The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 215 303 The Discovery of Puffs in the Forbidden Forest (2 in 1 Chapter)

Chapter 215 303 Discovery of puffs in the Forbidden Forest (two chapters in one)
With his outstanding talent, he can come and go freely in many places in the magic world, but now he spends a whole day in the Forbidden Forest. How can this not be strange to Feeney?
Puff said,
"Puff was attacked in the Forbidden Forest, so he came back a little later."

Finny frowned and asked,
"There was an attack, who did it?"

Puff shook his head and said,

"It's not a wizard, but a magical animal in the Forbidden Forest. The centaur, the giant monster, and the acromantula all attacked Puff."

As a house-elf specially cultivated by Finny, it knows all the common knowledge in the magic world, especially these magical creatures that may have caused danger to Finny when he was young, which is the focus of these house-elves' learning. Therefore, it is not surprising that Puff knows these creatures.

What was strange to Feeney was that with Puff's house-elf's magical talent, he would not be discovered by those magical creatures at all during apparition, let alone attacked.
However, Puff was attacked anyway, and, it seemed, it was the kind of prolonged attack on Puff.

"Puff, tell me carefully what's going on today."

Puff nodded, and slowly talked about his experience in the Forbidden Forest today.

It turned out that Puff had gone to the Forbidden Forest after receiving Feeney's order, and with the same idea as Feeney, began to use Apparition to move quickly in the Forbidden Forest, recording the terrain of the Forbidden Forest,
It was okay at the beginning, even though there were some magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts, they didn't say they wanted to attack Puff.
Until it met the acromantula that appeared in the Forbidden Forest, which was not their habitat, for some unknown reason, its experience began to turn bad.
At that time, it was stopping on a tree to record the nearby terrain. As a result, several giant spiders attacked it from the surrounding trees, spraying venom and spider silk trying to control Puff ,
Fortunately, Puff is a house elf, and she can cast the magic of apparating with a snap of her fingers, and escaped this attack.
According to Finny's teaching, the Black family, including the house elves, are not of the character of not fighting back when attacked, so Puff fights back,

The attack magic exclusive to the house elves, lit up on Puff's fingers, and continuously attacked more and more acromantulas around, knocking away one after another acromantula,

However, the reproductive ability of this kind of creature is too strong, and it is not known how long their group has lived in the Forbidden Forest. The acromantia under the attack of puffs not only did not decrease, but continued to increase.

In this way, even if the puffs are very strong, they will be tired of coping, and gradually they will be at a disadvantage, showing their tiredness.

Advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, retreating when retreating is also a strategy emphasized by Feeney. Therefore, when he was about to be defeated, Puff chose to retreat and temporarily left the territory of this group of acromantulas. It is also specially marked on the topographic map to be handed over to Feeney that this nearby area is very dangerous,
In the bottom of Puff's heart, this place is also remembered. It knows that its young master has plans to explore the Forbidden Forest. As the young master's guard, it is obliged to eliminate the dangerous factors here. It doesn't matter if it can't beat it now. , the reason for the failure was that there were too many people on the other side,

Therefore, Puff plans to attack the group of acromantulas with a part of the house elves who stayed behind in Black's old house in the next few days until the place is completely cleaned up and there is no danger.

Octopus itself is a very dangerous and aggressive creature, they will attack puffs, there is no doubt,

However, what happened next to Puff made Finny unable to understand,

Not long after leaving the Acantaraman territory, Puff came to another centaur territory in the Forbidden Forest,
Creatures like horsemen are generally in a neutral position. As long as they are not hostile creatures, entering their territory will only be expelled at most, and they will never attack.

However, the moment Puff, a house elf who is not a hostile race of the centaur, stepped into their territory, he was attacked by the centaur tribe

The wooden spears were thrown by the centaurs and flew towards Puff,

Puffs naturally don't care about these ordinary weapon attacks. A snap of the fingers can make them stop in the air, lose the power to continue flying, and finally fall to the ground.
However, how could those centaur's attacks be so limited? Next, Puff encountered many active or passive trap attacks such as rolling stones, falling holes, and wooden thorns.

Even the centaurs didn't listen to the reason why puffs entered their territory at all. There was only one emotion in their eyes, attack, attack, attack.Until Puff dies.

Hearing this, Feeney's eyes narrowed sharply. He thought of something, some ideas that might change him a lot,

After all, in Puff's description, the centaurs of this centaur tribe can be described as weird. There is definitely hatred between them and the house elves, and it is still the kind of endless hatred.
It made Finny think of Hufflepuff,
After all, house elves are used as servants of pure-blood wizards in the magic world, and there is almost no chance to enter the Forbidden Forest, let alone go deep into the location of the horse tribe. So, the horse people and house elves The hatred between them can only be a long time ago,

In history, the only time when the house-elves and the centaurs could have a war in the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts was the era of Hufflepuff. She was called the savior of the house-elves, and she must The powerful fighting qualities of the house-elves of that era will be used. Even now, once Hogwarts is attacked, those house-elves in the kitchen who seem to have no fighting power will burst out with strong fighting power to protect the castle. According to the saying, this is the mission of the house elves at Hogwarts.

Therefore, the most likely situation for this centaur tribe and the house elves to have an undying hatred is that something happened between Hufflepuff and this centaur tribe,
And this idea made Finney feel that the news that Hufflepuff was inherited in the Forbidden Forest is more likely to be true and effective.

Moreover, the actions of this centaur tribe also made Finny more accurate about where the treasure was located.
At least it must be related to this centaur tribe. Otherwise, why did Hufflepuff go so deep into the Forbidden Forest? There are plants and animals in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and there are actually some plants and animals outside the Forbidden Forest, but there are fewer.

