Chapter 10: Upperclassmen
"Hahahahahaha... Hah. It's been a while since I had that much fun!" The glee present on George's face was a sight to behold, he was practically beaming. I'd respond with a smile of my own if not for these underdeveloped facial muscles.
Lee was also joining the choir of roaring laughter, Fred by comparison was rather reserved simply chuckling into his robe as we continued down the hall to reach the booth we had ditched earlier.
"Very good gentlemen, this calls for a break." Fred opened the door of the booth for the rest of us to enter. Although, I don't think he's realized...
"Indeed, brother lets, we can enjoy the spoils of war!" George began grabbing packets of sweets from his pocket, apparently, he couldn't show his face in front of Malfoy but had the gall to help himself to the snacks.
"Umm... Guys."
"What's up Taka?" George with a mouthful of who knows what, managed to blurt out between stuffing his face.
"There's people in this booth." They really don't have a care in the world, do they?
"Oh, what do you know? Hey Katie, Wood! What brings you guys here?"
"Don't give us that, what did you do?" The girl in the booth asked with an aggressive tone.
"I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about?" Fred feigns ignorance, I never really expected any less.
"Anytime you aren't sat still, I just assume you've been up to something troublesome."
"Ye' of little faith."
"So, are you saying nothing happened?"
"That is what you could say." Fred told an absolute bald-faced lie.
"I hope you aren't getting our juniors involved in trouble for your own amusement." The boy (nicknamed?) Wood contributed to the argument.
"Me? Pshh, I'd never do that. Lee though, Lee definitely would." Going with these guys was a mistake if he throws us under the bus this quickly.
"Hey, what the hell man?" Lee was rightfully taken aback.
"Different Lee."
"You know another Lee in our year?
"Yeah... Yeah, of course." Whilst telling this deviation from the truth he subtly shook his head in the direction of Katie. And seemed to have mouthed 'all him'.
"I find that hard to-"
"I swear I'll curse whoever did this! Search the carts find whoever's responsible, right now!" A rather high-pitched voice rang out through the cart. I guess there will be some trouble coming from this.
Katie and Wood just looked in our direction without saying a word.
"...Nothing, right?"
"Wow, they sound mad. Whoever did that is in real big trouble." Is this compulsive lying, or is he still playing into the joke?
"Should we be worried?"
"Pshh. Nah, I'm just going to hide myself for no particular reason right now." Casting something I didn't quite catch he flipped a veil from thin air and formed an almost airtight seam against the wall. If you just came into the room, you'd barely be able to see the difference.
George was also gone before I had even realised, mostly because Fred's antics caught my eye. Lee was a bit behind on the draw and was frantically looking around for somewhere to hide before climbing up and hiding comically behind the suitcases along the rails near the roof of the cabin. I suppose you wouldn't see him if you didn't look there...
"...You gonna hide?"
"We didn't do anything so there's no need to, right?" I mean it's not as if anything amazing happened, so it's not exactly a lie.
"I... Honestly, I can't tell whether you're telling the truth or not."
"Well, if that's the case then take a seat. A friend of my friend is a new friend after all." Nice, maybe I can get some reliable senpai, at least compared to those three trouble causers.
"Hmph... Fine, I suppose we should introduce ourselves; I'm Katie Bell and this is Oliver Wood. We're regrettably friends of those three stooges that have been dragging you around." Katie seems to be strait-laced and maybe the so-called mother of the group. She might dislike the twins' actions, but it must not cause enough of a rift to dissuade their friendship. That or she simply sees it as a moral obligation to rein them in. Katie was probably around the same height as me and a bit slimmer. Her hair was bunched up into a ponytail at the back, making her deep brown eyes or the birthmark on her neck the most prominent features to her portrait.
"No regrets here, they're fun to have around!" Oliver seems like the happy go lucky type, he kind of just goes along with the flow and enjoys life like a leaf in the wind. I could learn a lot from him. From this day forth Oliver Wood will be the guiding post for where my life should be going. He was a boy with short-brown hair and a keen look in his eye. Amusement practically never left his face, was that just due to the situation or is it his neutral expression?
"Please, you just say that because they do their job on the team properly."
"Now, now that isn't the only reason... They're also very resourceful when it comes to the exam season."
"Aren't you just profiting off of their stupidity at that point?"
"Hey, that's a bit much don't you think? But if they want to cause a ruckus, I won't stop them."
"Honestly, you might be just as bad as them."
"Oh, come off it. As if you don't get a kick out of them as well?"
"...Sometimes they have their moments. Very few and far between though."
I was beginning to feel a bit left out as the conversation continued to pass between the two players like a masterful game of catch.
