Chapter 100: V.2-C.1│Attack of the Clones I│
There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.
This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.
Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is returning to the Galactic Senate to vote on the critical issue of creating an ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC to assist the overwhelmed Jedi....
The year Anakin had turned 18 was a boring one, but now the plot was starting to pick up again and this would be the beginning of the clone wars. This year he was officially 19 years of age, not that it makes any difference but it does set the stage for a long but short series of events to come.
Barriss had finally been promoted to a Jedi Knight and now Anakin was free from his responsibilities as a teacher, well not really because Barriss still hung out with him most if not all the time.
His time would come as he has spoken with the Council and convinced him that if there was any mission concerning the former Queen of Naboo he would be tasked to do so.
Of course they were not suspicious at all, at least he didn't sense their suspicion and they might have hidden it well but that doesn't matter anyway.
'My time has come.' He thought to himself as he was within a meditative state reaffirming himself within the Force.
It took alot of effort to make sure he was still in balance, it wasn't something he could just achieve and then leave at the back of his mind. Patience was a key factor but just because he needed patience, that doesn't mean he was going to be patient all the time.
Sometimes you just had to rely on you instincts instead of thinking things over.
He does alot of thinking anyway when it comes to the safety of himself, his mother, his people and his girls.
Within a ship above Coruscant, its silver shine was especially prominent, it was guarded by several other smaller ships ensuring its safe arrival as it goes in for a landing.
"Senator, we are making our final approach onto Coruscant." Within the ship a guardsman had approached a woman and said this as she too was also guarded by others behind her.
"Very good lieutenant." The woman says as the lieutenant nods back with his own aid a little behind and beside him.
The lieutenant and the other turns around as the woman follows after them with some other cloaked figures surrounding her.
The ship was coming down during the day cycle of Coruscant as it didn't need to dock while during the night. Still guarded by other ships it hovers above the large and tall buildings as high or even higher than the clouds.
The ship was slowly moving in to dock itself and started to bring out its landing gear.
It lands and so does the smaller ships as well, there was a new guardsman who had an eye-patch covering his left eye alongside someone else and the enigmatic astromech droid, R2-D2.
"We made it." The unidentified eye-patched person says to the other pilot as someone was coming off of the greater silver ship. "I guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all."
As there were people coming off of the ship, it explodes in a blaze of fire and the two people that safely landed rushed over to the woman wearing an ornate white dress. Surprisingly enough the other pilot that was next to the eye-patched pilot was actually Padme.
Padme seemed panicked as she took off her helmet and got on her knees to better see the lady in the ornate dress. "Cordé."
"Milady, I'm so sorry." The woman now identified as Cordé said. "I failed you, Senator."
Padme distraught replies. "No." The woman dies in her arms.
The eye-patched man comes from behind Padme and says. "Milady, you are still in danger here." Padme slowly and reluctantly gets up as she stares at the woman.
"I shouldn't have come back." She says.
"This vote is very important. You did your duty. Cordé did hers. Now, come." The man says as Padme is till in shock over what had just happened.
Padme stands frozen as she tries to grapple with the situation. "Senator Amidala, please." The man says with urgency.
They start to leave the area and as they do another smaller explosion goes off as an aftereffect of the first. Both of them hurriedly leave the area with the astromech R2 following closely behind them.
After this event we meet back up with the Jedi who are actually within a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor.
Only some of the Jedi Masters of the Council and a few others were present, chief among these people were Yoda, Mace, Mundi and Plo-Koon.
"I dont know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends." Palpatine said to the Jedi. "More and more star systems are joining the Separatists."
"If they do break away..." Mace said before Palpatine interrupted him.
"I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two." Palpatine said with certainty. "My negotiations will not fail."
So blinded were the Jedi they could not see their enemy right in front of them, not even after all the effort Anakin had put into trying to change their way of thinking.
Mace says. "If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi's to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers."
"Master Yoda, do you think it would really come to war?" Inside Palpatine was chuckling with glee but on the outside he was calm, composed and had a slight look of sadness on his face as he asked this.
"The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is." Yoda said not really giving an answer because he heavily relied on the Force to tell him everything.
This would be apart of their downfall, their overreliance on the Force was quite pitiful and Anakin had made sure to at least teach those he could of the importance of critical thinking. Also the importance of seeing a situation as a whole to fully determine what may happen.
"The Loyalist committee has arrived, your honor." A hologram came through as they were talking and the alien spoke in his native tongue but everyone here could fully understand him.
"Good." Palpatine replies to the hologram. "Send them in." He gets up from his seat as he wishes to talk with this delegation. "We will discuss this matter more later." He said to the Jedi as they all got up to leave.
Yoda seeing Padme says. "Senator Amidala, your tragedy on the landing platform, terrible. Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart."
Padme unfazed by Yoda questions him. "Do you have any idea who is behind this attack?" She would be lying if she said she wasn't angry but she kept herself in check because lashing out on others for no reason but your own feelings is childish.
"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the Moon of Naboo." Mace says as he walks over.
"I think that Count Dooku was behind it." Padme had been having her suspicions about Dooku for a while now.
"He is a political idealist, not a murderer." Mundi had to add in defense of Dooku.
"You know milady, that Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone. Its not in his character." Mace replied as well in defense of Dooku's character.
"But, for certain Senator, in grave danger you are." Yoda says to Padme in a ominous tone.
"Master Jedi, may I suggest the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces?" Palpatine adds having heard the entire conversation, scheming to add in his own twists to what is too happen.
"Do you really think thats a wise decision under these stressful times?" A man behind Padme said before Padme continued herself.
"Chancellor, if I may comment, I do not believe-" Padme continues but is interrupted as Palpatine says the exact same thing as her at the exact same time.
