Chapter 284: CH.273: Vizard.
( Yuuki's POV )
Sasaki: A lie, what are you saying, those guys are really dangerous, I'm just trying to survive.
Yuuki: I know they are dangerous but they do not hold back in leaving one of them to enforce their goals, If you are so scared of them, getting rid of them and taking control of Ikaros is out of the question, If I had to guess the hollow army was something you promised them to join them, the last world traveler of theirs I found wasn't that strong perhaps you don't pass that low bar.
When he finished speaking, Akitsu raised her hand and created a huge iceberg below him, but he was able to dodge the attack with a jump back.
Sasaki: I will show you weak, Mure!
While he was in the air he took out his katana and when he shouted a name, it underwent a transformation, his katana turned into two black swords and he was now wearing a black feather cape, he became faster and tried to take a swing at Akitsu but she was able to block the attack with a wall of ice, then Elze appeared at his side and sent him flying with a powerful blow, she was going to chase him but when she hit him his cape released a bunch of black feathers and some of them fell into her left gauntlet, those feathers dissolved her gauntlet like a powerful acid.
Linze: nee-chan!
It takes Elze a while to remove her gauntlets on her own, so I appeared next to her and threw the gauntlet aside, after that, I gave Sasaki a murderous look, and he put on a maniacal smile, finally showing his true nature.
Sasaki: At first, maybe I wasn't strong enough, and I offered an army in exchange for a position where I wouldn't be receiving orders all the time, but now it's different.
Yuuki: you talk too much.
Seeing her sister being attacked, Elze used a powerful magic attack that created a powerful jet of water and attacked Sasaki but he was able to cut the attack with a swing of his swords.
Sasaki: And I must thank you, after you finished off my army I was able to gather all of their energy and reach a new level.
Sasaki put a hand in front of his face and a white hollow mask that looked like a bird's head appeared.
Sasaki: This is the power of a Vizard, now not even that blonde will be able to stop me.
Yuuki: Don't underestimate my family.
Elze took out another gauntlet from her storage, and after helping her equip it, I gave Elze a kiss, and we both spread our wings of light, then I activated my incomplete balance breaker with my three blades, and we got ready to fight.
Sasaki: oh how convenient, you are that purple dragon they are looking for, you are the gift that keeps on giving, CERO!!
Sasaki pointed his swords forward and fired a powerful Cero blast, Pyra manifested in my incomplete form as red crystal horns, and from there, I fired a Cero that stopped his attack.
Elze appeared next to him again and used a powerful blow that sent him flying, More black feathers appeared but knowing how dangerous they were she fanned her hand and created a draft that blew the feathers away, I appeared behind him and when he came towards me I sent him high into the sky with a punch, Then Elze and I appeared on top of him and with a combination of kick and tail whip we sent him crashing to the ground and we followed that up with a Cero blast and Akitsu and Linze created a shower of icicles.
The attacks raised a curtain of white smoke, and when that cleared, we saw a dome of feathers protecting Sasaki, he could not avoid all the damage, but he was still in condition to fight, Although his angry expression revealed his growing frustration.
Sasaki: Now you've done it, now I'm really angry, Ban...Kai!
By saying those words I could feel a great surge of power, and a tall whirlwind of black feathers was created, a small explosion of power occurred in the center and feathers were scattered all around us, and Sasaki was revealed with a new appearance, his black hair grew long, his hands were replaced by long claws, black blades grew from his forearms, and a large black wing grew on his back.
Sasaki: Yudokuna mure.
The black feathers that were scattered around us turned into black birds that were surely going to fly straight to us, I went down to where Akitsu and Linze were and used my [elemental phalax].
Yuuki: [ I'll take care of the birds, you guys finish off that dirty crow. ]
Linze: You can talk in that form now?
Yuuki: [Yes, I gained some control. ]
Elze: Leave this to me.
Elze closed her eyes, and used the aura ability that Saeko used in her battle at the temple of god, and some energy spheres floated around her, all the black birds flew towards us, but I stopped them all with my energy swords, although they only re-formed when I cut them.
While I was busy with that, Sasaki shot himself towards us with even greater speed than he used before but Akitsu created pillars of ice in his path that forced him to slow down a little, with that opportunity Linze put all her energy into her explosion magic, Sasaki was fast but couldn't run away from the pressure of the explosion, Sasaki rolled on the ground uncontrollably and Elze appeared in front of him, one of the energy spheres lowered to the ground near Sasaki's head, Elze kicked that sphere and an energy laser was created that sent Sasaki away, when he recovered all the birds stopped attacking us and they flew back to Sasaki.
He is most likely about to use his last hidden card.