The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 241 239 The Inheritance of Slytherin

Chapter 241 239 The Inheritance of Slytherin

However, because the wizards have been passed down from generation to generation, the blood of the gods is getting thinner and thinner. In order to preserve their own power, the wizards thought of a way, that is, the blood potion. However, at the time of Slytherin, that is, Thousands of years ago, the raw materials of the blood medicine were almost extinct, and it was difficult to cultivate.
Seeing this, Finny suddenly became a little worried about the potion ingredients he asked Lisa to help cultivate.

And after the blood potion disappeared, another method came out, that is the blood sublimation ceremony,
Of course, whether it's medicine or rituals, they can only improve the purity of the bloodline a little, and they can't reach the point of becoming a god at all.

So Slytherin and the four of them started their own research.

Ravenclaw chose to study the origin of magic, that is, rune,
Gryffindor chose to become Fantastic Beasts,
Hufflepuff chose to fuse many bloodlines to forcibly increase his strength,

Slytherin, on the other hand, chose to find the power in the blood, and through continuous purification, it reached a level far beyond the gods,

Seeing this, Feeney suddenly discovered that the path arranged by the system for him was so similar to the path chosen by Slytherin, except that he had the inheritance of three other people,

It is much easier to do such a thing by yourself than Slytherin. In contrast, Feeney also has to admit that if Slytherin was not a wizard, he would definitely be a person who changed the whole world in that era thousands of years ago. existence of human society.

He has researched another way to directly fuse the blood of magical animals into his body,

This method seems to be very similar to the path taken by Hufflepuff, but in fact it does exist in the opposite direction.

First of all, Hufflepuff can only obtain the blood of other magical creatures through other wizards, and wizards with their own blood. Because it is the blood of wizards, it is much thinner than magical creatures.

What Slytherin fuses is directly the blood of magical creatures. Naturally, there will be no thinning. Moreover, Slytherin's research does not allow all the blood of magical creatures to be fused. You can only choose creatures that match you. That is, the blood of creatures with very good compatibility,
In other words, it is in its own blood and the blood of the magical creatures that exist,
Taking Slytherin himself as an example, what he fused was the blood of the basilisk. After all, the basilisk is a kind of snake in the final analysis, and the blood of the Slytherin family can be traced back to the worldly python Jormungandr. Also the blood of the snake,
Because the source of this bloodline is already a god, you can choose an existence similar to it to fuse the bloodline and purify your own bloodline purity.
Yes, although Slytherin's research is to integrate the blood of magical creatures into his body, he does not directly obtain the blood of this creature, but uses this creature as the subspecies of God from which his blood originates to purify himself blood,
Thousands of years ago, the bloodlines of the wizards themselves were not as mottled as they are today, and the bloodlines with the largest number were only the bloodlines of two kinds of creatures. At that time, wizards would not combine with each other. Or choose Muggles without magic,
Because of the diversity of choices, Squibs also appeared. The descendants of these Squibs have been combined and circulated with Muggles, and they are probably one of the ancestors of Muggle-born wizards in the wizarding world today.

But relatively, although today's wizards are not as good as the wizards at that time in terms of magic power and blood purity, when applying this achievement of Slytherin, there are many more options to choose from.
Just like Feeney himself, he can choose the subspecies of the Tengu that is the source of the Black family, that is, all kinds of canine magical creatures in the magic world today, the bloodline of the confirmed prophet, and that source is a dog with prophecy. The ability of the star horse, so the blood of most horse creatures is also optional,
There is also the blood of Slytherin, that is, the blood of snakes, and although Finny is not sure where it came from, it is not known that it is the civet of the mother's blood of that generation of ancestors,

The reason why Feeney can be sure that his blood has the blood of a civet is because his Animagus is a cat. You know, although Animagus is called a cat in many places The appearance of one's own soul, but in fact it is the embodiment of one's own blood,

For example, the Animagus of Sirius is the Animagus dog of almost everyone in the Black family. Of course, there are some exceptions. For example, the Animagus of an ancestor was a snake. Gus is a horse,

Seeing this, the content of this notebook has been read. Of course, this is only Slytherin's first notebook, which records some historical truths he found, as well as some of his guesses.
After putting the notes away, Finny picked up another notebook below, and this is the second one,
There is a formula recorded on it, which is the first blood fusion medicine formula researched by Slytherin. According to what Slytherin left in the notes, this medicine formula is successful, so it is specially recorded in At the top of the note, the materials needed are common, used to stabilize the potion, accelerate absorption, or accelerate the fusion of auxiliary materials. Although this potion is an important medicine primer, it can also be said that the main medicine is the main medicine. It is the blood of a magical creature that fits with itself.

Feeney wrote down the recipe, and then continued to look through the notes,

The record after this is the research and experimentation on this formula, of course, the results are all successful,

What made Finny most interesting was that he saw a wizard named Crabbe among the wizards captured by Slytherin for research. Yes, it was the Crabbe who was attached to the Malfoy family behind Draco ancestors of the family,

And what's more interesting is that when Slytherin was researching this project, this family was not a wizard, but a Muggle. In other words, Slytherin found another way to create a wizard, but it was a little unstable. Look, because only two of those Muggle-modified subjects were successful, one was Crabbe, and the biological blood used was not specifically noted, and it should be a very common one, presumably.
And the other one is also an acquaintance of Finney, Flint, yes, the Flint family that was almost wiped out by him, and the bloodline of their family fusion, Slytherin specially recorded it, is a troll.

