Scars Of White

Chapter 2: Gnome-lympics

"Oi, get back here you blasted little-!" an adolescent ginger boy ran through the field reaching after the elusive figure.

The small, hunched over creature giggled wildly, enjoying the chase. Weaving in and out between the rows of wheat spread all around the farmland. Catching such a deft target would be difficult enough in regular conditions, it remains increasingly trying when trudging through a murky field.

"Taka it's coming your way, get ready!" The boy's twin shouted to seemingly no one.

The creature remained unaware and swiftly proceeded, only to be snatched by its coattails in the broad fields. Angrily, the small-statured creature beckoned its hunched head and shoulders, exaggeratedly glaring at the figure behind his capture. Only to quickly whimper and renege eye contact with the boy.

His luminescent Golden eyes traced over the creature, domineering, enhancing the helplessness of the creature's escape. Resignedly giving in to the captor, the skulking figure dejectedly looked down and closed its eyes, accepting its fate.

Despite its resignation, the boy continued to peer at the creature. Absorbing its figure, the feel of its cloth and skin, the strange weightlessness of its mass. Everything was a new sensation which the boy hadn't had the pleasure of experiencing before.

Silently, the boy waited. Stoically holding the creature until its fate is sealed.

"Nice one, Taka. You really know how to skulk around." The twins sarcastically congratulated the expressionless young boy.

"We know just what to do with this little runt!" A look of glee and mischief immediately crept upon the faces of the twins as they continued to approach the boy and his prey.

"C'mon Taka, carry him back to the barn. We're gonna' play a game." Intrigued the boy simply followed his benefactors back to the barn, awaiting whatever machinations the two pranksters were no doubt concocting.

"Alright! Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the annual gnome throwing Olympics! In the left corner coming from the proud East, a city boy with ice in his veins. Its Ayanokouji Kiyotaka!!!"

"In the right corner we have the reigning champ! Returning to grace us once again with a wonderful performance, he's a bumpkin with strength to match. A penchant for trouble and my own twin brother, George Weasley!!!"

The one making a sports mock-commentary was Fred Weasley another of the Weasley family, which had the same proclivity for mischief as his twin. The apathetic young man didn't seem to take much notice on the surface, but inside held a small measure of curiosity to the two troublemakers.

"For this competition we need a volunteer from the crowd. Hmm... You, young man. It's your lucky day. You will be the umpire for such a great battle!"

The boy looked towards the small, runty boy which was picked for the task. There he found a short-statured young boy, freckles and red-hair to match. The characteristic of the Weasley family. This was their youngest brother, Ronald Weasley. He was quiet and subdued, likely a trait from growing up with 4 older brothers.

"Can't... Got to care for the chickens. You know mum'll have us for it."

"Oh, don't say that you big baby. If mum says anything, I'll say you were forced into it, c'mon have some fun."

Practically forcing the young boy into participation, he simply relented and joined the trio in their games.

"And our wonderful volunteer joins us, you know the drill young man. Set this target up a distance away and judge the incoming throws. Off you go!" Handing the boy a wooden target, it seems easy to carry, but isn't it too small for this competition?

"Now, the two contestants will take turns throwing the gnome at the target, however they must not take any steps out of this circle and of course, no magic is allowed. You may take a running start and prepare in any other ways so long as you stay in the circle. The best score in three throws will win! Any questions?"

The curious boy spoke for the first time since reaching the barn.

"What's in it for me?" His golden eyes pierced the commentator, practically looking straight through him.

"I'd say pride and a sense of victory, but I guess that's boring. Hmm... tell you what, I'll give you a choice of one item from our workshop if you win. Is that fair?"

"Who's first?" Seemingly satisfied the young boy immediately turns in the direction of the field, still holding the gnome.

"We'll have our reigning champ take the first shot, show you how its done."

Handing the gnome over to the other competitor as if passing a ball, the boy stepped outside the circle. Simply watching, observing his competition.

A ways in the field Ron had set the target down, where it had then grown several sizes. So that was why it was so small...

"Ready, begin!"

George immediately begun swinging in a circular motion, like throwing a hammer. He tried using the weight of the gnome to counterbalance and build momentum and eventually released the creature. The gnome made a loud squeal and propelled towards the target, lightly brushing the side of it, but not making a dint in the fabric.

"Aww... So unlucky, terribly close for a first attempt though! That's why he's the champ folks, what wonderful technique. I'm sure he'll be making adjustments in his throws from here."

Ron quickly came running back to the group after having retrieved the unconscious gnome from the floor. He quickly handed it to the apathetic boy and ran back to the target, like a mouse scurrying back to its nest. 

