Chapter 111: V.2-C.12│Leaving the Order II│
After some time spent on Naboo with Padme and Aayla, they all had to return to their duties. If only it was for the time being, as Anakin will be preparing himself and others within the Order to leave.
Of course they may try to stop him, but forcefully? He thinks not.
The Jedi may be many things but they have restricted his movement and capability to be free to the minimum requirements when it comes to him or others. His restrictions were all in compliance with their rules and he didn't mind loosely following them.
The Clone Wars are the beginning of the end of the Republics millennium long peace.
A strange but happy little incident that occurs as a result of the Republics occupation of Geonosis was that they would be unable to hold it for long. Anakin knew that they didn't have the capacity or the economy to sustain it, which means it would be all his once they left.
The Empyrean would then finally be able to secure its hyperspace lines from every spatial dimension surrounding the seat of the Empyrean, Tatooine.
Once this does happen though, he would probably have to contest Count Dooku or Dooku's droid maker, Poggle, for the planet. He is sure however that it would come under his control no matter what Dooku says.
This would harshly make the CIS's army smaller and smaller, significantly impacting the result of the war. Not unless Sidious or Dooku has some other plan or design to get around this flaw when it shows up.
For now however he will have to wait.
Within the Jedi Order, one interesting thing of note took place. The elevation of another Jedi Master to the High Council was done. It was just a replacement for a master that was taking a step down from the position.
There was a few things to do within the Order, top among them was going into the Jedi archives, downloading every piece of information. Uploading the multiple holocrons, Jedi and otherwise from within the temples walls and the slow sow of dissent from within to create chaos.
He didn't want to just leave, that would leave no impact. With no impact, alot of the Jedi wanting to leave would be kept to the minimum amount and those who were both willing to leave and join a new Order are even fewer.
The more that left, the better for him. He would soon be advertising by creating rumors of another group of Force-sensitives that have created an Order, an organization within the Empyrean, that didn't hold the exact same views of the Jedi.
Of course not everyone would even want to join the Order, and those that left would be much more to go on about their own business.
The indoctrination of the Jedi Order was quite strong and while Anakin has greatly affected those very close to him, the younglings he has taught and a few others he has interacted with him, it would still be hard.
At least he was ok within the knowledge that Aayla, Shaak, Barriss and Ahsoka would leave with him when the time would come. He had already briefed all four of them on what is going to happen, and out of the four the only one that was most hesitant was Shaak.
He would have to confront her about it later.
Then there was the rest of the Order, which would heavily mess up with the sequence of events because if he links this back with him takin over Geonosis to stop the mass production of droids for the CIS, it could affect the war as well.
'Wait a minute, if I take over Geonosis, I weaken the CIS in the long term. If I take some of the Jedi with me to the Empyrean, I would weaken the Jedi who would become the generals within the war.' Anakin thought to himself.
That is right, as Anakin picks apart from the things he wants and discards the rest because he is a picky eater, he would get the best bits and potentially none of the disadvantages. This would set him up better than Sidious and prepare him for what is to come.
Which would no doubt be four main threats, the CIS, the Republic to-be turned Galactic Empire, the Hutt's and the Yuuzhan Vong.
As Anakin thinks about it, these are the main external threats but he knows about some internal problems where it would seem some individuals dislike the propaganda done by the living droids and now propaganda done by his citizens as well. It was actually ridiculous and if Anakin could he would try and harvest their spiritual faith based energies, if there were any.
Sadly, if he wanted to experiment with an idea like this, he needs to rapidly develop his spiritual plane. His heavenly dimension originally to be created just for his droids but now has expanded into a full on gangsters paradise.
He had on occasion started visiting the Hell dimension looking into the way it worked and started to pull within the Force and create his own dimension. He has only started this process however and those who die and are only minorly connected to him through the super serum, created through advanced Sith alchemy cannot ascend just yet.
