Scars Of White

Chapter 7: Ollivander's

"Now dear, this might be the moment you've been waiting for the longest. Saving the best for last and all that." Oh, does that mean what I think it does?

"Are we perhaps getting a wand now?"

"Indeed, we are. And what a perfect time to, I see Ron is just about to get his. We'll meet with the rest of the family before we buy them." As she said that Mrs. Weasley walked towards the ensemble cast that was the Weasley family meandering towards a shop labeled Ollivander's. Master wand craftsmen since 382 BC. That's a long lineage, I wonder how they even record from that far back. A magic version of carbon dating? I suppose with magic its easier to preserve information compared to the stunted advancement of non-magicals throughout time. But this raises interesting questions...

Is magic only possible with a wand? In that case are wizards just conduits for the magic within the wand or are both necessary? No, that shouldn't be the case. If so, muggles could cast magic so long as a wand were within their grasp. The little magic I've seen performed during my stay has been produced with the implement in hand, so I have little idea as to whether wandless magic is even a possibility.

But in that case what are wands made from? And how are they made at all? Assuming magic is needed to forge the wand then how would the first wand be created? A chicken and the egg situation.

If I were to speculate the construction of a wand it would basically be a fancy piece of wood. Likely some sort of magical tree or even common wood with some magical core contained inside; such as materials from magical creatures. That's what typical fantasy would dictate.

"Hey Taka, having fun being dragged around by Mum?"

"I couldn't ask for better company." Navigating Diagon Alley with Mrs. Weasley was a treat compared to the trouble that would no doubt arise when travelling with the twins.

"It's a shame we couldn't come with, needed to get the goods for that squirt." George pointed over his shoulder to Ron, who was quietly clutching his belonging as well as a trunk as he moved towards us.

"Well, he isn't the only one. Did you guys not need any new stuff?"

"Nah, we'll just use Percy's old books. Other than that, just new robes, ours are getting a little small." Both the twins were rather tall and lean, probably due to the lifestyle they lead at the Burrow on the farmstead. As they were indeed a head or so taller than average for their age.

"Won't that mean you have to share the entire year?" 

"Yeah, but we have all the same classes anyway. Not worth spending the coin." Is the economic situation of the family worse than I had anticipated? For them to make concession on the books. I mean they were somewhat expensive, however they are magic tomes so I can't really tell whether they were overpriced.

Hmm... Are wands expensive? If so, I wonder how Ron intends to get one? Maybe the family pooled together by saving on expenses like the books to buy one for him. If they went to such lengths, then I imagine that wand and wizard compatibility must have a profound effect on magic performance. Can a wizard or witch perform magic with any wand in hand? Or does it have to be accustomed/specific to the wizard?

"Still, I'm quite excited to see what happens in the shop." Fred calmly stated with a chuckle.

"What do you mean by that?" I don't like the way he worded that.

"I'll leave it for you to find out." That's rather cryptic.

"C'mon then, let's go and get your wands and then some food. I'm utterly famished with all the running about." Mr. Weasley rushed both of us along into the store with the rest of the family joining inside.

I appreciate the support but due to the confines of the store, having so many customers at once makes it rather claustrophobic. Strangely enough no one was at the desk in the store, I suppose you can't be waiting here all day for customers. Mr. Weasley cleared his throat rather loudly aiming to summon the shopkeeper for business.

In response a rather aged, owl-like man slid across the towering storage bookshelves and looked towards us.

"Ah, customers yes. I'll be but a moment." Despite the man's seniority he moved quickly down the ladder betraying his supposed visage.

"Is that young Arthur and Molly? What a pleasure, have you come to get a wand for one of the youngsters? Or perhaps is it just this young man I'll be serving today?" Apparently the Weasley are also return customers to this shop. I didn't see any other wand makers on the way so that seems likely.

"Hello Ollivander, a wand for my youngest boy and this young man as well."

"I see. It seems your family grows larger every time I see you. Don't tell me you've taken another one in?"

"He's just in our care for a while. That being said you can think of him as family, that goes for you as well Kiyotaka." How welcoming, I knew they were hospitable, but we haven't known each other for long. I wonder how tall a tale he spun to result in this treatment...

