Chapter 2: This is my life
Subaru sighed, rolling his shoulders as he prepared himself. "Alright, time to get started."
He stepped out of the alleyway, taking in the bustling streets once again. The mixture of humans, demi-humans, and lizardmen going about their day was still a surreal sight. If he wasn't careful, he might just end up gawking like a total country bumpkin.
"Alright, step one—gather information," Subaru muttered to himself. "Now, where do I even start?"
[Pandora chimed in. "Why not talk to some of the locals? Maybe find a tavern or a market?"]
"Right, classic isekai move." Subaru nodded to himself. "Find a tavern, hear some rumors, maybe meet a sketchy old guy who gives me a quest."
[Minerva huffed. "Or, you know, help someone in need like the mission suggests."]
Subaru glanced around, keeping an eye out for anyone who might need assistance. Before he could spot anyone, his stomach let out a loud growl.
"Okay, maybe food first," he admitted, rubbing his belly. "Can't be a hero on an empty stomach."
As he walked toward what looked like an open market, he suddenly heard a commotion.
"Thief! Stop that kid!"
Subaru turned just in time to see a small figure dart past him, clutching a loaf of bread. A moment later, a burly shopkeeper ran after them, red-faced with anger.
[Satella's voice whispered. "Help them."]
Subaru blinked. "Wait, *help who*? The kid or the shopkeeper?"
[Sekhmet chuckled. "That's for you to decide~"]
Subaru clicked his tongue. This was his first real test in this new world. What was he going to do?
Subaru looked around as he stopped as he hold his head. "What is happening".
[10% knowledge download]
Subaru then spoke looking around. "My Brain hurts".
[Echidna then spoke. "So are you going help]
Subaru then uses [Invisible Providence] with help of Sekhmet help, as then five shadow hands came out that only he can see, they moved in high-speed and made the shop keep trip and fall face frunt as rbe kid got away, as Subaru walked away
[Invisible province (2.5%)]
Subaru walked away, shaking his head as the shopkeeper groaned on the ground. He could still hear the distant patter of the thief's footsteps disappearing into the crowd.
"Okay, not exactly the most heroic thing I've done, but hey, I picked a side."
[Echidna sighed. "You do realize that kid could be a pickpocket, right? What if they steal from you next time?"]
[Typhon giggled. "Big bro is already playing the bad guy~"]
Subaru groaned, rubbing his temples. "Give me a break. I just picked the one who looked like they needed help more."
[Minerva huffed. "Then why not go check on the kid instead of leaving them?"]
Subaru paused. That… actually wasn't a bad idea. If he was going to help someone, he might as well follow through. With a sigh, he turned down the next alleyway, hoping to track the thief down.
After a few minutes of searching, he found the kid sitting behind a stack of crates, hurriedly stuffing the bread into their mouth. They looked up at him, eyes wide with suspicion.
"Relax, I'm not here to rat you out," Subaru said, raising his hands. "Just wanted to check if you're okay."
The kid hesitated before swallowing and giving him a wary look. "Why'd you help me?"
Subaru shrugged. "Felt like it. And I know what it's like to be desperate."
The kid stared at him for a moment before relaxing slightly. "Thanks… I guess."
[+5 Sin Points]
Subaru sighed. "Great, so I get points for helping a thief? What kind of system are you guys running?"
[Pandora smirked. "One that rewards choices, not morality~"]
Subaru shook his head. This world was already proving to be more complicated than he expected.
Subaru then holded his head again as he spoke. "Again"
[20% knowledge Download]
Subaru then spoke mentally. "How more longer will this take".
[Pandora then spoke in his mind. "Unthle the whole world's knowledge is Dowland in guru brain, now you know how too read and right the Language and basic information".
Subaru sighed, feeling his head throb. "Great… at this rate, I'll have a doctorate in suffering."
[Minerva huffed. "Stop whining. You'd rather be illiterate in this world?"]
"Fair point," Subaru muttered. He blinked a few times, and sure enough, the signs and posters around him, which were just gibberish before, started making sense. It was still weird seeing a medieval city with such diversity—beastmen, elves, and even lizardfolk walking around like it was normal.
[Typhon grinned. "Now that you can read, we should get to your first mission!"]
[First Mission: Establish Yourself]
Objective: Find a place to stay for the night.
Rewards: 10 Sin Points, 1 Death Point, Basic Item Pack
Subaru raised an eyebrow. "So I don't even get a free starter home? What kind of gacha scam is this?"
[Echidna smirked. "Consider it an opportunity. Do you really want to rely on handouts?"]
"…Fine." Subaru sighed. "Guess I should find an inn before I collapse in some alley."
As he started walking, his thoughts lingered on the strange power he now had. The abilities of the Witches, the Sin System… and the knowledge download that was far from over. Something told him he was in for a wild ride.
Subaru then spoke mentally. "Actually what are you girls too me".
[Typhon then spoke too him. "You little sister, big bro".
Then Echidna, Minerva, Sekhmet, Daphne, Seattle, Pandora and Carmilla then spoke. "You future wife's]
Subaru stopped in his tracks, nearly tripping over his own feet.
"Wait, what?!" he shouted mentally.
[Typhon giggled. "You heard me, big bro! I'm your cute little sister now!"]