So his followers of whom were dying, which are few and far between but he cant exactly stop the advancement of age for everyone, now can he. Maybe.
That was besides the point however, he wanted to create a paradise. So a paradise he would create, but for now it was developing and from what he could tell, the absorption of the energy known as the Force was speeding up the progress. Another factor was its spiritual connection to him, indicating his sole ownership of this spiritual space.
He also thought back to his other ideas, more specifically his idea to recreate the eastern aspects of cultivation within his previous life as there was some connections between the Force and those aspects. He would become a young Chinese master, no it would be more appropriate to call him at this point, the leader of the sect.
He had been experimenting with midi-chlorian manipulation and with the energy-field of the Force, to see if he should do what he wanted. Then there was the scientific aspects of trying to edit the structure of midi-chlorians, where he had to create a super-virus with the intent purpose in being able to edit midi-chlorians.
This was super dangerous as if anything goes wrong he could completely disconnect himself from the Force it he wasn't careful. He would be free but at what cost?
The cost would be his connection to the girls but also his abilities within the Force, but the most important aspect was the connection. His abilities within the Force could be replicated through other methods.
There were species within the star wars expanded universe capable of using psychic abilities regardless of Force-sensitivity and they usually had gotten this traits as a result of evolution. Meaning that there were other ways to become more powerful if he really wanted too but his current physical and mental capabilities are already well above the rest.
Another thing to take into consideration is if he changes his midi-chlorians so to speak and upgrade them, was if he could change them back into the original cellular makeup and structure. He would probably be capable of this, as if he could change it he should also be able to change it back as well.
'That isn't how evolution usually works, but whatever.' Anakin thought to himself.
"Youngling Tano. Come to see me, you have?" Yoda spoke as Ahsoka had come to consult with Yoda again.
"When am I to get a master?" She had not been chosen and she knew it was for a specific reason, withheld from her. No master would take her but that didn't mean she failed as she was told specifically she would have one.
"Your teacher shall be Master Skywalker." Yoda answered her question.
Her eye lit up. "Really?" Even though she was aware of Anakin leaving and she would go with him as well, that didn't mean she was immune to some things, like excitement of becoming his student just as Barriss was.
Yoda had felt it was time for Anakin to take on another apprentice and was going to forcefully give him one, one that he would accept and not go back on as there were many offers that he had turned down before.
Many prospective younglings ready to be taught by the very best but he had declined them, it was only after Barriss was Knighted that Yoda sensed it was time for him to accept another student. Even though he had not been accepting, Yoda knew he wouldn't refuse this little Togruta's request.
To officially become Anakin's student before she left the Order with him was Ahsoka's goal. She wanted to acknowledged for her efforts by him and because of her insistence she was to be rewarded. Of course she didn't know that Anakin wasn't looking to accept a student because he knew he would be leaving the Order, but if it is Ahsoka he probably wouldn't mind accepting her publicly as his.
Humming to himself, but out loud, Yoda replies. "Yes, strong within the Force you are. Midi-chlorians higher than my own Skywalker is, the same applies for you."
The Jedi do standardized tests to see a students Force-sensitivity but it isn't always done and Ahsoka's was such a case. It had come to the Councils attention that Master Skywalker along with other ladies was close to the youngling Tano and because of this had her tested.
The results were quite staggering as she tested even higher within the Force than Yoda as well, but not to the same exaggerated extent as Anakin. He is the 'Chosen One,' after all.
"So, I will become strong just like Ani?" Yoda did think it was strange and he had his suspicions as to why the girls were so attached. He knew of the boys strangely compelling aura, and he tried to link that back to a Jedi once heard about some time ago.
She would instinctively be able to rally the support of people subconsciously because of her natural Force abilities related to empathy, emotions and the mind. Maybe young Skywalker didn't know as well, that he had something like this.
Yoda knew that Anakin had some secrets, but everyone has and didn't want to pry to much as it didn't seem like anything against the Order or its code. Maybe, they were harsh in their initial judgement of the boy, but that was things of the past and it seemed like he had moved on.
