Chapter 5: Through The Sight Of The Six Eyes
Satoru Gojo's Pov:
I've grown used to being the most interesting thing in any room. The Six Eyes have shown me everything since birth, and most of what they show is tediously predictable.
Adults with their careful techniques, cursed spirits with their simple patterns – it's all so basic when you can see the truth of cursed energy.
But lately, the usual tedious gossip has shifted. Something about the Zenin clan's second son manifesting his technique.
"Did you hear? The well incident..." "...entire horde of cursed spirits, just burst apart..." "Gentle Death, they're calling it..."
The name makes me want to roll my eyes – sorcerers and their dramatic technique names. But the way their cursed energy fluctuates when they discuss it catches my attention.
Not the usual exaggeration or fearful respect. Something different.
"...crimson aura that makes things explode from within..."
"...even cursed tools just... disintegrate..."
"...and that cursed energy of his, it's only growing stronger..."
Even my own clan's elders seem unusually interested. Through my Six Eyes, I can see their cursed energy patterns shift uncomfortably during these discussions.
That's new. Usually, they maintain perfect control, especially when discussing other clans.
The reactions vary depending on who's talking. The older sorcerers try to analyze it technically – discussing applications, limitations, comparing it to known techniques.
But I can see their cursed energy betray their uncertainty. They can't quite categorize it, and that bothers them.
"Different from the usual Zenin techniques," one of my instructors muttered during training.
"No shadows, no projections. Just pure destruction." His cursed energy flickered with something between admiration and concern.
Yesterday, something happened that finally piqued my real interest. A Zenin clan member visited for some boring political discussion.
Through my Six Eyes, I saw residual cursed energy clinging to him – crimson traces that shouldn't have lasted the journey between compounds.
Energy that seemed to resist natural dispersal.
Usually, when people discuss my powers, it's all about potential and destiny. The Six Eyes, the Limitless Technique – they talk about me like I'm some prophesied existence. It's accurate, of course.
I am the strongest, and that's simply fact. But the way they discuss this Zenin kid... it's different. Less reverent, more puzzled. Like they're trying to solve a problem they don't quite understand.
Through my Six Eyes, every technique has a clear structure, a predictable pattern. But from what I'm hearing, this "Gentle Death" technique... well, it might be worth a moment of my attention.
Not as an equal – that's impossible – but as something that might briefly relieve my boredom.
It takes very little effort to convince the adults to arrange a visit to the Zenin compound. They're always eager to show me off, thinking these political connections matter.
How boring. But for once, their tedious maneuvering serves my purpose.
What interests me isn't the technique's strength – nothing can compare to the Limitless. It's the inconsistency in how it manifests.
Through my Six Eyes, techniques are like mathematical equations, each following strict rules. But the residual energy I saw... it didn't add up. It changed properties without changing its fundamental structure. That shouldn't be possible.
The adults are drafting some formal invitation, full of meaningless courtesy. I don't care about any of that.
What I care about is finally seeing this technique through my Six Eyes directly. Will it be as unusual as the traces suggest, or just another disappointment?
Usually, I can barely maintain interest in anything. Everything's so predictable when you can see the truth of all.
But I catch myself actually looking forward to this visit, if only because it presents something my Six Eyes can't immediately categorize. How annoying.
Still, it's probably nothing. Just another technique that will prove boring once I understand it. After all, I'm the honored one, the strongest there is or will be.
But... maybe for a few minutes, it won't be completely tedious.
The formal reception at the Zenin compound was as tedious as expected. Adults exchanging meaningless pleasantries, discussing clan politics I couldn't care less about.
But then I felt it – cursed energy that made my Six Eyes automatically focus.
Without bothering with the tedious protocols or the guards' protests, I simply walked away from the gathering. The adults' objections died in their throats – they knew they couldn't stop me anyway.
No one interesting was here anyway, not the Clan Head, nor the one who's cursed energy is currently peaking my interest.
The private training ground came into view, and what my Six Eyes showed me made me pause.
Not because the cursed energy was weak or wrong – no, what caught my attention was how... complete it was.
Most techniques were like sentences in a language, expressing a single clear purpose. But this cursed energy read like poetry in multiple languages simultaneously, each layer perfectly coherent on its own while contributing to a greater whole.
The boy at the center – Indra Zenin, my memory recalled - maintained a crimson aura that seemed to exist in a way that shifts between states, like quantum particles after observation.
The cursed energy expressed itself in ways I'd never even considered.
"Gojo Satoru," he acknowledged simply, not pausing in his practice. The crimson aura around him continued its methodical movements, each layer maintaining its distinct purpose while flowing seamlessly into the others.
Minimal wasted energy, no showing off – just as precise and purposeful control, as a prodigy without the Six Eyes or years of training could have.
Through my Six Eyes, I could see how each aspect of his technique built upon the others. Where most sorcerers forced cursed energy to behave according to their will, his seemed to naturally express itself in these complex patterns.
As if he weren't creating effects, but rather revealing properties that were always possible.
Perhaps that is an aspect of his technique?
"Your technique," I found myself saying, "it doesn't seem to just manipulate cursed energy. It expresses its inherent attributes upon reality itself. Akin to causality itself.
