Scars Of White

Chapter 6: Magical Menagerie

The prospect of keeping and caring for a pet has always intrigued me, in fact I was quite taken with the idea a time in the past. Of course, my caretakers at the time forbade such an action.

However, the thought always remained in the back of my mind. If I were to get a pet, what would I choose?

You may ask; what brought this sudden ponderance? The answer is my current location, Magical Menagerie. A pet store for all sorts of magical and non-magical animals. Well, actually maybe they're all magical. Some just look like ordinary dogs and the like. Of course, odd creatures were also mixed in.

Whenever the thought struck my mind in the past the animal was always a dog, of course I never knew other such creatures existed. Yet, even with them before me keeping them as a pet still doesn't seem realistic. Why? Isn't it just an animal like any other? I suppose more time might be needed to fully adjust to this situation.

The raucous screeching of the myriad creatures drawn my consciousness from the inner most thoughts currently causing turmoil.

"Are there any restrictions on pets?" Directing my query to Mrs. Weasley who accompanied me.

"There used to be dear, now it's just a question of the size or breed of the animal. Creatures known for destructive tendencies or dangerous behaviour obviously aren't allowed, but otherwise basically any creature is allowed."

The whimpering of the small pups towards the center of the shop drawn my attention. If I want a pet, it makes sense to pick whatever interests me the most, I just hope this interest isn't for the reason I believe it to be.

I'm not greatly versed in specifics such as dog pedigree or even the most common breeds by geography, my interest came from the benefits a person may get and the development they may feel when taking in a dependent. In other words, I wanted to care for a pet. That being said, these all looked like stereotypical 'muggle' dogs. 

A brief glance over the small pups separated into cages didn't betray that original assumption. "You want a dog, boy?" The weathered old man managing the shop came to me in silence, asking with a rather disgusted tone of voice. I hadn't done anything to offend the man, at least in my memory.

"...Are these magical in some way? Or are they just normal dogs?" He snorted in recognition of the question. I'm sorry, I'm new to this.

"Who knows? Who cares? Filthy animals just like the Lycanthropes that stem from them. They make for good guards, alarms and they're stupidly loyal. Incredibly useful, disgusting nonetheless." It's just a dog though, right? Lycanthropes, huh?... They must cause quite the controversy if even common dogs are persecuted alongside them.

With that revelation I'm slightly disgruntled now. A dog is the only pet I had in mind for a long time, for that choice to be taboo is rather unfortunate. Perhaps prejudice against the Canid family isn't widespread? That would be ideal.

If I attract attention due to this choice alone, then that'd be rather annoying to say the least. On the other hand, is there even a point getting an animal I haven't even the slightest inclination towards?

I spare a glance towards Mrs. Weasley behind me, as she looks down at the dogs not smiling but instead looking in recognition and resignation. So, the hate isn't seeded in all people, but persecution is indeed commonplace.

Most of the dogs barked excitedly and jumped around as we approached the cages, I can only imagine the ways in which each will be treated by their future prospective owners. Perhaps their joy will only last for this brief moment of time, instead forever subjugated to a leash in the future. No joy, no companionship, only servitude. Duty above all else, or rather duty is the only existence for them.

I've made up my mind.

A small pitch-black pup lay down yawning towards the back of its enclosure, despite the pup's youth and situation it seemed to be cognizant. Even as I approached, the dog only eyed me whilst looking over its paws. The small fox-like ears of the animal perked up as I approached ever closer to the cage, nonetheless it remained static only following my movements with its eyes. The puffy fur of the dogs face had a semblance of a bear cub. Overall, what I wanted to say is that it's cute. Like a little furball, plus the attitude is amicable.

"I'd stay away from that one if I were you lad. That visage is the grim. Terrible fates await wizards and witches plagued by the grim." I suppose most customers didn't interact with it, maybe that's the reason it reacts that way. Doesn't matter, I've already decided.

"I'll have this one please."

"Don't listen do you, brat? Got a death wish? Or do you just get a kick out of messing with people?"

"Provided I can pay for it, how much is it?"

"And if I said it was 1 galleon?"

"I suppose I'd have to come back another day..."

"But it isn't actually 1 galleon, is it?" Of course that was rhetorical, I don't feel like buying any of the other animals here, this one piqued my interest.

"Hmph. I'm trying to do you a favour here, kid... Forget it, just take the thing out of the store it was scaring customers anyway."

"...And how much for it?"

"...Just take the damn thing, it would rest on my conscience if I took money from you for that thing." I see, he really was just warning me about it. At least both parties win with this settlement, I wouldn't be surprised if omen like this caused business to slow. After all, superstition in this world is entirely more warranted than the non-magical. Although, that just makes me wonder why he kept it here in the first place...

With that he unlocked the cage and let the tiny beast out. It slowly lifted its head off of its front legs before stretching and eventually emerging from the confines of the cage out into the store centre. Cautiously it looks around the room and at the three of us, focusing on myself in the middle. 

I decide to sit in front of the dog and show my intentions. Leaving my hands by my side and simply allowing the dog to wander around me, eventually after sniffing all around my body it decides to sit in my lap and lay down. My hand almost immediately started to pat its head and stroke the soft fluffy fur of the dog, what a nice feeling. This is quite cathartic.

"Well, if you're done, go and get out of my store. And for Merlin's sake don't go taking the thing into other shops. Don't need you causing a fuss."

"I understand. Thank you, sir."

"Tch. Whatever, just get going."

"Isn't that nice? Well then, dear have you given thought to a name?" Mrs. Weasley spoke up after her long-term silence, seeing the dogs must have upset her.

Isn't it amazing that complete freedom sometimes feels so restricting? Now that the opportunity arises, something as simple as a name, a mere moniker to address something escapes me. While a name may not seem important at first glance, it actually has many profound effects on a person from socialization to physiological growth. In fact, researchers even speculate that the reason names fit faces for so many people is due to the plasticity of the human body in response to the bestowed name, meaning a stranger could estimate or accurately guess another random person's name with a non-zero percent accuracy. Of course, this is research directed towards humans so whether this applies to other animals is suspect at best. Still, I would like to imagine the name matters. To ensure I hold an existence which will one day become precious to me in my arms, the name should also be equally valuable. 

From the appearance Kage, Kuro or even Kuma thanks to the cub-like face of the young pup would all fit. Or if I really wanted to cause some trouble Grim is an option as well... But I'd much rather avoid that catastrophe. Dark shadows of the past should be left where they are, instead I should be looking forward.

This could in fact be the first step towards dispersing the thick fog that had forever loomed over my head. As such I think I have made my decision...


Let this step be the guiding light of my future.

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