The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 253 Chapter 251

Chapter 253 Chapter 251

Feeney knew that this Horcrux was destroyed, and the reason why he destroyed this Horcrux now was also because of his own intentions.
As long as this Horcrux disappears, then Slytherin's chamber of secrets will not be exposed, then Baskar can continue to be in Hogwarts, giving Finny enough time for him to transfer it.

During the whole process, Lucius watched Finny's operation with a look of shock,

However, neither he nor Feeney knew that just as Feeney was stabbing his fangs into the diary, far away in a very old house in Little Hangleton, there was a sharp, painful, angry, and resentful voice passed it on,
"No! Phineas Black!"

The killing intent in the voice is abundant and obvious,
"Find him and kill him!"

Following the order of that voice, a lot of black mist floated out from this very old and dilapidated house and spread in all directions.

After destroying the diary, Finny looked at Lucius and said with a smile,

"Very well, now Malfoy's matter is Black's. If it was before, as long as Malfoy became the sworn family, then there is no need to worry about the mysterious person. However, over the years, the power of the Presbyterian Church has been more and more controlled. Restraining where needed is no longer as deterrent as before, but Malfoy's becoming a covenant family will still make mysterious people afraid, and Malfoy's next task is to make himself a covenant family again, of course , according to the agreement, Black will fully support this matter, "

"However, Lucius, you have to be clear about one thing, that is, the possibility of becoming a sworn family in your generation is actually very small. We mainly focus on Draco. I think you are also very happy about this." ,"

Lucius nodded, it is very difficult to become a sworn family,

To achieve this, not to mention having a legendary wizard in the family, it is only possible if there is a member with the talent and potential to become a legendary wizard. Therefore, Draco needs to become a great wizard at worst. Only under the operation of the Black and Malfoy families will it be successful.

"I understand. I will tell Draco all these things next. I think he will not let me down."

Feeney nodded and said in agreement,

"Draco is a good boy, and he has talent, but now he is a little more playful. However, after knowing these things, he will make some changes."

Sirius was sitting on the single sofa watching the friendly exchange between his younger brother and Lucius. He couldn't open his mouth to insert it, so he could only drink coffee alone. The point is, he still Not a coffee guy, he prefers red wine to coffee.

In the end, Feeney and Lucius finalized a lot of things, about the future development direction of the Malfoy family, the help to Black, and the changes that need to be made. After all, to become a sworn family requires more than just one A legendary wizard also needs to have enough influence on the magic world, so that the elders will notice,
There have always been conditions to enter the Presbyterian Church,
The establishment of the Presbyterian Church was clearly prepared for those legendary wizards to become gods. However, on the bright side, or from another perspective, it is true that after acquiring the abilities of the gods, the wizards formed an organization for self-protection.

Fighting with gods, elves, and demons, because at that time a great invention of a legendary wizard, the emergence of a new species, almost wiped out the demon clan, of course, this extermination refers to this world, if it is true If hell or a world of demons exists, then there must be demons there,
The gods are also disappearing in the long river of time now. Although the elders of the Presbyterian Church know that the gods still exist, but for some reason, every wizard who became a god disappeared in the end. Occasionally, when there is news, the elders will think that becoming a god is tantamount to death,
Now the Presbyterian Church mainly guards against the various dangers of the early seals, as well as the elves,
One of the requirements for entering the Presbyterian Church is to have enough credit in the war against the elves. Of course, in this day and age, this is almost impossible.
And the other way, which is the way Finey and the others want to leave, is to be invited by the Presbyterian Church,
If you want the elders to invite you to enter, you need to reach a level that can easily shake the magic world. At this time, you will be noticed by the elders. In order to maintain the balance of the magic world, the elders will either invite this family into the elders, or Eliminate this family, however, the latter situation almost never happened.

A legendary wizard is enough for the elders to pay attention to, and enough to influence the magic world, and the existence of a legendary wizard also makes the elders have to invite the family to enter. After all, the elders have prepared for those elders to become gods from the beginning, and Legendary wizards are hidden obstacles and enemies, and they need to be controlled by themselves to be safe.
In short, Malfoy's mission and development direction for the next few decades are to train Draco, help Black, and enhance his own power in the magical world.

The most obvious thing is that the attitude towards Muggle wizards needs to be changed. After all, as Finny and Draco said, Muggle wizards are a large part of the wizarding world after all. If you get their With support, the Malfoy family will be much more relaxed.

Time is passing by gradually. It has been a few hours since the arrival of Finny and Sirius. The originally set meal time has long passed.
Feeney and Lucius have been immersed in the formulation of the next development direction, and they didn't remember it until Narcissa came to remind them,
"Really, look at my brain,"

Lucius smiled at Finny and said,

"Are you tired, shall we go eat?"

Before Finny could speak, Sirius stood up and agreed to the proposal, and he was about to fall asleep,
While Finny and Lucius were joking, they came to the restaurant on the first floor and took their seats one after another.

It is worth mentioning that Lucius wanted to let Finny sit in the main seat several times, but Finny refused all of them. After all, this is the Malfoy family, and he still can't do things like taking the lead.

It's just that Draco was very puzzled by this meal, because his father's attitude towards Finny was too enthusiastic, or in other words, he was too attentive.

Fortunately, not long after the meal, Finny bid farewell and left Malfoy's house with Sirius.

"Thanks for your hard work,"

Finny smiled at Sirius and said, he knew very well that Sirius didn't like such a scene very much,
Just as Sirius was about to say it's all right, he heard,
"But tomorrow, you will accompany me to visit another family,"


Sirius shouted in surprise, but soon he coughed lightly and asked,
"I mean, which family?"

