The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 242 240 Choice and the 8-eyed giant spider

Chapter 242 240 Selection and the Acromantula

Of course, there is no need for a place to become a god,

Perhaps Slytherin was not aware of these things when he left the inheritance. After all, among the four founders, only the Hufflepuff family came from the Presbyterian Church, and although Slytherin is still a big family, And he has a very powerful force in the wizarding world, he can wrestle with the Council of Elders, but because of this, he never thought that Slytherin had joined the Council of Elders, so naturally he would not know about the quota.

According to Hufflepuff, after Ravenclaw died, all three of them entered the realm of demigods before they knew about the quota for becoming gods, and therefore made choices according to their respective paths.

Feeney closed the notes in his hands with emotion, looked at the room full of bookshelves and books, shook his head slightly,

Compared with the inheritance methods of the other three, Slytherin's inheritance is actually more like Ravenclaw's. After all, so much knowledge fully caters to Ravenclaw's philosophy, at least in the eyes of others ,
However, looking at it from another angle, the idea of ​​Slytherin is bloodline, which is inheritance, and the reason why a pure-blood family is strong is not because of their bloodline, but because of their inheritance background, and the inheritance background of a big family is often Books and knowledge.From this point of view, it makes sense for this place to be the inheritance of Slytherin.

Apart from emotion, Feeney is also worried.

What should he do with the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets? You must know that the basilisk is a very large creature. If it is a child, it will be fine, and you can find a way to hide it somewhere and bring it out of Hogwarts. However, With the size of the Basque these days, it will be difficult to take it away without alarming others,

The books in this room can be taken away in the suitcase carried by Puff, but not Basque.
Finny's suitcase is similar to Newt's suitcase, and it is also very large. Many magical animals can live in it, but it cannot accommodate adult dragons, giants, and basilisks.

But he just can't keep Basque here, you know, the secret room time in the original book will start next semester,

And the little wizards that Riddle's soul attacked after opening the secret chamber were actually random or unlucky encounters. There is no way to be sure, but next year that ethereal and cute little girl Luna will come to Hogwarts Since Ci went to school, Feeney was unwilling to let such a hidden danger exist in this school.

Of course, if the basilisk cannot be taken away, Finny can also visit Malfoy's house during the holiday, and then take the diary from Lucius. After all, in his original plan, this holiday is to put From the Malfoy family, at the beginning of this semester, Feeney's action to protect the Malfoy family on the express train is already telling the magic world that the Malfoy family belongs to the power of the Black family.
It must be arranged during the holidays. Even if they fail to reach an agreement, the Malfoy family will only be forced to board the Black family's chariot at that time. Of course, the possibility of reaching an agreement is greater.
However, Feeney really didn't want to ask for that diary directly,

After all, it was a horcrux, and it was the first horcrux made by the mysterious man. I don’t know if it was because of the special nature of the horcrux, or because it was a diary, or because there was a problem with the magic that the mysterious man used at that time. ,

In short, as a horcrux, this diary is completely different from other horcruxes. Other horcruxes can only affect the minds of those who come into contact with them, making them irritable, irritable,

However, this diary has its own wisdom and memory, and can restore power by absorbing blood, directly affect the contact, and directly interfere or control the contact, and even use the Imperius Curse on the contact.

Feeney, who doesn't even want to touch the other horcruxes, naturally doesn't want to touch this room full of problems.
Therefore, the first choice at this time is to take away the Basque basilisk. If it is no longer in Hogwarts, then it doesn't matter whether the diary will affect Hogwarts in the same way as the original book. The problem is, after all, there is no danger in the castle, and the diary can be used as a horcrux to be handed over to Dumbledore next year. In addition to the Hufflepuff gold cup handed in ahead of schedule this year, Finny is already rich in two soul crucifixes. device.

According to the original agreement with Dumbledore, one Horcrux can be exchanged for one request, and the gold cup is used, but the diary can still be carefully planned.

In fact, Finny still has another option, which is to destroy the diary directly at Malfoy's house, then everything will not be a problem, but maybe Dumbledore wants to get some clues from the diary,
Well, what does Dumbledore think about his business with Phineas?

Then it's decided, just destroy the diary, and it's over.

Feeney, who wanted to understand, suddenly felt relieved, and without any feeling of lack of thought, he snapped his fingers with a smile on his face,
"Puff, take all these books away."

Puff appeared in response, and then began to work, receiving the undamaged books into Finny's suitcase, and some damaged books will be repaired with magic. As for the completely damaged ones, they will write down their names and look at Finny Is there the same one in your library, if there is, then don't care, if not, just write down the name, and let others find a copy of this book later,

As for Finny, he walked out of the Slytherin statue. Basque felt the shock of Finny's coming out, and immediately raised his head and asked, hissing,

Feeney was a little speechless. Who would have thought that the big killer left by Slytherin seemed to be a foodie at this time, watching Feeney eagerly waiting for his feeding.

Feeney thought for a moment, then asked,
"Basque, is there only one exit here?"

Basque nodded and hissed,

"Yes, Salazar left an exit behind the stone statue."

Hearing this, Feeney walked around behind the stone statue, and sure enough, he found a very hidden hole behind the stone statue, but it was very small and could only pass through humans, and there were some restrictions on it.

