Chapter 3: Amazing chest ahead!
"Sorry about that guy, he can be a handful at times. He doesn't mean bad, but he also has trouble expressing himself honestly. We drifted apart slightly a day or so ago." Gaimon looked upset as he said this, looking towards me with upturned eyes.
Still, what exactly is this costume he has? Why is he wearing a treasure chest? These aren't the important questions but they're the ones I want to know desperately. It's hard to ask though! He acts as if this were the most natural thing in the world. I know he's been trapped here a while, but help me out here, please!
Luffy, Usopp, Zoro? One of you please ask this guy what's going on? Seriously are none of you interested in this guy? Am I going to have to handle this entire conversation again? Goddamn it this was why I thought staying with them would be a pain in the ass.
At least that other guy's gone for now. I couldn't think straight with those hollow eyes piercing my being. Those eyes... Dead. But a fierceness lies hidden behind them, they remind me of HIM...
The thought alone makes me nauseas. I'd rather not remember that bastard if I can help it. It's regrettable enough that I'll see him soon enough.
No good. If my mind keeps up with this, I'll collapse.
No, that's enough. Don't think of it anymore Nami, simply continue along your path. As you were. Follow your orders to the letter, life is so much more bearable like that.
Regaining consciousness from my stupor to then realise Zoro is nowhere to be seen. Crap... Don't tell me he went after him... There're limits to recklessness you know! That guy shouldn't be messed with. Those eyes. Like a predator stalking prey. I could feel them from when we were in the forest, if he decided to aim at Usopp or me from the start we would be dead. Even when fighting the three as a whole he didn't seem to be fazed in the slightest. Luffy must've noticed this as well, I've never seen him change attitude so quickly before.
Not only that, but this is also the first time Luffy has used his ability in a surprise attack, and it was completely thwarted almost effortlessly. Even Kuro, who we fought before was taken aback by such an attack and he had speed surpassing our sight. That Ayanokouji remained calm and observed us from afar, then decided to jump into the fray and fight even if he was outnumbered. Calm, cold, logical. He wouldn't risk fighting a losing battle, and he doesn't seem to value Gaimon much either.
That can only lead to a single conclusion. He was never in danger at that moment. His assessment of us as a group surmised that we didn't pose a substantial threat. In fact he very well could have been playing with us from the start. The only thing we can pray for at this moment is that he has no intention of killing. He still wants passage off the island and likely doesn't have much knowledge regarding the world. Meaning he's restricted in his methods and actions at least whilst we're on this island. He may very well be a worse existence than even Him. At least in His case his intentions are readable, Ayanokouji on the other hand is a blank slate. We have no idea as to that guy's goals, motivations or any information regarding his past.
A monster is present on the island, and he intends to board our vessel.
What do we do? Luffy wants to bring him along and honestly, I don't think we have the ability to refuse. Not only due to Luffy's stubbornness, but also because of the strength evident in that guy; Ayanokouji. Luffy for better or worse tends to have a good judgement of character at least, maybe I can trust his instincts and he'll leave us be until he parts ways. Hopefully that isn't wishful thinking...
"Okay, I can't take it anymore! Gaimon, why are you wearing a chest?" Resigning myself to the fate of a headache for the next few hours I ask the shabby old man. I need something to take my mind off the current situation.
"Oh, yeah I forget sometimes! Hahahaha!"
"I used to be a pirate and came to this island a good 20 years ago with my crew. Whilst searching around the island I fell off a cliff into an open chest and now here we are! Hahahaha!"
"Nyahaha! Old man you're a bit of an idiot, aren't you?!"
"Hahahaha! You aren't wrong there, straw hat!"
How did he get away with plain insulting him to his face like that? Oh well, not important. Luffy does plenty of things that are far removed from any sense or logic, this is just par for the course.
"Your crew didn't come back for you or search for you?!"
"Nah, they left before I could join them. Can't really blame them, it's a harsh world we live in after all." That's beyond evil! They would really leave this man on the island alone not even waiting what could've been a single day for him to arrive? My hate for pirates seems to renew and smoulder each and every passing day. Yeah, I really need to leave this crew and finish my deal soon...
"And you haven't managed to get out of that chest even after all these years?" This is just beyond sad. I would definitely take him off this island even if the others were against it, not that they would be. But would he even manage to integrate back into society? A chest wearing weirdo and his band of misfit animals walking around town. Maybe people would think the circus pulled through? That isn't a bad thought actually, wait no. It's giving me mild flashbacks to Buggy, maybe it would be for the best if the animals stay here at least. I don't think we would have the feed for so many either, especially with Luffy aboard.
"I tried a while ago, but to no avail. By now my body seems to have grown accustomed to it, I think removing it would do more harm than good." Indeed, due to the posture his body may have shifted to accommodate such an unnatural position, it would also be difficult to remove the chest without damaging Gaimon in the process. If he's settled into that then there's nothing else to deliberate regarding the chest.
Wait, I feel like we skipped over something big just then!
"Did you just say twenty years!"
I can't believe it! To think the cruelty of his own crew would damn him to such a grim fate. To be all alone on this island for what amounts to the entirety of any one of our lives. What is with these twisted creatures called pirates, do they seriously not have any consideration for how they affect others?
"Yeah! Hahaha, it really has gone by quite quick. It's good to speak to people once again! Taka's been here for a month or so, but he's never been one for conversation. As you've seen."
That's unfathomable. I don't want to skip past such a terrible point. But I should change the topic for the sake of all of us.
Now onto the most important piece of information.