Feeney pretended that he didn't see Sirius' performance just now, and said with a smile,

"Greengrass, but this time, Sirius, you can't be the same as today, because tomorrow will be an official visit."

The very reluctant smile on Sirius' face suddenly froze, and he couldn't smile anymore.

When the holiday was approaching, Feeney had already written to the Greengrass family, declaring that he would visit on the third day of the holiday.

The Greengrass family is different from Malfoy. Although they are weaker, they are the sworn family blessed by the Elders.
Ordinary sworn families, the protection provided by the elders is only to ensure that their family lineage will not be destroyed, and will not completely fall. It is not allowed to look like the Flint family was made by Feeney.

And the Greengrass family is not allowed to attack him at all. As for the reason, it was mentioned in the preface, but Feeney doesn't know the specific situation, and he doesn't need to know it.
What he has to do is to use the incident on the train when the school starts to win the support of this sworn family who has always remained neutral,
You must know that although the Greengrass family is very weak and withered, they have a different voice in the Presbyterian Church, which is second only to the consul family and far exceeds that of a family like Lott.

Sirius sighed, before asking,

"Is the gift ready?"

Finny nodded with a smile,

"Of course, and it will be a gift that the Greengrass family has no way to refuse me,"

Sirius frowned and looked at Finny to ask what the gift was. In his opinion, it was more appropriate to give wine for such an official visit. Now the Black family still has many years of good red wine, not to mention, He also learned that a Muggle winery that Feeney had bought a few years ago was also very good.

Unlike the visit to the Malfoy family, the visit to the Greengrass family was not done by Finny and Sirius themselves.

Instead, the Greenglass family sent a carriage to London to pick them up. Of course, the pick-up location was at the Leaky Cauldron,
There is also a reason for not actively visiting or using the Floo Network.

This can be regarded as a default rule among the vowed families of the Presbyterian Church,
The Floo Network is under the control of the Ministry of Magic. If you connect to the Floo Network, your location will be exposed. Even with the protection of confidentiality magic such as the Fidelity Curse, it will not work, because you must report to the Ministry of Magic if you want to connect to the Floo Network. prepare.

As for the premise of taking the initiative to visit, it is still to know the location of the other party's family, which also violates the confidential nature of the Patriarch Zhu.

Different from ordinary pure-blood families, the vowed families of the Presbyterian church pay more attention to the secrecy and safety of the family. Therefore, the visits between each other are arranged in advance and then the visiting family sends a carriage or other means of transportation to pick them up.

Of course, families that are familiar with each other don’t need to be so complicated. For example, Feeney knows the address of the Selwyn family. Of course, this address is the residence of a branch that Feeney is familiar with and has made friends with, not theirs. ancestral home,

Like Blake, it is rare for the elders of the family not to live in the ancestral home but in another manor. The ancestral home of those families is usually the manor where the elders live.

Perhaps only Blake, who has a solid background, has two ancestral houses.

The carriage that Feeney and the others were riding in was specially treated, and they could not see the outside scene while sitting in it, and this carriage also had the characteristics of a port key, so Feeney and the others did not know about the Greengrass family. The location of the manor is only known to have not been outside the UK.

Stepping out of the carriage, the first thing you see is a Gothic-style castle-like building. The reason why it is called a castle-like building is because this building has only four floors, which is far from the level of a castle, but there should be towers, bridges, There is no shortage of low houses. It can be said that this is a mini castle.

The irregular roof and surrounding walls of the castle are covered with creepers, it looks as if no one has lived in it for a long time, and it has not been taken care of.
But Finny knew very well that those were just devil's nets disguised as creepers,
These devil nets have completely violated their original habit of liking dark and humid environments. Instead, they like sunshine, warm and dry environments, and are no longer so afraid of flames. They were specially modified by the ancestors of the Greengrass family to protect the ancient fort.

"You two should be Mr. Phineas Black and Mr. Sirius Black."

A woman in a long robe stood at the gate of the old castle, saw Finny and Sirius coming, walked over quickly and said,
"Yes, ma'am, you must be Mrs. Greengrass?"

"It's me, then Mr. Black, please come in. I think it's better for us to talk in a comfortable environment."

Feeney nodded, bowed slightly and said,
"Of course, it's not a gentlemanly thing to have a beautiful lady talking to us in the sun, and it's up to you,"

The Greengrass woman heard the words, covered her mouth with her hands and smiled lightly,
"Little Mr. Black, you can really talk. I have two daughters. How can I be considered beautiful?"

"Your age, Mrs. Greengrass, is, in my opinion, the best of ages."

While joking, Mrs. Greengrass brought Finny and Sirius to a living room,

"Phobos is in the study, please wait a moment, both of you."

Phoebus Greengrass is the father of Daphne and Astoria, and the patriarch of the Greengrass family.

Due to the special blood curse of the Greengrass family, it is difficult for even men to live past [-] years. Therefore, the Greengrass family does not have any elders.
Feeney smiled and handed a bottle of potion to Mrs. Greengrass, saying,
"This is my little greeting,"

Greengrass took the potion bottle in doubt. You know, there has never been a precedent for sending potions between exchanges and visits between pure-blood families.

Finny smiled and said,

"This is a potion I developed that can curb the blood curse,"

You don't have to say everything, it's enough.

Sirius also knew at this time how valuable the gift prepared by Feeney was, especially for the Greengrice family.
(End of this chapter)

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