Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 122: Money Making

"What the fuck?!" Sol could not help but mutter as it cost so much for maps, he tough that he would still have some spare money once he gets the map and the other information he needed.

"Is there any problem esteemed customer?" the man asked in a professional way, he seemed to have met with such a reaction from the first-timer more than once.

"Ehem... It seems that we don't bring enough money," Sol said modestly, he told the man the truth without embarrassing himself too much.

The man nodded and said, "We understand, if you are interested in making money then I could sell you the information you need."

This offer got Sol's and Tea's attention, they would need more money if they want to know about things.

"How much money are we talking about here? And how much would you charge us for this information?" Sol asked the man.

The man looked at him for a second before rise two-finger, "It will cost you two gold coins but you could get hundreds of gold coins from this information depend on how well you use the information," He explained to Sol and Tea.

"Is it guaranteed that we would get more than what we spend on it?" Tea asked the man.

The man shook his head but they could not see his expression because of his armor, "I can't tell you more about it if you have not bought the information first," he said straightforwardly.

Sol could feel that everything was in the man's calculation, he got hold of what they need and what they want, then he shows them that he could help them to get what they want, once they got hooked he reel back his bait.

Logically there was nothing guaranteed about the information, they would only get the information but getting the money was up to them, if they could make use of the information then they will get money but if they could not then they would get nothing.

"How sure are you about this information credibility?" Sol asked the man.

"A hundred percent, I get the information directly from the source, I could swear that I will return your money if my information is inaccurate," The man boast.

Normally people would not call his bluff and just buy the information directly but Sol was different, he came from the mortal realm and have seen a lot more scammer that say they could even guarantee their product with their life only to run with other people money.

"Then I will take your offer," he said and pulled out two gold coins from his pocket, he put them on the table but when the man about to take it, Sol put his palm on top of the coin to block the man's arm.

"I would love that you take your oath first before you take the money," he said with a grin but no one could see it as he was wearing his armor, they could only see his eyes glint in a cold light.

The man froze for a moment before he laughs awkwardly, "Ahahaha, esteemed customer is there a need to get that far, It's inappropriate to use God's name in such a small deal," he said.

"Did not you tell me that you could swear on the information you going to give me? Or were you trying to fool me?" Sol asked the man.

"I believe credibility is very important for an informant, if others knew that you were going back on your word then it would be bad for business," Sol said cunningly that it made Tea's hair stands on end.

"What the fuck is wrong with him? His tongue is so sharp and he is so shameless, I better not make any promise with him," She thought.

Of course, the man was in bigger turmoil, it was the first time he met with someone who tells him to really swear to God.

Being around Nerodia for an extended amount of time had done him good, Sol was getting smarter with his word and get some of her cunningness.

With no other way to run from his own word the informant could only swear in the name of Jupiter, he did not swear in the name of Pluto because it was taboo to call the God of death and the underworld by his name.

The information was sure that his information was correct but he could not help but worry as truth and lies are quite an abstract concept, one man's truth might be another man's lies.

If on the off chance that the information was wrong then he would need to return Sol'smoney if he did not want to get smitten by Divine punishment.

Even though Jupiter could not exert too much power in the underworld of this mini-world, the punishment would still come for him as he acts like a beacon to the punishment.

"This man is nuts," The informant complained as it was highly inappropriate to use that kind of vow for such a trivial matter, only Sol who had been through a lot of oath and vow would so easily take one.

Once the man finished his vow, Sol passes the gold coins to the man on top of the table, the man could only bitterly received his pay before starting to explain his information.

"Do you know the colosseum? They are a place of a duel between those on top of power," the man started.

"They usually fight those on the same rank as them, the best lesser demigod against the best lesser demigod and the best Minor Demigod against the best Minor demigod," he explained slowly.

"I get an information that they would make the first cross rank duel in three days, to join you will need to pay a gold coin if you win against those in lower rank you will get three gold coin," he continued.

"Only three gold coins? Are you trying to play with us? Tea looked at them with accusation.

"Of course not, I had not finished my explanation, if you win against those stronger than you then you will get a hundred of Gold coin in return," the explained.

"There will only be three fights in a day so you will need to get in line first before others get to join the fight," the man said.

Sol and Tea were not amused by the information, they felt like they have wasted their money on the information.

There was no way they could win against someone stronger than them by one rank, that was why the promised pay was so high.

"There is no way we could beat the minor demigods from the colosseum, are you trying to play with us?" Sol points it to the man.

"of course not, there is information that I haven't tell you," he started to explain to make it clear, "they would not fight with their conjuring ability, you could only conjure equipment before the fight, those who conjure anything would be considered as the loser."

This time it piques Sol's interest, if the minor demigod could not use their conjuring ability then they would be similar to the lesser demigod but with a bit more speed and strength.

"Where do we sign up for the competition? Is there a standard we need to pass to join?" Sol asked the man.

Sol was thinking to join the fight for the money, He has a stronger body than a normal lesser demigod, he had quite a big chance to win against the minor demigod if they did not use their conjuring ability.

"You can sign up at the Snake inn, they were the event organizer, there are no criteria other than you need to deposit your participant fee when you sign up so you will not run away from fear," The man answered Sol.

"..." Sol was speechless, he had just spent two gold coins on something the could get by themselves, had he know them he would not make the deal.

"Is there anything else you wanted to know?" The man asked, he was so accommodation because of his oath, he did not want to miss anything that would make him counted as breaking his oath.

Sol and Tea had nothing else to ask, they didn't have enough money to pay for other information, they would need to make more money before coming back to the black market.

The black market was so expensive, Sol had tough that three gold coin that was on his hand would be able to buy more than one simple information but it turns out that he was wrong.

They went back out of the mini-world with their guide, when they get out of the mini-world the old man already back on his seat near the lobby, he was sitting there as if waiting for people to come and rent a room in the boar hotel.

"Once we have more money we will come here again," Sol whispered to Tea.

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