Chapter 4: Little Workshop of Wonders
"In here Taka. Hurry up Ron, c'mon." Me and Ron were currently following the twins to their workshop where all manners of mischief and mayhem are no doubt currently bubbling.
"Watch your step, the roots get thicker the further you get in." Meandering through the outback woods a wander away from the farm lay a quaint little treehouse which the brothers use as their creative space.
Some of the tree roots even uproot themselves and twist and twirl like snakes.
"Those are roods, nasty little gits."
"Roods?" What a strange name.
"Well, that's just what people usually call 'em. You'll see why..."
I continued on the predetermined pathway. Roots gradually got in the way more and more and tried to upend me as I took a step forward. I see...
Root and rude. Certainly, an apt name. They don't seem too dangerous though... More interestingly; what is their ecology? Is the whole tree the same entity or does something possess the root body? How do they get nourishment when they constantly interfere with travellers?
Oh dear. It seems Ron has fell prey to their machinations.
"Bloody hell! I'm alright." He dusts his pants off after picking himself up. The roods can't make audible laughs, but from their movements you can practically hear the cacophonous laughter.
"Here we are. All in one piece."
"Fred, if you would."
"Of course, my dear brother." Fred procured a key from his shoe. Rather than using it on the hatch of the treehouse he instead knocked on the tree trunk revealing a keyhole. After inserting and twisting the key, something shifts. Not the treehouse or the tree either but the large rock formation several meters behind it splits apart and a large section opens up filled with lab equipment and countless "muggle" items. How did they manage this? Is magic like this easy to use and apply?
"Impressive, isn't it? It's our pride and joy. Took ages to get Dad around to doing it. A little incentive goes a long way." Now it makes sense.
"The 'muggle' items you store I take it?"
"Ding-ding. Hit the nail on the head. Mum hates the clutter around the house with how much dad collects them. We store them for him and get a workspace in return, pretty good deal for us. Especially when investigating, muggles make some interesting things. Been the inspiration for more than a few items."
"The muggle items will be off limits, I'm afraid they aren't ours so unless you want my dad's fury aimed at you..."
With some money and time, I could get any of these items, so they aren't really a problem. What really interests me are the magic implements they might've made. Something that could make up for my lack of knowledge. Ideally, I could get at least a few good uses out of it...
I'll take a quick look around...
This shelf has all sorts of foodstuffs on it, mainly snacks. Is this for when they're hungry in here or?...
"These are all trial products for now, try at your own risk."
I need them to be reliable, so most of these can be crossed off. Although I am curious as to what each might do.
I examine each of the candies and treats picking up a random box.
"Those are puking pastilles, unfortunately we can't control how sick they make you yet. Poor George was throwing up for a good hour, the noises were not pleasant."
A bit drastic, not like I need to feign illness either. Even accounting for that there are better ways to go about it.
"Hmm... 'Animal crackers'. What do these do?"
"These are actually safe, we're just researching them for now. Why don't you try one?" He said with an intriguing grin, George also perked up. I don't like how they're looking at me right now.
"Ron, do you know what these are?"
"They're animal crackers, they make you imitate the sound of whichever animal you end up eating."
"Goddamnit Ron, he might've eaten it. It would've been hilarious to see that blank face change." Fred and George were dismayed.
I can't see why that would be so amusing, but they neglected to say how long the effect lasts. I think I'll refrain from those. Although, this does give me an idea for the future...
"How exactly do you go about researching these items?"
"Haha... well we can't exactly go out giving business secrets can we Taka?" Should've expected that.
"...Are these tarot cards?"
"I suppose divination is a muggle superstition as well. Yeah, they are."
"Is there any difference between them and normal tarot cards?"
"Who knows? They can shuffle themselves and apparently can tell the future of the user... But who knows whether they're more accurate than a muggle's set."
"Is divination not a common principle in magic studies?"
"It's more of a joke or superstition to most wizards, hardly any backing with research and very few psychics give reliable predictions. It's a bit of a dead topic really."
"Before I choose... Is there anything in the treehouse?"
Fred and George open the trapdoor allowing our group to enter the confines of the treehouse. It's rather run down, seeing as it isn't their main base of operations. Random equipment lay strewn around the floor; ropes, vials, boxes. Nothing with much apparent use.
On a work desk in the corner lay a controller, similar to a remote-control car. Next to it what looks to be a rather large aphid or grasshopper, that being said it could still easily fit in the palm of a hand. Could this be...?
"Oh! George, I completely forgot we left this up here."
"Oh, the Control Critter Mk. I! I was wondering where we left that."
"Am I right in assuming this is what I think it is?"
"It's a remote control alright, decent idea. Thank God for muggles, may have never gotten the inspiration otherwise."
"You guys made this?" Impressive.
"Yeah, this one's a failure though. the controls are too complicated. It could be smaller, and it doesn't give visual feedback to the user. There's a whole host of issues we plan on cranking out in the next couple models. But it likely won't be operational for a long time. Got other projects in the works."
Still, this is pioneering. Majority of magic society frown upon muggles, thus they lack technological advancement.
"Does it need a battery, or equivalent for use?"
"No that's the major success for this model, just need to give it light and some grass for it to feed. But like I said before in all other aspects it's a failure. Just a prototype, to get an idea for production."
It has some issues, but...
"I'll take this then."
"Oi! Are you sure you want this? I already said it has its problems, right? Not to mention the controls are ridiculous, half the time you can't get it to move in the right direction never mind flying!" If anything, this is good for them. I take a bad item, and they repaid the favour, unless I'm missing something?
"Isn't that good for you guys then?"
"You beat us fair and square, I won't let you choose some crap item after that." George is insistent on that fact. I send a glance towards Fred.
"Now, now brother. You've made it clear, but it seems Taka wants this one. Is that right?"
"It intrigued me the most."
"Hmm... Tell you what we'll let you have this, then when we finish the actual model, we'll give you a copy of that as well. Sound fair?"
If anything, that's too good to me.
"In return you'll provide any insights or changes made to the current version to us for research."
Yeah, that makes sense. I'll basically be the clinical trial for the future product. Works best for both of us that way.
With business finished I exited from the treehouse with my prize in hand.
"Ah, wait for me!" Ron exclaimed fumbling out of the treehouse.
Nearly tripping over the roods as he came running up to the back of me.
"You asked me to come but I wasn't really much help, you know?"
"You helped plenty, I imagine I may have become the butt of the joke thanks to your brothers. Plus, I don't know how long the crackers might've lasted, if I were impersonating animals for too long, I might've cursed your brothers after."
"...Believe me that is not a problem." Ron whispered under his breath.
"Well. We've got this now, want to try it out?"
"Wicked. Yeah, let's give it a go!"
"Are you sure we should've given him that?"
"Yeah, I have a feeling he'll put it to good use. Besides we'll be getting to see how he changes it over time. He's a muggle-born, so he might be more accustomed."
"I suppose so, you reckon he'll actually make any changes?"
"Definitely. Call it a hunch, but I think a new troublemaker will be coming on campus."
"Haha! I hope you're right!"
"Well then, we can't get outdone. We need to plan something big for when we go back, maybe even play a little prank on Taka?"
"I like the way think brother."
Conjuring a small parchment from his pocket they both begin chanting in unison.
"I do solemnly swear that I am up to no good."