Chapter 6: Girl Of Shadows
Kisara Zenin's Pov:
"A disgrace!" Elder Naoko's voice echoes through the main hall, his cursed energy crackling with barely contained fury.
"The Ten Shadows Technique has appeared in a girl? Our clan's most prestigious inherited technique, manifesting in a female child?"
I listen from my hidden corner as the clan meeting descends into chaos. The shadows around me stir restlessly, responding to my tension, but I keep them carefully controlled.
No need to reveal my presence.
"Her father was barely worth noting," another elder spits. "A distant branch member who couldn't even survive a simple mission. And now his daughter dares to manifest our technique?"
"And that useless mother of hers," someone adds, "lying sick in bed like a burden. The bloodline has grown too thin in that branch."
The venom in their voices doesn't surprise me. I've lived seven years in this clan – I understand how they think.
Power is everything, but only when it manifests in the "right" vessels. A girl with the Ten Shadows is, to them, like a precious sword being gifted to a servant instead of a samurai.
Mother's cough echoes in my memory, growing weaker each day. Without proper treatment... but of course, they won't waste resources on a widow whose only contribution to the clan is a daughter who dared to inherit their precious technique.
"The new heir's birth three weeks ago was a blessing," Elder Naoko continues. "A proper son from the main family. That's where our focus should be."
"And what of the girl?" someone asks. "The technique is already manifested. We can't simply ignore its existence."
The pause that follows carries dark implications. I know what they're thinking – I'll be kept alive, certainly.
The Ten Shadows can exist in multiple users simultaneously, unlike the Six Eyes. They'll want to preserve the possibility of passing it to future male children.
A broodmare. That's what they see when they look at me. Not a wielder of their precious technique, but a vessel to potentially birth one they would consider worthy.
The shadows coil tighter around me as anger threatens to break my control. But anger won't help. Strategy will.
Two years without Father's protection have taught me how this clan operates.
Power matters above all, yes, but it's not just about having power – it's about how that power affects the clan's standing.
Which is why I'm here now, hidden in the shadows, gathering intelligence before making my move.
Because there's one person in this clan whose power has been causing ripples that even the elders can't ignore.
Indra Zenin.
Second son, wielder of a technique that makes even veteran sorcerers nervous. And now, with a new heir born to the first wife, his position in the succession becomes even more interesting.
I slip away from the meeting, my decision made. Tonight, I'll approach him during his training. Not as a scared child, not as a burden, but as someone offering a strategic alliance.
The Ten Shadows Technique combined with his power... the possibilities would be impossible for the clan to ignore.
Mother coughs again in her sleep as I pass our quarters. Don't worry, Mother. I'll find a way to protect us both.
The night air carries a chill as I make my way to Indra's private training ground.
Even from this distance, his cursed energy feels... different. Not just powerful, but fundamentally alien to how cursed energy should behave.
I pause at the edge of the training ground, observing.
He's practicing something complex – his aura shifting between states in ways that make my eyes hurt if I try to follow too closely.
But I can't afford to wait for a more convenient moment. The clan elders' discussion made it clear – decisions about my future will be made soon.
"Indra-sama," I call out, keeping my voice steady despite my racing heart. The formal address feels strange on my tongue, but necessary. Everything about this interaction needs to be perfectly calculated.
His practice doesn't stop, but his cursed energy shifts slightly – acknowledgment without interruption. He's listening, at least.
"I have a proposition regarding the future of the Zenin clan," I continue, stepping closer.
"The Ten Shadows Technique," I state plainly, "combined with your power would create a lineage the clan couldn't ignore.
I propose an arrangement – your protection now, in exchange for a future alliance through marriage."
His aura flickers – surprise? Interest? It's hard to read emotions in that crimson energy.
"You're seven," he says finally, his practice slowing but not stopping. "What do you know of marriage arrangements?"
'And you're five' is on the very edge of my tongue, yet I keep it in for I know being rude will be the end of any opportunity I can use here.
"I know enough about clan politics to understand my position," I reply, keeping my voice level.
"The elders won't kill me – the technique is too valuable. But they'll ensure I'm properly 'managed' until they can secure the technique's future in a male heir."
My shadows ripple slightly, betraying my contained anger. "I refuse to be merely a vessel for their ambitions. With your support, I could develop the Ten Shadows to its full potential. And in return..."
I pause, choosing my next words carefully. "In return, you gain a technique that would significantly strengthen your position in the succession, especially with the new heir's birth complicating matters."
Now his practice does stop. The crimson aura coils around him as he turns to face me fully. His dark eyes study me with an intensity that would make most adults uncomfortable.
"Your analysis is flawed," Indra states after his measured observation.
