Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 84: Ant Army

The plains of snow before the temples were dark as there was no light but the moon shining upon them.

From the fortification around the temples, people were shinning the ground with spotlights, most of them were concentrated around two individuals, a giant wolf and a medium-sized black dog.

They were readying themselves for a clash with the invader, no one could see the invader but the defender could already sense them coming closer.

The defenders were Heirs, every single one of them could sense an enormous number of hostile Heirs coming toward them, their bloodline was a dead give away of their location.

As the invaders get closer, even people without bloodline could sense something was coming as the ground was shaking from the sheer number of invader that was getting closer.

The shaking gets closer but nobody could see the source, there was no army marching toward the temples that could be seen.

People move the spotlight to find the invaders but they could not spot any, only some figure flashing in the dark from time to time.

They were about a hundred meters from the giant wolf, finally, the spotlight found an Antman jump out of the snowy ground, once they spot one soon they spot more and more, in no time an ocean of Antman was jumping in and out of the ground like a wave.

"Now!!" A man shout and two dozen figure fly each of them either has wings or riding a flying creature, they fly toward the frontline.

Instead of attacking the army approaching the temple, they shoot fire toward the black dog which buries it in a fire, explosion of fire erupt as hundreds of fire projectile collide with the dog small body, one of the creature rider also pour fuel on top of it which feed the fire more.

Hidden in the fire and explosion, the hellhound body expands into a giant dog, it becomes a small mountain under the fire, ten-meter tall giant dog with fires burning all over its body emerged from the fire.

The plains become bright from all the fire burning on its body, it ran toward the incoming wave of ant army under the ground.

It smashed its giant paw on the ground toward the wave, smashing a few antman into a bloody pulp, Blacky was like carnage, it kills ant where ever it goes.

The Hell hound grew stronger with all the fire burning on its body, with two dozens fire ability user supplying it with fire nonstop, Blacky was a force to be reconned.

If it was this big when it fights against the Yeti Demigod then it would come out as the winner, the current Blacky was stronger than a normal Demigod.

But real Demigod would kill all the fire ability users before fighting the dog, it would be like a super engine that had lost its power source.

Against an army of ants, It's power made it become an artificial Demigod, it could kill any ants coming its way with ease.

Some ant who stray from blacky would be handled by Moon, she would run around and kill any ant who stray from the main group.

She could not attack the under the ground but the ant would come out of the ground every few seconds, most likely it was the limitation of their ability that make them emerge to the surface.

Every time an ant emerges, Moon would swoop in and smash them with its claw, once it bleeds she would move to the next target, she didn't need to make sure they die as they would die eventually.

The Ants start to swarm and gather on Blacky, they tried to bury it in number but they would either get burned or smashed.

Injuries started to appear all over its body but they would disappear as soon as they appear, with Blacky size, there is no way for the ants to deal any fatal damage.

The initial wave of ants had not subsided when the main wave arrived at them, they start to outnumber Blacky, even more, it was hard for it to move as the ant cover almost every part of its body.

More ants also separate from the main group and attack Moon, it had wound all over its body but they would heal at a rapid pace as well.

Soon the number of ants grew even more that even Moon could not stop every one of them but the defender on the wall would kill them with a ranged weapon even before they come close.

The Ant had a strong defense but with dozens of heir concentrating their attack on them, they would be killed in no time.

"Keep this up, kill any ants passing, and help the frontline when there is a chance," the commander told the other.

Things were looking good until the ant surrounding Blacky suddenly stop minding it and go toward the temples, they left just enough people to hold him and the other swarm forward.

Both Blacky and Moon was hopeless to stop the swarm, the defender tried their best to decrease their number but their effort was not good enough.

A hundred meters from the temple, the ant's army suddenly get out of the ground in a drove, their body was freezing as they come out, a lot of ice could be seen on their body.

Sol had conjured a wall of ice under the ground to block all incoming ant army, he channels them with power even when he was going toward the Demigod.

When the ant army collides with the wall it repels them from the ground as it was an extension of his power which resists bloodlines power.

The ant didn't notice it as it was covered in snow and the ground was frozen even before Sol conjures an ice wall there.

With the ants out of the ground, Defender pours out their attack at them as it was a great chance to hit them hard.

When they were underground, a ranged attack could only hit them for a split second before they get underground again, when they come up again, most of the injuries already healed.

Now the ant was above the ground, every defender used their best ability to hit them hard, it gave Moon and Blacky enough time to get there and block them again.

Everything was doing fine and according to plan when the firebirds who was supplying Blacky with fire suddenly stop their action.

Instead of sending fire to the giant dog, they send projectiles to the unsuspecting fire ability user, they hit them while their guard down, as result they fall from their mount.

The fire ability user either fall to their dead to get surrounded by ants and die miserable deaths from being eaten alive.

The defender was shocked by the betrayal, the firebirds did not wait for retribution as they fly away from there.

Blacky who lost the continuous supply of power was weakened, it grew smaller until it was only five meters tall.

The condition was bad as it would continue to grow smaller as time goes on, the ants start to overwhelm it with the number.

Moon and Blacky was barely holding when the ground started to shake again, it was strong and getting closer to them.

Another wave of ants was going toward the temples, it was almost as big as the last wave.

"There is more ant coming!" a man shouts in despair as he saw another wave coming.

"Wasn't there suppose to be five hundred ants? Why is there another five hundred comings?" another point out.

"Didn't you see that? The flame birds betray us, they most likely fake the news, it was a conspiracy!" people started to discuss when suddenly a scream started to be heard from the defender ranks.

Multiple creature heir were attacking their former ally, they would hit mercilessly, killing a lot of unsuspecting Defenders.

"Fuck! The temple of Gaea betray us, they are killing our people!" screamed people who recognize the creatures.

Soon, every defender started to turn toward the creatures among them, an internal fight started to brew between the defender.

The Temple of Gaea got suppressed soon as they were outnumbered, but the initial attack had caused a lot of heirs to lose their life and disturbed their attention.

When the defender looked at the ant army, they already upon Moon and Blacky, they didn't bother to fight the bloodied dog and wolf as they continue to the Tempel.

"Don't let them pass! Attack! Kill ant coming" the second in rank command as the commander had been killed during the Temple of Gaea's betrayal.

The Heir and ant's army soon collide with each other, as for the number of the defending party, the city still has two hundred heirs even after the betrayal.

It was not a great number as the ant army have around six hundred heirs besieging the city, they stormed the city with high morale.

Jacob looked at the desperate situation with a gloomy expression, "Fuck! We had been betrayed, we need a miracle to turn this around," He cursed.

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