Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 109: V.2-C.10│Battle of Geonosis IV│

"My Empress, here is the weekly report." Grievous had come into the throne room and presented the data he had collected to Shmi.

"General Grievous." Shmi greeted before continuing. "Has there been anymore news about what is going on between the CIS and the Republic." She asked.

"Empress, there has been some news, but it isn't between the CIS and Republic. The Prince has negotiated with the CIS and has managed to reach an non-aggression pact agreement." Grievous replied. "The CIS, or at least the current leader of the CIS has promised to make sure the Trade Federation is dissolved."

"That is good." Shmi nods her head as inwardly she thinks to herself. 'That is very good. The Trade Federation had messed with my sons life before and now is my chance to further destroy them. On a side note they have also messed with Padme, so it would only be right if we take something as compensation.'

"There are others things, my Empress." Grievous continued.

"You may continue." Shmi prompted Grievous.

"We have successfully expanded the reaches of the Empyrean outwards and our control over the surrounding space and hyperspace lanes have come under our control." Grievous said. "Another to add is the completion of the Stargates, as now this will allow us reduce the costs of travelling. There is something bothering me however."

"What is it?" Shmi asked.

"There is a group of radicals within the empire that wish to have you overthrown from your position." Grievous said.

"Did they say why?" She asked.

"They believe that you and the subsequent connection to Anakin is eroding their ability to be free. Even though they are very few within the Empyrean, it is still troublesome as they started destroying small businesses of our citizens." Grievous says.

Frowning, Shmi says. "They believe that myself and Ani included somehow have restricted them? I want to have them brought to me in chains to discuss what has happened. Also make sure to send the necessary resources and money for those harmed."

"Yes, your majesty." Grievous bows before adding one more thing. "Another thing, Empress, is that the radical movement heavily dislikes the religion created by the living droids which has now spread out and the citizens of the Empyrean participate in."

"So it was the religion that was making them feel this way?" Sha asked.

"No Empress. They hate the religion because they believe it to be an affront to their own views. Just as they are a few, I have gathered that there is even a few of the few which have created a cult of their own, preaching about how Anakin is the devil." Grievous reported.

Now Shmi was frowning heavily but quickly covered up this look as it was quite scary. Even Grievous felt scared and she wasn't even Force-sensitive and he genuinely feared for his life there. "Grievous, you will bring these people to me. Without fail." She asked 'politely,' but there was this aura around her that couldn't be mistaken.

"Y-Yes, your majesty. I will get right on it straight away. I will uproot these corrupt and foul individuals for even daring to go against the Empress or the Prince." Grievous replied while bowing.

"Good. You may leave now General." Shmi prompted Grievous to leave.

"Thank you, your majesty." He stayed bowed like an old Chinese imperial where they wouldn't dare look the Emperor in the eye. Just that this time it was Shmi and their culture was different from the imperial East of Anakin's previous life.

'Now to get back to other things.' Shmi thought to herself as she didn't really have much to do, given alot of the administrative work could be taken care of by the artificial intelligence installed by Anakin.

He had done it with the express purpose of making her life easier as the leader of an empire while he is still attached to the Jedi Order.

With everything going to plans and that there was a small amount of descent with the Empyrean only went to show just how much power and control over the people Anakin or Shmi had. Not that they would abuse this power as there was no desire to do so.

Shmi also knew that she didn't want to or even stay within this position for some time. She had already been doing this for a few years now and thought to herself about having some form of break.

She is also excited about her Ani finally coming back to her, permanently. Why? Because sooner or later he would be leaving the Jedi Order, he had said so himself.

He told her all about the failings of the Jedi and failings of the Republic, which was slowly turning him more and more away from trying to help them. She knew he had done much but sometimes there are some things one couldn't change.

Maybe if they tried to take over the Republic but that is along ways off for now considering everyone else involved.

Shmi also thought about another topic. 'When Ani gets back, I can finally start arranging for him to meet a few females, maybe one of them could get along well with Ani.' That is correct, she wanted Anakin to have some sort of romantic partner. 'Or... There were those other girls that had come looking for him, but they were Jedi and I am unsure if they are willing to leave the Order with him.'