"Well then, shall we get you measured up first? Having done it for your family before this should be quick. Step on up and let me get a good look at you." He pointed to Ron and ushered him forward. Nervousness and excitement were evident upon Ron's. He quietly stepped forward to the desk.

"Hmm. Hmm. Yes, I see." Ollivander continued to look down upon the boy almost as if inspecting merchandise.

"A bit unconventional. Try this one." Saying as such he whips around and grabs a box protruding from one of the shelves. What a crazy memory to know where that is. Or is he just grabbing them at random? Are we getting scammed, pranked maybe? I'd rather we didn't have more Fred and George's. They're interesting don't get me wrong. But I want no part in excess chaos.

He hands Ron a lengthy oak wooden stick, straight and narrow. What looks to be about 9.5 to 10 inches in length.

"Give it a wave then, boy." He urges Ron to swing the implement.

Ron randomly targets the lamp at the back of the store. Of course, the lamp spontaneously explodes and graces the floor with its shattered remains. Was that good or bad? Did he mean to do that, if so, that would be good? Right?

"Nope, definitely not that one."

I guess that wasn't intended then.

"Hmm. Perhaps this one then." Handing Ron another box containing a wand he then grasps it in hand. A surge of wind swirled around him only to suddenly make a shrieking hiss which swept across the entire room.

"Indeed, that seems appropriate."

"Are you sure they're compatible Mr. Ollivander?" That question came from Mr. Weasley. Apparently, that also wasn't an ideal reaction.

"The wand chooses the wizard as always. However, it seems you also have to prove your worth young man. Work hard to become a wizard that the wand can be proud in, do that and everything else shall fall into place."

"...I'll do my best, sir."

"That you should. Black Walnut it is. 11 inches, long and crooked yet thin. A unicorn hair as the core. Black walnut are known for their temperamentality, they can often sense the turmoil within us. They only ask that it be resolved so they can also thrive. Pair that with the unicorn hair makes an incredibly loyal and trusting partner. However, that trust can only be completed when the wielder accepts themselves."

Indeed, that does sound temperamental. After all most people suffer from some sort of internal conflict throughout life, the topic simply interchanges for another.

"Work towards your goals without distractions and the wand will follow."

Ron stepped back after that. Bewildered, but clear excitement grown across his face.

It seems the designated wand will be assigned rather abstractly, I suppose I shouldn't have assumed any differently. That being said does this work off of cold reading or an equivalent? After all, Ollivander had immediately chosen wands which seemed contrary to the rest of his family and surmised Ron's own mental state. That begets the question; Does Ollivander read the person or make conclusions based on the complementary wand characteristics? For example, psychological issues can be addressed by a Rorschach's test or through exhibited characteristics. The conclusion might remain the same but the methods to reach it can cause several changes during the journey.

"Well then young man, would you step forward so I can get a good look at you?"

Ushered on by the wise old owl, I take a step forward to the counter and meet his eyes. To which he peers inside without a hint of nervousness only curiosity lies within those gaping orbs.

"What is your name?"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, sir."

"...Interesting. Interesting. I must say it's not every day I get a customer like you. This will be difficult... But I always love a challenge. Wait but a moment, boy."

Was my previous hypothesis, correct? The blank facade constantly plastered across my face might have prevented proper cold reading. I suppose experience and trial and error are the only option after that.

After a moment Ollivander returned clutching a rather unkempt box to his chest and placed it onto the desk, the size was several times larger than those housing a single wand. I guess he wants to brute force it then...

"We'll start with this one first..." He hands me a lengthy birch stick, straight and narrow.

"Before you start... Arthur, ward just in case."

"Huh... Understood. Protego." A thin veil slowly envelops the family behind me as the word was uttered, some sort of forcefield? Ollivander had also chanted the same.

"Give it a go."

Not knowing exactly what to do, I simply perform a small flick pointed at the ground a distance from me. Aiming to minimize the damage to the surroundings. Only to be surprised by the fact that nothing... nothing happened... were my previous misgivings, correct? Can I even perform magic in the first place?

"Ha... Haha, I didn't think it were possible! How peculiar. Although, it also makes sense now..." Ollivander was in his own little world following the events or rather lack of any event whatsoever.

