Chapter 283: CH.272: Soul Reaper.
( Yuuki's POV )
When we set out on our expedition to Hueco Mundo, with me were Erica, Akitsu, Lisanna, Claire, Stella, and the twins Linze and Elze.
We were traveling in a medium-size flying ship and a pair of Frame Gears, I was in one of the Frame Gears cabins with Erica, she was very interested in flying one and that was the safest place for her to be so I let her but she couldn't get it to fly straight, she was dragging the Gear legs on the ground and she managed to crash into every rock in our path, Claire and Stella were in the other Gear, Claire was also learning to pilot but her progress compared to Erica was impressive, I think I should build a personal Frame Gear for her, She was never able to keep up with us during our training and our trip to the lands between didn't awaken any new abilities in her but this was perfect for her.
Linze: Yuuki, is it safe for you to come with us?
Yuuki: No problem, I am perfectly capable of protecting myself.
Linze: I don't mean that, wouldn't it be better if you let Regina check your body and get you back to normal?
Yuuki: Actually that would be bad for my body, it's better if we let things run their natural course.
Elze: You mean you're not going to do anything, you know how much work piled up in the castle while you were gone.
Yuuki: what, in just two weeks! Well I guess we'll have to put that on hold, I think in three years I'll be at the same level as before.
Linze: Signal detected! Enemies ahead.
As I was thinking and dreading the job that never got easier, our radars went crazy as we detected another small army of Hollows in front of us, that wasn't ideal but at least it proved we were on the right track.
Yuuki: Stella and I will take care of them, you guys save your energy for the real fight.
I took the controls of the Gear, and we flew ahead of the flying ship.
After leaving the Lands between I worked on a new type of magical weaponry that would harness Glintstone magic and created some prototypes with Rosetta before we began our expedition, Long barrels were mounted on my Gear's hips and they rotated to point forward, I charged for a few seconds and then a powerful laser was fired from them, that was similar to the Comet Azur spell but more concentrated, I used all my thrusters to stabilize myself and move the Lazer in an arc to erase all the Menos that were mixed in with the enemy, after that the barrel was damaged and I couldn't shoot anymore but that's not bad for the first test of the prototype.
After that Stella and I circled around the hollows and dropped our ammo into them, it was so simple that I started to question the enemy's intelligence.
After sweeping those Hollows we followed the enemy signal after finishing off a small group of Hollows that was acting as a guard we had the world traveler in sight, the Frame Gears stayed behind in case of reinforcements and Akitsu, the twins and I faced the enemy, even though they didn't seem very interested in fighting.
???: Calm down man, I'm not armed, we can talk about this, we're all civilized people here.
Yuuki: talk? Your group attacked my family and they keep causing disaster in every world they visit.
???: I don't, my friend, I'm not part of them, you see, no tattoo.
The guy had his hands up when he asked for a discussion and when I accused him of being part of the enemy he denied it, I used my mystic eyes to confirm that it was true but I was confused when he opened her kimono and exposed her chest.
Yuuki: What are you talking about, what tattoo?
???: The group you're talking about, they call themselves the Crimson Crows and they all have a tattoo on their chest, you didn't know that?
Yuuki: I'm not checking the bodies.
???: Listen man, if I don't do what they want, my ass is on the line, we should be on the same side.
Yuuki: You want to be on my side, you don't even know me?
???: You can't be worse than those crows, the enemy of my enemy and all that.
Yuuki: Maybe, what is it that they forced you to do?
The guy didn't tell a lie but I couldn't help but be suspicious, he had a friendly expression but there was something about it that didn't sit well with me and the girls weren't looking at him with good eyes either, I couldn't see his aura so I could only keep questioning him.
???: I knew you were reasonable, my name is Kumo Sasaki by the way, what's yours?
Yuuki: Kurokswa B. Yuuki, can you answer my question?
Sasaki: Sure, sure, by the way, where is that blonde with the katana?
Yuuki: She is exploring elsewhere, about my question.
Sasaki: I'm getting to that, they wanted the hollows from here, they forced me to gather an army of powerful hollows to do their bidding.
Yuuki: yeah, that sounds like them.
The last time I dealt with them they wanted a zombie army and managed to collect some giant hives that could produce endless Novistador, That combined with the large number of world travelers in their ranks, shows that their main interest is to increase their numbers.
After sharing that information, Sasaki put on a smile thinking he had convinced me but when he stepped forward I summoned my colossal sword of light and my black spear.
Sasaki: Hey, what's up, buddy? I thought we reached an agreement.
Yuuki: I understand why you would think that, you were careful with what you said but what you said in the end was a lie.
The only thing I detected as a lie was when he said he was forced to gather an army, that might be what the crows wanted but that probably aligned with this guy's personal plans.