Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 118: The Dead

Once Sol and the other finished their rest, They went out of the tent and ready themselves to continue their journey.

Their injuries already healed as it was only a flesh wound, for a demigod who could even survive after losing the majority of their organs, the flesh wound was easy to heal.

Harry who had the most injuries already in tip-top condition after their rest, his regeneration was quite fast even for a demigod, Sol could not heal that fast if he doesn't have his healing dome ability.

It seemed that he could stimulate his healing speed with his lightning ability but the only restriction was it require his full concentration so he could not use it while in a fight.

Sol and the other gather around Tea, they want to know where they were going to head to, as their leader, it would be her responsibility to choose their way.

Before fighting the Vultures, Tea just lead them to the highest place she could see but after encountering the vultures, they thought that they need to rethink their plan.

To go aimlessly was really dangerous, on the off chance, they could meet a major demigod and got wiped out in a single glare.

"Where are we heading to? Are we still going directly to the highest place we could see?" Tom question Tea who was still glum from her previous fight.

Her confidence and vigor were nowhere to be seen as Tea was doubting herself and her purpose on being there.

"Ugh... I'm not sure, we don't have any map so we could not be sure where we are heading to, our best bet is to get to the highest point we could see then to the next highest point until we reach our destination" She said.

Sol wanted to bash her head when he heard her logic, she was using such a primitive way to solve their problem.

It was the same with walking aimlessly, it would only be a matter of time before they meet something they could not afford to offend.

"I have a suggestion," Jennie opened up first before Sol could step in, "Let's find a city to ask around, we might find some clue there," She suggested.

"Where is this city, I could not even sense any city within a kilometer distance," Tea said to Jennie, "Is there a city in the underworld, I do not think there would be a city in this place," she said in doubt.

"There is a city here," Sol said, he had been told by Nerodia that he could find safety and protection when he got into a city in the underworld.

She gave him a set of instructions on how to find and behave in the city, first, they should never reveal that he was a living human, second, they should not fight in the city.

Each city in the underworld was constructed and led by a Major demigod, if they knew that he was an infiltrator from the mortal realm then they would kill him in an instant, most Major demigod in the underworld hate the people from the mortal realm to the bone.

As for the citizen of the city, She told him that it was supposed to be full of people who had passed away before the upheaval happened.

"How are you so sure? Can you lead us to this city," Tea looked at Sol with doubt, even though she lost confidence in herself it did not mean she believes others even more.

Sol remembered that Nerodia told him that almost every city in the underworld was built near the branch of the Styx river.

Styx river was known as the boundary between the mortal realm and the underworld but no one could confirm it as nobody could get through the river, if someone tried to touch the water from the main body of the river then they would wither away and disappeared in a matter of second.

On the other hand, the Styx river's branches were known as the source of life in the underworld, the soul of people who come from the mortal realm, also known as the dead would need to drink from the river every few days.

It gave them power and let them sustain a physical body, after drinking the water of the river, they could rival a lesser Demigod in power which let them survive in the underworld even against the native creature of the underworld.

The dead could only drink a certain amount of Styx water before reaching their limit, if they drink more then they would get eaten by the water and get erased from existence.

They could develop resistance to the Styx water which allow them to drink more of the water and get stronger power, it was said that a few major Demigod powerhouses in the underworld were also the dead who drink enough Styx water.

There was a myth among the dead that those who develop enough resistance against Styx water, at some point they would get enough power to swim through the river and get back to the mortal realm as the living.

But this myth was unproven because no one could try and get back to tell the story, when they tried to swim through it, they never come back so no one knew if they withered away or get back to the mortal realm.

Every river in the underworld was connected to the Styx river so Sol and the other only need to find a river and follow it to find a city.

"Someone told me before I get to the underworld that we could get to the city if we follow a river," Sol replied to Tea.

"Is this information reliable? We could not afford to waste our time," she asked as they had been in the underworld for a day and their life counter already decreased to ninety-nine which means they only have 99 days before their time was up.

"I believe her, she won't tell a lie as her life is in my hand," Sol said to convince them but it made them took a deep breath.

Sol's image gets worse in their eyes, they tough they had held someone hostage to get information and even did something to keep her in his hand even if he gets into the underworld.

"Ehem... Ok, let's find a river then," Tea clears her throat and get back to the topic.

It was not their problem that Sol was morally questionable or what he did before, what matter was that he was reliable to keep their back safe, as long as he did not threaten their life then they would let him be.

Sol gets alarmed by their change but he could not pinpoint what made them change, "WTF? Did I say something wrong?"

After a few seconds of recalling what he did and said, Sol wanted to bash his head to the ground, no one spread a rumor about him in the underworld, basically he had a fresh start in his reputation there but he just ruins his own reputation.

While Sol laments his blunder, they continue to find a river, it was quite easy to find a river because they were quite high in the mountain so they could see quite far.

Along the way, they met quite a bit of creatures but most of them were alone or in a small group that they run away from their group.

With Tea with them, most creatures would not risk it to fight them unless they have an overwhelming numerical advantage.

Sol also believes they could win against those creatures as his teammates were quite strong on their own, they had their own specialty and advantage.

He believes that they also had their trump card, there was no way that someone who could offend a God to be weak.

The only fight they met was when they met a group of ten or more predatory creature, although every one of them was on the lesser demigod level, Sol's group could beat them easily.

Their teamwork gets better and Tea also got her sense back, she did not rush in on the opponent but still fight on the high ground.

Most of their enemy was finished by the Minor Demigod, she grew a bit more mature in her fighting style, she did not fight with her pride anymore.

It made Sol get less creature to fight, he got a bit depressed as he could not train his ability and insight on sun ice ability.

It would be fine if they met no minor demigod or only one of them but when they meet two or more of them then they would die when that happens, so Sol wanted to sharpen his blade and advance to minor Demigod soon.

He had requested Tea to let him fight more creatures, so she would stand back and only help when they were in a pinch.

"Look there is another human over there!" Jennie point toward a clearing where a man is chopping a giant tree.

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