Scars Of White

Chapter 3: Family dinner + 1

A large spread, over encumbered despite the family's trying times is displayed on the dining table with 10 seats situated.

The Weasley family is a large family with 9 members, 2 currently out of the house and working. The extra seat must be for guests. Surmising the seating situation, I opt to move towards an empty seat and waited.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"May I sit?"

"Oh, of course, no need to ask. Treat this house as you own." I see, that's an unfamiliar feeling...

The family members seem to be looking in my direction and no one has started eating yet. I wait for whatever may be coming.

Everyone then begins closing their eyes and look slightly downwards without making any noise. Meditation, prayer or an equivalent I'd wager. 

Although it seems some aren't too concerned with it...

Fred and George were opening their eyes, making faces and even reaching towards the food at some moments. Eventually, their act came crashing down when one of the younger siblings and my fellow coop compatriot snickered at their antics.

Mrs. Weasley silently looked up from the head of the table, eyes dark and frightening.

"How many times have I told you brats to keep quiet during grace?"

"Uh... It was Ron. Honest." Both Fred and Georg wanted to throw their brother under the bus. Suppose someone has to be the sacrificial lamb for today...

"... I'm sor-..."

"Apologies, I haven't had dinner with others in a long time. I was simply overjoyed..."

"This is you happy?!"

"Could've fooled me!" Fred and George said atop each other, practically scrambling over the dinner table.

These guys don't know when to stop whilst they're ahead.

"Will you two give it a rest? Honestly."

Mrs. Weasley's look of pure mirth shifted into an adorable smile and laughed heartily. 

"Oh, dear you don't need to cover for this lot."

"Now then, let's begin the meal, shall we?"

With that the entire family begun to dig into the feast. The boys ate like hungry animals, apart from Percy the oldest sibling currently in the house, he ate rather reservedly and had good manners. The same could be said for Mrs. Weasley who also ate with rather good table manners. Mr. Weasley ate just like the other three brothers and greedily grabbed the meat or any other thing that caught his eye. Ginny on the one hand hadn't touched any of the food and instead warily stole glances towards me. I'm intruding, aren't I?

Most of this is new to me. Some of the foods are simply Western in design so I haven't tested them before, but there are also some strange concoctions which may be traditionally magical dishes.

For example, some of the vegetables on the plate are very clearly strange. Whether it's the colour or the shape. If you had shown these to other people, they might say they were genetically modified or exotic in nature. Like the carrot shaped thing, which is currently glowing rather brightly, or what looks like a genuinely terrifying plant shaped child head in the soup. What even is that?

Yeah, I'll be staying away from whatever that is.

Then the enchanted foods which either hummed a tune, danced or flown around were another beast entirely. Seriously, is this just magic or are these things still alive and conscious?

Just how does this magic thing work? I was itching to test it out. 

Apparently, I have the ability to use it. However, when it was brought up to me some things didn't line up. Like making unexplainable events occur during childhood. I might have some different traits compared to others, but I can confidently state for sure that nothing inexplicable occurred during my childhood. Everything occurred according to the current understanding of the laws of physics and reality.

So that begs the question: Can I really use it?

What happens to me if I can't?

I have to go back to that life again?

Would they still allow me to keep my memories of this world? Would knowing be worse than not?

So many questions I could ponder over for hours but get no closer to the answer. If it were decided by a single person, I might be able to decipher an accurate answer, but alas this might be something the entire institution comes to know. In which case even the few connections I do have wouldn't be enough to convincingly overturn a sentiment.

"Do you find things to your taste?"

Mrs. Weasley brought my thoughts back out of that crevice to the world of the living.

"Some things are strange... but it's interesting and rather pleasant."

"I'm glad to hear that, dear... Is no one going to try the mandrake soup?"

"Oh. I'm suddenly so full I might explode. I'm afraid I can't take another bite." George said whilst greedily stuffing the last morsel of a roast chicken leg into his mouth.

"Yeah, same here mum." Fred repeated the sentiment.

"Would you like some Ron?"



The girl had already escaped from the table and retreated up the stairs, no doubt to hide herself in her room.

"I'm sure Taka wants to give it a try, right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Fred and George pushed the quite frankly unappetizing dish onto me.

"Oh, thank you Kiyotaka. Come, me and Arthur will join you."

Arthur also known as Mr. Weasley who had intended to retreat from the dinner table was stopped in his tracks.

"...We will?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

Uh oh.