"My position isn't determined by political maneuvering or additional techniques. Power alone establishes worth in this clan, and mine is already acknowledged.
Many Grade 1 Sorcerers would hesitate to face me, even at my current age."
His crimson aura settles into a steady pulse around him. "Marriage for power? I have no need for such arrangements. The future strongest doesn't require such... supplements."
I maintain my composure, though internally I scramble to adjust my strategy. Of course – I had approached this too simplistically.
"However," he continues, "your proposition itself is interesting, if misaimed. I'll offer you a counter-proposal.
Let's have a formal engagement, publicly announced and supported by my father."
I stay silent, processing this shift in direction.
"Reason for this is simple.
The clan elders won't accept mere protection – they're after all too focused on the potential of breeding the Ten Shadows Technique.
Even knowing success isn't guaranteed, they'll push for what they perceive as the highest probability.
Therefore, we'll need to present them with an arrangement they can't refuse."
"However," he continues, "understand this – it will be an arrangement in name only. You'll be under my protection, free to develop your technique without interference.
Your mother will receive proper medical care. But there will be conditions."
He steps closer, his presence making the air itself feel heavier. "You'll serve as my retainer, absolutely loyal. The engagement provides the political shield we need, but your true role will be as my subordinate.
Should I choose to break the arrangement in the future, your service would still be required."
"The clan gets their perceived chance at strengthening the bloodline, you get protection and freedom to develop, and I gain a useful ally." His dark eyes fix on mine.
"Those are my terms - which will be bound upon a binding vow. Consider them carefully."
My heart nearly stops at those final words. A binding vow – there truly would be no escape, no future possibility of breaking free.
Whatever plans I had of eventually gaining enough power to stand alone dissolve in an instant.
"A binding vow," I repeat slowly, understanding the full weight of what he's proposing. This isn't just a political arrangement or a temporary alliance. This would be absolute, written into the very fabric of cursed energy itself.
He remains patient. He's giving me time to truly understand what I'm agreeing to. Eternal service, bound by forces that can't be broken by any amount of power or cunning.
Mother's face flashes in my mind – growing paler each day, her cough getting worse. The clan elders' voices echo with their plans, their disdain, their intent to use me as nothing more than a breeding tool for their precious technique.
"I accept," I say finally, my voice steadier than I feel. "A binding vow of eternal service, in exchange for your protection and support."
"A binding vow requires precise terms," Indra states, his crimson aura shifting to encompass us both. "I will speak first, to set the parameters clearly."
His voice takes on a formal cadence as the cursed energy between us begins to crystallize:
"I, Indra Zenin, vow to extend protection and support to Kisara Zenin and her mother within the reasonable bounds of my capability.
I will ensure proper medical care for her mother's condition, though I bear no responsibility should the illness prove beyond medical aid.
I will support Kisara's development and protect her from the clan's interference to the best of my ability, though I cannot be held accountable for harm beyond my power to prevent.
This vow may be dissolved only through mutual agreement between both parties."
He pauses, then looks at me expectantly. I understand – my terms must be equally precise.
"I, Kisara Zenin, vow to serve as Indra Zenin's retainer with absolute loyalty. This service will continue regardless of any changes in our formal engagement status.
I will act in his interests and obey his reasonable commands, maintaining this loyalty unless released from this vow through mutual agreement."
The cursed energy solidifies between us, binding our words into unbreakable law – at least until we both agree otherwise.
"Tomorrow morning," Indra says, "I will speak with my father. The formal engagement announcement will need to be handled carefully to achieve maximum effect."
"The elders will resist," Kisara notes, already calculating potential reactions. "They'll see it as presumptuous for a branch family member..."
"They'll accept it," Indra cuts in, his tone carrying absolute certainty.
"My father understands power. When I make my request, he'll see the advantages.
The Ten Shadows Technique under my direct influence, rather than left to whatever plans the elders might concoct."
He turns slightly, looking toward the main compound. "Return to your quarters. Tend to your mother. Tomorrow, things will change significantly."
As Kisara turns to leave, she feels his cursed energy shift slightly – a subtle reminder of their new connection. Whatever comes next, she's no longer facing it alone.
For better or worse, her fate is now bound to the most dangerous young sorcerer in the Zenin clan.
(Author note: Well, that was something.
See, I like the ten shadows too much to not have them be relevant till years upon years later, when Megumi is born and grows up.
And I found it ironic and an interesting scenario for a girl to be born with it in the Zenin clan.
So because of that here we are.
Also, I know Kisara sounds incredibly mature, but that's how it is. Cursed Energy I reason accelerates mental development, especially with geniuses like her and Gojo.
I'll describe her next chapter in the 3rd pov, and perhaps even find a picture I can use as her adult form, putting it in the comments.
So yeah, I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope to see you all later,