Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 123: Signing up

Both of them get back without their main objective, Sol and Tea went pact Two gold coin poorer with a piece of information they didn't know if it was valid.

Their only reassurance was the oath Sol force upon the informant, if Sol did not get the oath then he would not have done the deal.

"Do you think any of you would be able to win against a Minor Demigod?" Tea asked Sol.

She did not include herself as she was a minor demigod and to get the money they need to beat someone on a higher level, if she joins then she would need to fight a Major demigod which was rare in the city.

Even if there was more demigod in the city, they would not be so bored to join the competition, they could make more money just by killing creatures or even people.

If Sol was to judge then he would pessimistic about her chance against a Major demigod even if they were not allowed to use their conjuring ability.

The difference between a minor demigod and a major demigod was bigger than the difference between a lesser demigod and a minor demigod, if the later chance of winning was twenty percent then the former chance of winning was less then five percent.

Of course, that did not count for their personal ability and technique, the chance differs from person to person.

Sol was planning to join as he had healing dome and knife aura conjuring ability, they were invisible to the naked eye so Sol could cheat his way around the rule.

He was optimistic with his chance if he could use both abilities while his opponent was going to fight according to the rule,

But they must also have their own secret skill or ability, he refuses to believe that someone that could be a minor demigod would be so simple.

From what they were told, the fight was not a death battle, it would do the higher rank people injustice, they might get killed even though they were holding back.

The rule was the wight would finish if one side gives up, unconscious, unable to continue fighting, or use their conjuring ability.

If it was a fight to the death then Sol would be reluctant to join but if it was not then he would like to gamble his chance in winning, in the off chance he loses then they would only lose some money but if he was to win they would save a lot of time.

To get enough money to buy what they need, Sol and the other would need to hunt a lot of demi-titan and it was not viable, Demi-titan was quite rare and it would be too risky to hunt them.

If they were raising money in another way then it would take them longer to raise the money, they were pressed for time.

They had been in the underworld for three days but they were still far away from their goal, if it did not change soon then they might die from the time limit.

If normal people were in their place then they would try to live out the rest of their life to the fullest and wait for their end, but they were different, they were people who dare to offend Gods, they would not give up to fate that easily.

Once Sol and Tea get back to the inn, they meet up with Tom's group who was looking for information in the market.

"What did you get?" Tea asked Tom who had been waiting for them in the inn.

"Let's get inside first before we talk," he said while leading them to his room.

Tom's room was the exact replica of Tea's room, they sit anywhere they could as there was not enough chair to sit on.

"Any good news?" Sol asked Tom and his group, they looked quite serious so Sol expected good news.

"We had been asking around on a way to get to the Mortal Realm, they did not suspect us as there was a lot of people trying to get there before us," Harry started.

"There was a lot of rumor but there always a similarity," he stopped a bit, "The Styx River!" Jennie cuts in because she could not hold the suspense.

"Styx river? Did they tell us to swim past the river? Are they nuts? We are not one of them, we could not even touch a drop of Styx water without getting burned!" Tea could not help but get agitated.

"Calm down, they haven't finished their story," Sol told Tea.

After a few seconds to calm themselves in silence, Tea told Harry to continue his story, "ehem... please continue."

"There is a legend here that at the source of Styx river there is a bridge that connects to the mortal realm," he continued.

"Really?! That's great we can get there if we follow the river!" Tea responded in enthusiasm.

"Don't be happy first, there is a catch to this," Tom interrupted her, "on the way there, there was a lot of cities created by creatures, the closer we are to the source, the stronger they are."

"There is a rumor that there is a city filled by Gods near the source of the Styx river," he said seriously.

Sol and Tea could not help but took a deep breath, if they met a god or even the God of death and the underworld himself, then they would be uncovered, without doubt, their death is assured if it happened.

"It seems that we still need the map," Sol told Tea, they would need a map so they could avoid this dangerous city.

Sol explained what happened in the black market to Tom and his group, they got taken aback at first but when they knew that it was not a fight to the death and there is a restriction, the become fired up to join the fight.

"So who is going to sign up?" Jennie asked Tea as she was their leader and would be the one with the most objective opinion as she was not going to join the fight.

"Which of you are confident to win this fight?" She asked them.

"I'm confident that I would at least have fifty percent chance of winning, I believe it good enough to gamble upon," Harry vouch for himself.

"Good, you sign up then," she said, "how about the three of you?" she asked Sol and the other two.

"I would say around thirty percent," Tom said modestly.

"How about you?" Tea looked at Jennie.

"If the opponent is not that strong then I would say around forty percent chance of winning," Jennie answered after she thought for a bit.

Tea turned to Sol, she did not say anything before Sol answered, "I'm confident enough if that what you want to ask."

"Good, then we are sending Harry, Jennie, and Sol, if the three of you don't want to compete then this is your chance to decline," she looked at the three of them.

"I am in," Harry said with a grin, he seemed like the type of person who likes to fight whenever possible.

"I'm also in," Jennie nodded at Tea, she did not get to show her power when they fight the vultures so she wanted to prove herself to the other.

"Me too," Sol answered, he wanted to join for another reason, if he wanted to be a minor demigod, them fighting one would help a lot.

This was a chance for him to fight one without risk of dying, he would regret it if he missed the chance to fight one.

"If everyone agreed then go sign up with the old man at the lobby, he should be able to help us sign up," Tea directed Sol and the other.

They went down to the lobby to be greeted by the old man, he looked at them with a light smile, "Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

"We heard that the colosseum is going to open a competition between lesser demigod with minor demigod, the three of us would like to sign up," Sol answered on the behalf of the three of them.

"Oh, we would love to have you a visitor to join our competition, come fill this form and pay the deposit so we can process your participation," the old man give a form to each of them.

While Sol fills the form, he fakes as much information as he could to keep his personal information a secret.

Once they finished the form and paying the deposit, the old man took back the form and give them a token of participation.

"Bring this to the Colosseum in three days, the competition would be three days later," he said.

"Use this time to prepare yourself, the city lord would be watching so I suggest you be at your peak to impress him," the old man told them.

"What the fuck!" the three of them cursed in their heart, meeting the city lord was the last thing they wanted.

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