Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 117: Holding back

Tom and Harry helped Jennie who could only run around to dodge the vulture without able to hurt it, they quickly dispatch the vulture and free the girl from the unending fight.

"Thank god, I thought I would need to run for days," She said to the two-man who had saved her.

"No need to thank us, we should help each other," Tom was being polite to the girl.

But to told the truth, Tom and Harry believe that they need to help each other surviving in the underworld.

They had felt it themselves, how helping each other could increase their battle effectiveness and made a hard battle into an easy one.

Both of them also had built a quick friendship from their short cooperation, as time goes, they knew more about each other's quirk and created a mutual understanding with each other.

If Sol needs to fight both of them then he would most likely lose the fight if he did not use his all and summon his knife soul.

The metal user and lightning user was a good match, their ability could amplify each other, both of them could think of multiple ways to combine their power to achieve a greater result.

"Let's help Tea now, the sooner we help her, the sooner we could help Sol," Harry suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that," Tom agreed while Jennie also joins them to help Tea, she might not be able to hurt them with her ability but she could distract them.

Harry conjured a metal cage around one of the Vultures surrounding Tea and Tom conjured a giant lightning spear.

Tom did not hold back on power to increase his power output, he would not miss the vulture as it was trapped in a cage.

The spear of lightning pierced through the vulture's chest and went through it within a second, leaving a seared hole on its chest, resulting in the vulture dead.

Their combined attack had enough power to kill an equal level demi-titan in a single hit which was impressive.

They could accomplish it by sneak attacking the vulture but considering that they could do so perfectly without prior training and planning.

The sudden death of one vulture gave Tea an opening to land a hit on another vulture, her battle ax connected with its chest, engulfing it in blue fire, within a few second the vulture turned into ashes.

With the help, Tea quickly dispatches three additional vultures with her blue fire, they got turned into ashes in a single hit.

The last vulture was killed by Tom and Harry's combined effort, they harass it with lightning and metal projectile until it dies from the injuries it had accumulated.

"Are you ok?" Tom asked Tea in concern but out of his expectation, the girl looked at him angrily rather than thank him.

"Who do you think you are? What right do you have to intervene in my fight?" She scolds him which made him confused.

Tea's pride was injured because Tom had killed the most vulture, he had killed twice the number of her own kill.

Being saved by someone weaker than her was a big shame, if others find out, then rather than gaining glory as she had expected, she would lose face instead.

Tom and Harry were speechless from the girl's question, they wanted to call her shameless but knowing that she was a minor demigod, they did not want to provoke her.

They could only say sorry as to placate her anger, although they felt that she was too shameless, they could only keep it to themselves.

On the other hand, Sol was finally able to kill one vulture by conjuring ice shrapnel, He hit it with a crystal of ice that explodes at the moment it gets close to the target.

It took the vulture's wing which resulting in it's fall to the ground, Sol was already prepared to welcome it when it reaches the ground.

Once it reaches the ground, Sol used his knife to behead the weakened giant bird, its body went limp once he beheads it as he used his sun ice ability to freeze the wound to stop it from regenerating.

Of course, he was only confident to finish the vulture at such a close distance because it was weakened from all the body heat it had lost.

Demigods and demi-titans were resistant to an environmental condition because they could regulate their body to be unaffected by it, but with Sol's ability, they quickly lost heat which results in their movement become slower and weaker.

The other two Vulture started to hold their attack and rethink their action, all their brethren were killed in the battle and only the two of them were left.

They already weakened and they were not able to kill Sol with three of them at their peak condition, even though Sol already looks quite bloody, he was still as lively as ever.

Now with the other demigod ready to back him up, their defeat was assured, their option was either fight to the death or try to run for their life, or fly in this case.

"Sol, do you need help?" Harry asked him while getting close, he had asked Sol because Sol turn out stronger than they expect, he was able to kill a vulture even if he had fight three on one.

"There is no need," He replied as the birds were flying away, they decided to run to keep their life rather than fighting a losing battle.

Seeing that there was no point in holding back any longer, Sol threw his knife with both healing dome ability and knife aura which allow him to control the knife mid-fly as he wishes.

The weakened vultures was not able to dodge the knife that moves like a bullet and pierce their head and died in an instant.

Sol was not reluctant to use the ability's combination because it was invisible to the naked eye, as long as he plays it right the other would only think that he got a very high proficiency with throwing weapons.

His performance shocked the other, even though Tom and Harry were able to kill two times more vultures, Sol had shown that he was capable to beat three demigod level creature all alone, no one other than Tea could do so in their team.

Of course, the finishing move was so easy because the vultures were weakened and on the retreat, if they decided to fight to the death then Sol would have a harder time to finish them off.

Tea was devastated, she was consoling herself by saying that Tom and Harry were able to do what they did only by teaming up and relying on a sneak attack.

Seeing Sol was actually able to kill three vultures, which was as much as she did make her doubt her strength.

Although their condition was different and she was undoubtedly stronger than Sol, she cared more about the result because strength was useless without a result.

"Good work!"

"Good work!" They told each other while Tea could only awkwardly stand there.

She had asserted her dominance the moment she got the chance, telling everyone she was undeniably the strongest among them, but their fist fight results say otherwise, she was the most miserable in the fight.

Tea was not as shameless as to say that she was giving the vulture a handicap, she was just plain stupid to engage them in close-quarter combat.

Had she fight at distance then she could easily beat a dozen vultures by herself, but choose to fight them in close quarter combat with such a heavy and slow weapon.

"So what we gonna do now?" Sol looked at Tea in question, she was their leader and it was her choice on their next course of action.

Even though Sol did not ask it sarcastically, Tea got ashamed by being asked as their leader, she realized that she was not good leader material.

"What do you think we should do?" She asked back awkwardly, she had lost a bit of her confidence.

"I think we should rest for now and recover, of course, if that is fine with you," Sol suggest as everyone other than Jennie got injured in the fight.

"Fine, let's rest," She agreed, her injuries were not big enough that she needs rest, but Tea also needed sometimes to reflect on what had happened.

They rest in a tent conjured by Tom, his ability was the most suited for construction as it boasts the strongest defense in case there was a sneak attack.

In reality, Sol could use the healing dome to heal their injuries, it would take only a few minutes to heal them all, he could also create a tent stronger than Tom's tent by combining sun ice ability and healing dome ability, but Sol did not do so to hide his actual capability.

"Unless it is a matter of life and death, I will not use any other ability than sun ice, it would also let us grow stronger," he thought.

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