Chapter 102: V.2-C.3│Attack of the Clones III│
"I am taking an extended leave of absence. It will be your responsibility to take my place in the senate." Padme was speaking while Anakin was waiting for her to finish up. "Representative Binks, I know I can count on you."
"Mesa honored to be taking on dissa heavy burden." Jar-Jar replied before continuing. "Mesa accept this with muy, muy humility and..." Jar-Jar seemed unsure of himself and was trying his hardest to be cordial and polite, following in line with the social norms and etiquette within a political setting.
"Jar-Jar, I dont wish to hold you up. I am sure you have a great deal to do." Padme interrupted him before he has an aneurism.
"Of course." Jar-Jar responds. "Milady." Jar-Jar briefly but politely bows before heading off in his own direction.
Padme looks over to her protector and moves over towards him, even though she likes Anakin, that doesn't mean she doesn't have other things to separate herself from him. "I do not like this idea of hiding."
"I can sense you dont like the situation we are in." Anakin responds.
"Obviously, captain obvious." Padme responds with some sass.
"Woah, Senator, if I didn't know any better I would say that you are being quite emotional and I understand. Who would like it when their life is targeted." Anakin replies. "I only hope to put your worries at ease, as the Jedi Council has seen the benefit to seeking and following the tracks of your mysterious attacker."
"I am sure you are familiar with the Obi-Wan Kenobi, yes?" Anakin continues with a question.
"I am, but that is not the point. I haven't worked for a year to defeat the Military Creation Act to not be here when its fate is decided." Padme said with heat but not actually angry at Anakin, no she is angered with the situation.
"Sometimes we must let go of our pride, and do what is requested of us. Of course that doesn't mean that what is requested of us is always correct but sometimes the situation requires a little patience." Anakin said.
"Ani, you've grown up. It is not like I haven't seen that you have but what you are saying is quite wise. It is no wonder you have become a Jedi Master at such a young age." Padme feigns not knowing much about him when she clearly knew more.
"No, you humble me. I still have much to learn, at least I believe I do but I also believe there is more to life then what is within the Jedi." Anakin states.
Raising an eyebrow, she questions as she continues to pack. "You are unsatisfied with the Jedi?"
"Not dissatisfaction, but I see flaws within the Order. Flaws that could lead to disastrous consequences if left unchecked and no matter what I do, it would seem that I am unable to sway its current direction." He told her of his concerns.
"I am sure that you could do something, I have been within the senate for a few years now and have seen my fair share of downs." Padme leaves off before continuing. "But I believe that there is much hope in the rekindling of democracy. I have alot of faith in the Chancellor."
"I suggest that you dont heavily rely on the Chancellor's opinions." Anakin replies deciding to try and change her way of thinking when it comes to Palpatine, but he would have to do this slowly because she might reveal his thoughts about Palpatine to him inadvertently.
"You dont believe the Chancellor has the best interests of the people at heart?" Padme was curious to why Anakin felt this way and didn't immediately reject such a notion.
He had after all not really helped her when it came to the engagement between the two, in fact she would have said that he actually enabled this unfair agreement of selling her off. Not that she disliked Anakin, she liked... like alot, but that still didn't mean she liked the way everything was going.
"As you are a politician yourself, I am sure you are aware of the diplomacy and intrigue that happens." Anakin said in a leading tone.
"Yes, I am." Padme confirmed having finished packing her luggage and they continued their talk all the way to their destination.
"Well..." Anakin then went on to explain the current political climate, at least from his view from within the Republic and the Jedi. The ups and downs and the subtle corruption that was slowly but surely becoming more and more prominent.
He didn't point out Palpatine as the culprit but simply for now explained that there was more than what meets the eye when it came to the Chancellor and that she should keep that in mind.
Anakin had a decision to make himself, but had decided to just leave Jabitha to be used by the other girls. He didn't need her, not right now as he didn't need to get to anywhere with utmost haste.
His only duties right now are to protect Padme and he was more than capable enough of doing this by himself. He may have like the invisibility features that Jabitha could provide but it was unneeded.
Arriving on a shuttle, Anakin was seated within along with Padme, Typho and another woman. "Be safe, milady." Typho said as the three within had gotten up while Anakin was still seated.
"Thank you, captain." Padme responded. "Take good care of Dorme. The threats on you two now."
The woman now identified as Dorme says herself. "He'll be safe with me." Dorme smiles while looking at Typho before looking at Padme and shedding a small tear while trying to keep up a smiling face.
Padme looks to Dorme and says. "You'll be fine."
"Its not me, milady. I worry about you. What if they realize you've left the capital?" Dorme questioned Padme about her safety with alot of worry.
"Well, then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is." Padme says before getting ready to leave with Anakin.
As they were walking away, Padme couldn't help but add. "Suddenly, I am afraid..."
"Don't worry, I will be sure to provide you with safety." Anakin states.
"That's not what I am worried about." Padme says.
"We do have R2 with us, so if anything goes wrong R2 could fix things." Anakin says trying to brighten up the atmosphere.
"I am sure." Padme smiles at this as the both of them walk off into the distance.
"By the way, are you sure you had to dress up like this? We are supposed to be disguised as refugees after all."
"Oh!? That is right..." Padme seemed embarrassed at this. "Wait, how come you didn't notice as well, Master Jedi." She points her eyes towards him.
"This isn't on me, take some responsibility and own up to your forgetfulness... I am sure it doesn't matter anyway, as long as we get to Naboo safely, I am sure nothing could possibly go wrong." Anakin states knowing that stuff will most definitely go wrong, but she doesn't need to know that.