Of course, some very rare creatures are really hard to see from the outside, such as unicorns, their habitat is deep in the Forbidden Forest, because they are a symbol of purity, and because they are cursed, this kind of creature It can be said that they are unscrupulous in the immediate vicinity and often appear on the periphery, but they will hide from other creatures. Even so, their habitat is still deep in the forbidden forest.

Feeney temporarily put his thoughts aside, looked at Puff, and asked him to continue talking about his experiences and knowledge in the Forbidden Forest.

Only then did Puff speak, and continued to report to Finny.

The sudden attack of the centaur was beyond Puff's expectation, which caused it not to check the terrain inside the centaur tribe,

This made the house elf, who regards the master's task as more important than his own life, feel very depressed and angry, so things that could have been solved as long as one apparation left here, instead, something unexpected happened.
Puff stayed where he was and started a fight with the centaurs.

Even though Puff was very angry at this time, he still did not kill. It controlled the attacking team of the wooden spears to counterattack the centaur, only wounding people but not killing people. At the same time, it used the transformation technique to control the vines hanging from the surrounding trees Man tied up the centaurs, controlled their activities, and tried to end the battle without causing casualties.

It's a pity that those horsemen didn't seem to think that Puff's actions were for their own sake, or that they were unwilling to accept Puff's kindness, and the attack on Puff became even crazier.
Launched a desperate charge towards Puff.One by one completely ignored the spears flying towards them because of Puff's control, and they all held the spears and charged at Puff, trying to take Puff's life close by.

Instead, their behavior caused the spears that were originally aimed at their limbs and other parts that would not die to hit their vitals. This wave of charge took away many lives.

Such a change made the already crazy centaur tribe even more crazy. All the fallen centaur, no matter they were young or old, shouted and rushed towards the puffs.

He has an undying hatred for unknown reasons, and now, it is even more hatred,
Even though Puff realized something was wrong and immediately moved away from here, the horsemen still pursued them relentlessly.

Because as long as it is magic, there will be traces, and the centaur is a creature that can capture such traces, so although Puff left, the centaur still chased it according to those traces,
Puff also took this opportunity to record the topography of the centaur tribe, and then recorded it on the topographic map after preparation.
Because of the change of the centaur tribe, all the magical creatures in the forest rioted.
Creatures that are hostile to the centaurs will think that the centaurs want to attack and attack the centaurs one after another, while creatures that are neutral or all hostile, such as giant monsters, start random attacks without targets.

Puff took this opportunity to stay away from the group of lunatic centaurs,

However, these crazy horse people are really crazy. They don't care that their tribe is being attacked, and they don't care that the horses in their tribe died because of the war. They just insist on chasing Puff and taking Puff. Fu's life,

This chase and escape is the culprit that caused Puff to return to Hogwarts.

"So, the only ones attacking you are the acromantula and the centaur tribe, right?"

Feeney touched his chin and asked Puff,
Puff nodded,

"Yes, master, they are actually the only ones who shot puffs."

Feeney nodded, and muttered to himself,

"Acromantula itself is a very cruel creature, and because of its omnivorous nature, any creature that enters their territory will be attacked. Therefore, it is completely expected that they will attack puffs, and it is not a strange place. "

"So, the problem still lies with the centaur tribe, a centaur tribe that never dies with house-elves, and is still kept in the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts, the largest gathering place of house-elves in the wizarding world. No attack on Hogwarts, funny, funny."

Just like Finny's previous guess, he placed his target around the cursed tribe. He even guessed that the reason why no one else discovered Hufflepuff's treasure before was because they didn't let the house elves enter the Forbidden Forest, contact The centaur tribe found this clue, so they ran around like headless chickens in the huge Forbidden Forest.

But is this really the case?
Maybe many years later, Feeney will think of the mental journey at this time and find it funny.

Puff escaped from the results of the day and handed it to Finny,
It is very serious about what Finny ordered, and the topographic map on the parchment handed to Finny is even more detailed than the maps sold in the magic world today.

Of course, what the magic world sells are common maps, not maps of the Forbidden Forest, and the map of the Forbidden Forest drawn by Puff,
The detail mentioned here means that in terms of content, Puff carefully marked the location of the magic creatures and plants it knew on the map, and even drew a very safe road to the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

The size of each creature's territory, puffs are also circled, the number of trees, where there are streams flowing, where there are caves, and unknown ruins, these are clearly marked. It can be said that as long as there is this A map, if you want to venture into the Forbidden Forest, it will be much safer, and you will get twice the result with half the effort.

If not, Feeney has other plans for the Forbidden Forest, he will definitely choose to sell this map,

Because of the existence of this map, the survival rate of adventurers and wizards who try to make money through the Forbidden Forest will be greatly increased. Correspondingly, the number of materials on magical creatures in the magical world, some precious magical plants, and herbs will increase. Get more.

Selling this map will definitely make more money than selling other things,

However, as I said before, Feeney has other plans for the Forbidden Forest. Moreover, there are too many dark creatures in the Forbidden Forest. The strategy cannot be released.

On the parchment map, Feeney saw the centaur tribe specially marked by Puff, as well as the surrounding terrain.

Coincidentally, there is a cave not far from the centaur tribe towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.
What's even more coincidental is that there is an existence around this cave that will drive everyone crazy.

 It is still a two-in-one chapter. Because of the continuity of the content, it is not divided into chapters, but the number of words updated every day is the same as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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