The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Slytherin's Notes

Chapter 240 Slytherin's Notes

Push open the door and walk in, and you will come to a laboratory-like place, with murals carved on the surrounding walls.

All kinds of magical animals are recorded on it.The last one was the pattern of the basilisk that Finny had just seen.

Of course, this is not the most valuable harvest that Feeney found in this space,

In this space, there is another door with a large number of mysterious Wu Wen painted on it, a large serpentine mark in the center, and two stone gates with stone guards on both sides.

The guards on both sides crossed the stone gate with their swords in their hands, blocking the way in. Not surprisingly, it was the place Finny wanted to find.
Home to the treasures of the Slytherin legacy.

However, if you want to enter here, you still need some way to make the two guard statues guarding the stone gate remove the weapons in their hands.

At this time, Finney thought of a passage of words engraved on the sculpture of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets before, it was engraved on the footsteps of the statue of Slytherin, or behind the statue, a place that is difficult to find, It was carved in Niruwen. If Finny hadn't been of Ravenclaw heritage, he might not be able to recognize the meaning of that passage.

"Hail to the great forerunner - Salazar Slytherin!"

After Finny read this passage, nothing happened,

There was no vibration, no light, no magic, and no special effects, and the guards still guarded the entrance of Nadao Shimen.

Feeney was still a little disappointed about this. He really just had the idea of ​​giving it a try. After all, this passage doesn't look like a key.

So, did he overlook something in this laboratory-like room.

Feeney once again looked at the room that he hadn't observed carefully,
Only then did he notice that he had overlooked many things here,
First of all, this room is much brighter than Spark's lair outside, because the ceiling of this room is covered with dots of magic, etc., and it is still useful today.

However, Feeney speculates that this should be some kind of detection magic. When someone steps into this laboratory, these magic lamps will be activated. The power of Slytherin before.

In other words, it is the power of the wizards thousands of years ago, because the things left by the wizards thousands of years ago that Finny sees are still valid, which is enough to show how far they have traveled on the road of magic.
In addition to the magic on the ceiling, there are some desks under the murals filled with various angry animals, and there are some yellowed, wrinkled papers on them,

In fact, this thing is not considered paper. In the magic world, the concept of paper generally refers to kraft paper, and these papers are made of the leather of some unknown animal.

Feeling the touch of these things in his hands, the faint feeling of uneven scales, Feeney can roughly confirm that these are snake skin.

As for the above content, there is no need for Finny to remember it at all.

These are all discarded things, a few scribbles, some conjectures that have been proven to be wrong, research, or magic, or magic circle, or alchemy products.

Or it's talking to himself like a diary. In short, these things can't bring Finny any clues, clues to enter the next room.

Finny pulled away the dusty chair next to the desk, cleaned it up casually, and then got on it. He continued to look around, and at the same time, he was wondering if he had overlooked something.

This laboratory may have been left because Slytherin cleaned it up on purpose. Even the bookshelves on the walls did not contain any books, and the entire space was empty.
Of course, it is also possible that this place was emptied by the last person who entered here, that is, the mysterious man Riddle.It's just that considering the matter of Myrtle, this possibility is very low.
Then the books, records, and materials that should exist here are likely to exist in the next room,
Thinking of this, Finny sighed in disappointment, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

His brain is still running at high speed, trying to find a way to enter the next room,

But the more he thought about it, the more Fini found out how little he knew about the clues of this secret room, and the flaws in the news.

The secret room of Slytherin's inheritance is completely different from the secret room of the other three founders. It was not found by Feeney step by step, or even the process of finding it. ,
He didn't find any clues pointing to Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. He was able to come here only because he had read the original book and knew that this time next year Harry would find this place under the guidance of the diary, and then he and Riddle's Soul, Mysterio's first Horcrux fights, and kills the Basilisk, destroys the Horcrux, and obtains the Sword of Gryffindor.

In other words, if Feeney hadn't read the original book, he wouldn't even be able to find this secret room, let alone this laboratory,
Now trying to find new clues and hints in my poor mind with few clues about Slytherin is naturally wishful thinking.

So, what Finny can do now is to find it a few more times in this laboratory, that's all.

Thinking of this, Finny opened his eyes and jumped up from the chair, and began to sweep the laboratory for the third time, this time much more detailed than the previous two,

Because he thought of his experience in Ravenclaw's chamber of secrets, he even moved the desks, bookshelves and other furniture in this laboratory,
Finally, hard work paid off, and Feeney found a new mural on the wall behind the neat row of bookshelves.

It is not a specific pattern, but a pattern composed of many S like small snakes. These S are big or small, long or short, some bend many times, some bend upwards, some upwards and some upwards. Down.

It is strange to see,

But when Feeney saw these symbols, he somehow knew what they were,
This is a paragraph, a paragraph of words written in the snake's old accent. Although I can't understand it, Finny knows its meaning.
There is no original, no reason, no result of knowing the meaning of this passage.

He opened his mouth subconsciously, and read out with a snake old accent.

"The miracle of blood and wine, the mystery hidden in the blood, the key to the road to godhood, the beginning of everything, the beginning of misfortune in the world, open your arms to me, let me understand you, accept you, Understand you, feel you, and find the path of self-sublimation."

