Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 110: V.2-C.11│Leaving the Order I│

Now that the Clone Wars had officially begun, Anakin knew that it was time to leave the Order.

There were many factors when going into this decision even though he would be unable to experience what would have originally happened, this seemed like the better option. It was not like everything that happened in-between would be all that affected by his loss...

Of course that was unless there was someone to take his place, in a sense.

There was no one though that could do something like this and when he decides to announce his departure, he is sure there would a few, no, a great amount of people that would follow as well. That doesn't mean they would join him or anything, it would just mean that some may join him while others whom were afraid to go would leave as well, using him as an example.

He would become the excuse for the Jedi who were undecided on leaving.


On Naboo, the day after Anakin's proclamation to be wed with Padme and Aayla, a very, very small gathering was being held where there would be only a few witnesses to this event. The first was the officiator, the priest of sorts, R2, the enigmatic astromech droid and Shaak who was also here to be a witness to this event.

Anakin didn't want to do a three way wedding as that wasn't what was happening. It was Anakin whom loved the two, and it was the two, Padme and Aayla who loves him not them loving each other.

That was not how relationships worked and even if it was like this, Anakin was greedy and disliked the idea of sharing. Even though it was amongst his other would-be wives, he very much disliked this idea.

It wouldn't make sense in this instance however as Aayla is only connected to him and not anyone was but is able to access the connection he has with the other girls. It made it all the more easier for them to go through with his decision to create a harem of sorts but when it came to Padme accepting, there was no excuse.

She was just that deeply in love with him and if he had to put a finger on why this is, it is because of the Force and how it wants everything to still go the same way. Even though he has made so many changes, that there have already been what some would call are very big differences.

First was all of his personal power, militaristic and economic building. Second was the creation of an empire that promoted freedom within the Outer Rims, then there was the elevation and creation of another new technology based race. The living droids.

Third was the subsequent avoidance of death for Qui-Gon. Then his mother, back to the Empire, back to the Jedi Order and then to himself. It went on and on but the Force adamant in having more of the Jedi die, having the dark side prevail for a short time before being set in balance again.

Only to not really be in balance as within the future there would still be this battle between both sides, even when the light wasn't as extreme and the dark was not as consuming.

It was inevitable because that was the way the Force worked.

'No, that is the way life works.' Anakin thought to himself as he awaited for the pastor to be done with whatever mumbo jumbo he was speaking. Weddings are mostly for girls after all and Anakin knew that he would have to do a proper ceremony at another time with both of them.

Yes, that was how life worked. Conflict is present because it is needed, as without conflict, without something to cause a change, there would be none.

It was evolution at its finest and if one were to take a greater look at the grand scheme of things, they would see that the Force is a massive network of organisms banding together to subsist off of the energy field known as the Force.

That is why the Force could be separated into two, the Living and the Cosmic.

What was really strange however when one thought about it was that Anakin could have been the thing the Force is looking for. That disruption to help it evolved and become greater than itself at the current point of time but it doesn't use him for that, or at least tried to use him.

No, it tried doing everything within its semi-sentient capabilities and powers to guide him down the path of the original while at the same time allowing him to do things that were against it. It wanted him to create a balance but didn't have the strength to overcome his will.

"And now, the two shall exchange vows." The priest finally caught upto the important point.

Of course, Anakin had prepared his vows and exchanged them with the person with whom he was currently being wed too. It was Aayla first, which Padme had acquiesced to because in the end Aayla was and is the first to be his lover.

After briefly exchanging their vows, both proclaim their love for each other and this prompted the priest to once again get into position as he has another wedding to conduct.

Now it was Padme's turn and just as Aayla was beautiful within her own peoples traditional garb, so to was Padme within her own as well. Why wouldn't he take a little more time and allow them both to enjoy their moments.

It only increased his 'favorability' points, which would then lead to him being able to do 'certain' things as they would both be in a happy mood. Of course he couldn't leave one or the other hanging as he got it on with only one so he had to find a solution to this.

And a solution he had already come up with.

He can use his bond with Aayla to transmit pleasure and feelings with each other, making it easier for her to achieve release. While he could probably go on for a day or two simply through pure willpower but that was ridiculous for those involved. Except himself of course because he is the one capable of doing this, in fact he was pretty sure he could go on forever if he really wanted too.

After achieving immortal, biological and otherwise, it had increased alot of factor about his biological factors. Meaning that no matter how many times he goes at it, he would be unlimited in his power.

"And now, bride and groom may exchange their vows." The priest continued for the second time as Padme and Anakin then went on about how they love each other and all those other things.

Sometimes, somethings are just best left unsaid.

"You may kiss the bride. *Ahem* I mean you may kiss the brides." The priest then left after this as Anakin had to passionately kiss both woman, not simultaneously as that would be impossible, unless he had two heads and two lips.

He had to show his emotions, feelings and desires through his actions as even though words are good and all, they were not important in comparison to his actions.

Anakin spent the rest of the day with Padme and Aayla, both of them seemingly very happy with themselves and their decisions that lead upto this point. However, they all had places to be at and Anakin was starting to feel a bit bad about leaving Shaak out.

But upon further review, Anakin cant help but put that on her, as she needed to be the one to respond to the emotions. It was not he that is conflicted, it is her and it would be time soon enough to see just how far she is willing to be silent.

