The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 217 305 The truest desire in the heart: 1 something that has been ignored

Chapter 217 305 The truest desire in the heart: something that has been neglected

Christmas pudding followed the meal, which still had some interesting things in it, such as silver Sickles, fruit candies, and so on.

Feeney casually opened a few color packs of firecrackers, released a few miniature animals, and a few paper hats of various kinds. Although the surrounding atmosphere was good, he didn't find it very interesting.

Instead, he was looking forward to Puff and the others completing the task as soon as possible, so that he could venture into the Forbidden Forest and find Hufflepuff's treasure.
Sometimes, he wondered if he was spoiled by the twins.On the contrary, I have some expectations for such dangerous activities as adventure, and I feel a little bored in the ordinary peaceful life.

The bored Finny suddenly remembered an interesting thing in Hogwarts Castle during this Christmas, maybe he can go there to have some fun,
Even during the night of the Christmas holiday, Filch still patrolled the castle, not allowing little wizards to go out at night, or any other behavior that violated Hogwarts school rules.

With the help of the Marauder's Map, Finny cleverly escaped Filch's search and came to the fifth floor of the castle.
Feeney was not sure where Dumbledore had placed the Mirror of Erised, but he remembered the original description of Harry's actions that night,

He went to the library first, was discovered by Filch, and encountered the Mirror of Erised when he escaped.

So, he uses the library as the starting point for his nightly adventures.

In the original book, Harry found the magic mirror next to a piece of armor, and there is only one place with armor on the fifth floor of the castle, which is outside the empty classroom outside the corner at the end of the corridor on the right side of the library.

At the same time, Feeney also knows from the Marauder's Map that there is a tunnel on this floor that can shorten the distance. However, this tunnel is a tunnel that Filch knows, and neither the twins, Jordan, nor Feeney will generally choose go this way.

Sure enough, he found his target, the Mirror of Erised, in the empty classroom next to the armor.

It was an abandoned classroom, so the tables and chairs inside were piled up against the walls of the classroom, forming a huge shadow in the dark night.

The Mirror of Erised was placed in the very center of the classroom. It was originally arranged for Harry to find it easily. If Harry was in the castle tonight, Dumbledore, Snape, and even Filch would definitely Will find a way to guide Harry to discover this classroom and see this mirror.

The Mirror of Erised is a very imposing mirror, tall, large, reaching to the ceiling, and has a gorgeous golden frame, with two claw-shaped support feet at the bottom of the mirror.

On the top of the mirror is engraved a line of words, Eris, Stella, Uhru, Ait Ubi Kafru, Ait On, Vorhes.

That's right, this is the Mirror of Erised, a mirror that enables people to see what they desire most in their hearts, a legendary existence.

It is unknown who the creator of this mirror is, nor when it came to Hogwarts. After all, there have always been some professors in Hogwarts for thousands of years. I like to return to the castle with some weird and interesting things, and this mirror may have come to Hogwarts for this reason.

Although this mirror looks very interesting, and its actual function is also very interesting, but what is the purpose of its actual manufacture, whether it is good or bad, and whether it is beneficial or not is irrelevant. To research the true usefulness of such a centuries-old relic in the Hogwarts Room of Requirement,
However, Feeney has always felt that this mirror is not simple. Even the legendary wizard, even Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard in the magic world today, has no way to transform a useless item into the original one. It is used to hide things, and only those with pure hearts can take them out. No matter how you look at it, such conditions are not easy to achieve.

If it is to recreate such a magic item, it may still be possible. However, it will be much more difficult to modify a magic item that has magic power and is legendary. At least, Feeney has never heard of it. Who in the wizarding world can do this.

Even one of his seniors, Nicole Flamel, who taught him alchemy, couldn't do it.

Therefore, the effect of hiding things in the Mirror of Erised in the original work may be its own existence,
Feeney also suspects that this thing can peep into people's hearts, otherwise how can it achieve the effect of showing the most desired items in people's hearts.

Feeney is not thinking about the essence of this thing, anyway, he can get it from Dumbledore in the future, and it will be good to study it then,
He stepped forward quickly and looked at the mirror carefully. He wanted to know what he longed for the most in his heart.

In the mirror, behind him, several figures appeared, male and female,

Even though he clearly knew that this was the effect of the Mirror of Erised, Finny couldn't help turning his head to look behind him. Unfortunately, he was still the only one, and the existence in the mirror was ultimately just an illusion.

Looking back at the picture in the mirror, I moved forward involuntarily, getting closer and closer to the mirror, and finally my nose almost touched the nose in the mirror,

Feeney stretched out his hand to touch the men and women in the mirror, but in the end, what he touched was only the cold mirror.

In the end, I can only sigh, everything has become the past,

Feeney didn't know that his face was covered with tears at this time, he only knew that he had never understood his own heart,

It turned out that what I longed for most in my heart was once so within reach, but now it is so out of reach.

Looking at the once very familiar face in the mirror, Feeney rarely thought about the inheritance of the founder, the principle of magic items, the truth about the Presbyterian Church, the clues of God, and the current state of the magic world. The pattern, the exchanges between pure-blood families, these things,

At this time, he was still very restless in his heart, but he felt a little peace.

Looking at the man and woman in the mirror who used to live in everything day and night for him, looking at the girl with a good figure and an ingenious face, looking at the girl who is short and fat but has a peaceful face, and Those boys were tall and handsome, some were weak, or they were smiling happily with their ugly faces.

These were all figures who accompanied him once, but now, they cannot see each other again.It turned out that this was what he longed for most in his heart, the past.

