Chapter 1: Prologue
This world houses many wonders and fantastical phenomena, both beauty and disgust lurk behind each and every corner of the globe. This is true for either world, both the magical and non-magical.
Neither world is a stranger to the utmost heights of depravity. Whether, its muggles massaging their own hubris and moving countries for their own selfish ambitions. Or if its the magical folk which persecute those different from themselves. Both worlds are so different, yet just the same they mirror each other. A perfect counterpart to the other.
That was just how they were so long ago. Mirrors. Like the reflection in a lake, an unobtrusive world within which the viewer can only see not touch. That voyeuristic sense was instilled in us for generations in the past, after all how could you enter into the world of a mirror?
"What if that mirror world were real?"
That'd be the first hurdle, right?
"But even if that were the case how could you even travel between them?"
Just make an entrance, right?
So simple and easy when written on paper, but in practice impossible.
Or so you'd think.
How does a miracle occur?
Most people would say either coincidence or belief.
I tend to lean on the latter side myself. Belief, words, sentiment. Power lies in these fundamental principles. Humans being the social creatures they are, they rely heavily on these things even in daily life. To connect with others requires these concepts.
If humans can use these principles to connect with each other, its no surprise when they also connect to a higher power. The belief and collective unconsciousness of the human species has coalesced and created a terminal between the Magical and non-magical worlds. Following the advent of human psychology becoming more dynamic, has given strength to the power of collective thought.
These thoughts collect and sediment becoming a rather enticing source for feeding. It was inevitable. A magical ecosystem would eventually find this world, free for the taking and form a mutualistic relationship with the Earth itself. Like a great tree, it sprouts its roots and they delve into the flesh of the Earth creating an inseparable bond.
The merging of these entities is the marriage of two worlds previously separated by a plane, known as the "mirror". Thus, the interaction between the worlds is only a matter of time. The reflection is no more, instead they stand side by side.
But how will they embrace each other?
If your reflection suddenly stepped out of the mirror? If your shadow suddenly protruded from the ground silently?
What would be your reaction?
I think there's only one real reaction... the general consensus...
Fear and War.