"Well, you've seen the basic rules in practice. Time to give it a shot Taka, don't feel too discouraged when you lose though." George felt it was necessary to egg the boy on, hoping to see some discomfort from the boy. 

To no avail, the boy simply shrugged the taunt off and stepped inside the circle, preparing for his own turn. He stood there silently, simply looking at the surroundings.

After several moments went by...

"May I throw it?" It seems Fred had forgotten to give the order in his stupor.

"Oh... Yeah, ready, begin!"

Against the boys' expectations Ayanokouji grabbed the gnome and slung it over his back. Simply taking a rather powerful few bounds towards the edge of the circle he thrust his hand overhead and accelerated forwards at an unprecedented rate. Lunging and hunching forward till reaching the apex of the circle he lets the gnome fly. 

Freely expelling all the air from its lungs the gnome screamed with immense vigor, nonetheless it hurtled towards the target , towards its impending demise.

No sooner than the gnome left his hands had it propelled through the center of the target, crumbling its base and collapsing from the immense strength with which it had been thrown.

"Holy cra-!"

"Boys! What do you think you're doing. You should be cleaning the fields before dinner, get back to work or there'll be consequences!" That commanding voice was none other than the matron head of the house Mrs. Weasley the Mother of the Weasley siblings and a strict guardian.

"Ah, seems we don't have time for another round. We'll settle this with Taka's win."

"Whew... nice throw Taka, not bad for a beginner. You sure you haven't done that before? You've got some serious skills."

"No, must be beginner's luck."

"Either way, that's some strength. You might be a decent beater when you come to school. Still got lucky, if Mum hadn't come I'd give you a run for your money." George exclaimed excitedly, finding a rival in the young man.

"Coincidences are freaky, huh?" Having said his piece the boy simply turned from them and continued on with his own work. Clearing the hay bales in the barn.

"Hey, Ron get rid of that gnome whilst you're over there will you!" Paying no further attention to their younger brother they also come over to the barn and begin moving hay bales and tidying the barn.

It seems they were intent on leaving their younger brother with his chores and a portion of their own work. Noticing this Ayanokouji treads over to the chicken coop and begins tending to them.

The youngest brother, still skulking enters the coop. Out of breath and in a tizzy.

"Oh... its fine... I'll take care of this, I imagine my brothers probably want you..." He said this under his breath and rather resignedly. Although his murmurings were picked up on perfectly, Ayanokouji still made no noticeable movements.

"Umm... seriously I'll take care of it, don't worry about it..." Yet the boy still showed no sign of moving.

He slowly let out a rather quiet sigh.

"The work needs doing, it isn't exactly fair to leave more things to you. Especially seeing as we dragged you into the game."

"Don't worry... my brother's are usually like that..."

"That doesn't exactly make things better, you know."

"You can say that again..."

"So, what exactly do I do with the chickens?"

"Oh, right. You haven't been shown..."

The atmosphere was desolate, a standoff. Almost as if the two were in competition to hear a pin drop. Unfortunately, there would be no such thing. The only recompense would be communication derived from their own choice.

Each as inept as the other in terms of communication, and despite this lack of ability. Both yearn for it as much as the other. One through sheer lack of understanding and the other through fear and anxiety. This stalemate could only be overturned by stretching out their hand.

Ayanokouji clumsily extended his, it was up to his partner to return the offering.

Sheepishly rubbing the back of his head and stumbling towards the chickens he offers his aid.

"I suppose I should show you... then..."

Quietly the boy begins gathering the eggs laid by the chickens and restocking the feed dispensers. Ayanokouji, follows after and shadows Ron. Working efficiently in silence the duo finish this task and begin a head count.

Ensuring everything is done they slowly descend from the coop.

"Thanks... for the help I mean."

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, it was our fault in the first place."

"C'mon boys, dinner's ready!" Mrs. Weasley shouted out of the kitchen window of the main house.

"Taka I'll race you, double or nothing. Whoever, get's to the door first is the winner"

"George, don't even bother. We'll think of another challenge some other time. We'll sort out your prize later, Taka."

The twins clambered out of the barn and rushed towards the house, having finished their business.

"What... sort of prize did you get..?"

Slowly the boy turned towards the youngest brother, who quickly jumped back and averted his eyes. Averse to confrontation.

"A choice of item from their workshop."

"No way! I've never really seen it, I bet they have some cool stuff there!" His eyes lit up and the somberness in his voice was immediately replaced with a jovial tone.

"I don't really know what to pick... How about you come with me?"

"WHAT?! No way. If they wanted me there, they would have told me..."

"I don't know about that. But you'd be doing me favor, I'd appreciate it."

"Uh... let me think about it after dinner..."


With that they made way to the house in relative silence.

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