Feeney sat on the ground and looked at the picture in the mirror quietly. He knew very well that it was just his illusion and the effect of the magic power of the Mirror of Erised. However, he still wanted to see more. This made him unable to forget the past,
"Although I don't know what you see, but I think you should know what it is, Mr. Black,"

Dumbledore's voice sounded behind Finny, and Finny sighed and turned around.

"Yes, sir, I know exactly what it is, the Mirror of Erised, the Mirror of Desire."

Dumbledore came and sat next to Finny,
"So what did you see, Feeney? It would make someone like you cry."

Feeney shook his head, did not answer Dumbledore's question, just sat there quietly,

Dumbledore was not annoyed, and sat there quietly with Finny,

"Professor, you don't need to worry. I know exactly what it is. It can let us see the most urgent and strongest desire in our hearts. However, it can't give us knowledge, nor can it make us become Even better, it can only let us see what we want to see, so people will waste their time in front of it, obsessed with what they see, and even driven crazy, but, Professor, I don't know, I can distinguish what is reality and what is illusion."

Dumbledore was not very sure about this, looked at Finny and said,
"But, Finny, all I see is your obsession with it. Come to think of it, you even thought about taking it away from me, right?"

Feeney nods,

"I have moved it, but, professor, I am not obsessed with it, but reluctant to give up. Before I came to find it, I was just a little curious about the function of this thing, and wanted to know what I longed for the most in my heart, but really After seeing it, I realized that what I longed for the most was what I once had but lost now, so I knew it was illusory."

"I stay here because I just want to spend more time with the memories of the past. As for the purpose of wanting to ask you for this thing, it is actually the same. In this world, it is the only thing that can let me see the things I have lost. gone."

Dumbledore was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. What he longed for most in his heart was not only ambition, but also hope, and weakness. Therefore, even Dumbledore would never see what he saw in the mirror. The thing has really been said, but Feeney doesn't want to mention it, so naturally he won't ask too much.
"So, Finny, can you tell me how you know it's here?"

Feeney was taken aback for a moment, then said,
"Professor, you should be very clear about who is right in the blood of my ancestors."

Dumbledore was also stunned when he heard this,

Feeney continued,

"Although that ancestor is not as good as Cassandra, he is also a rare prophecy master in the magic world. Therefore, in fact, members of our lineage in the Black family all have the talent and blood of prophecy,"

Dumbledore looked at Finny, wanting to get the correct answer,

"Have you opened your Celestial Eye?"

Finney knows that the Celestial Eye is a term in divination, it is the soul of a prophet, and it is also the talent needed by a true prophet. In fact, only a wizard who awakens the Celestial Eye can see the future.
Finny naturally doesn't have this talent. The reason why he vaguely made Dumbledore think that he had awakened his Celestial Eye was actually explaining some things, the reason why he knew some things in the future, and the reason why he knew where the Horcrux was. After all, it is impossible for him to say that he is a time traveler, what will happen in his original book, and that he has a system in his body.

Of course, Feeney did not lie, because there was indeed a wizard in his ancestors who was a master of prophecy, and he really passed on the blood of the prophet. However, for thousands of years, only a few people have awakened this Great talent.

Finny shook his head and said,

"I'm not sure if I have vision, but it's just some broken pictures and a few words that I vaguely saw in my sleep."

Dumbledore attaches great importance to prophecy and fate, that's why he saw the end of Harry Potter, the nominal savior, because he knew the prophecy.Even, he was the first to hear that prophecy, and Harry's tragedy also happened because of that prophecy.

Dumbledore stood up, sighed and said,

"It's just a pity that Harry didn't see the mirror."

Finny smiled and said,
"Sorry, professor, I really didn't think that you would choose this holiday to test Harry, and you would use this method, otherwise, I would never agree to let Harry spend this holiday with Sirius .”

Dumbledore shook his head and said,

"I can't stop Harry from spending the holiday with his godfather, can I? If you miss it, you will miss it. I will find a chance to test him when school starts. It's my fault. I forgot to put it away during the holidays these two days. I will put it away tomorrow." It's the accompaniment, Feeney, don't look for it in a short time, I want to make sure you really understand what is reality and what is illusion, it is a very scary thing to indulge in illusion and forget about real life iu."

Feeney also stood up, smiled freely at Dumbledore, and said,
"Don't worry, professor, then I'll go back to rest first,"

Dumbledore nodded,

Feeney took one last look at the phantom on the Mirror of Erised, at those figures that he could not forget,

I secretly made up my mind,

I don't know if I will have the chance to go back there again, to return to your side, but if I have the chance, I will definitely do my best, even if it is a secondary enemy of the world, I will not hesitate.

At the moment Finny made such a decision, his system that had been silent for a long time and was about to be forgotten by Finny revived again,

Drop~ Congratulations to the host for having the courage to move forward, meeting the conditions to become the strongest wizard, and opening all the system permissions,
This system aims to train the host to become the most powerful wizard in the world, and provides corresponding tasks, rewards, or support for magic items.

All system permissions are turned on, the library system is canceled, the echo system is canceled, the talent system is turned on, the magic book system is upgraded, and the experience point addition system is turned on.

Since then, it is no longer necessary to obtain new spells through library extraction. The latest effects of the magic book system, as long as the host watches and understands the principle of casting spells, you can learn the corresponding spells, and you can increase the proficiency of the spells by adding points to the system experience When the spell proficiency reaches the highest level, you will gain the relevant insights of the spell, and you can develop new spells under the spell agreement system.

(End of this chapter)

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