[Echidna smirked. "And the rest of us? Well, let's just say you belong to us now."]
[Pandora chuckled mischievously. "Think of it as fate, destiny, or maybe just our little game."]
Subaru's brain was already struggling with the knowledge download, and now this bombshell had been dropped on him. He rubbed his temples. "This has to be a joke, right?"
[Minerva huffed. "You think we'd joke about something this important?"]
[Daphne tilted her head. "We already gave you our powers… doesn't that mean we're connected forever?"]
Subaru groaned. "This is way too much information to process at once."
[Sekhmet yawned. "You'll get used to it. Now stop standing around and find a damn inn before you pass out in the street."]
Subaru sighed. "Yeah, yeah… but we are definitely talking about this later."
As he continued walking, he had a sinking feeling that his life had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.
As Subaru was waking, he saw someone run pass him, as he got a good look at her
A short girl with fair skin and medium-length golden hair with a black bow. She has a yaeba that becomes prominent when she laughs. She has red eyes and wears a sleeveless black top, red scarf with a golden patch on it, black pants that are incomplete on the left side, and a red ribbon on her left ankle.
[Insert image of Felt]
"Hey stop her".
Subaru just saw the young grim do some impossible acrobatics, as he looked at who shouted, he had too blink as the girl looked like Satella
As he got a good look at her she is a beautiful half-elf with long, flowing silver hair and striking violet eyes with a bluish tint; she often wears a white and purple outfit, with a white flower in her hair,
[Insert Image of Emilia]
[Satella then spoke in Subaru mind in a wishper. "This is something, act normal".]
Emilia looked as she pointed at him. "You why didn't you stop her".
Subaru just came back from his shock as he looked at her. "Stop who? I don't even know what is going on".
Emilia furrowed her brows, clearly frustrated. "That girl! She just stole my insignia!"
Subaru blinked, processing what was happening. "Oh... right, uh, insignia?" He scratched his head, pretending to be clueless.
[Satella sighed in his mind. "Just act normal, don't let on that you know too much."]
Emilia huffed, crossing her arms. "Yes, it's very important! If I don't get it back, I—" She stopped herself, glancing away. "I just need it back."
Subaru nodded, looking in the direction Felt ran. "Alright, alright, I get it. So, you want me to help you find her?"
Emilia hesitated for a moment before nodding. "If you're willing, I'd appreciate it."
[Minerva then spoke teasingly. "Already helping a damsel in distress, huh?"]
[Echidna scoffed. "Typical."]
[Pandora smirked. "This should be fun."]
Subaru groaned internally. "Great, now I have a peanut gallery in my head."
Regardless, he put on a smile and gestured ahead. "Well then, let's go find your thief."
As he and Emilia set off, Subaru couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get way more complicated.
Subaru looked at her as they walked. "So what is your name".
Emilia looked at him as she spoke, as she thought. "Satella".
Subaru narrowed his eyes, from what information he has already. "No you real name, don't go calling your self that".
Emilia flinched slightly at his words. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Subaru sighed, rubbing his temples. "Look, I don't know why you'd call yourself that, but trust me, it's not a good idea. Your real name—what is it?"
[Satella in his mind let out a soft hum. "Oh? You're more perceptive than I expected."]
[Minerva scoffed. "Of course he is. We literally dumped a world's worth of knowledge into his head."]
Emilia hesitated, looking away. "I... I don't see why it matters to you."
Subaru crossed his arms. "It matters because words have weight. If you're lying about your name, then there's a reason behind it. But I don't see a reason for you to use that name unless you're trying to cause trouble for yourself."
She looked at him, surprised by his serious tone. After a moment of silence, she let out a sigh. "...It's Emilia."
[Satella whispered again. "You're interesting, Subaru."]
[Pandora chuckled. "Oh, he's very interesting."]
Subaru gave Emilia a small smile. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Emilia blinked at him, clearly confused by how insistent he was. "You're a strange person."
Subaru shrugged. "I get that a lot."
As they continued walking, Subaru mentally braced himself. He had already changed something. Whether for better or worse—he'd soon find out.
[New Quest: Help Emilia get back her Royal Insignia
Rewords: 3% to all Abilities that is not return by death, 100 Sin point, 5 death Points]
[40% world information loaded]
Subaru then spoke mentally making sure not too hold his head. "Now I know what a Royal Insignia is, what it is used for, why it is need and everything".
Subaru took a deep breath, composing himself as he processed the influx of information.
[Minerva sighed. "See? You're already learning!"]
[Echidna smirked. "Yes, but knowledge alone isn't enough. How will you handle this, Subaru?"]
Subaru ignored their chatter for now and turned to Emilia. "Alright, I get it now. You need that insignia back, right? Any idea where that girl might have gone?"
Emilia blinked, a bit surprised by his quick understanding. "Uhm… I was going to check the loot house in the slums. That's where stolen things usually end up."
Subaru nodded. "Then let's not waste time."
As they made their way to the slums, Subaru mentally reviewed everything he now knew about the world. His abilities were still growing, and with the Sin System helping him, he was far from powerless.
[Echidna chuckled. "Oh, things are going to get interesting."]
To be continued
Give me power stones and expect 5 Ch a week asn yes I am adding Emilia to the harem