The cart door opened, and an older student appeared, I think he was in the front train car earlier.
"Oi, you goblins. Where are the two ginger weasels?" He didn't notice me? Good.
"Why are you snakes here? Shouldn't you go back to the train cart bought with daddy's money?" Despite Katie's admonishment earlier, she was the first to aggress the interloper.
"Sorry my parents can actually afford me luxuries, unlike you two peasants. Still riding around on those horrid brooms. I think I've seen newer models in Filch's closet." Still bizarre why they choose to fly with brooms. Surely other vehicles would be safer and more convenient. Like the Weasley's car.
"Oh, wow. Do tell more, why exactly were you in Filch's closet? Hell, you've been closeted the entire last year, I'm surprised you even came out now." Closeted?
"Mark my words, when I see you ingrates on the field again, it'll be a massacre." His face turned from displeasure to pure hatred in the span of a second.
"Looking forward to it buddy!" Wood had a pleasant smile on his face all the while this back and forth took place.
"Whatever!" The angry boy quickly slammed the door shut and begun searching deeper into the train carts.
"A friend of yours?"
"Of course, you can just tell by how these scaredy-cats turned tail and ran before he came!"
Ah, this is sarcasm. Honestly, can't tell whether I like it being directed back at me. What a strange feeling.
"...Honestly, what a pain. You guys he's gone now, you can come back out." Katie tried and failed to get the attention of the troublemakers. All three remained steadfast in their hiding spots, without a single hitch. Not even the most visible, Lee, made any effort to get back up. Whether that was fear of being caught by the aforementioned snakes or Katie's divine judgement is up to anyone interpretation.
"Haha! Doesn't seem as if they're coming out any time soon, why don't you try and meet some people from your year?" That's a worrying proposition, I mean how do I even initiate contact?
It isn't as simple as a "Hey, how's it going. [Insert name here]. Nice to meet you." What if I interrupt someone as they're having a conversation, that'd be a serious social blunder. As one person rejects me so will the crowd and word could spread from that alone. Granted even if we got past the introduction stage, where would I even take the conversation after? Just hope they say something I can latch onto, what if they expect me to bring up a topic of conversation?
I mean, if you talk to someone there must always be an underlying reason, right? To discuss, get their opinion, meet a new person for a different purpose, increase connections, network. There's any number of reasons people meet each other. But it all leads to the same questions again...
What is a friend? Why do I want to talk to these people? No, is that even what I want? How are friends made? Am I friends with Oliver just because he said it? Is there some greater ritual that needs to take place for that to be the case?
My mind was clouded, I wanted growth, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what constituted as said growth. I was directionless, given free reign in a desert. Would I wander in the direction of an oasis by chance? Or shrivel up, battered by the elements until my inevitable demise draws ever closer?
"...Hey, are you nervous? We can come along if you need us..." What an angel. Fate has blessed me once again. I take it back. Katie is the best member of this group. But... No, that would just make me remain the same. I can do this much by myself at least.
"I appreciate it, but I'll manage at least this much on my own." I need to take some steps for myself, else it'll never change.
"Attaboy! If look has it, we might see you on the pitch in the future, hopefully it's as teammates." We'll have to see if I can even fly before that happens...
"I wouldn't mind that. Only the future can tell I suppose." I finally decided to say my farewells and mingle with my own year. Shutting the door to the cart, there was no turning back... I'd really like to turn back, though!
Where even are the first years? The front car is a no-go, I don't want to get involved with that fiasco from earlier anymore. I guess just walk in the opposite direction. When exactly do I stop though? Do I just stop as soon as someone interesting meets my eye? Is that the right way to meet people, isn't that just presumptuous that someone that agrees with my vision holds value? Reason would dictate that means the opposite scenario is also true, every person I pass wasn't deemed worthy of my time or connection. Based on what, physical attributes? Surely more substance is needed to make valuable connections, how does one ascertain that before meeting friends and acquaintances? Is it just a long game of tag? Continuously meeting people until the 'right' crowd has been found?
Am I just stalling, lying even to myself?
As that question attacked me, I had finally drawn to a stop outside a cart that immediately caught my interest. Nothing about the cart was specifically interesting, it was the inhabitants that did. One of which I was already familiar. Did my body already know this? Acting on impulse to find the only 'safe option'. Gunning for the acquaintance I already held in mind and preventing any missteps in the way...
It's amazing what the body and mind will do to avoid discomfort, huh? Well, I'm already outside the cart. It'd just be strange to up and leave if they notice now.
Besides, I do know one passenger but the other is a new face. In this way I can take a small step in the right direction. No, small enough to call it a shuffle, not even half a step. But progress nonetheless, that's how I have to think of it.