Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 121: Informations

With their lodging get taken care of, Sol and the other gather in Tea's room to discuss their next course of action.

They planned to gather information in the city, there were three things the wanted to know, the first was where they are in the underworld, preferably get a map of the underworld.

The second was to find where was the gate of the underworld and where it is, it was not guaranteed that the information was available for the general population but there must be some rumor about it.

If they could get information about their destination and their current location then they would get a clear understanding of what they need to do, they would not blindly go around anymore.

It could possibly shorten their journey by half if they already know where it is, if they did not get the information then they would need to visit a lot of places to gather information before they could find the gate of the underworld.

That was if they could ever find it, the underworld was large and filled with danger, they could die any time from creatures attack or they could also die from the time limit.

The third thing they wanted to know was what kind of danger they would meet along the way, or in general, they were not familiar with the underworld and would need to get prepared for every eventuality.

Sol got some information from Nerodia but there was only so much she could tell him, her knowledge was centuries or even millennia old, it was ancient knowledge, things might be different after such a long time have been passed.

There was some other information they wanted to find but they were not their priority, such as how to get stronger in a short time and can people other than the dead get power from the Styx water.

"We should split up, Tim, Harry, and Jennie go to the market and ask around about rumors, keep out for any rumor about the gate of the underworld, they bound to talk about it since it was closed so suddenly," Tea directed the other three.

"Also ask anyone that looked knowledgeable about what kind of danger we should expect if we went out of the city," Sol added.

They planned to look for that information in the black market too but getting another source would help in checking for credibility, and sometimes some random people in the street could give you information that even black market informants could not.

"Sol and I will go to the black market to look for other information, if anything happens don't be afraid to leave us and get out of the city on your own, we will meet up a kilometer north from here," Tea said.

"If within a day the other group did not show up then you continue your journey by yourself, there was a high possibility that the other party gets caught, you may leave a mark to show where you are going but don't wait longer than that," she explained their worst-case scenario plan.

"Everyone understand?" She looked at everyone else, she had planned to keep an eye on Sol as she thinks he was the most dangerous among the people under her.

"We understand," "I understand," "understood," the trio replied to their leader.

"How about you? Do you have anything you want to tell us or forget to tell us?" she peered at Sol.

"If you ever get caught then keep your silence for at least twenty four hours, that way the other has time to leave the city, there is a possibility that they would spare us if we surrender so if you need to fight someone way stronger than your combined power, just surrender," Sol instruct them.

With all that said, the group split up into two groups, Tom's group went to the market while Sol's group went to the black market.

Sol and Tea went toward the Boar inn, it was located on the other side of the city, a lot of people were walking around the city as it was peak hour, the area was bustling with life if they did not know better than they would have thought the boar inn as a normal inn.

Sol went through the door to be greeted by another old man, the old man was not as strong as the old man in the snake inn but he was at least a minor Demigod too.

After being in the presence of someone stronger, Sol did not act as nervous as before, "We are here to buy something," Sol said to the old man.

"You are looking for the wrong place, this is not a shop, you got a wrong location," the old man replied while cleaning his glasses.

"I'm buying something that could not be found anywhere else," Sol replied, this was actually as secrete code to enter the black market, it was not really a secret that there was a black market in the inn, it already become a public secret.

But they used the code to avoid people who did not want to get to the black market but actually want an inn, there was a few time where people who expect to get into a warm and comfy room but get into a dark and gloomy black market in the past so the use the secret code to make sure their intention.

"Please this way," the man makes way for Sol and Tea to the second floor, he gets them to a room numbered eighteen.

Sol was confused as the room should not be big enough to host a black market but when the man pushed open the door, he changed his mind.

Behind the door was another world it was so big that it is impossible for it to exist in the city, it was another mini-world like his mini-world, but the difference was this mini-world was not his.

Sol froze in front of the door, he was reluctant to get in as he was aware of how much power the owner of the mini-world could have over his world and people in it.

After pausing a bit, Sol finally went in as he realizes there was no need for them to use their authority to kill him, if they want it then the old man could just kill him and Tea with ease.

Tea might give some more resistance but she would lose as they could sense a few more Minor demigod in the building and the mini-world.

Once they get into the mini-world, Sol and Tea were picked up by a guide from the black market, he wore a mask and did not talk, he only signs them to follow him.

After a few minutes of walking, they got to a camp filled with people, there was a lot of tent and people in there.

The majority of people there were the dead but there were also a few creature demigod and demi-titan, Sol could see Demi-titan by their animal form while creature demigod by their body that was not covered in armor.

"I want to look to buy information and some maps, I want something credible," He said.

The guide did not say anything or turn to look at him but continue to walk, Sol and Tea had no choice but follow the man.

Everyone in the camp was accompanied by a guide, the guides were native of the mini-world that was tasked to keep an eye on them.

If anyone were not accompanied by a guide, they might get attacked by the guard as they were possibly an intruder.

The guide stopped by a tent with a rock ornament in front of it, Sol looked at him for a bit before walk into the tent with Tea.

The Guide would wait outside to keep the customer privacy with the seller, as long as they wait in front of the tent, other guide and their customer would also need to wait outside.

Inside the tent was a man covered from head to toe with stone armor, there was no discerning feature other than his armor material.

Seller anonymity was also a secret, especially in informant business, they would be hunted by a lot of people if their identity were leaked.

Sol and Tea had conjured a full body armor before they get into the boar inn so their information would be safe.

It was not rare to see people wearing full body armor in the city as the dead always wear armor even if partially.

The man looked at them from top to bottom as if scanning both of them, "Welcome to my humble place, what do you want to know?" he welcomed the duo.

"We need a map of the world and they are within a thousand kilometers, if you have any other type of map then we want to see it too," Tea gets right to the point.

"A map cost quite a lot, at least you need to pay fifty gold coins for the map of the world and the other map," The man said straightforwardly which made Sol's eyes turned round.

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