What Yoda didn't know however was that Anakin did move on, no, in fact he didn't move on at all. He wasn't at the Jedi's location in this instance and always had his mind for himself, those he cared about and the people within his empire.
Luckily the Jedi would both be getting some help but unluckily get some damage done by Anakin in the future through the war.
"Perhaps. but time, dedication and effort to your future training you must have." Yoda stated.
"Thank you, Master Yoda! You dont know what you have done." Ahsoka gave her thanks and because of her feelings of gratitude she decided she would reveal something to Yoda that wouldn't harm anyone.
Especially since this secret had long been abandoned and was no longer use for Anakin. "There is an entranceway going deep down into the temple. There you will find an abandoned ancient Sith temple." Ahsoka said before getting up and leaving leaving Yoda behind confused.
Ahsoka had revealed this because Anakin had already moved everything of importance out of the base he had made for himself underneath. It didn't have any sort of purpose for him anymore and being it didn't serve a purpose it would be disposed of.
Since the Jedi might want to learn of something like this, Ahsoka told Yoda this piece of information as thanks that she would later on have to give a edited recount of events leading upto its discovery. Since she was the one to tell them of this, she would have to create the lie.
"Wait! Padawan Ahsoka!" Yoda called out to her to stop.
"Yes!" Ahsoka beamed from lekku to lekku at the address Yoda had called her by. She was no longer a youngling but a padawan. An apprentice and to someone she admired and loved a great deal as well.
"Come with me you must. Sith temple beneath, tell me and the Council you will." Yoda said in a tone of exasperation and seriousness to make sure that Ahsoka knew of the severity of such a claim.
Ahsoka was unfazed however and is just happy. "Sure, Master Yoda. I can do that." She was still smiling, like a baby that had gotten its favorite candy.
Ahsoka would then go one to explain to the Council members about the base hidden underneath, they would explore the Sith temple and discover the vergence present within the Force here that was blocking their foresight.
This in combination with other events would make Sidious more cautious as now the Jedi would be aware of what had been hampering with their foresight based abilities. They may not be able to deal with this dark side vergence, but that wouldn't matter because as thanks, Anakin would absorb the vergence into himself to further increase his pull within the Force.
His power, strength and radiant energies.
They wouldn't know of this event but it would be done before he left. Again, Anakin has gotten alot from the Jedi and it would be unkind of him to not at least him them out a little with their problem.
"I am back." Anakin stated as he entered the Jedi temple with Aayla on his arm. Luckily there was no one else around as they would be either, at least suspicious of such behavior and at most outraged that they would be so bold to act like lovers within the season of spring.
"No, it is we are back." Aayla supplied as she still incredibly happy after recent events and now that she had Anakin to herself, she would be able to come on to him. She didn't want it to be on Coruscant because she wasn't ready and she appreciated that Anakin knew that.
Now however, she thought to herself about when it would happen. Id she didn't supply that she was, then it would never come because although lustful and greedy, Anakin was very compassionate and had a great deal of temperance.
His self control was so exemplary that she wondered if he had decided to just become a Jedi and follow through completely with the doctrine, would he ever be swayed?
"So what do you think we will be doing then?" Anakin had a smirk on his face as he saw the look within Aayla's eyes and felt the conflict within their bond.
"I-I dont know..." She whispered with a shy expression.
"Lets go to my room then, there are all sorts of protections in place to stop intruders." Anakin said knowing that she was in the mood and wanted it. Desired it more than ever and if he didn't do anything now, it would be a while yet before he would get another chance.
Not that it would be all that long, it just meant that mentally and emotionally she wouldn't be ready again if he just rejected her advances continuously. It would only make her feel inadequate which would only become more of a problem as time passed.
Aayla just nodded and answered with a whisper. "O-Ok." She cutely stammered.