Is that how your destructive technique works? Is it rather than physical contact simply desire that brings upon the burst effect upon the target?"
He glanced at me briefly, his expression neutral. "An interesting observation." Then he returned to his practice, clearly more focused on mastering whatever aspect he was working on than engaging in pointless dialogue.
How annoying.
For the first time in my life, my Six Eyes were showing me something that suggested there might be more to cursed energy than even I had considered, and the person responsible didn't even seem to care that he was doing something revolutionary.
I watched as he focused on a target. My Six Eyes caught something peculiar – the cursed energy didn't flow toward the target like normal techniques.
Instead, the space between Indra and the target seemed to... connect, as if distance itself became irrelevant.
The target burst apart, but not like typical destruction techniques. It was more fundamental, as if its very existence had been denied.
Could this... Could this possibly get through my infinity?
Is he challenging me?
No, that is absurd. No one would dare challenge me, let alone think they can get through the dimensions between myself and them.
Though, one thing I did note with my Six Eyes, is that I could see how much cursed energy this single action consumed.
Interesting. He's practicing something most definitely new, something that strains even his substantial reserves - reserves that even dwarf my own.
Most sorcerers would hide such experiments from others, especially me. But he continues as if my presence is irrelevant.
"I was right wasn't I?" I asked, genuinely curious now. "You just pushed your cursed energy in a completely different direction.
Without any form of physical contact you destroyed that target. It is quite the fascinating technique. Though I wonder, what are its conditions?
Does it target anything within sight of you? Or is it something more impressive where the mental image is more enough? Or is it bound upon something ridiculous such as the target having a specific color or shape?
Cursed Techniques after all can be quite tricky with their rules. Not all are blessed with the Six Eyes and Limitless to be able to be uncaring towards such limitations."
He didn't respond, focusing instead on stabilizing his crimson aura which had flickered slightly after the demonstration. The strain was obvious, yet his expression remained unchanged.
How irritating.
"Want to see something actually impressive?" I grinned, letting my own cursed energy flow freely. Maybe a demonstration of true power would...
"No," he cut me off simply, still not looking my way.
After a moment of silence, of seeming to calm his energy, he spoke again.
"It's enough for today," Indra said simply, to himself rather than me as his crimson aura faded and he turned to leave the training ground.
No farewell, no acknowledgment of our interaction's significance. Just a calm, deliberate exit.
How rude. And interesting.
I followed him, of course. Through my Six Eyes, I could see traces of his cursed energy lingering in the air – not dissipating like normal residual energy, but maintaining its complex patterns.
Even his passive cursed energy behaved differently from anything I'd seen before.
He walked through the Zenin compound's corridors with practiced ease, servants practically pressing themselves against walls to avoid his path.
Their cursed energy patterns showed something beyond the usual respect for strength – actual instinctive fear.
It seems there was another monster like myself here.
"You haven't shown your real technique yet, have you?" I asked, matching his pace. "What I saw was impressive, sure, but it felt like... a fraction. A carefully selected demonstration."
He continued walking, not bothering to look back. But my Six Eyes caught something – the briefest fluctuation in his cursed energy, like ripples in still water. Confirmation.
The walk continued in silence, but my Six Eyes kept catching subtle details. The way the air seemed to bend slightly around him – not like my Infinity, but something different.
As I look closely I see what is almost like a layer of causality over him.
Another effect perhaps? Is this the defensive application of his technique?
How curious, it is almost akin to an inferior version of my infinity.
We reached what must be his private quarters. Before entering, he finally turned to face me.
"Satoru Gojo," he said, his tone neither friendly nor hostile. Ah so he does know me - yet still he's so rude.
"You saw what you came to see. Was it worth the trip?"
The question wasn't mocking or challenging. It was purely practical, like everything else about him. That's what made it so annoying.
"Maybe," I shrugged, maintaining my casual demeanor despite my intense curiosity. "Though I can't help but wonder what you're hiding. My Six Eyes see everything, you know."
"They see what exists in front of them," he replied simply, then entered his room and closed the door.
I stood there for a moment, processing his words. Not a challenge, not a boast – just a statement of fact. As if he were explaining basic physics to a child - which I am, but so is he!
How incredibly irritating.
And yet, as I made my way back to the tedious formal gathering, I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd witnessed.
Not just the technique itself, but the way it was presented. Like showing a single page from a book you know contains volumes.
For the first time in my life, my Six Eyes had shown me something that raised more questions than answers.
The adults would be frantically searching for me by now, worried about political implications and clan relations. How boring. But this visit...
This hadn't been boring at all.
I glanced back toward his quarters one last time. Through my Six Eyes, I could still see traces of his cursed energy lingering in the air, maintaining their impossible patterns.
Indra Zenin. Now there was a puzzle worth coming back for.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter from Gojo's perspective.
How did you all find it?
See, the reason why Indra showed a bit extra than usual of his abilities to Gojo was to catch his interest.
Indra has been experimenting with his technique and has learned to sense something along the lines of personality of people, and saw this Gojo was very much alike to his canon self.
One that wouldn't share something interesting with others.
He needs Gojo at his side for now, in the event that in the future he needs to deal with both Kenjaku and Sukuna, so best to try to establish at least mutual respect from the beginning.
So yeah, I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope to see you all later,