The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 216 Chapter 304 Christmas

Chapter 216 304 Christmas

A unicorn habitat!

You know, this kind of pure creature has long been pursued by wizards because of the magical effect of its materials and what they represent. However, all commodities about unicorns in the magic world are now On a single unicorn, no wizard has ever discovered a unicorn habitat.

It is also possible that someone discovered it, and then the habitat that was discovered disappeared.Money touches people's hearts, and anything can happen.

The habitats of unicorns that can still be found in the magic world can be said to be very few. Naturally, Feeney will not leak this information in his hand. It's the same. Moreover, creatures like unicorns have some relationship with nature. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the darlings of nature. To befriend them, there are only advantages and no disadvantages for Finney.

The benefits of the existence of the unicorn habitat are not limited to those mentioned above. In fact, it also gave Finny some guesses.

Hufflepuff has been regarded as the founder who loves nature and life the most. In addition, she is a lady, so the possibility of being recognized by unicorns is very high, and the habitat of this unicorn is very far away from that Yes, the centaur tribe is so close, Hufflepuff's treasure may be hidden in the habitat of unicorns,

Or in that cave, no matter what, the centaur tribe Fini must go, it just depends on when and how to go.

There are too many dangers in the Forbidden Forest, and it is definitely unrealistic not to go in like usual adventures. After all, the centaur tribe is not only very far away from the Hogwarts castle, but also passes through the acromant spider on the way. The territory of the giant monster, the territory of the manticore, can be said to be full of dangers,
And wanting Puff to take him there means angering the centaur tribe. After all, the tribe and the house elves have an endless relationship. Once a war breaks out, even if Finny's current strength is approaching that of ordinary adult wizards, There is still a certain risk,
Feeney has never had the habit of putting himself in a dangerous situation and putting himself to death to survive. His usual habit is to plan and act later to protect himself.

Sighing, Feeney looked at Puff and said,
"Puff, just follow your previous idea, go to the old house and bring the egg rolls and they will attack the centaur tribe. Don't worry, just wipe out that tribe within three days. Even if you don't, make sure that you bring They were not capable of attacking you when I passed by,"

Puff bowed to Finny, nodded and said,
"Okay young master, Puff knows."

Finny smiled and waved his hands, but didn't speak, but Puff still understood what he meant, and disappeared in place, waiting for Finny's call again, and protecting Finny from being attacked by others at any time.

Today's task situation made Puff feel that he had not completed the task of his young master, and was very frustrated. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that such a situation would never happen again in the future. It was unexpected, inefficient, and at the same time, he had not completed the task.

Of course, this is just Puff's idea. At this time, Feeney is still very satisfied with Puff's mission today. Not only has he studied the topography and biological distribution of the part of the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts, but at the same time, It also gave Feeney some clues that need to be checked carefully.

After simply sitting for a while, Feeney returned to the bed and closed his eyes.
In the past two days, I had a lot of fun with George and Fred Jordan, and I didn't get enough sleep. It happened that I had nothing to do tomorrow, and Feeney planned to get a good night's sleep after today, and wake up naturally tomorrow.

That night, Finny slept well, and Puff followed Finny's habit, bringing the Christmas presents that were originally in the Slytherin common room under the Christmas tree in the Room of Requirement.

As one of the heirs of the Black family, although after Sirius was released from prison, the possibility of Finny inheriting the Black family property was very low in the eyes of others, but at Christmas, he still had many gifts, and among these gifts Only a small part was sent by Finny's friends, and most of them were sent by patriarchs of other pure-blood families, or people in power, or adult wizards in their own names.
Many presents piled up under the Christmas tree in the corner of Finny's bedroom in the Room of Requirement, waiting for Finny's blessing.

So the next morning, when Finny woke up, he sat on the rug under the Christmas tree and unwrapped his presents.
Like last year, there are still many books that are rare in the market but not expensive,
These are gifts from other pure-blood families, as if Finny also gave them some books, which are also rare and worthless books.

Those in power in these families don't care what the gift is, they just express their favor through this act of giving gifts to each other.

Of course, there are also some special gifts, such as a necklace with an airship Lee pendant, which looks handmade, and this is a Christmas present from little Luna.

Last summer, Pandora was conducting a spell experiment and an explosion occurred. Fortunately, Finney arranged for puffs to go there in advance and rescued the mother and daughter Pandora and Luna, which made the Lovegood family and Finney The relationship between them has improved a little bit, and Luna gave Finny a Christmas gift today, which is not a thank you for Finny's help in this matter.

A bibi multi-flavored bean, you can know that it was given by Jordan without thinking at all. This is the gift he gives to other people every year.

George and Fred sent a quill, a fake wand, and some poop eggs, as well as various quick-acting skipping candies.

As long as the quill is used, it will spray ink on the user's face. The fake wand cannot use magic spells, but can only use specific spells, and it will emit a green light like a death curse.As for the quick-acting skipping class sugar invented by the big dung eggs and the twins, there is no need to introduce it at all.

There is also a photo among these gifts, which is a group photo of the Black family before Feeney was born. This is a gift from Sirius,

The Quidditch magazine Harry sent, it seems that he still wants Finny to like this sport,
Ron sent a bag of candy, the cheap and common ones,

Hermione sent another Encyclopedia Encyclopedia (Muggle version), with a letter saying that she wanted to let Finny know something about the current situation in the Muggle world, and hoped that she would have the opportunity to invite him to Granger home as a guest.

Draco also gave a gift, his father sent a book on behalf of the Malfoy family, and Draco had a more childlike personality, and what he gave was a model of a fire dragon, the kind that could move, although it was nothing Useful, but it looks more interesting.

