Reincarnated in sekirei

Chapter 282: CH.271: White Fortress.

( Yuuki's POV )

After our opening conversation, the hollow girl band looked at Harribel, waiting for an answer, The mouth mask she had on prevented me from reading her reaction, but I had a feeling that things were going well.

Harribel: I want to hear the details of your proposal.

Yuuki: Thanks for that, we are creating a base in this place to prevent more Hollows from passing into our world and to monitor distant visitors who may enter from another world, In addition to your support with the most recent enemy, I want you to protect that place.

Harribel: Your world? You're talking about the human world.

Atago informed me before that this Hueco Mundo, was strongly intertwined with other worlds, the human world very similar to the world from where we came and the soul society, a place where the souls of the deceased go when they die and there are also other individuals called soul reapers, who guide those souls and hunt the hollows that try to devour those souls.

Atago: There are many other worlds apart from this one, some similar and others very different, the world that my master refers to is similar to the human world that you know.

Apacci: protection work, and what's in it for us in that? You're not going to demand our absolute loyalty like the other guy, are you?

Sung-sun: Forgive my partner's bluntness, she's not very bright.

Apacci: Hey!!

Sun-sun: But she's right, you don't expect us to do this for nothing, right "master".

When we talk about payments, I think money is something worthless to them, so I pointed to Atago and Takao, they were born from a Menos Grande, and I could do the same with these Hollows.

Yuuki: I can offer you power, a new body just like my guardians, and if an enemy that you study cannot handle appears, I will give you support, I don't abandon my allies.

When I presented my offer, they all started to think, they had a lot to gain and nothing to lose, but they still wanted to discuss what they were going to do, it would be best to give them some space.

Yuuki: Think carefully about it, there is no expiration time for my offer, if you are interested, just follow the floating fortress.

With those words, I left them to their own devices and flew back to our base, though as I got closer, I could see a white fortress in its place, Rosetta worked quickly as always.


When the meeting of my Sekireis ended we gathered in the war room of the newly created white fortress, we now had the numbers to do a large-scale exploration, We marked routes for the different groups that we formed in the extensive terrain that we were able to map with the Kouten radars, In this world there were many underground tunnels intricately connected our Frame Gears couldn't get through there so we put a larger number of personnel exploring the underground.

We were ready to leave, but at that moment, the alarms in the fortress began to sound, and a screen appeared that showed us a group of Hollows approaching the fortress, those were Harribel and her gang, I ordered them to lower the base's defenses, and I went out to meet them.

At the entrance of the fortress, my strongest Sekireis Tsukiumi, Miu, and Mitsuki stood beside me, when they were close, I raised my hand to greet them, but at that moment, my instincts screamed danger.

I activated my [lightning body] and in an instant, I appeared behind the Hollow snake that was at the end of their formation, I swung my black spear transformed into a giant hammer and I hit a super fast enemy who tried to use a surprise attack, he was pushed back a few meters and I launched a cero attack but it was blocked by another large Hollow.

Yuuki: Are you okay?

Sung-sun: u-um yeah.

When that commotion ended, Harribel's group turned around, and my Sekireis stood next to me, in front of us were three enemies, Two of them were animal-shaped Hollows, a rhinoceros and a large cat, and the last one was something closer to Harribel, a humanoid Hollow but with some canine characteristics.

As soon as they appeared, my Sekireis attacked, Mitsuki moved behind the humanoid Hollow, twisted its head, and tore it off its shoulders, while the others were cut in half when Tsukiumi and Miu swung their swords.

Yuuki: ok, I think we have to slow down a bit when we see the enemy.

I think the girls were still on high alert and I didn't want the enemy to pull a fast one on us, but I wanted to confirm if they were with the world travelers or if they were a random group, I guess we'll never know now, at least I managed to get the bodies into one of Thanatos' coffins before they completely disappeared, Regina will be happy.


After the brief fight, I moved to the laboratory where we performed the Sekirei transformation, these special capsules could be used to create new bodies in the same way as the Thanatos coffins.

Harribel and her gang accepted my offer, but only the other three entered the transformation capsules, Harribel wanted to watch over them during the whole process, which was fair.

Yuuki: Before I left, did you know the hollows that attacked us? Do you know if they belonged to another group?

Harribel: I've never seen them before, but there is a group that follows someone who calls himself the king of Hueco Mundo, I don't know if those two groups are working together, that guy is too proud for that, but it's not impossible either.

Yuuki: Thanks for the information, for the moment, we will avoid that supposed king, there is no need to provoke two factions at the same time.

However, if we can't find our target, we might have to knock on that king's door, also, when this is over, I would like to pay a visit to that soul society that Atago told me about.

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