She then continued inwardly. 'Then again, all three did come looking for him very worried.'

"What can I say? My son seems to be quite the charmer." Shmi said to herself out loud as she giggled to herself thinking about the prospect of having some grandchildren to keep her occupied once the Empyreans succession is over.


It was sunset and the golden hues of Coruscant gave off quite the view from where the Jedi were standing.

Obi-Wan having returned alongside Yoda and Mace where the three of them are within a room. Qui-Gon was also present to see what was happening as he was away on a mission himself, and that was why he wasn't present to help the Jedi rescue Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon had been briefed as well about what had happened on Geonosis and was thus within the room with the three.

"Do you believe what Count Dooku said about Sidious controlling the senate?" Obi-Wan questioned those within the room. "It doesn't feel right."

"Joined the dark side Dooku has. Lies, deceit, creating distrust are his ways now." Yoda spoke up here.

"Surely Master Yoda that isn't true." Qui-Gon said as he couldn't exactly believe that Dooku had joined the dark side. He was in denial.

"Your former master, aligned with the dark he is. Doubt the Jedi you do?" Yoda asked.

"It is not that I disagree with those eye witness accounts, it is just that I feel I should have been there myself to know truly whether or not it has become like this."

"Forget you do. Dooku's master I was once." Yoda spoke to Qui-Gon.

"Nevertheless. I feel we should keep a close eye on the senate." Mace stated after their brief exchange.

"I agree." Yoda agreed with Mace's judgement.

"Where is Anakin anyway?" Qui-Gon asked not knowing where he was.

Obi-Wan answered. "Last I heard was that he was on his way to Naboo with a few other Jedi as well. Escorting the Senator, Amidala back home."

"Who did he go with?" Mace questioned.

"The usual people that he hangs around. Or is it they hang around him." Obi-Wan said.

"Do you mean Master's Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura? From what I know, Anakin's former padawan, Barriss Offee, has already returned to the temple." Qui-Gon said.

"Yes, it was Master's Secura and Ti." Obi-Wan confirmed.

"Strange their closeness with each other is." Yoda said. "Much kept secret Skywalker has."

Qui-Gon spoke in Anakin's defense. "Well, Master Yoda you cant believe Anakin would be doing anything wrong here?"

"Evidence of misconduct, we do not have. Suspicions I do have." Yoda said. "Upheld the Jedi code at several point, yes. But in disagreement he is with the Order. Wonder why I do."

Mace spoke here. "While Anakin was quite the mischievous student, he has matured a great deal."

Humming Yoda agreed. "Yes, correct you are. Master Skywalker seemed close to the senator I saw. A ladies man, perhaps?"

"You joke Master Yoda." Obi-Wan said. "Another thing was the battle."

"What about the battle?" Mace questioned.

"I have to admit that without the clones, it would not have been a victory." Obi-Wan stated.

"Victory?" Yoda exclaimed. "Victory, you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has."


After Yoda's declaration we rejoin with the absolute mass amount of clones being dropped off on the planet of Coruscant. All at attention and ready to recieve their orders for what will happen next.

Boarding ships, they start marching in formation.

Perfect synchronization, perfect unity and cohesion as every single one of the clones, faceless with masks march to whatever destination they may end up in. Thousands of clones, dozens of ships, all under the reddening golden hue under the rays of the sun of Coruscant.

Palpatine along with many of his supporters and close aids, allies, or those he would consider pawns gather around to watch the terrible magnificence of the clone army before them.

"Magnificent, isn't it." Palpatine states as Bail Organa is also there alongside others to view the absolute madness that is the clone army.

"I wouldn't say magnificent, but it is definitely something to be impressed by. Even though I wholeheartedly disagree with what is happening and like the idea of peaceful negotiations, it would seem that, Chancellor Palpatine, the senate agrees with your decision." The young Bail Organa said.

"It is with great regret that this may be so. Unfortunately desperate times sometimes calls for desperate measures." Palpatine of course still fakes still sympathetic nature but inwardly is cheering that his plans are becoming better.

His designs are finishing faster and his time as an emperor is fast approaching.

