Piracy? Unchanging facade in a new world!

Chapter 2: Gaimon's treasure

A few days have passed on the island since I met Gaimon and the strange animals. Apparently, these animals all inhabited the island before Gaimon had ever set foot on here. Even when subtly controlling the conversation and paying attention to micro-expressions and gesture he seemed to accept the bizarre nature of the creatures and never uttered a word of their unnaturalness. 

Additionally, assuming I can trust the information given from Gaimon then this is indeed a different world from my original entirely. Although, it seems to resemble the great age of piracy in the modern world in some ways it is also vastly different form that time period. 

For one the geography of the world is entirely different from any point in history books. Even the shifting of continents throughout the span of human history as I know it doesn't have any overlap with the general layout of this world. Even if the names of such locations have been completely changed due to Gaimon's skewed perception and mental state, none of it would line up with my world at any point in time.

Through further investigation and harsher questioning techniques, led to Gaimon having answers to most question which I asked. Either he has completely thought of every answer to his hypothetical scenario, and this is one of the most ground-breaking pranks in history, or its all true.


The important facts can be summarised as:

We are currently experiencing a grand age of piracy where many men have set sail in search for a great treasure held by the previous Pirate King. A title held by a vastly influential pirate dubbed Gold Roger in the past who led the masses to the sea from his execution grounds. The world is separated into 4 main seas all named after the cardinal directions. Access to these seas is cut-off due to the existence of the red line. This acts as an inverse version of the equator in our world as it travels along the y-axis of the world instead. The seas above and below each other are separated by a stretch of ocean called the calm belt which have no currents or breeze whatsoever and are teeming with dangerous creatures called sea kings. Meaning travel for the average person in this world is immensely difficult. Marines are the so-called police authority in this world. They act against pirates to keep the peace and protect the citizenry of the countless islands littering the seas. The location of Gold Roger's treasure is said to lie on an island lying at the end of the Grand line. A stretch of ocean which propagates from the red line and is sandwiched from both sides by the calm belt.


Any other information gained from Gaimon was either superfluous or pertained to personal experiences he held before coming onto the island. Although interesting they would likely hold no greater meaning or use for myself in the future.

Knowing at least this much is a great boon for now though. Imagine if Gaimon or these animals weren't on the island I could have assumed this were still my own world and that could've ended disastrously. For example; if I had manufactured a crude raft and set sail, any strong sea creatures could have capsized the vessel, and Japan's masterpiece would be no more.

Another increasingly interesting detail, which I uncovered through investigation is this world is much more different physically than my original. For example, I had seen Gaimon fall from cliffs and bound into trees from his box. In my original world this could result in broken bones or at least strong abrasions after such contact. However, he assured me that he was no worse for wear after these incidents even going so far as to say they happen quite often to him. This can only mean he is an anomaly in this world, or the denizens of this plane are much sturdier than I'm used to. This doesn't entirely make sense as Gaimon doesn't seem to hold much more strength or technique than the average man.

This discovery led to a string of experiments of my own person to which the findings were shocking even to me. I could leap and bound further than in the initial world and the speed of my own body in motion felt almost effortless at times. Are human bodies structurally different in this world? Or are the forces acting on the body weaker than in my original? 

If the strength of gravity were reduced, then we could in theory grant these effects. However, the forces present in the world are necessary for the world to function. The flora, lifeforms, atmosphere etc. is all formed and shaped depending on these physics fundamentals. These factors acting in tandem is the reason life on planets is such a rare occurrence in the first place. Needless to say, with a change in these factors everything else is also thrown into disarray.

Thus, the other leading hypothesis is change in the human structure which provides reason for these physical phenomena to manifest. If the skin and bones were thicker and more durable, then this would all be possible even if the rest of the world were comparable to my original. Although this is inconclusive, it would be difficult to gain further insight into this topic at the moment.

Pinning that memo in my head for another occasion. I instead opt to think of the more dire situation on my hands.

Whilst I can survive and stay here with Gaimon for as long as necessary I would much rather get off this island and experience the world for myself. Not only to try and confirm his words for myself but also to work towards my current aspirations. 