And wrote this passage in particular,

'It's completely unimaginable that a giant monster with no head or mind, whose brain is like a stone, can successfully merge with this uncle who looks like a monster, but another person who is a brother of this uncle There is no way to fuse with the giant's blood, which is the source of the giant's blood, so, is the reason why this Ma Bo can succeed is because he is really as brainless as the giant? '

This passage can completely see Slytherin's views, as well as his contempt for the troll and this Flint. After all, although the troll is one of the descendants of the giant, it is a completely different creature.

Seeing this, Finny remembered another fact that was hidden in the magic world.

Nowadays, the giants in the magic world, like the giant monsters, do not have much IQ. There was a trace of blood.

In fact, the giant family is not so common. Their blood origin is also a god, or a group of gods. The name is the Titan giant. In many Muggle myths today, the Titan giant can be said Origin of the gods.

Although in fact it is very different from this legend, the Titans are not the will of the so-called planets in those myths, nor are they the origin of the gods. It will turn into a creature of the land.

Today, many islands in Europe are actually transformed by the original Titans. Of course, this race was extinct ten thousand years ago or even earlier, because their family became too many gods, which threatened other races in their eyes. ,
Came back to his senses, Feeney continued to read the notebook,

At the end of this notebook is another conjecture of Slytherin,
You know, the things he researched before can only improve part of his own bloodline. After all, the subspecies of bloodline origin are just subspecies and will never be the origin of bloodlines, so fusing a bloodline of an angry creature cannot make his own bloodline Evolved to the level of the ancestors,
For the second time, Slytherin began to study how to integrate the second blood,
Feeney opened the third notebook and looked at the records on it. Most of this notebook recorded the development process of the second blood fusion medicine. The entire notebook, including the next fourth notebook, listed dozens of plans and tested them one by one.

Different from the fusion of the first bloodline, the fusion medicine of the second bloodline needs to consider the repulsion between the two bloodlines. This is not the effect that only the bloodline of magical creatures can achieve.
Therefore, these dozens of plans can almost be said to be tested with some special potions as the second core main medicine.

Although each plan ends with a few sentences of failure conclusions, Feeney can imagine how great Slytherin's work was at the time. You must know that once his If the research is successful, then the conflict between Muggles and wizards may be resolved, and wizards will reach a situation where everyone is like a dragon and is no longer controlled by the Presbyterian Church.

In the end, Slytherin finalized several plans. Although most of them can also integrate the second bloodline, this is the limit. Moreover, the effects of these plans are more suitable for ordinary people, that is, Muggles.

Only the last one is what Finney wants to know at this time. The second core material is the plan of the blood-melting grass.

The blood fusion potion developed by this scheme can even fuse two or more bloods at the same time, completely worthy of the status of the pioneer of Slytherin.

This means that this secret room has not been discovered directly, otherwise, the magic world has become a different look, a world where everyone is like a dragon, people are their own masters, and they have the opportunity to become demigods and gods.

The fifth and sixth notebooks after that were all researching another topic, the method of integrating multiple bloodlines, and it was really researched by Slytherin.

This is also the path taken by Slytherin, through fusing the bloodlines of other creatures to purify their own bloodlines, and what is interesting is that after taking these medicines that fuse bloodlines, they will all get a talent brought by the bloodlines that choose to fuse,

These notes are all that Slytherin left behind. The things in this room are some books and his research materials, which are just the transformation of creatures and the restoration of historical research materials.

Of course, Feeney also gained a lot from these materials,

For example, the real way to hatch a basilisk is not as simple as hatching a male egg with a toad, it can only be done with a heart.

This is just a cover-up method left by Hai Erbo. The real method was found and restored by Sly Talin.
It is still a toad that hatches a basilisk, but it is a snake egg, but it needs to be hatched by a rooster for two full moons and will not be hatched to be successful.
So in fact, the generation of the basilisk needs to find a newly born snake egg, and then use a potion on it that can delay hatching for several months, and then hatch it with a rooster for two full moons, and then give it to the toad to hatch. The last thing that appeared was the basilisk.

It is precisely because of this that it can clearly explain why the basilisk born from a male egg is called the King of Snakes, and has the blood of the worldly python Jormungandr.

Because it itself is produced from snake eggs, but mutated through the ritual effects of roosters and toads and full moons and potions,

And the horns on the head of the basilisk are also the changes produced by the power of multiple full moons, and have nothing to do with roosters and toads.
In fact, the toad and the rooster were only part of the ceremony during the birth of the basilisk, not absolute, at least in this branch of Slytherin, Basque was not hatched by a rooster, and therefore, it was not restrained by the crowing of the rooster Presumably, the Slytherin Bureau would not choose a creature with obvious weaknesses to protect its research results, even if this creature is very powerful.

And these things, including blood fusion rituals and potions, are actually the inheritance left by Slytherin for future generations, and this is also a path to God.

And more clearly than the inheritance left by the other three people, it clearly shows that this is a path that can become a god,

It's just that, like Hufflepuff, there are no disadvantages on the road to becoming a god, which is the consequence of the short life of the demigod.

(End of this chapter)

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