Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 101: V.2-C.2│Attack of the Clones II│

'It would seem that the Captain, Typho has more then enough people stationed downstairs.' Anakin though to himself as he was still within the room where he and Padme had reacquainted themselves with each other.

While Anakin had said he was going to check everywhere by himself, it was easy enough for him to locate everyone within the building.

His senses within the Force had gotten a massive upgrade after going down into Hell, coming out with an ability the Jedi and Sith wouldn't like, either because it is against the way of the light or was simply far too much powerful within the hands of one person for the Sith.

It was currently within the Night Cycle of Coruscant and Anakin had just been sitting here awaiting for what would happen next.

While the original Padme may have not liked being watched through some cameras, it would seem that she didn't mind Anakin keeping an eye on her. She had not covered the cameras up and he was the only one with access to what was happening from within the room.

He also had seen R2 again, the droid had been programmed to also alarm him of anything suspicious that may happen.

Padme actually felt incredibly safe under his watch and not creeped out at all, given she had been intently keeping an eye out for him it would seem she was at least no hypocrite in this sense.

Within Padme's room a floating droid at her window was acting very suspicious. It created an opening for itself to unleash some centipede like creatures, and once released they were starting to go towards the slumbering Padme.

R2 activated itself from its own form of sleep to look around the room, but the centipedes were smart enough to hide from the astromech.

However before they could get too close to her or even crawl upon her body, Anakin entered the room with his lightsaber ignited and killed off the two centipedes. In doing so however he doesn't awaken Padme because he made sure to be as quiet as possible.

Knowing that the droid outside will start to make its move and run away, Anakin used Mechu-Deru on it to completely take control over its system.

He allowed it to continue on its way so he could follow it towards its master.

After doing so and seeing it start to get away, he rushed down through the building and informed Typho of the assassination attempt but also said that Padme was still asleep so as to not disturb her.

Getting into a ship he begins to chase after the droid discreetly. In doing so he has to dodge and weave through all of the other people still driving throughout the night cycle of Coruscant.

Seeing just up ahead, Anakin sees the woman assassin collect her droid and get into her ship, rapidly trying to escape because she doesn't know whether or not she has succeeded. It is always better to make haste than waste your time sitting around to hear of the results, as people could already be out looking for her it she has failed.

In fact people would look even if she had succeeded.

While she was escaping though, Anakin was stealthily on her tail, knowing that she would lead him to his prize.

Performing all sorts of maneuvers that would be deemed and is illegal within the traffic lanes of Coruscant both pursuer and pursuant continue the chase with the assassin now aware of her hunter.

As they continued downwards, eventually the two crafts came across an area that seemed to be some sort of power generator. The assassin went through some power couplings and tried to get Anakin to go through it but this energy wouldn't harm him at all.

His bodies natural defenses excluding his Nanosuit and the Force, would be able to tank a high level of voltage. The assassin goes up and pulls into another area, which was a tunneled airway with various channels.

Anakin decides to allow the assassin their short reprieve given she would still lead him to where he wants her too and decides to take another way around.

Anakin comes to a stop amongst an intersection, various intersections in fact as there are multiple layers upon layers. He awaits his chance to go down and land on the woman ship, but before that he uses Mechu-Deru on the speeder he is on.

He doesn't want to cause any undue harm now just because he is having a little fun, he tasks one of his thought processes to fully control the speeder.




He jumps down and as he does so, he avoids multiple flying cars that would have crashed into him very narrowly but it looked as if everything was within his control.

He lands smoothly not alerting the woman at all of his presence but that doesn't last long as he intends to land her and the ship she is piloting. He turned on one side of his dual-saber and a blue blade appeared alerting the woman inside.

She tries various maneuvers to make him budge but he doesn't move a muscle, even without the Force he could physically hold on with extreme agility and still be unimpeded by the movement.

Disabling the ship and using the Force to usurp her weapon she was now defenseless and the speeder was going down. Using the Force, Anakin redirects the vessel so it doesn't do any harm to those it may have landed on and hops off as it crashes.

As Anakin lands, if he didn't land properly or used the Force to aid himself he wouldn't be hurt at all and maybe even a small crater would have been made by the impact. His body is extremely strong after all, and all this weight was easy to manipulate and move through the use of his upgraded Nanosuit power armor and bodily genetic modifications.

The woman exits the craft and she starts to run with Anakin leisurely chasing behind her.

The woman enters a club and he comes to a stop knowing that it would be hard- 'Who am I kidding it would be incredibly easier to identify her.' Anakin thought to himself as he entered.

Anakin decided that he should get a drink himself, he may not be all that interested in alcohol but that doesn't mean he shouldn't enjoy the benefits of his condition. He can drink all the alcohol he likes and he would probably never get inebriated.

An alien creature speaks to him after getting a drink. "Wanna buy some death sticks?"

"Nah, I'm good." Anakin replied not bothering to do the same thing Obi-Wan did but he does add. "I think it would be best that you dont sell that stuff anymore, and also not use it yourself."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" The alien snaps back sharply.

"It is just a suggestion, you can do whatever you want with your life and it is not my decision whether or not you continue to do what you do." Anakin replied calmly.

"Eh, whatever." The alien walks away a little disgruntled and instead of being forced to change, he was given the choice to change himself.

Anakin should have little sway on a person actions and decisions, they are their own but that doesn't mean he was unwilling to let them go off without trying to reconsider their position. However not everyone wants their flaws brought up into their faces so directly.

