original book is not so strange.

Speaking of which, there are a few surprising couples in the original book, Ron and Hermione. Although Hermione and Ron do not have as deep an intersection as the original book because of Finny’s words on the train, it still needs to be admitted that in the original book Inside, the two of them are a couple.

First of all, Hermione is a Muggle wizard, ideally the Minister of Magic,

You know, in the magical world above the theory of blood, it is very difficult for Muggle-born wizards to enter the Ministry of Magic. If Hermione wants to achieve this step, marrying a pure-blood family is inevitable.

And the only pure-blood family that is related to Hermione and can enter her eyes is Weasley,
The Weasley family is also very happy to be part of them with Hermione. You know, the friendship between Hermione, Ron, and Harry is very deep. If Hermione doesn't choose Ron, then her choice will be it will be harry
However, in their view, it is a better choice for Ginny to marry Harry. This will not only merge the Weasley family and the Potter family, supplement the original financial difficulties, but also gain some good fortune. Fame, Harry will also have a family he wants,
So, the ending of the original book is Hermione and Ron, Harry and Ginny, but in the final analysis, looking at the original book, the intersection between Harry and Ginny is concentrated in the last part, before that, Harry and others have some intersection,
However, after Harry saw the real darkness in the wizarding world, both he and Hermione began to establish a deep relationship with the Weasleys,

When Feeney thinks of the original book in his memory, he feels that Ron is not good enough for Hermione, but Ginny and Harry are quite good for each other.

Shaking his head slightly, Fini looked at Lucius and said with a smile,

"However, it was precisely because of your hesitation that the Parkinson family became anxious. I'm not very clear whether it was Pansy's own initiative or the Parkinson family's idea, but if I wasn't there at the time, The Malfoy family's retreat will be cut off, and you will never have the chance to return to the embrace of the elders."

Lucius nodded, he knew very well that if Draco really pushed Harry to the side of Muggle wizards, maybe the Malfoy family would really be defined as outcasts by the Presbyterians.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but picked up the teacup on the table next to him and gestured to Finny,
"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for your help, Feeney, if you hadn't acted in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Fini waved his hand, looked into Lucius' eyes and said,

"Then, Lucius, I think you should know the real purpose of my visit this time, and it's not just because of such a trivial matter,"

Although Lucius had some guesses, such a matter should be brought up by Feeney, otherwise the result would be different.

"Appreciate further details,"

Finny smiled and said,

"I hope that the Malfoy family will openly express their attachment to the Black family and stand in our camp,"

Lucius was taken aback for a moment. He thought that what Finny needed was the assets, power, or other things of the Malfoy family, but they were all behind the scenes to help the Black family, and the Black family only needed to face a major crisis in the Malfoy family. time to help,
But he didn't have such a gamble idea of ​​restricting the family's path in the future.

Feeney smiled and continued,

"Of course, Lucius, you should be very clear about the consequences of such a public expression, that is,,,,"

"Black's allies will be Malfoy's allies, and Black's enemies will be Malfoy's enemies."

Lucius was silent for a moment, and took the second half of Finny's words. He leaned on the sofa, looked at Finny and asked,
"But, why did I do this? The incident with Harry Potter, your actions have proved the action of the Black family to protect Malfoy. As long as I don't express my opinion, then the Malfoy family will have more allies. But there will be no more enemies,"

Finny smiled and said,

"But, you don't have a choice, don't you? Or, wait for the return of the mysterious man, and the Malfoy family will still be his dog, but this time, the treatment of the Malfoy family will become very poor. I think you should be very clear. You who sold most of your property in order not to enter Azkaban, and the current Malfoy family cannot satisfy him, or let him down,"

"Of course, the status of the Malfoy family determines that he will not attack you, but it is reasonable to take away your wand, suppress the Malfoy family, or use this place as his base camp, isn't it?"

"And the other option is to join us and completely break with the mysterious man. With Black and Selwyn behind him, although he will be against Rich and Lestrange, there is no need to worry about the threat of the mysterious man, no? ?"

"On the surface, it seems that there are two choices. However, you have to restore the former glory of the Malfoy family. If you want to preserve the family, you have only one choice, and that is me. Only in this way can the Malfoy family have the status of restoring the oath family. possible."

Lucius was silent. He knew very well that what Finny said was the truth, but he was still worried. Because he used to be a member of the Presbyterian Church, there were records about the Presbyterian Church in his family, and he had the ideal of restoring family glory. Of course, he has also read those records, so he is very clear that things between pure-blood families are not much safer than wars between the Death Eaters, the Order of the Phoenix, and the Ministry of Magic.

If the war between the Mysterious Man and Dumbledore was bloody, then the war between the Presbyterians was bloodless. Not to mention, few people in the magic world know the reason and reason for the existence of the Presbyterians. His fear also made him hesitate.

"Let me think about it, okay?"

Finally, Lucius spoke softly.

Finny nodded with a smile,

"That's natural. In the final analysis, what kind of choice you make is your own business for the Malfoy family. The reason why I will provide you with such a new choice and a way to survive is because cousin Narcissa is now also a member of the Malfoy family. It’s just a member of Blake, after all, he was once a Blake.”

Lucius sighed, looked at Finny with some puzzlement, and found that he was really not in a hurry, or in other words, he really didn't care about his choice,

But why?
It's not that Lucius is arrogant, but Malfoy is not as good as before. However, in the Muggle world, in the magic world, and in the Ministry of Magic, he has a certain status and prestige, and he allows these places and the Black family to also pretty much the same
Under such circumstances, why did he, Phineas Black, not care about Malfoy's choice?

In fact, it's not Lucius' fault, but also because many wizards from pure-blood families, including him, underestimated Black's current power.
Even though Feeney has revealed some hole cards, he still has some backhands. One of them is also the part that Feeney is most proud of today, that is the layout in the Muggle world.

Everyone underestimated the potential of Muggles and the strength of the Muggle world. Since last Christmas, which was December [-], the country in the north has completely disappeared in the long river of time, which also means This world has entered a period of rapid development, which also gives Finny, who has already made plans, and the Black family more power in the Muggle world,

Among them is that there is now a small country in Europe that was disintegrated from that country, which is actually controlled by the Black family. Of course, it is not political, but economic. Through the disintegration of the country, the original currency, the ruble, becomes invalid. After some short selling, the Black family took a lot of money into their arms,
It seems that Muggle currency is completely useless to the wizarding world, because the exchange of Gringotts has proportions and restrictions,

However, Feeney exchanged part of the money for actual items and flowed into the wizarding world through a large amount of materials, thus obtaining a large amount of Galleons. In other words, he laundered Muggle currency into magic currency,
After all, wizards are also human beings, and they also need food, cloth, minerals and other materials, and the value of these things in the wizarding world far exceeds that in the Muggle world. Of course, some of them are from the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts. deliberately caused.

And the rest of the Muggle currency was used by Feeney to invest in some industries he was optimistic about. After all, he came from time travel, and he still has the development trend of the world economy in the past few decades in his brain, although it is not very detailed. , but in the face of a large amount of money, as long as one is probably enough,
Ten investments, as long as one is successful, then Feeney will not lose money, and if two are successful, that is a net profit, not to mention, Feeney's investment is far more than ten.

So, now he really doesn't care about the choice of the Malfoy family, more just wants to let Black have a cannon fodder when needed, and more right to speak,

Of course, he will also actively let Malfoy enter the Presbyterian Church. After all, if Malfoy does not enter the Presbyterian Council, the right to speak he wants will not change.

(End of this chapter)

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