"Mr. Ollivander, what's going on?"

"...It was a bit of a gamble. But I wanted to see if my ideas were true! I've never met a single customer like this in all my time! Amazing, simply incredible."

"You're not explaining anything, Ollivander. What's going on?" Mr. Weasley seemed to be tired of Ollivander's rampant whisperings.

"Oh, right... Of course. That right there boy, is a rogue wand. It was used by and is loyal to another master. So much so that it often missuses the magic of any channelling its power. Meaning even the most seasoned witch or wizard would have difficulty preventing an outburst. You, however managed to prevent any leakage whatsoever. That is what's so peculiar."

"Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. After all I may not even be able to perform magic."

"What makes you say that, boy?"

"I've never encountered any situation which couldn't be explained, I've never caused magic to happen nor seen it my entire life. It would be strange for that to occur, no?"

"Strange but not impossible. Besides, an invitation to Hogwarts cannot be extended to muggles. The school itself will reject the notion."

I had thought that myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dumbledore pulled some strings behind the scenes. My situation isn't exactly common. Not that that's something I should discuss here.

"None the matter. That has proven it. Competence above all else, one could say that is the true measure of a wizard."

"I was right to save this wand all these years. This right here, I would like you to take young Ayanokouji. Fulfil its conditions and take this wand to even greater heights."

A well-maintained box was presented before me, despite the care taken it was clear the box and contents themselves were quite aged. Inside the box lay a particularly wild looking stick with many ministrations along its length.

"This is a wand inherited before my time. Hawthorn, 8 inches, rigid, overgrown. To many this wand is simply unwieldly. It was experimental which also makes it highly temperamental. The core is thestral tail hair which is known for its own peculiarities. The ivy decorating the hilt was also a study on the effects of woods as an accessory and pairs with the thestral hair core. Wands of this calibre will only lend themselves to the worthy, those willing to face dangers head on. Please, take it."

"Hmm. Shouldn't you place the barrier again?"

"That's unnecessary this time."


"You'll see what I mean when you take it in arm."

Picking up the strange overgrown twig in hand the ivy slowly clasped around my hand hugging tightly with the wand. Slowly protrusions had erupted from the hilt directly through my hand further increasing the intensity of the joining between them. Blood erupted from my hand and slowly lifted in the air. The liquid arranged itself into text before me, forming kanji. It can even tell the language of the user? Or is this to purposely exempt the others in the room?


Appearing before me the text reads: 

Shadows will be cast upon you, relegated to the abyss is a shame upon us. Illuminate these figures, that is the first step. 


How ominous.

It was all over as quickly as it had begun.

"Dear? Is your hand alright!?" Mrs. Weasley had ran over and caused a fuss. It didn't really matter much, I'm sure magic can heal it rather quickly.

"Huh!? Kiyotaka, when did you learn to do that?" What did I say. Although I wasn't expecting to get healed without an incantation. 

"Hmm. I didn't do anything though?" I assumed one of them did it.

"Such fast and intricate healing isn't possible without an experienced wizard." True, the wound was rapidly closing, and no feeling of anaemia was noticeable, traces of steam rose from the hand but the blood in the air dissipated and the wound fully closed looking good as new. The ivy and protrusions had also retracted and allowed my hand to let go of the wand.

"Mr. Ollivander, what is happening? Did you know this would injure him?" Mrs. Weasley looked livid.

"No... I assure you. Every person to have tried the wand was rejected before this. It can only mean the wand has decided on its user. However, this might also cause some trouble for you, young Ayanokouji."

"How so?"

"Your magical control is restricted, which means you won't unnecessarily leak power or cause accidents. However, it also means performing magic at all without a wand's allegiance will be all but impossible. Especially as the two of you are blood bonded now."

So, magic can be cast without a wand, good to know. Even if I can't do it myself it's an important facet of knowledge.

"For now, I would focus on fulfilling the conditions the wand has set and gaining its trust."

"...Understood, thank you Mr. Ollivander."

"No, thank you Ayanokouji. Truly what an interesting day."

"...Hah... Well, that's over with. Shall we go get some food now?" Is food the only thing on this man's mind?

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