After grabbing and takin a drink, Anakin decides to walk around to lure out the assassin.

As he does so, various women of compatible species give him various looks ranging from mild interest to full on seductive gazes. He cant exactly be conspicuous in this environment given he has some rather unique features even among other species.

It is now common for someone to be so tall and have a prestigious outfit, which was secretly his Nanosuit infused power armor, walking around.

He identified the woman, which was in fact a changeling and easily incapacitated her. He didn't have to chop her hand off which was customary amongst the galaxy but he didn't knock the changeling out.

He needed some valid reason to hunt down the bounty hunter and getting information by tacking down the assassin was considered valid. Of course he could simply just not do this and waste his time but that would be too suspicious.

No it is always better to have some modicum of truth when it comes to lying.

Lies are easier to believe when there was some truth within said lie but that doesn't make it perfect, it just makes it easier for him to continue to go under the radar as a simple but powerful Jedi.

The crowd is stunned at his actions but he just says it is Jedi business before easily lifting the changeling and carrying them outside.

"Do you know who who you were trying to kill?" Anakin questions the changeling.

"It was a Senator from Naboo." The changeling replied.

"Who hired you?" He continued.

"It was just a job." Instead of grunting in pain or being silent in agony, the changeling was able to reply only slightly out of breath due to being knocked out so suddenly then reawakened.

"I will ask again, this will be your last chance to answer. Who hired you?" Anakin said in an ominous tone making sure the changeling knew it was in a whole heap of trouble.

"I-It was a bounty hunter called-" Before the changeling could finish its sentence a dart was fired and Anakin knowing this was going to happen didn't stop it given he had looked into the other the mind of the changeling and saw what others jobs it had accepted.

'Death is a more suitable choice for you...' He thought silently to himself as looked away from the now dead changeling and stared at Jango Fett as he flew off.

The assassin then said something as it died. "Wee shahnit... sleemo." Anakin doesn't care enough to hold the person and let it die, leaving the being dead there on the cold ground outside of a club.


"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan." Yoda says as Anakin had reported the situation to the Council and it would seem that the Council wanted Obi-Wan, who had originally tracked down Jango to take on this mission.

"Most importantly, find out who he is working for." Mace continued.

"I am to assume that I am to resume protecting the Senator?" Anakin questions.

"You are to escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo, it would seem she has requested you presence in particular." Mace said while talking to his apprentice now full grown. "She will be safer there, and dont use registered transport. Travel as refugees."

"As the leader of the opposition it would be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital." Anakin says waiting for their response even though he could always find a way to convince her.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgement she must respect." Yoda says with finality.

"Anakin, you could go to the senate and ask the Chancellor Palpatine to help convince her about this matter." Mace gives a suggestion instead of outright telling him what to do.

"I think that would be a good option." Anakin and Obi-Wan both bow as they are now dismissed with their own missions to go on.

Anakin has now met up with Palpatine and he seems to have alot to say to him given that Palpatine has not had such a large influence, at least not directly on his life so far. Palpatine would take this opportunity to try and further his own desires.

"I will talk with her." Palpatine says as Anakin faces him behind his desk instead of being up close and personal. "Senator Amidala will not refuse an executive order. I know her well enough to assure you of that."

"Thank you, Chancellor." Anakin replies politely but didn't address him in any other matter implying any closeness between the two.

"If you dont mind me asking, it would seem that the Jedi are quite proud of having a fine prestigious, talented and young Jedi Master such as yourself. Is it true you rejected becoming apart of the Jedi High Council?" Palpatine just had to ask to satiate his curiosity to try and plant some seeds of doubt it there weren't any already.

"Yes, Chancellor. I did turn down the position offered to me." Anakin answered.

"Interesting... and here I thought that becoming apart of the Jedi Council would be something all aspirant Jedi wish to strive and achieve. You are much like one of your masters, Qui-Gon Jinn, I do believe his name was." Palpatine continued.

"I have been told that I take some traits from him." Anakin replied to imply he was still listening within the conversation they were having.

"Yes, yes, from what I have heard. Some rumors here and there, mind you, is that you are quite talented and I do believe that you have great potential. It is not only I who hold you in high esteem given your skills, and in fact here many believe you to be able to surpass Master Yoda in the future." Palpatine was trying to make Anakin have a favorable impression of himself.

Palpatine continued. "I see you becoming the most powerful Jedi ever, Anakin... Oh? Sorry, if you may forgive me, but may I call you Anakin. Only if you dont mind of course."

Anakin played a passive role in this conversation and let the Chancellor continue to waste his time. "Of course, Chancellor, I wouldn't mind you addressing me as such."

"Of course, of course, I would only do so in private if we ever have the chance to meet more in the future...." Palpatine added. "I will of course get right on to the task of making sure Senator Amidala goes with you. I cant have her dead now, it would be such a great tragedy."

"I believe then that I shall also be taking my leave." Anakin says as he gets up to leave.

Before he goes however, Palpatine makes sure to add. "Please, do be sure to visit more often. I quite enjoy the talks we have between the two of us, and I do believe we would make such great friends."

"Ill be sure to keep this in mind. Once again, thank you, Chancellor in your assistance." Anakin bows before Palpatine adds yet another clause.

"There is no need my friend, for you to continue to call me as the Chancellor, please just call me Sheev, it is my first name and not many people use it. Being a politician sure makes making friends quite hard." Palpatine says faking some melancholy.

"I will also keep this in mind." Anakin leaves before Palpatine can get anymore words in.

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