Chapter 9: Departing
"Hurry along now children, we can't go missing the train now!" Mrs. Weasley was leading the pack to Hogwarts express platform.
The remaining stopgap that existed until the inevitable school year had quickly diminished until the day of departure had finally arrived for us students. As such, I and the Weasley family had made our way to the Kings Cross station in London to board the Hogwarts express housed on Platform 9 and 3/4. To the average person that might seem like a joke but knowing the briefest extensions of the application of magic make it all the more feasible. After all, isn't magic about seeing the unseen and attaining the untenable?
The hustle and bustle of the train station was incredibly stifling, incessant chatter and noise permeated throughout the entire structure. The close proximity causing vast shuffling, collisions and all-about mayhem. The increased crowds could allow for the magical population to slip through their gazes more easily, that hidden within plain sight is often harder to pinpoint. That being said the opposite is also true; if the worst were to happen then wouldn't magic be completely exposed to the masses of muggles present? I imagine an innumerable swath of factors and protective legislation has been implemented to prevent this, however, it's hard to imagine exactly what these methods are without knowing the confines of what is and isn't possible with magic. Unfortunately, even with the opportune time given to me before our departure there was very little information which could be perused with this in mind. My own textbooks had some information on the topics practiced at Hogwarts, however, even I can tell they barely scratch the surface. Paired with the inability to practice magic outside of the Hogwarts premises only exacerbates the lack of practical knowledge of the subject.
That being said I still worry about the length at which this pragmatic wand will prevent the usage of magic. If it simply allows for the usage of small charms with weak power that would be one thing, however, I doubt that's the case. After all, I had already attempted to execute a few simple charms at opportune times when one of the Weasley family were nearby, giving plausible deniability if an issue ever arose from it. I found that even copying the forms and word usage for successful incantation still hadn't borne any fruit. In which case I can only follow the instructions left to me in Ollivander's shop.
Still... shadows cast upon us? That could refer to many things so it's hard to pinpoint the exact meaning of the statement. Without a doubt it means during the school year, my opportunity to wrestle with these so-called shadows would be diminished heavily outside of school. All I need to do is shine light on them? In most cases that would mean revealing a person or aspect of them that was previously concealed.
This begs the question of how these conditions are even established? Does the wand make decisions based on a desirable outcome for itself? Or perhaps its magnanimous in providing simple challenges for the user? In which case does this mean conflict against this shadow should be avoided due to their inherent strength? If thwarting a threat were the goal it would simply have stated to destroy or defeat these figures as opposed to exposing them. Whatever the case I should assume that defeating them is either impractical or impossible for me at this stage. The option that the wand simply doesn't care which outcome occurs is also possible. After all I could simply defeat the shadow and then expose its identity.
Sigh. Without any more information I'll only end up running circles within my own mind. Better to just focus on the immediate problems. For example, what happens if I can't use magic when in class? If this problem persists for too long, would I be expelled? Apparently, Hogwarts the institution itself can decipher magical ability which means they can already parse the magical and non-magical communities. However, if no magical qualities or abilities are exhibited over a long period of time by a wizard isn't that the same as being a muggle to them? The school may not throw them aside, but the teachers themselves could definitely make a decision instead.
Hahhh. I could always specialize in one area so much so that others couldn't compete, that would completely reduce the teacher's and institution's ability or even desire to remove me. Although that might involve quite a bit of reading ahead on this year's material.
Eventually, the entire congregation had managed to reach the elusive platform. Despite several difficulties mainly stemming from Mr. Weasley. Getting caught at a turnstile without using his pass, parking the family car incorrectly outside the station just to name a few. Hasn't he come here before, how does he still manage to mess this up?
Directly between the platforms 9 and 10 at the third archway is where we found ourselves. Now, how exactly do we enter?
"Alright, everyone has everything? Good, I love you all. Have a good year and don't cause any trouble, you two especially." I don't even have to tell you who Mrs. Weasley meant.
"You first Percy." Mr. Weasley directed the present eldest to enter the platform. Surprisingly he simply walked directly into the wall, phasing through it and disappearing from our sight alongside his belongings. Although it was somewhat difficult to tell, his entire body had disappeared as one entity meaning standard transportation magic had enacted rather than compression or the like. Otherwise, his body would have gradually disappeared rather than his head and furthest arm vanishing simultaneously.
