Piracy? Unchanging facade in a new world!

Chapter 4: Maiden battle! Sparks fly

Silence. The only accompanying sounds in the area were the ambience of the forest. The air flowing and bustling bushes. The two swordsmen don't even shift their weight. Precise control over even the most minute muscles is visible. All animals and life had fled the vicinity of this battle upon their initial crossing. Now only the two remain and the horizon acts as the witness to their duel.

Neither move without thought, to make the first move would prove impatience and intolerance. To strike without remaining sure is to make a false swipe and give up the promise of victory. Of course, to remain stagnant and not strike at all would mean this battle would never end either. Which isn't a choice either combatant would pick at this point. 

Both swordsmen await a mark, some signal which will designate the duel commencing. The cascading breeze catches leaves as they fall from the forest trees. These swirling leaves paint the scenery with a vivid trail almost capturing the scene in a portrait. A single leaf slowly descends between the two swordsmen. The mark has been set, the initial clash inevitable and battle imminent. 

Descending directly between the small space between the two combatants the leaf draws infinitesimally close to the ground. Only when contact is made will they strike, that is the unspoken agreement between the two. 

The lightest rustle, quieter than a pin drop resounds in the area. Impossibly loud given the size of the leaf, both hear this signal perfectly. 

Their initial distance was only a few steps, enough to be covered in a mere instance. Both leap forward and shift weight into their forefoot intending to strike the other down. The brazen green-haired samurai slashes down vertically with both swords in hand. In response the apathetic opponent unsheathes and slashes horizontally meeting the two blades at the apex of their height, the most opportune moment to sever the other's chance at victory. Their concentrated Iai slash proceeds to cut through both swords with utmost precision leaving their opponent with two useless hilts in hand.

The conclusion reverts to eerie silence, not dissimilar to the duels start. A winner and loser have been borne through the tumultuous battle. A swordsman's battle is not only physical and mental but also a clash of wills and experiences. The results speak for themselves; in terms of skill and experience with a sword, this cannot be debated.

In a usual duel, a battle to the death the loser's life would be forfeit. But this wasn't any usual duel, nor were the participants of the duel any less unordinary. 

"Damnit! Again! When will I win! That's...!"

"HEHEHE! How many wins is that to me now. Hey, Zoro? You still keeping count? I stopped after the first few hundred."

"Shut up! I swear I'll beat you soon Kuina! Just you wait!"

She slyly holds out her tongue followed by a devilish giggle, pointed towards me. Infuriating.

"I look forward to that day, although by the looks of things I might die from old age before then!"


"Hehehe, Zoro you should see the look on your face!"

Suddenly the mood shifted, the teasing smile I often seen adorning her face was replaced with a grimace and tears to match. She quickly turned her head to hide it but to no avail.

"Hah... You've got it lucky Zoro eventually that'll be the case. No matter what I do, I've resigned to that as much as it pains me... There's no space in this world for the strongest swordsman to be a woman only a "Best Female Swordsman" exists. The whole thing was a sham from the beginning. A dream I was foolish enough to believe in."

"OI. KUINA YOU!!!..."

She turned towards me. I couldn't continue that train of thought. The look on her face was of utter defeat. Despite completely trouncing me in a duel. Her face spoke otherwise. At the time I didn't understand, all I felt was an indomitable feeling of helplessness. Not only due to my lack of victory against a persistent rival but because they admitted defeat to something unreal. Giving in to a feeling, an enemy not on any horizon but in the mind. This is bullshit!

"You shut up right now! You give it up like its decided, doesn't that completely negate all the work I've done to this point!? What about the people using you as goal, what about those who want to surpass you?"

"Do you really think when I beat you, you can just say "It was fated to happen, can't control it?!" As if! You're a goal for me I've put serious work in to beat, don't go keeling over to any enemy but me, you hear!?"

"You speak big game for a pipsqueak... Especially considering, you've never even come close..."