"You would have to forgive me, as I disagree but a vote has been cast." Bail Organa said but inwardly he knew that this decision would lead down a more corrupt path. Being close to the Chancellor would only benefit him however, so he mustn't be in too much opposition if at all.

"I love democracy." Palpatine added. "That is why when this is all over, my new powers will be relinquished. How could I not do this for the good of the Republic?"


Back on Naboo, Anakin, Padme, Aayla and Shaak were within another area, another room that gave privacy to the four as they all discussed the weirdness of the situation.

"So what you are telling me is that you three, or more specifically, you two are connected to him and vice versa." Padme said.

"Yes." Anakin answered while Shaak just stayed silent and Aayla nodded her head.

"This connection is only established when two people are compatible with each other, through the Force and this basically means you guys are something like soulmates." Padme says.

The other three just nod as Padme continues.

"Because of this bond, and because it is a special one, and due to the nature of how Anakin seemingly has more than one 'soulmate,' this means that he will have some sort of harem." Padme said as well, feeling slightly jealous at the prospect at first.

Now after calming down and thinking about the situation, it seemed perfectly natural for something like this to happen. 'Well, maybe not perfectly natural but it is not like the galaxy outlaws polyamory or polygamous relationships....' Padme was making up excuses within her mind as she was blinded by love.

Not that being with this type of relationship was that bad to begin with, it was just it was against Padme's sensibilities and she didn't have a few years to get used to the idea just like Aayla, Shaak or Barriss did.

"Aayla and Anakin are officially within a relationship as lovers, Shaak and Anakin are not in a relationship of sorts but are slowly getting there while it is the same with this other girl I have not meet yet." Padme said before continuing. "Wait dont let me forget yet another on Tatooine."

"Yes." Anakin nodding again seemingly having no shame at all. He had come to terms with who he is a long time ago and was not going to apologize for it. If Padme didn't want to join then that was her decision, not his.

His greed only kicked in when Aayla truly became his, meaning that he wouldn't let anyone else have her accept him. Whether that be while she is alive, in death or in another life. She would remain his forever.

The same would apply to the others once they have the courage to enter into a relationship with him as well.

"Padme, I know how this seems. I know that it makes me scum but that doesn't mean I dont treasure your feelings for me, it also doesn't mean I dont treasure the feelings of those around me either." Anakin began.

"Just know that if you dont want to-" Anakin was cut off however as Padme had just leapt into his arms and started making out with him while the other two girls were there.

After doing so she just stays embraced within his arms. "I dont care, I love you and that should be more than enough."

Padme then decides to drop a bomb on Anakin and the other two girls. "Lets get married."

"Huh?" Confusion abound, everyone was quite flabbergasted at what had just been said. Not even Anakin was expecting for this to happen.

"My reasoning for such a decision is because Aayla here seems like she is not ready to take the next step, so I will become your first wife." Padme smiles brightly and Aayla reacts by standing up.

"No! I am his first lover, his first girlfriend. You cant just steal that from me!" Aayla exclaims.

"I thought a Jedi couldn't get married?" Padme conveniently leaves out Anakin from this equation not taking him to be a Jedi given he had already told her about what he is to do in the future.

The two continued to go back and forth before they both settled down. Anakin didn't interfere with their little dispute as it wasn't really his place to talk here, and he didn't want to redirect their anger at himself.

He does get a little mentally drained from this however as he decides to end this once and for all. "Ok. Since everyone here seems to be against my marriage with one of you, I have decided that I will marry you both. Aayla, will you be my wife and Padme, will you also be my wife?"

Aayla and Padme look at each other here and as if in agreement, both nod at the same time before both saying. "Yes!"

"Then it is settled then." Anakin sighs while Shaak just sits there awkwardly having witnessed the entire event and while she may dislike where this was going, even feeling a little jealous herself, she doesn't say anything.

She knew sooner or later she would cave and decide to full heartedly love Anakin with all her heart, that is if she didn't already and was in denial.

"I am glad this is over, we can have the ceremony here in the morning." Anakin stated getting straight to the point not intending to delay something like this.

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