Feeney naturally gave some gifts in return,
For the twins are two books on Fantastic Beasts and Magic Herbs, helping the duo speed up the development of mischief props.

For Jordan is a brand new Quidditch star figure, which he has always wanted.

The one for Harry was a photo album, which Finny took a lot of work to get, and it contained photos of James Potter and Lily Potter, who were at Hogwarts, After graduation, there are several pictures before and after marriage,
The gift for Sirius is very interesting. It is the latest motorcycle in the Muggle world. Sirius had the experience of changing the Muggle motorcycle as a means of transportation before. However, his car was given to Hagrid. , So, Feeney decided to give Sirius another one.Of course, he needs to remodel himself.

The one for Hermione was a book of general knowledge in the wizarding world, which was thick, heavy, and large.

The gift for Luna was Finny's most thoughtful gift. A few weeks ago, he asked Lisa and the others to search for specimens of magical creatures all over the world, and put them all under the spell of shrinking, and placed them in an exhibition box , and gave it to Luna, this little girl, now only ten years old, has shown the same hobby of magical animals as her father.

The gift Finney prepared for Draco was a dragon egg, a live dragon egg, which is also very precious in the wizarding world. Of course, in the eyes of a family like Black that has a dragon farm under its name, it is not such a precious thing,
It is illegal for the magic world to raise dragons privately, and because of this, even though Draco likes fire dragons very much, Lucius just bought a nominal fire dragon in a dragon farm in Romania, and will mail some dragon poop and dragons every day. Instead of choosing to buy a real dragon for Draco, Finney also chose to present a real dragon egg because of this. As for the final destination of the dragon egg, it is not up to Finney to decide.

In fact, Feeney also has some ideas of his own in sending this gift. As I said before, although dragon eggs are not so valuable in Feeney's eyes, they are very precious in the eyes of most people in the magic world. Something, and giving this thing to Draco as a Christmas present will convey some information that Finny wants to convey to the outside world,

First of all, people who don't know the truth will know that Draco is Finny's nephew, so it can be said that he gave this gift because his uncle loves his nephew,
Wizards who understand the relationship between Malfoy and Black will understand that Finny's gift is equivalent to publicly stating that the Malfoy family is an ally of the Black family, or that they are siblings. This is actually forcing the Lucius team.

In the original book, Lucius was like this. He wanted to break away from the Death Eaters camp, but he didn't have the courage. In the end, he was controlled by the mysterious man by taking advantage of his family's weakness. He didn't break free until the final battle.
But now it seems that Finny is obviously not in the camp of the mysterious man. Although Lucius has plans to leave the Death Eaters Alliance these years, he is still worried that the mysterious man will target him when he returns, so this is because Constantly, left and right, and Finny's move made Lucius have no choice but to join his camp and completely disconnect from the mysterious man's Death Eaters camp.

Another reason is because of the Tom's diary in Malfoy's house. As the first horcrux of the mysterious man and the only one among all the horcruxes that can transform the soul of the mysterious man, Feeney does not intend to let it Proceeding according to the situation in the original book, and as the mysterious person handed to Lucius, only when Lucius really made a choice, Feeney will ask for success, or he will make a move,

As for Dumbledore, it was the easiest to prepare among all the gifts he prepared separately. A pair of woolen socks symbolized family affection and family, and it would probably make Dumbledore sad for a long time.

Oh, I almost forgot, the woolen sweater sewn by Mrs. Weasley herself has a capital F·B on it. I don’t know if it is to distinguish it from Fred. The woolen sweater of the Weasley family has There is only one letter, but Feeney has two. Naturally, Feeney also prepared gifts for the Weasleys. The one for Molly was "A New Book of Household Magic", and the one for Arthur was a set of Mascot. The introduction and instructions of common tools such as household appliances and vehicles in the melon world, of course, are in the magic version, allowing Arthur to learn how to use the treasures he has collected without being taught.

Randomly tore off a piece of candy cane from the Christmas tree, put it in his mouth and took a bite,
Finny began to sort out these Christmas presents of his own,

The books given by those pure-blood families are easy to say, because there are very few books that fit their status and are very cheap. There are only a few books. What Finny has to do is to sort them out, classify them, put them away and put them away repeatedly. Give it to another family next year.What was not repeated, what Feeney didn't have in his own library, he put away for collection.

The twins didn't come to bother him today, because Christmas is to be spent with the family. Although Ron and Harry went to find Sirius for the holiday together, they still stayed with them in the Gryffindor common room. Didn't like each, Percy Weasley for the holidays.

For a few days, there were almost no little wizards running back and forth in the castle, and everyone stayed in the dormitory playing with their new Christmas presents.
As night fell, the Hogwarts auditorium was still very lively today. Unlike the Christmas dinner last night, tonight was more like a family dinner. There was still a lot of food, but compared with yesterday, there was more food. One particularly important food, turkey!Turkey must be eaten at Christmas. There are more than 100 fat roast turkeys on the long tables of various colleges, as well as piles of roast meat and boiled potatoes.Large plates of sausages and peas, gravy, and bottles of jam spread all over the table, and there were still very few little wizards in Hogwarts tonight, so everyone was completely hi at the end and stood up along the edge of the table eat while walking,
There are also piles of wizard color pack firecrackers on the table. These things are completely different from Muggle firecrackers. They are more like small easter eggs, with some small plastic toys, flimsy paper hats inside, and the same can make an explosion sound,
It's just that this thing is not a dull sound like a bang, but a loud bang like a cannon bombing.

There will also be rich colored smoke, making the little wizards laugh happily while having dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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