It is very difficult to get in and out, and you need to use a special spell left by Slytherin,

Feeney naturally found this spell in the room among the stone statues, so this restriction was useless to him,

This is actually a back door left by Slytherin,
You must know that in the era when Hogwarts was established, Muggles were still besieging wizards. As long as they were found to be wizards, no matter if they were adult wizards, wizards, witches, or young wizards, even Squibs who had contact with wizards would be tied up. burnt to death on the cross,

And the purpose of this school was to protect young wizards from being discovered by Muggles, and at the same time guide young wizards to control the magic of self-reliance so as not to become silent.

However, this castle is a very large building after all, and its sudden disappearance will definitely attract some people's attention, even if those people have been oblivion cursed by Slytherin and the others,

So just in case, the four founders left behind their own means of protection, that is, backup.

Gryffindor arranged a large number of stone puppets at the gate of the castle, and developed a special magic. At critical times, the headmaster and vice-headmaster of Hogwarts have the authority to summon and control them to protect Hogwarts ,
Hufflepuff left a large number of magical plants and some magical creatures that signed a contract with the castle in the Forbidden Forest outside the castle, including unicorns, and kept a large number of house elves in the castle, the key Sometimes they will go to the battlefield, exerting a power far beyond that of wizards.

Ravenclaw cast magic on the stairs in the castle, allowing them to move freely, hindering the Muggles from attacking the castle, and buying time for the wizards in the castle.

However, later, this arrangement affected the daily life of the wizards in the castle, and she canceled it. Only Gryffindor thought it was a great invention, and going up and down the stairs every day was a different adventure, so he kept it. Down, which is now the moving staircase in Gryffindor Tower.

As for Slytherin, he bred two basilisks to protect the school. At the same time, he left a back door in his secret room, allowing wizards to rush here at critical times. The basilisks are used to protect the school.
Although the four of them were greedy later and ate a basilisk.However, one end was kept to protect the school. This is the reason why Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets. It is not an absurd reason to purify the blood. As I said before, Slytherin respects Muggles very much, and when the wizard was Muggle The siege of melons, wizards have begun to hate Muggles, and call them Muggles.

Thinking of this, Feeney opened the passage and walked out slowly,
Although the passage is very dark, it is not damp at all, and there are no insects, ants or other creatures. It is very clean. It seems that the function here may not only be used to escape,
Sure enough, after getting close to Feeney for a certain distance, he discovered the real function of this place, a huge space, in which there are many moldy foods-this place was originally a safe house, a food storage place, used to Let those Muggles besiege and not attack, and trap the wizards to death.

Although Finny didn't understand why the wizards didn't use apparition to go to other places to get food and bring it back, but to store food, but the role here is still obvious.

As for Feeney walking this passage, he naturally has his purpose.

According to the information from the introduction about the Chamber of Secrets in Slytherin's last notebook, this secret passage is outside the Forbidden Forest, and it is very close to the place where Hagrid raises the acromantula.
Acromantula is a very favorite food of basilisks, and it is the most suitable food for Basque.

Walking out of the tunnel, Feeney glanced back. The entrance of this tunnel is very hidden. If Feeney hadn't just come out of it, he wouldn't have been able to find it. It was casted with the same magic as the platform of King's Cross Station. It is perfectly hidden in the mountains,
Feeney hadn't been to the acromantula's lair before, but that didn't stop him from finding them. Acromantula is also a kind of spider after all, although they are big and dangerous five-star creatures, if they are spiders, they will have the same habits, such as liking damp and dark environments,
So Finny's destination is also those places,

Seeing that the surrounding environment had obviously dimmed, and there was a rancid and damp smell in the light and air, Finny knew that his destination had arrived.

It was precisely because of this that he became more vigilant,

Acromantula is a very dangerous creature. Like other spiders, their legs are covered with fine hairs, which can keenly sense the surrounding environment and vibrations. The multi-angle compound eyes also allow them to move around Quickly find the prey in the dark and stare at them, although this is also the reason why they will be firmly restrained by the basilisk - because the compound eyes of the 360 ​​Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu that cannot be closed cannot avoid the gaze of the basilisk, and the basilisk's Eye touch is death,

The huge and powerful chelicerae can also easily tear apart the prey's body, and it also has a very powerful toxin,
As long as it is injected into the prey, the internal organs and bones of the prey will start to melt, and then they will be entangled by their tough spider silk, sucked by them, and finally throw the skin outside the cave.

However, this extremely dangerous creature that would die as soon as it was touched was actually not that scary.

The biggest feature and the most dangerous part of the giant spider is that it is caused by sneak attacks without the knowledge of the wizards, because that kind of lethality is often fatal when the wizards find them.

However, Feeney's target is them, and with previous preparations, the acromantia is not so dangerous at this time,

He found a slightly open place, and began to wave his wand, clearing out a battlefield,
He didn't want to fight these swarms of creepy/bi/bi/creatures in the woods.

In fact, when Feeney set foot on this land, two acromantulas had spotted him, and they had been quietly following behind him, using their eight-legged legs to move quietly. close to their prey.

Feeney turned around suddenly and there was a cutting spell, and from a tree at that angle, an acromantula that had been divided into two parts by the cutting spell fell down,
Finny whistled briskly, took out another box from his robe pocket, and threw it on the ground.

The moment the box touched the ground, it instantly grew bigger.
Feeney waved his left hand briskly, and the acromantula floated and was thrown into the box.

Just after he finished this action, there were dense rustling sounds in the surrounding woods,
Obviously, it was a large number of acromantula trying to surround Finny,
Because the surrounding trees were cut down by Feeney, he could clearly see the acromantia crawling out of the woods,

The most dangerous sneak attack attribute of this creature was abolished by Finny.

(End of this chapter)

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