Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 85: Ambush

Miya had accompanied Nerva and Tanya to look for Sasha's parents, she was there to protect the two young girls as both didn't have any combat ability.

Nerva was still too young that her body strength and coordination hadn't matured yet, even though her ability could make her unbeatable in a fight with those on a similar level of power, currently, almost everyone has more power than her.

The heir of Minerva's power was overpowering in its own way, Nerva could predict anything she observes as long as she had enough information she would never get caught by surprise, being able to move a view second in advance was very advantageous in a fight.

Tanya's ability was also great, she could compromise her opponent's judgment or motivate her ally with her word but she was not trained for combat, she would need someone to fight for her instead.

Miya was the only one who could fight among them but with the other two supporting her, she could at least protect them from any hostility in the city.

The three of them had been looking for Sasha's parents for hours but to no avail, they could no find them, three of them had visited each temple and evacuation site during their search but nobody ever saw them.

Nerva had tried to find the couple using her power but she didn't have enough information to know where they were, her power was not omnipotent or as flexible as seeing the future, she could only predict what she knows.

For example, if the fight against someone who has fire ability for the first time, she could not predict that they would shot a fireball from their sword because she didn't know they could do that.

After knowing that the couple was not in the temples, she finally knows that they must be stuck somewhere in the city, most probably somewhere near their house.

"Nerva, it's almost dark, we should go back soon," Tanya told the younger girl to get back.

"No, we need to find them, they might be in danger!" the decline and turned to Miya for help, "Mom, we need to find them, we need to search the city."

Miya was torn as she thinks it would be dangerous to leave the temples in such a situation but her daughter seems to really want to go, "Fine, we will go check for a bit, but if we could not find them by sundown then we will go back no matter what," she decides to give the girl a chance.

"Thank you mom, I will do my best to locate them, for now, let's go straight to their houses," Nerva decisively said as they were on a timer.

Nerva basically runs through the town to the pair's house, she wants to find some clue to pinpoint their location.

The city was deserted as everyone get to the temple to evacuate, there was always a chance for the ants to ignore the temple and go for the city, it would be better for everyone to hide in the temples as the city could be rebuilt if they were destroyed but a life lost would never come back.

Only a few hours had passed since the city was abandoned but the snow had cover everywhere, without the presence of people and these shards, snow would easily drown the city.

Miya could pick up Nerva and go faster to the house but Tanya would be left behind if she did so, in the end, they just follow Nerva running speed.

Nerva's running speed was not slow, Tanya could barely keep up with her, even with her short legs, she inherently fast because of her bloodline and cat gene.

the light in the sky already dims as it was about sundown, if the sun still exists then it would have touched the horizon.

When they reach the house, they could see a car had crashed on to the house and was deserted, it seems the driver was panicked when the alarm of the invasion rung and lost control of it.

The car blocked the only way out of the house, it was possible that the couple never gets the chance to leave the house.

Nerva and the other get close to see a sign of people trying to open the window trellis but failed, they could also hear sound from the inside.

"Hello? Anyone inside? Please answer if you are inside," Tanya shout at the house.

"Help, we are trapped here, we can't get out" Sasha's father shouts back for help.

"Please wait, we will try to get you out" She replied and looked at the car, it was already halfway drowned under the snow.

The pair looked out of the window as they could not get out through it, Tanya and Miya tried to move the car but there was too much snow for them to move the car.

They tried to dig the snow too but without the proper tool, it takes ages to clear the snow, by the time they clean the snow it would be late at night already.

They could not afford to spend such a long time outside the temple, the current condition of the city was too unpredictable, they might encounter danger any moment now.

The sky already turned dark but they could not just leave the couple there as they had found them, Miya and Tanya did not have the heart to leave them, Nerva was even more so as the pair was her parents.

"Mom, can you pull the trellis from the window? It would be easier than digging the car out of the snow," Nerva suggested.

Miya nodded and went to the window, she gripped on the trellis and pulled oh them, it did not get pulled off at once but after several pulls, the trellis got yanked off.

"Come let's go out of the city, it's not safe to be here any longer," they beckoned the old couple out.

The old couple was not harmed but they were freezing from the cold air, being the only person left in the city was not easy as they don't have enough shard to protect themself from the cold air.

"Sasha," her mother called her and pulled her into her embrace, it confused both Miya and Tanya but before they could react, both Nerva and Tanya looked toward the side in shock and horror.

"There are two heirs coming toward us at a rapid pace, they are most likely hostile!" Nerva warned everyone else.

The old couple was shocked and their face turned white from the news, Miya on the other hand ready herself for an incoming attack.

Two shadows were jumping out of the snowy ground from time to time, they went toward them at such a speed that it was hard to see them.

"Stop, do not come closer!" Tanya commanded, it made them slowed down into a halt ten-meter from them.

The two shadows had emerged from the ground and everyone could see them clearly, they were an Antman, they were part of the ant army.

Some part of the army was sent to the city to infiltrate from behind, they were tasked to catch the defender unprepared by attacking their flank.

Miya was about to attack, she had close the distance and clawed at the antman neck but out of her expectation, her claw did not even scratch the surface of their chitin armor.

"Mom roll to the side," Nerva instructed which was followed by Miya, the antman was about to counter attack but missed as Nerva had warned Miya in advance.

The Antman duo dived into the ground and disappeared, they wanted to catch Miya by surprise but with Nerva at her side, Miya was able to dodge every hidden attack.

The Antman would dive back as soon as they attack, they aimed at Miya's feet and abdomen which was closer to the ground.

Miya could dodge their attack but she was not able to inflict any damage to them as well, her claw was not sharp enough to pierce their chitin armor.

Sooner or later, Miya would make a mistake and the Antman would hit her, even with Nerva's warning and Tanya's support, she could not dodge everything.

So far, Miya had been able to dodge every fatal attack, some cuts and scratches could be seen on her body but she could still keep ut with them.

Seeing that they were in a disadvantageous position, Nerva suggests for them to run toward a storied building.

The ant's ability was connected to the ground, if they were too far from the ground then it would make the ant unable to use their ability.

It was hard on Miya as she needs to protect all four of them and stop the ant from attacking them, She also needs to do so while moving toward a nearby building.

"There, let's get up there!" Nerva pointed out toward a nearby two-storied building, she didn't choose a taller building as they need to get there fast so there was no time to be picky.

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