"Be quiet already! I vow in the future I will become the strongest swordsman in the world! If you don't have a goal as grand as that then aren't we all just a laughingstock? No, I refuse to believe it! So, stop feeling sorry for yourself, otherwise I'll defeat you any day now."

" You... greatest swordsman as if... it would be a shame to swords themselves if you became the summit..."

"If you think that then, you'll have to beat me every time I reach for it."

"Swear upon your sword Kuina. Become the world's best with me. The winner is whoever becomes the strongest sword master in the world."

" Hah... You're too young to be making an oath, dumbass. Especially when you leave yourself open like that."


"But... it makes me happy you said that..."

That was when her sheath propelled into my gut and knocked me out. I only regained consciousness a day after in that field. By that time Kuina was already gone and that promise could no longer be fulfilled in person.




Our battle mirrored that fateful day much to my chagrin.

He's stronger, faster, seems to carry a burden even greater. His sword streamed like boundless light shattering the heavy blows targeting him. Within but a moment I was reduced to the same helpless child in that field all those years ago.

Have I not progressed at all? All this time, have I simply been going through the motions. To be so quickly defeated?

The look on his face, as if no surprise was evident. This exact circumstance was preordained by him. Is the gap between us so large?

Too many things are similar, especially that look in his eyes. Shallow yet deep, dark yet they hold a mysterious light. Is that the bearing of those at the top? They're so different yet in some ways so alike. If I had to pin it down on something it'd be... loneliness.

Whilst Kuina struggled with something I can sympathize with but never fully comprehend. I feel this guy shares a common origin with that struggle. 

It was evident through that fight, as brief as it was. It mirrored that day perfectly in movement and visuals. Only the feeling wasn't there...

A duel is to wage a war between souls, to accumulate the life and its experiences and clash all you are with your opponent. Yet, I felt no clash of spirit. It felt as if battle itself is a foreign but useful object to be used by him.

It could be because he didn't want to fight or because his skills outstrip mine. But... for some reason my heart won't accept those reasons.

No, instead he doesn't let anyone close. Kuina tried to impart her troubles onto me, I just couldn't bear them. My back wasn't broad enough to bear that trouble, that is my sin to bear. But this guy! He doesn't let anyone know his troubles. Hell, looking at his apathetic face you'd think living was a trouble for him.

"You... What do you live for?"

"Hm... What do you mean? Most people just don't want to die, right?"

He's not wrong. But no matter how you look at it, he ain't most people. Plus, I didn't get that feeling in the battle. He wasn't in danger. But... I don't feel like he would act in fear even in the face of death.

"Then I'll change the question. What do you want to accomplish above all else? What is your dream?"

"Hmmm... I mean would it really matter to you? Weren't you just about to cut that dream short?"

This bastard.

"Just answer the question already!" I'm losing my patience with this guy.

"Don't know, never had one. Maybe I'll try and find one now I guess."

Huh. No goal. No dream. Yet he's this strong? What the hell is going on? Is he pulling my leg?

"But if I had to give an answer... To entertain my curiosity and... No actually I don't want to speak those words into existence. I feel like they might have an annoying effect."

To find his dream, huh? Is it possible to attain such strength without already having one?

Does he not even care about his past? I thought he had amnesia?

This guy's weird. 

Although now that I think of it... Ever since meeting Luffy the people around us have been different more or less. Not always in a bad way, just... peculiar. Even amongst them he still takes the cake though. It's impossible to get such strength and ability without ruthless dedication, so why does somebody so uncaring have these abilities?

He's strange and I definitely don't trust him, but... 

If he truly got this strong without aspirations towards reaching the peak, then maybe there's something that I've been missing all this time. Perhaps some area of training or meditation or even technique that is necessary to reach the top.

No matter what it is, I have to drag it out of him. Whether he wants that or not.

I'll have plenty time to keep an eye on him when he joins us. Strangely enough, I have a feeling he'll stick around. The reason for why escapes me.

And I would be lying if I said it didn't set my nerves on edge.

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