"I mean, it doesn't really look appetizing darling..."

"I will not waste food in this house, so get your backside over here and help us. I would not like to ask again."

"On second thought, this looks really delicious." He pulled up a chair besides me and grabbed his utensils. Staring desolately at the small writhing face residing within the bowl.

"Well then, it looks delicious right? You can take the first bite, my dear husband." Practically coercing the man into partaking, he quietly relents. Not without taking an audible gulp of hesitation.

Slowly the spoon descends into the large pot and gathers the broth, Mr. Weasley then attempts to get this event over with quickly. Only to be stopped by Mrs. Weasley.

"Wait. You need to get some of the roots in it as well. Need to savour the flavour, right dear?" The jovial smile still plastered on her face only made her visage more daunting. What a terrifying woman, using food as a weapon.

"... Of course... let me just get one on it..." Mr. Weasley sent one final pleading look in my direction. I'm sorry... Your sacrifice won't be forgotten soldier.

Trying to pilfer the smallest root, which still looked rather demanding, he settled the spoon and acquiesced the demon. Engulfing the spoon all at once and leaving not a drop on the spoon followed by a few slow chews. Ending with a resoundingly hesitant swallow.

"...Thank you for that honey... If you don't mind me, I'll just be heading to the restroom. Enjoy the rest with Kiyotaka here..." Mr. Weasley then calmly, or at least feigning calm, left the dining room.

Of course, afterwards we heard the subsequent sprint upstairs to the bathroom followed by a loud slam of the door. I hope, she doesn't want me to eat this still...

A diabolically sweet chuckle escaped her lips as she turned to me.

"Have you been enjoying your stay here, dear?" My life might depend on this answer.

"Yes. It's lovely here."

"Such a stiff answer, no need to be worried dear." No, on the contrary I think I have every reason to be afraid.

Just remain silent, never know when she might target me next...

"You don't have to worry about the soup. That was just payback for something they pulled a while ago."

Phew. Lucky.

"Honestly, do they think they're the only ones that can pull a prank?" This might be closer to a crime than a prank.

"Do you mind if I ask what they did?" I'm sure it was something dastardly if this is the recompense.

"The idiots turned my apron into a portkey. It was difficult to get it off after they activated it. In short, I was dizzy beyond belief and fell face first into a hay bale in the barn. I was still pulling strands out from my clothes an hour after the incident."


"Oh, right. A portkey is a method of travel for magical folk. It transports them to a predetermined location, but its notorious for making people rather dizzy. Especially when used for prolonged periods. So, I was stuck hurtling in the air for a good minute or two."

"I see. That certainly sounds uncomfortable." Yeah, they probably deserved this.

"The boys aren't advanced enough to do that yet. No doubt Arthur was involved." Yeah, that certainly adds up.

"Doesn't that mean the boys got away with it?" They definitely created the idea.

"They mainly ate the chicken, right? That's their favourite. So of course, I put something in it."

Hmm. Didn't Ron also eat some of the chicken...

"Should have some peace and quiet for a bit, at the very least..." Don't tell me she...

"The effect should kick in any second now..." Oi, wait a minu-

A rather loud bang came from upstairs. Is this woman crazy?

Fred and George came running down the stairs. Although both seemed to be missing something...

They were conversing with hand signals and banging the table rather loudly. The reason being...

Their mouths were gone...

"Now... That boys' is for last week with the apron. Got anything to say for yourselves?"

"Oh, what am I saying of course you don't." Wow, low blow.

The boys both looked at each other, shrugged and seemed to be smiling from their eyes as if to say, "We'll get you back for this!". Although personally I think they got what was coming.

The twins retreated back upstairs, no doubt plotting their next spot of mischief.

"It'll revert in a few hours."

"Didn't Ron eat some? Was he a part of the incident as well?"

"No need to worry about him, I told him beforehand. He only ate a few so as not to tip off the others. Should've seen his face. Brightest I've seen him smile in a long time."

Wow. I don't even have words...

That's rather frightening. I hope all women aren't this scary, the thought of a future Mrs. Ayanokouji pulling something like this has my stomach shrink with anxiety.

"Now then. Would you be a dear and help me with washing the dishes and cleaning the table?"

I think I'll stay on her good side...

Wait, now that I think of it... How did she know I wouldn't eat any of the chicken? Did she just not care if I did?

I think I'll have to re-evaluate just how dangerous this house is.

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