"So Gaimon-San you also mentioned there was something on this island, am I right in assuming we're both thinking the same?"
"You're sharp girl. Yes, indeed it was the reason my crew travelled here in the first place. There's treasure hidden on the island, my crew gave up on the impossibility of reaching it though."
"Hmm, if we can get that treasure for you how about we split it between us?" This is too good to be true. Ayanokouji's words before are also disconcerting regarding Gaimon's appeal. If it is true, it would be helpful in the long run.
"I'm assuming you have an idea as to where it is after all this time?"
"Of course, I was once a pirate you know! Still got the heart for adventure! C'mon I'll take you guys there!"
As he said that he hollered a strange but large animal over to us. Quickly manoeuvering atop the animal and beckoning the remaining members of the crew to also climb aboard, we set off for the target in our sights.
"There are several chests at the top of a particularly steep cliff in the middle of the island. I knew about them from before I was trapped in this box and then prevented other crews from boarding the island over the years."
"I see... you've been working at it for a long time. Luckily, Luffy will have no problem climbing anything!" Spurring him on with the strongest smile I can muster, I deluded both him and me for the hope of a fortunate future. Ayanokouji's words leave a grim taste in the mouth though, I'm sure Gaimon's thought of that as well already. Unless maybe he hid the findings...
No, that train of thought's useless in the end. He doesn't seem the type to give up such information. Trying to intimidate with violence or overstep any boundaries would just end in conflict which is the worst-case scenario, especially when so easily avoidable.
Engaging in small talk until we reach the cliff face, which was a lot quicker thanks to the reliable steed beneath us.
"Go! Straw hat, up that cliff there!"
"Gotcha, old man. Gum-Gum Rocket!"
Effortlessly, Luffy outstretched his arms using the momentum to extend to the top of the cliff and grabbing the ledge. Allowing his body to recoil with the properties of his rubber body, he quickly ascends to the top of the cliff.
"So?! See anything up there Luffy?!"
"Yeah! Old man, they're up here alright!"
"Awwright! Throw them down when you're ready straw hat!"
"Nah, these are mine now, right?!" With a devilish smile he hoards a chest in his grasp and displays it before us.
"Luffy don't play around!"
"Yeah, Luffy you ass! Throw them down!"
This is unlike Luffy though, he wouldn't act in this way. Especially given the way he treats other's things...
"It's alright you two... Straw hat, you really are a good guy! Thank you!"
As I thought then, that's unfortunate. This must be heart-breaking for Gaimon, imagine all that time and effort for no pay-off. I don't know what would happen if I were in the same situation. For everything I did to become meaningless. I'd break apart at the seams. I don't think I'd be able to pick all the pieces of myself up after that, no I don't know if I'd even want to.
Just thinking of the possibility is enough to tear the fragile stitching holding my heart together. Better to not think of it at all. Yeah... just live in this moment. Continue travelling with them for the time being, it's such a reprieve from the past. It's... comfortable here. No one could blame me for enjoying this time, just enjoy it until the moment comes. When it does, act with the same vigilance as always. I can accomplish my goal and finally free us from this cage.
"Sorry... Old man, yeah they're all empty. Not a single one has anything inside." Luffy had a solemn look on his face when stating it as if he couldn't bear the words himself.
"But that's the past! Let's talk about the future, come with us Gaimon! Who cares if the past years have been spent on this island! Come with us, adventure the seas once again! By our side we'll see the world and find the One Piece!" Ecstatically, Luffy exclaimed this conclusion loud enough that all inhabitants of the island could hear the proposition. He means it, that's the enjoyable thing about Luffy he lacks delicacy but says what he wants and acts in accordance with his desires. No schemes, no trickery, no complication just simple desire. I could see him actually doing it, that may just be wishful thinking though.
"Straw Hat... Thank You! You're a good guy...!" Gaimon exclaimed through the stream of tears staining his face.
The four of us mounted the large beast once again and travelled back to Gaimon's camp, sharing some tales of our adventures along the way.
After that business we can offer the travel from the island to both Ayanokouji and Gaimon, the only other concern is Zoro now. Hopefully he isn't too reckless with his challenges. As a group we can't do much against him, he could hold his own against both Zoro and Luffy in a fight and didn't break a sweat even when caught off guard.
The only thing I'll state for sure is we won't forgive him if Zoro is hurt on this journey. I'll take him down even if takes my life. That goes for any other member of this crew. I may not stay with these people, but they are important to me. I'll die before allowing the people I care for to be broken and extorted by the whims of another monster.
Please, be safe Zoro.
"I'd prefer to lounge and enjoy the last moments on this island without being disturbed, I don't suppose you could reconsider what you're thinking?"
"Afraid not. If you've got that sword in your hand, you either give it up or fight me! There's no other choice."
"You would even swing at someone unresisting?"
"Non-resisting but not defenceless, you can't escape this unfortunately. You'll be my next conquest, provide me with the experience to get even stronger!" Grinning like a madman he unsheathes the other two swords by his side and slowly paces towards me.
"I'm warning you, we'll be companions for a short time after this. I'd rather not gain the ire of your crew. Turn back. The sword will be in my possession for a day maximum. There is no need for further conflict." If he sees reason at this point, I'll pray to whichever God is responsible you hear me!
Slowly but surely advancing with his guard up, still unresponsive. He seems to be saying words are worthless at this stage.
Oh well, worth a shot...
Guess I can test out my skills for now. Not exactly the arena or situation I would've chosen. just need to make sure I don't rough him up too much. Can't have the crew becoming hostile that would cause unnecessary problems.