"I am sure..."
"Hey, you, no droids." One droid spoke to another, which was in fact R2 as Anakin and Padme were within the communal dining hall of the refugee transport ship both of them are on. "Get out of here." The droid said as R2 brought over the food it was tasked to get.
Wheeling over, R2 stops as Anakin and Padme were seated. "Thank you, R2." Padme said before continuing. "It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi, not being able to visit the places you like or do the things you like." While she though to herself. 'Or maybe see those who like you...'
Anakin just nods along while seeing she has something else to say.
Padme then continues after some hesitation. "Do you... remember that kerfuffle over the betrothal between..."
"The both of us?" Anakin finishes her sentence.
"Yes." Padme confirms.
"I am. I am wholly aware of the politics that went into it and I am also aware that if you had stayed as the Queen we may have gotten married." Anakin continues himself.
"Is that even allowed?" Padme questions. "I mean, are the Jedi even allowed to get married, to have a family... Are you even allowed to love? I had thought it was forbidden for a Jedi, but forgive me if I dont exactly understand why that would have been allowed."
"If you really are interested, I could give you a quick rundown of how the Jedi currently conduct themselves within the confines of their code." Anakin said.
"A code? Is this some agreement every Jedi is supposed to take?" Padme questioned.
"Yes, and referring back to your question about love, yes. I would say that the Jedi dislike the idea of love in a romantic sense because it creates an attachment." Anakin continued. "Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden but there is the clause of which the Jedi preach about compassion."
"Compassion is supposed to be central to the Jedi and their way of life, and alot of people would define that as unconditional love. So overall, it is complicated." Anakin finishes.
"You seem to be using language that separates yourself from the Jedi alot." Padme notices this discrepancy.
"Yes, I tend to be doing that more and more." Anakin for now dodges this question and continues. "You dont seem to be all that surprised however about the Jedi."
"Lets just say I have done some research into these things, especially after our incident." Padme replied. "You have changed from whence I last met you. You look so different now."
"Well, yes, I have. When looking at you, I would say you haven't changed at all, well, maybe a little." Anakin said which drew Padme's interest.
"How so?" She was interested in why he thought so.
"You have grown older, yes but the beauty that I remember seeing from all those years ago remains." Anakin smiles.
"W-Well... How kind of you, I am faltered." Padme blushed a bit, but was unable to dully hide it even with the makeup she had on.
The transport ship has finally landed on Naboo after its short voyage.
"I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough." Padme said as Anakin was holding the luggage and they were walking. "I am not sure I was ready."
"The people you served thought you did a good job, why else would they elect you a second time. I believe that if you hadn't stepped down, and you hadn't changes the laws, they would have elected you for a third term." Anakin replied. "Didn't they even go so far as try and amend the constitution just so you would stay in office."
"I was relieved when my two terms were up." Padme said as they continued. "After the election of the new Queen, she had offered me the job of becoming the Senator." Padme continued. "When the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, I couldn't refuse her."
"Why was that?" Anakin questioned.
"I felt that I couldn't. It was just a feeling but I believe that I should and trusted in my instincts that this was the right decision." Padme replied.
"Admirable choice, I do think the Queen made the right decision as there would be no other Senator representative like you. The one thing I have to say though is that the life of a politician doesn't seem like a very safe one." Anakin said.
"I didn't know the full possibilities and responsibilities I was getting myself into either." Padme continued.
The two continued to converse for a while before getting Padme settled within the room she would be staying at before both of them went to meet up with the current Queen of Naboo.
"If the senate votes to create an army, I am sure it is going to push us into a civil war." Padme stated as Anakin was standing just behind and beside her.
They were within a meeting room, the current Queen along with Padme, Anakin and other council members of Naboo were present.
"It is unthinkable! There hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic." A councilman said within the room, outraged.
"Do you see any way through negotiations to bring the separatists back into the Republic?" The Queen directed her question to Padme.
She answers. "Not if they feel threatened. My guess is that they will turn to the Trade Federations or the Commerce Guilds for help." Before she continues with. "In fact, with the rise in value and economic wealth of the Empyrean, they might want to get some help from them as well." Padme briefly looks at Anakin as she says this.
"Its outrageous, but after four trials in the Supreme Court, Nute Gunray is still the Viceroy of the Trade Federation." The old councilman said before continuing. "I fear the senate is powerless to resolve this crisis."
The Queen says. "We must keep our faith in the Republic." She gets up and this prompts everyone else to get up as well as she approaches Padme and continuing to walk. "The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it."
Walking alongside the Queen, Padme replies. "Lets pray that day never comes."
"In the meantime, we must consider your own safety." The Queen says before looking at Anakin.
The councilman asks Anakin. "What is your suggestion, Master Jedi?"
"Well..." Anakin begins only to be interrupted by Padme.
"That's ok, while I trust in the safety Master Skywalker here provides, I believe that it would be best if I use my own knowledge to the best that I can. I can't leave my fate up to the hands of others, now can I?" Padme says looking towards Anakin daring him to disagree.
"I think, milady, that perhaps that is a good idea, but wasn't that quite rude of you?" Anakin says feeling slightly slighted.
"I apologize if I made you feel like you were unneeded, in fact I need you immensely right now and your help is appreciated." Talk about domestics while around others.
"As you wish, milady." Anakin says as he just stares at the cheeky woman. 'You just wait, you will get yours...' He thought to himself as the conversation between everyone was over now and everyone went their separate ways.
Except Anakin whom had to stay near Padme alot during their time together, not the either he or she disliked this.