"Alright now you George, then Fred." Mrs. Weasley points to one of the twins.
"But Mum, I'm Fred!"
"Oh... Alright, I'm sorry go-ahead Fred."
"Honestly... You call yourself my mother..."
"I'm sorry dear."
"It's okay Mum..." The downcast look on his face quickly morphed into a smirk.
"I'm George after all." George had a look of glee on his face even as he ran straight into the wall.
The real Fred laughed after seeing this interaction, quickly following his brother onto the platform after the revelation.
"...Those boys will be the death of me." Mrs. Weasley didn't look pleased to say the least.
"Now then, why don't you go in Kiyotaka, dear? If you're nervous might be best to give it a good run." If I run, I might miss something interesting though...
I simply walk into the wall, as soon as my body makes contact with the archway it peers through to the other side as if it were never there. For the briefest of moments, a dark expanse converges in my vision only to be immediately substituted by a familiar scenery of a railway station with a steam train of all things on the track. Lovingly labelled the Hogwarts Express along the top ridge of the carts.
"C'mon Taka, let's go find some seats. We'll introduce you to a few friends." Are they not worried about Ron? I guess they plan to leave him to his own devices. I could be giving them too much credit, it's more likely that they simply forgot about him unintentionally.
I'm sure he'll manage by himself, after all he seemed to be searching in the crowd for someone earlier, perhaps a friend?
"...2, 3, 4. Alright this is the cart." Fred then looks towards the large clock situated on the wall behind us. As soon as the clock strikes 8:54 the cart we stood outside had erupted with a noxious, repulsive green effervescence which quite simply smelled revolting. The seated students rapidly fled from the scene leaving the cart desolate as can be.
"Easiest way to get seats, this particular smell dissipates in the air within a few seconds. More than enough to clear the way for us for the time being." So, a collaborator done this? I imagine this was agreed upon earlier.
"Won't a teacher interfere with this?"
"Maybe if the circumstances were more serious, but they'll just treat something at this level like a joke between kids, plus it'd be too much trouble to try and assign blame and a punishment for this. After all, this isn't Lee's first time." Oh god, there's more of them.
"Enough of that Fred, let's get a booth before the brats come back."
"True enough, brother."
Boarding the train provides a scenery not dissimilar to steam trains of old. The facilities inside were kept to a great standard and looked as good as new. I do however begin to wonder how this was constructed. Do wizards have the technical know-how to construct this? My understanding of magicians at this stage hedges on the implication that most wizards don't care for technology or advancements in engineering. The Weasley family in general seem to be an outlier compared to other witches and wizards in that regard.
To disdain and sneer at the non-magical only to profit off of and rely on their inventions as travel implements is almost laughable. Integration between magical and muggle society has only recently come to the forefront, even then they remain ignorant to one another. One due to obfuscation and the other through a mixture of hubris and ignorance. Although that has no bearing on the situation currently, still it always makes me wonder... Magic has only just been introduced to me, needless to say it completely shifted my world view even now the limits with what magic makes possible is still obscured. If technology and magic were to meet, who's to say what the limits would be?
Fred and George flagrantly push open the door to a booth, in which a boy is already seated. Apparently waiting for the two to join him.
"Hey, Lee how's it going man?"
"Great, those stink bombs work even better than I thought! You guys have perfected it this time, for sure!" So, this is the collaborator they were talking about. Lee. He was a young black boy the same age as Fred and George but noticeably shorter than the twins. His naturally curly hair was braided into long dreadlocks that gathered on his shoulders.
"Yeah, we should move onto the next venture soon. I'm thinking something more useful in classes..."
"...That can wait for later. Who's this? You didn't mention anything in the last letter, got another new brother?"
"Haha! Even magic wouldn't make that possible. Nah, it's a bit complicated. But the gist of it is that program they introduced a while ago, an application of that."
"Oh... OH! I get you, that makes more sense. He good staying with us? Wouldn't he prefer to meet some of his own year?"
"Hmm... Yeah, actually we should give him a chance to meet them. Actually, I think I have a few ideas for that." Trouble is sure to follow, then.