As the hissing sound stopped, the knife and sword crossed in front of the stone gate held by the stone guard statue in front of the stone gate slowly separated,

The statue also moved suddenly, retracting their respective weapons, and then thinking about moving to both sides, stretched out their hands to pull the stone door open, half-kneeled on the ground, and saluted Fini, as if welcoming the return of the master.

The room was dark, but after Finny stepped a foot in, the room suddenly lit up,

When he looked up and saw the same magic on the ceiling as in the laboratory, Feeney was sure that there was indeed a magic set by Slytherin that could detect someone coming in, and it would automatically open.

Under the illumination of the magic lamp, Finny began to scan the furniture in this room.

This place is completely different from the laboratory outside, more like a warehouse,
It's just that what is stored here is not supplies, food, potions, or weapons, but books.

The whole room is full of bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of all kinds of books.

These bookshelves and books make up the whole room.

Finny walked cautiously to a bookshelf, carefully looking at the books on the shelf,

No wonder he was so careful, because of Hufflepuff, such an environment with multiple secret rooms made him have to suspect that Slytherin was still alive and guarding in this space. After all, Hufflepuff left When you say it, it's like telling Finny that Slytherin is still alive,

However, in the final analysis, Finney was overthinking. There was no sign of Slytherin activities here.

The protective magic on many bookshelves has expired due to a long period of time, causing those books to turn into a cloud of dust as soon as the wind blows.

Fortunately, before Feeney touched those books, he paid attention to them,
Although many books are very precious now, and there are very few of them in existence, Finny still got them into his own hands because of the power of the Black family and the Christmas gifts given to him by other families over the years.

What really touched Finny's heart was actually his personal notes left here by Slytherin,

In Feeney's view, those may be his inheritance.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Perhaps because these things are all orphans, Feeney discovered that the protective magic on the bookshelves placed on them are arranged on several layers together. Although some of them have lost their effect, as long as there is If a spell is still effective, then these notes will not become past and become dust due to the passage of time.

Fini picked up the first book and opened it according to the instructions in the notes.

It's not that he has no awareness of precautions, but that these notes really don't need precautions.
First of all, notes are not books, there is no possibility that they are a kind of black magic, and there is no possibility that magic books are enough for self-consciousness.
Secondly, there is no magic breath on these notes, not even traces of magic.

Because the compensation given by the disappearing system of the echo system has the talent of magic vision, which makes him perceive and judge the traces and breath of magic far better than before when it was still the echo effect, even better than Dumbledore. be sharp
It is precisely because of this that Feeney can be sure that there is no magic in these notes.

However, after reading the contents of a few notes, Feeney was disappointed. These notes did not record a part of magic research as he imagined, or some powerful magic records, but were ordinary, written by the elders. their hidden history,

Finney, who was born in the Presbyterian consul family Black, naturally knew some of the hidden truths in history. Before adding it, he met Hufflepuff, accepted her inheritance memory, and knew the other part, but instead I have a certain understanding of the hidden history, although it is not so detailed, but I should know it, I know it all.

These notes record the birth of wizards, or how that part of human beings tried to obtain the power of gods.

The first batch of gods in this world were not produced by humans, but animals, some magical animals, unicorns, basilisks, tengus, demon cats, phoenixes, fire dragons, giants, etc.

Because they are not a species, the appearance of these gods did not bring any benefits to human beings, but brought many disasters.

In the end, the weak humans thought of a way, a very bloody and disappointing way-sacrifice.

It's just that this sacrifice is different from the sacrifices recorded today. People at that time sacrificed young girls, and the purpose was not to give food to the gods, but a tool for fun.
Different species have different body shapes, not to mention the special abilities of the gods of magical animals. Many girls often die before the sacrifice begins.
After all, the entanglement of the basilisk, the flames of the phoenix, the brutality of the dragon, and the size of the giant are not something an ordinary young girl's body can bear.

But there are always successful examples.

Those successful maidens will be brought back by their respective existences, so that they can be raised until they give birth to offspring.

However, it is certain that the offspring of different species will have difficulty in surviving, not to mention that the blood of many creatures represents cruelty, so many girls will die after remaining selfish,
And those people who exist will choose some women among these offspring, and give birth to offspring with humans again, and then pass them down from generation to generation, and finally become wizards.

Yes, the emergence of wizards is the product of such an extremely inhuman, bloody, disgusting act.

And now, many of the pure-blood families in the magic world are descendants of the village leaders who successfully sacrificed to the gods at that time, because at that time, the man who married the descendants of the gods was the leader's child.

Because the leaders all want to obtain the power of the gods, such as the Dumbledore family's summoning phoenix, the Weasley family's powerful white magic talent, and the Black family's huge magical energy reserves, these are actually simplified versions of the gods' power success.

Slytherin's old tongue is a representative of the power of a god.

Behind these historical contents, it records Slytherin's thoughts on this period of history, which are also thoughts on the road to becoming a god.

Hufflepuff told Finny before that the road to becoming a god is actually the road to purify one's own magical blood,

This is because God, the concept, has belonged to those magical animals from the very beginning. Only the powerful magical blood, that is, the blood of magical animals, can become a god.

 I suddenly found that the serial number of the title on the day of NO.30 was wrong. It should be 235. I typed it into 245. Because there is no way to change the title, I apologize here, and then everyone will make up for it. What does not affect is my own number It's just a little troublesome when counting chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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