Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 116: Teamwork

Sol and his teammates got near the fight between Tea and the vultures, there were a dozen vultures aiming to bring down the fire demigod.

They conjured a dozen projectiles each and sent them to the group of vultures to repel the giant birds from closing the distance.

The giant birds dodge the bullet with ease as the wind were their friend, they were a demi-titan aligned with the element of wind, they could manipulate it to their will to enhance their fighting ability.

With a weave of their wing, hundred of wind blades were sent to the group, it was so fast that they could barely dodge the blade.

A few blades grazed their armor and leave deep marks on their armor, if tens of them connect to their body then they would be injured even with armors.

"Fuck! Everyone dodge their attack, don't gather on one location, spread their attack thin!" Sol cursed then instruct the other to spread out.

If they gather in one location, they would limit each other movement, too many wind blades would gather in one area and it would increase the lethality of the blade.

The group tried to keep their distance from their enemy as they had seen how dangerous the vultures were up close, even a Minor demigod was played back by their collective power.

"Don't ignore me!!!" Tea roared at the group of vultures who were focused on Sol and the other, they saw the group of lesser demigod as a worse threat to them than the hot blooded and impulsive minor demigod.

Tea conjured a giant ball of fire that was big enough to hit all of them at once and threw it at the vultures.

Her conjuring ability was way stronger than Sol, she could create such a big and concentrated fireball within such a short time.

Sol and the other lesser demigod would not be able to replicate her feat even with their all unless they break through to the rank of Minor demigod.

Sol was way better than the other as he had a huge reserve of energy, he could somehow do something similar but with a longer time, he needs at least a few minutes to create an ice ball on that size.

The vultures dodged the ball with ease as they had long enough time to dodge, Tea was clearly announcing that she would attack with her roar, with that as a warning, of course, the vultures would have dodged the attack.

the sheer size of the fireball was also a dead give away that something dangerous was coming at them, if Sol was in Tea's position, then he would have sneak attack the vultures.

With her capability it was possible to take out three of them at once with a sneak attack, she could conjure a few small but deadly projectiles that move at fast speed rather than the giant lumbering fireball.

The advantage she had was made obsolete by her fighting sense that could rival an angry elementary student.

She was clearly overconfident about her power, her judgment was clouded by her arrogance, if she fights someone on the same level then she might not make the same mistake as she did.

On the bright side, her show of power gets half of the vultures to went after her rather than Sol's group.

Having half of their enemy's attention off from their back, Sol and the other could breathe lighter, they could create more opening to hit the vultures while suffering less hit.

The one who fared better against the vultures were Jennie, she was also fast on her feet, with her wind ability, she could dodge almost every wind blade.

But the downside was she could not really hurt the vultures, they practically invincible against her wind attack.

Sol could sense that her wind ability was about sharpness, if she fights any other creature then her wind blade would surely draw blood with a single touch, unlucky for her, the vultures were a demi-titan aligned with wind ability.

On the other hand, Tom was the one who got hit the most, luckily only one vulture was aiming at him and his metal armor was the hardest armor among them all, he basically could tank one or two vulture by himself.

His mental ability was about hardness and protection, it seemed that he could also make the metal to immobilize his enemy but he got a hard time hitting the vultures with his slow and heavy attack.

As for Harry, his lightning ability was the one who could hit the vulture the most, he would hit the vulture once every two or three-volley of projectiles, but his attack was low in power because he prioritizes speed overpower.

If he was a Minor demigod then he would have killed the vulture the first time he hit it, but the reality was he only a lesser demigod and he could not have both speed and power in one attack.

His ability was about chain attack, his lightning grew stronger each time it hit his enemy, that was why he choose to go for speed rather than power.

The vulture aiming at him already quite battered by his continues attack but in exchange, he also suffer quite a few hit from the giant bird.

Sol was the most miserable one, for some reason, three of the vultures decided to attack him rather than the three other demigods.

Lucky for him, the environment was not as cold as the mortal realm, it provides his ability with a source of power.

He tried to hold back on his other ability to keep it as his trump card, he wanted to withhold as much information from his teammate as he did not trust them yet.

Sol also wanted to restrict his ability to sharpen his usage over the sun ice ability, he hopes that he could advance sooner with the pressure on his back.

He would need to left his comfort zone if he wanted to survive the underworld, his true enemy was not this lesser demigod level being but those on a higher level.

Truth to be told, Sol could beat the three of them quite easily if he used the knife soul ability and his other conjuring ability.

With the restriction he imposes upon himself, Sol fight with only his sun ice ability, he tried to pull every potential from the sun ice ability and trying to use it efficiently.

Seeing that the other three were having trouble, Sol told Tom and Harry to work together, "Tom! Harry! Work together, Tom focused on defending, Harry focus to bring both of them down!" Sol shout at them.

Tom and Harry had a doubt but seeing that his word had quite a bit of merit in it they start to work together.

Tom was great at defense while Harry was great at offense, their performance improves considerably once they work together.

Tom conjured a wall to block the wind blade while Harry kept harassing both vultures, Harry's attack speed increased as he did not need to defend or dodge the giant bird's attack.

With their combination, they killed the first Vulture and soon the second, even Tea who was a Minor Demigod could not do the same.

Tea was fighting six of them in the close-quarter while Tom and Harry were fighting two on two on a favorable condition.

It would seem that two demigods could get near the power of Minor demigod but the truth was if they fight a Minor Demigod, then they would lose before they could deal any damage to the demigod.

The vulture was able to beat those on a higher level because they were a titan, they use their physical capability and not magical ability that Demigod was resistant to.

Demigod on a higher level had an advantage over a lower-tier demigod while Demi-titan had an advantage over a lower-tier Demi-titan.

Tea fight harder once the duo killed their opponent as she felt that her pride as a Minor demigod was wounded.

Of course, the result was inversely proportional, her decision making gets worse and worse as she lost herself on a rampage, she only running after the vultures while the vultures harassed her from distance, their supposed position was upside-down as well.

Tom and Harry tried to helped Sol as they tough he was in the hardest position but he declined, "Go help, Jennie and Tea first, I can handle this," he said.

Sol was not able to breakthrough yet but he could still slowly weaken the three vultures, He used the sun ice ability to absorb their body heat, even though they dodge the projectiles, the heat absorption ability was bigger than the projectiles and it was invisible to naked eyes.

When they realized the ability, it already too late as they had lost quite a bit of body heat, even if they realized the sun ice ability, they could not dodge it entirely.

"What a turndown, they actually not strong enough to help me get some insight," Sol lamented.

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