Chapter 8: A private discussion
"Oh, I wasn't expecting your company so soon." An imposing, elderly man apparated inside the room without nary a sound.
"I trust you found it to be entertaining."
"Yes. Truly I haven't encountered such an interesting young man in a long time. How did you know they would be compatible?"
"I was also once enamoured with that field of study. Not so much as you but let's just say some things are never forgotten. I could never think of a more fitting recipient. Out of curiosity, what was the first instruction?"
"Unfortunately, the text was in another language. I wanted to ask him, but I figured it would be better as a surprise. This year you have quite the promising bunch it seems."
"Indeed, it isn't just him. Several of the other students seem to be promising."
"Not to mention the boy who lived. He acted exactly like his mother, resembled his father more though. Choosing his wand was a privilege of the highest order. That reminds me, he was also chosen by a rather peculiar wand in particular..."
"So, it was as I thought... No matter that can be solved with time, let us hope that those were the only similarities."
"That would be for the best."
"Onto business then... Was everything exactly as predicted?"
"For the most part, the extent of restriction was even more pronounced than I thought possible. Honestly, I think without that wand he may not be able to perform magic at all."
"I trust you mean the first?"
"Well, yes... But strangely enough the other was quite restrained as well. It took that problematic wand to overturn the tides. Otherwise, his magic was, how to say... lacklustre compared to his parents. I suppose time will tell."
"I see, that is troubling to know. Especially when you consider who might be returning."
"True enough, it is concerning. All we can do is offer our services when they are needed. I imagine things will be even tougher for you, make sure you take caution."
"Of course, it isn't just myself I need to protect."
"You truly have been put into a rough position. I suppose it would be difficult for anyone else to handle."
"It's reassuring to know I have your understanding."
"Of course, I'll offer my services whenever they are needed. You need just say the word."
"...How long do you think it'll take for him to complete the first task?"
"I couldn't even hope to guess without seeing the instructions."
"I see."
"That being said; I have a single premonition."
"Which is?"
"This is also a word of caution to you as well. That boy will complete the tasks, likely before you are ready."
"How can you be so sure?"
"The wand would not have picked him without assuming he had a modicum of success. In fact it likely wouldn't have picked him at all if it wasn't extremely likely. The wand picks the wizard, that is the first and foremost tenant we live by. You know that more than anyone else. I can only hope your efforts bear fruit."
"Was he that worrying to you?"
"You know as much as I do that given the chance, he could grow into trouble given time. The past has taught you that mistake, I'm sure."
"...Yes. I suppose it has. However, the past is just that. Things are different now. I am different now."
"Be that as it may, history oft repeats itself. It is up to those in the know to protect the future generations."
"Is he not a part of the future generation?"
"Personally, I'm not against weeding out the bad seeds before they taint the field. Those bad seedlings might bring a plague not just produce sour fruit. There isn't a day that passes where I wish a different path was taken. So much life lost for nothing."
"You know that we can't just be rid of them. As ideal as that solution may seem. Besides the first will be preoccupied for the time being."
"In which case I would certainly not give them the means to oppose us in the future."
"What would you have me do? Eventually that would fall in his hands or perhaps in even worse hands in the future. Is this not the ideal choice at the moment?"
"I don't have to remind you who else I regret giving a wand. I would rather not feel that way ever again."
"I understand believe me, I do. However, the future requires nurtured strength this was the only option which might increase that. In any other case he would be an enemy or uninvolved. Simply put, as we are now, we can't hope to compete in the future without taking this gamble."
"A gamble it is. I just can't help but feel wary whenever he's in the picture."
"What exactly did you see in the boy?"
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. That should be telling enough. That boy will not show any care for your ideals or at least not in the straightforward way you assume he will."
"That boy is anything but straightforward, so I never expected any different."
"I'm talking about both of them."
"...What do you mean?"
"Peering beyond the veil, I fear they may share a link. He is amassing power sooner than perceived."
"We already know he has amassed a following, various dealings with third parties. Resurgent's from a war long passed. Nothing more than that surely?"
"No, enough to shut me out entirely. I only managed to peer behind slightly, immediately the scar widened the gap."
"...I have much to think about. Thank you, once again."
The elderly magician apparated out of the room effortlessly, despite the ponderance he left with.
"Still, where exactly did he find that wand? It was lost for ages... That and the design itself... Seems to have changed from the records. Honestly... The dark and the light. Sometimes they can seem almost interchangeable."
"Two problematic wands and similar wielders for each. That accompanying the fact of the twin feather core finally finding its owner... Truly, dark times are encroaching once more."