Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 86: Defender

My name is Jacob, an heir of Jupiter, I served under The temple of Minerva to help my sister Jean with my power as an heir.

I had become a border guard to protect the city and people in it, I had defended against the invasion of the ants since the beginning.

As an heir of Jupiter, I was stronger than most heir, I could beat two other heirs with ease by using my bloodline power.

By covering my body with thunder, I could enhance my speed and sense, any attack I deal would be enhanced as well, I used sword and gun as both metal weapon would conduct my ability and in return strengthening my attack.

I was quite proud of my strength, even if there was not much fight between heir, I was sure that I ranked in the top ten of the city's strongest people.

Even though I didn't join the temple of Jupiter like those with his bloodline, People still respect me for my power.

The temple of Minerva got more say in the city governing with my backing as I'm one of the city protectors.

A week ago, things change, a red-haired girl shows up and called herself a Demigod from the temple of Gaea, she demands that the temples follow her command.

People tried to fight back but the result was not pretty, a lot of people died without hurting the Demigod.

She had turned into a giant firebird, no one could hurt her with their weapon, and their ability become ineffective against her, those who resist got burned instead.

I was not able to help, luckily Jean had stopped me from resisting and told me to choose to stay neutral, or else I would be turned into ashes like those who resist.

Since then, the city had been controlled by the self-proclaimed Demigod, she monitors everyone with the help of her people.

Those who were left did not try to resist, I was included as I had seen those stronger than me with power beyond mine got beating easily, the Demigod didn't even blink when killing them.

The day before yesterday, a man came from our neighboring city, he wanted to establish a teleportation gate between our cities.

The man gave off such a powerful aura of strength that it was hard for even me to calm down, he had disarmed every guard within a split second.

My instinct told me that He was stronger than anyone I ever met with the exception of that red-haired girl.

When the team leader told me to lead him to the Temple of Minerva, it gave me a headache as I did not want to have anything with this man, he was too dangerous, and bringing him to the temple means he would be a threat to Jean as well.

He turned out not as bad as I thought, but it was before I know more about him, when he gets to the temple I check the news and ask questions to my friend from his city, "Do you know Sol?" I asked as I didn't know his full name.

I was surprised to know more about Sol Vestitor, not because he was strong but because he was infamous, a lot of bad rumors surround him, he was the last person I want to be associated with.

To my surprise, after he left the temple, he becomes even more terrifying, he beat the red-haired girl with ease.

In the event of Ant's army's biggest attack up to date, he sends his companions to defend against hundreds of ant's heir.

They beat hundreds of them with their unthinkable power, if I were in their place then there was no way I could beat five ants, beating hundreds was a miracle.

When the birdmen and creatures betray us, the situation turned for worse, I could see an uncountable ant army rushing toward us, we had been taken by surprise, the two canines who were unbeatable were pushed back and chaos occurred.

I could hear screams from time to time, the defender was outnumbered almost 4 to one, we needed to fight at least two ants at a time.

On the fortification, the ant could not use their ability to run and hide in the ground, but their hard chitin armor was hindering us as well.

Two antman had been dueling me since a while ago, they would alternate with each other so I could not deal any fatal damage, my thunder coated bullet could not pierce their chitin armor on point-blank distance as it hasn't reached maximum velocity.

While my sword could leave a scorch mark on their chitin armor, they would heal by the time I could land another hit as their teamwork made it hard for me to hit them.

This was not my first time fighting two of Antman with a bloodline, but this time I did not have the luxury of space as thousand of people and ants were fighting around me.

Fighting in such a crowded space made us unable to go all out as we would hit ally if we were not being careful.

The benefit of such a space was clear tho, we only need to fight a lesser number of ant at a time because they did not have space to gank on us as well.

"Damn it, where are those Demigods when we need them?" I could hear people complaining in between people's scream and roar.

I knew that Mr. Sol had gone to the Ant army's Demigod, but with the temple of Gaea's betrayal, I was not optimistic about him coming back to assist us, he would need to fight two Demigod at the same time.

One antman lunge at me which I tried to dodge by taking a step back but to my surprise, my back hit another person's back which blocking my way.

"Fuck!" I cursed as the collision made me unable to dodge the Ant's spear-like arm, it was coming toward my throat.

I activated my ability to the limit and use my sword to parry the attack and dodge to the side, but such a hurried move was not smooth enough to save my hide.

The spear-like arm pierced through my shoulder which made me scream in pain, but I did not let the pain stop my movement as the other ant already upon me.

With the ant's arm stabbing on my shoulder, its movement slowed down enough for me to slash at its elbow joint which was less protected by the chitin armor.

It severed the ant's arm which freed me to dodge the other ant's attack, I could feel that my one of my arm was unable to move because of the wound on my shoulder which was bad for me.

To force my arm to move, I used the thunder coating my body to move the muscle instead of bones and nerve, it was not perfect as the arm structure was compromised but it's better than fighting with one arm.

I was lucky that I was not killed in the clash, unlike me the man I bumped on was killed in his clash, it free the ant who was fighting him to attack another person but it did not choose to go after me but another person.

Looking at the two ants before me, I became even more determined, I need to use my all or I will be killed like the other.

The two ants attack him together but I was not stupid, after realizing the limitation of space, I use it to my benefit, I moved to one ant side so the other ant would not be able to hit me because the first ant was in the way.

Fighting one ant was easier as I could keep up with them, with the thunder enhancing my sense, I could hit them on their joints as they move.

The ant who had lost one of its arms was my first target, when it tried to use its available arm, I dodge to the side and cut it off by the elbow as well.

"hisss..." the ant hissed at me and lung at me with its face, I already expect this as this was not my first fight against them.

Antman was fearless and borderline crazy, they would continue to fight even if they lost all their limb, if they did not have an arm then they will bite you with their sharp mandible.

On the first clash against antman, a lot of people were killed because they let their guard down then the ants lost their arms.

Seeing the ant about to bite me on the neck, I used my left arm to caught it by the neck and use my sword to pierce from its mouth toward its brain.

Pulling my sword from the dead ant, I kick it toward the other ant behind its back, it didn't bother to mourn and swat its dead comrade to the side.

It was then that another two ants kill a man near me and start to go after me as well, "Fuck! This is never-ending!" I cursed.

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