Anakin had a feeling she would choose him in the end, especially since they are connected and have had time to develop a relationship. But with all things in life he always like preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.

Amazing foresight capabilities through the Force aside, he couldn't just rely on what the Force tells him as sometimes it give wrong information to him on purpose.

He knew it was both a way to mess with him and a way to test him, constantly.

The Force was like mad-eye, 'constant vigilance' indeed.

"What are you thinking about?" Padme questioned him as he was just stargazing along with the two women, as Shaak had done what she needed and left the lovebirds alone going back to Coruscant first.

'Is this that meme?'

"I am not really thinking about anything in particular." Anakin answered.

"No, you were. You were just hiding alot of it." The bond between Anakin and Aayla had blossomed but that didn't mean he allowed full access into his mind just as he gave others the same respect.

He likes his privacy and prefers not to be hypocrite when it comes to this fact. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule as other people, that are not good and more inclined to evil or criminal acts are all the more, how would HK say it? Meatbags to be used.

"Don't go trying to snoop around. You wouldn't like it if I did it to you, now would you?" Anakin said, not expecting the next answer but he should have.

"Yes. I want you within me, inside my mind." Aayla answered.

Padme does a double-take, disbelief at the bold statement. "W-What? What did you just say?"

"Well, let me explain it a little better." Aayla didn't seem to understand the implications of what she has just said. "The Dyad between Ani and me is special and because of this we can be inside each others heads whenever we want. Of course he has set up measures to prevent someone from entering unless given permission and-"

"Stop, stop, stop. Calm down for a minute there. I would've figured that already, but can you repeat what you just said before?" Padme still was in disbelief, even more so that she noticed Aayla seemingly not educated in private matters.

It was either that or she was completely oblivious to these types of things despite coming from a species, distinct in all manners related to adult themed stuff.

"I said, 'Yes. I want you within me, inside my mind.'" Aayla repeated herself with the exact same wording.

"Do you not understand?" Anakin questioned her, amused.

"What is so funny?" Aayla confused asks. "I can feel your emotions, the both of you. Spit it out!"

"Why dont you just keep repeating that one like within your mind for a bit and see if you could attach that to anything else, in any other situation. Specifically in the context of the bedroom." Anakin supplied seeing as she was still confused.

"Right, fine." Aayla adopted a thinking pose for a bit before she started to blush visibly, meaning that she has probably figured out the source of their amusement. "I-I knew what I said. You guys just cant take a joke." She practically harrumphed.

"Now, now. Don't be so down, I am sure that this is just a facet of who you are." Anakin stated. "Adorable."

"I dont want to be adorable, I want to be sexy! For you!" Aayla exclaimed while acting like a mild tsun-dere in this brief moment.

"Stop being childish now." Anakin says as he wraps his arms around her moving his lips closer to her. His breath tingles her skin as she listens to him speak. "You are very sexy to me, you dont have to try so hard, nor try so little to appease me and my desires."

"But, I want to do things for you and I-" Aayla is interrupted by Anakin.

"You can do so when you are ready." Anakin stands up while lifting her into a princess carry. "I think the three of us have had a big day and it is time to get some shut eye."

"And, who will you be sleeping with?" Padme just had to ask and it would only be fair to answer honestly.

"By myself." Anakin answers because even though he is incredibly in the mood, it wouldn't feel all that good to just go through with it straight away. Knowing how girls are, he would have to take them at separate times, because to do so within the same night would be disrespectful.

He loves them now, and because they are his there is no escaping his clutches.

He can take his time, he has been doing so for the last for years now, especially when his libido started to increase more and more as time passed.

"By yourself!?" Padme and Aayla both exclaim as he gently puts Aayla down.

"Yes." He replied.

"B-but!" Padme continued because she was looking forward to what would happen. She had been keeping a close eye on what he had below and it seemed like it would be more than satisfactory. While she didn't care too much about size, she was still looking forward to it as it would have been her first.

"No buts." Anakin answered. "I dont believe it is the right time to do this, but dont worry. Now that I have the both of you, you will both be very satisfied." He smirked.

"And why wouldn't this be the right time?" Padme demanded.

"Yeah! What she said." It would seem that Padme and Aayla were having one of their moments of unity and cohesion as a team, double teaming him here.

Sighing he explains why, and how it wouldn't be all that special to take them both within the same night. Hearing this they both agree that it would be a little disturbing to think about how, if Anakin did one of them and then went onto the next.

The imagery was quite arousing but at the same time, what woman would want that? They didn't want to be just seconds, they wanted to be the main dish, seconds, side dish and dessert.

It would be unfair to not give them the full experience, in a environment they were comfortable with, the mood being set. Not everything had to be perfect, but it would be a disservice to not try and do ones best.

That is all anyone could ask for really.

Anakin did in the end acquiesce into sleeping with both woman, just some innocent sleeping within the same bed where no shenanigans took place. He didn't really have to put his foot down on this or whatever and it was nice to know that both Aayla and Padme were still thinking for themselves.

It would be extremely weird to Anakin if the women around him only thought about him and only thought about pleasing him. He would feel extremely worried and disturbed because at that point they would slowly not be real living people anymore and only be slaves to his will.

He had preached about freedom to his people within his Empyrean and he meant it.

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