"How about it Taka? I know, we just got seats, but it would be a good chance to meet your year. Should probably check on Ron as well." Fred seemed to have finally remembered his younger brother despite the excitement.
"Weren't the first years in these cabs?" It would've saved a lot of time if they held back.
Fred and George sweat dropped in remark to that comment.
"...Never mind that. I have a few ideas of some great company, he joins this year right George?"
"Who?... OH! Yeah, about time we had a bit of fun. I'm sure we can give them an unforgettable experience."
"Lee, got any more of those stink bombs by any chance?" Won't they be on high alert for those?
"Yeah, I kept 2 more as back up in case the first time didn't work out."
"Great. Lee, have a look for potential snakes in the grass."
"Gotcha!" Lee sprinted out of the door and began to check the different cabs and booths to find the targets.
Snakes? I assume they mean students, other than that I couldn't begin to guess without further information.
"...Who joined this year?"
"You wouldn't know. I think I'll leave it as a surprise for ya!"
Nothing good can come from that.
The carriage door bursts open again as Lee returns.
"Found him! Could've noticed the telltale signs anywhere, that and he was practically announcing himself in the next cart!"
That would certainly make things easier.
"Nice. Much quicker than I would've thought."
"Announcing himself, huh. Sounds like he needs to be humbled a bit, what do you say?"
"Wonderful idea, brother. I think we'll have Taka land the final blow."
Do I even get a choice in the matter?
Fred beckons us to huddle in closer.
"...Alright, here's how we'll go about it..."
That's rather meticulous for such a juvenile prank.
"You in Taka?"
"If you say no we'll blame the stink bomb on you." Fred finished with a small smile. I don't doubt this man for a second.
Ah well. It isn't like the fallback from this could be drastic. I'll just go along.
I simply nod in his direction.
"Cool. We'll support you, just do as we planned, and you'll be fine."
The four of us escape from the carriage and move two carts over towards the front of the train. Apparently, these seats were taken by students which arrived early as well as some premium seats which their families paid more for.
Some small groups were gathered at the booths. The only thing out of order was a rather large group of students congregated around a single stall at the end of the carriage. At that end stood a few students likely the same age as me were throwing what looked to be food and snacks to all the other students which were present in the carriage. At the head was a young boy with slicked back, almost bleached white hair with a snake draped over his shoulder.
The student amicably threw snacks towards the students which greedily reached into the air and grasped them, almost fighting with each other over their favorites. Their attentions were solely focused on that commotion. It was only at this moment I realised the twins had stayed in the last cart to aid with the plan. I can't really stand here forever, I'll just attract attention.
With that thought in mind I slowly walk towards the commotion hoping not to draw any eyes towards myself. Blending into the crowd and reaching for the snacks that continued to rain down towards us, subtly emptying and then filling my pockets with the dispensed goods.
Suddenly the signal was given. I had a few seconds to complete my objective and leave before the dust settles.
I open the vial and allow the essence to leak slightly in the crowd. Suddenly, the crowd gets rowdy and notice the stench and a subsequent noise coming from the front of the cart. A much louder, raucous cacophony of flatulence continues to cry out from the leading, snake-draped student.
"Oi, somebody check their pants!"
"Dude, what the hell have you been eating!"
"Hey, it isn't me! It's coming from the front, idiot!"
The windows which had slowly been opened during the commotion made the smell rush into the crowd straight from the front or at least it seemed that way to them.
At the same moment I empty the vial onto the floor and in the confusion knock the drinks of two nearby students out of their hands as well. As the confusion and fuss kicked up, I grab my other collaborator and make a break for the exit.
"Oi! Maybe you had too many sweets Malfoy!"
"Check your pants! Heir of Slytherin."
"Hey! Don't say that! Just wait until his father hears of this. Haha! No, I can't!"
"Seriously, did you shit yourself? God, I need some air!"
Malfoy, or at least that seems to be his name was overjoyed by this reaction. As I'm sure you can imagine. His face developed into a deep crimson that could only be replicated by prolonged suffocation. Apologies, but it had to be done for the greater good.
And by the greater good. I mean I was bribed and blackmailed into it. Unlucky, I guess.
With a single look back. None of the crowd or the victim of this crime were any the wiser.