"The situation. Is it that serious?" Palpatine then continues looking very convincing. "No, but I do, Senator. I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you're familiar with."
"An old friend, like Master Skywalker." Palatine continued with a smile on his face.
"That's possible, he isn't currently on any missions right now and wouldn't be on in the near future, at least from what I have seen." Mace said, agreeing with Palpatine's suggestion.
"Do it for me, milady, please." Palpatine says with a sad look on his face while Yoda was suspicious of why exactly Palpatine would suggest such a thing as Skywalker had at one point been near forcefully betrothed and married off to the Senator.
Of course, Palpatine would say he had nothing to do with it but he surely did. "The thought of losing you... is unbearable." He finishes as the room seemingly in agreement doesn't dispute what the Chancellor said.
"Don't worry, I will have my former apprentice report to you immediately, milady." Mace says.
Padme replies actually quite relived and a little excited at the prospect of meeting Anakin again. "Thank you, Master Windu." Of course she has trained her poker face over the years so this is not outwardly shown but those who are Force-sensitive can sense this subtle change.
They may not be able to know what this change was, but it was still felt.
Anakin had been tasked as Padme's protector.
Originally it would have been both himself and Obi-Wan here to work on these together but because of various events happening throughout what would now be considered history, it was just himself.
He didn't have a Padawan learner of his own at this point because Barriss had graduated from under him.
If one were take a thorough look at him his looks would be deemed very handsome, very charming or a whole host of other things. He never needed stuff like plastic surgery or anything to modify the attractiveness of his face.
The original looked good, and he looked even better. It helps that he has completed his power armor and instead of a bulky design getting in his way, it was merged into his Nanosuit and now doesn't look like some fancy high tech armor.
Nowadays he has it on all the time simply because he doesn't need to hide it anymore and it simply looks too good to not leave on as it accentuates his looks.
Arriving at his destination the elevator stops and as the doors open he is greeted to the sight of Jar-Jar.
"Hello, Jar-Jar." Anakin greeted the Gungan politely.
"Who are you?" It would seem that Jar-Jar didn't recognize him but that both made and did not make sense.
Jar-Jar should have seen how famous he is by now, he hasn't exactly become a household name but at least within the senate he should be a subject of interest. "It is me Jar-Jar, Anakin. Anakin Skywalker, I am here to guard the Senator..."
"Anakin? Anakin!?" Jar-Jar now seems to have picked up that he was the one and the same. "You'sa look so different! You'sa have darker hair and purple eyes, but I see the resemblance. You'sa are bigger then me'sa now, so big!"
"Glad to know you recognize me..." Anakin says as he exits the elevator dodging Jar-Jar's hug. "Please no, I dont accept your hug."
"Senator Padme!" Jar-Jar called out as Anakin followed behind the Gungan. "Mesa palos here. Lookie, lookie, Senator. Desa Jedi arriven."
Padme walks over with her small entourage. "Ani? You have grown quite... tall." Padme had been keeping a close eye on Anakin for the last few years but she was unaware of just how tall he had gotten.
Standing at 1.9 meters, she was only tall enough to reach his chest and hear his heartbeat. Not that she would do that of course, she was just making a judgement within her mind.
Anakin knew that the original at this part was actually quite smooth, at least he delivered the complimentary lines quite well only to stuff it up later. "You have grown as well, grown more beautiful, I mean."
His words put a blush to her already smiling face, as he is just as bold as the original but wouldn't stumble on his words and backtrack his statement about her looks. "Why thank you." Padme replies.
"It would seem that you aren't the little boy I knew on Tatooine. You have become much more it would seem." Padme says looking him up and down subtlety.
Anakin follows after everyone as they move over to sit down. "I'm Captain Typho of her majesties security service. Queen Jamillia has been informed of your assignment." Typho said as Anakin took a seat on the opposite side of Padme.
"I am grateful you are here Master Skywalker. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit." Typho continued.
"I dont need more security, even though I like Ani's presence, I need answers." Padme says showing her favorability for Anakin as she looks at Anakin she questions him. "I want to know who is trying to kill me."
"While my job is just to protect you, I would not mind finding out just who wants to assassinate you. I am afraid however that most of my time will be spent by your side." Anakin says smoothly making sure to let her know that he agreeing with her but saying that it would be remiss of him to just leave on an investigation.
"Perhaps with merely your presence here, the mystery surrounding these attempts will be revealed." Padme says looking directly into Anakin's eyes mesmerized. "Now if you will excuse me, I will retire."
She stands up and heads in another direction seemingly tired but is unable to keep her eyes off of Anakin until she reluctantly has to turn her head. No one else in the room notices this however as Padme is good at motions and movements like this, it is quite possible however that Anakin is the only one to see this blatant interest.
"I know I will feel better having you here." Typho's says as Anakin goes in the other direction followed by Jar-Jar. "I'll have an officer stationed on every floor and I'll be in the control center downstairs."
Typho's goes his own way as Anakin is left with Jar-Jar. "Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Ani."
"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me by that nickname." Anakin replies.
Curious, Jar-Jar asks why. "Yousa dont liken mesa using nickname Ani?"
"Lets just say it is used in a more intimate context and while I think of you as a friend Jar-Jar, I dont think it is all that appropriate." Anakin gives his answer.
"Okie dokie, whatevas yousa say." Jar-Jar then continues. "It seemsa shesa happy about yousa appearance. Happier den mesa seein her in a longo time." Jar-Jar says.
"Do you mean Padme?" Anakin asks.
"Yes." Jar-Jar confirms.
"That is good to hear Jar-Jar, I do believe I best be checking on the security here." Anakin starts to go off and start covering ground as he is by himself with no Obi-Wan to help him check everything.