What would be the best way to go about this though?

Gaimon has remained stagnant on the island for a time now and has neglected to say anything on the subject. He seems to have no desire to leave the island and may even have the thought of preventing my travel, should I try. I have no doubt I could prevent his machinations, but it isn't conducive to my plans if he interferes. 

I could wait for another crew to pass by the island and ask for passage or even just take the ship through force if necessary. Who knows how many years that could take though? Gaimon said himself only a handful of crews had come by in the twenty years he spent here.

If I were to create a raft and set sail not only, would I not know the direction I should head. Gaimon after years of solitude no longer holds the knowledge of his whereabouts in the East Blue but may also harbour intentions of stopping my departure. Not only that, but I'd also have to combat any threats on the water whilst remaining completely exposed during the entire voyage which could take months.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place...

For now, I should focus on ascertaining my current abilities in this new world, how applicable the knowledge I've amassed is to this universe and gathering any more useful information from Gaimon.

Just like that a week or so passed.

The same day in day out with Gaimon and the animals played in my head. I accustomed to the lifestyle quickly. Humans are creatures of habit and will quickly adopt a role given to them. But as I once again continued with the daily tasks of picking fruits and tending to the animals. The visage of a boy clothed in white drabs once again flashed before my eyes. The same expressionless boy meaninglessly executed task after task, day after day. Like a computer executing its scheduled program, no fluctuations in mood or bearing. Simply existing and functioning biding the time away. It's no different here. I'm the exact same as before. Should I be wasting time here? Even if this solution is optimal? Even if it ensures survival? Can I truly say I'm progressing towards my ideal? Should I take the leap, or wait?

Like this increasingly more days passed by in the blink of an eye.


One day whilst exploring the island, to procure food and materials but also to escape the lingering boredom I felt every day. I came across one of the cliffs that Gaimon routinely scaled or at least tried to.

Previously I felt no desire to climb the cliff and Gaimon also never requested that I do so either so i left the matter alone. But today was different, the urge was gathering and my legs and arms made towards the cliff as I effortlessly scaled the sheer rock. 

Atop the vantage point lay several chests. Bare in all its glory. These smells of a trap, like it's just here out in the open? Surely Gaimon left this here to trick me. The constant climbing and increasing my interest in the object was just to lure me here and get me to open the structure where something can spring in hopes of capturing or subduing me. Any valuables in here likely wouldn't do me any good in the moment, perhaps they may have use off of the island but not as I'm stuck here.

Doing a once over of the chests. There don't seem to be any outliers in its surface. I can't detect any sort of mechanisms or the like. It doesn't show any tampering on the surface. It'll be useful looking inside at the very least, if it's a trap I'll deal with that when the time comes.

Sharpening my resolve and continuing towards one of the chests. Lifting the lid, which surprisingly isn't locked, apprehension arises inside. Perhaps a bountiful treasure stack will lay inside, maybe one of the animals will pop out? Or perhaps a trap really will spring?

Unfortunately, Occam's razor is in effect even here. The chest was empty, nothing of substance was inside the confines of the object. 

Of course, I repeated the same for the other chests on the top of the cliff. However, every single chest was as bare as the last. The contents were void and desolate. Did Gaimon know?

No that's unlikely, his desperation to climb the cliff was evident from the expression and persistence with which he attempted his fervorous escapades. He was attempting such a dangerous task most days? Even persisting through years of solitude, in order to achieve a meaningless goal?

What's the best thing to do in this scenario? Should I let him know? Or would this revelation completely break him beyond repair? Would he even believe me?

In his situation I would appreciate knowing this vital information, the reveal would allow me to progress in life and find a different goal to follow. It would be discouraging to know your efforts were misplaced, but so long as you draw breath another chance at victory lurks behind that curtain of despair.

Resolving myself to earn the ire of the island inhabitants. I made the small vow to disclose the truth with Gaimon should he ask for assistance.

That night we gathered for dinner just as every other night before on the island. Unknowingly, tensions seemed to be rising through the duration of dinner as Gaimon kept stealing glances and narrowing his eyes at me every so often.

"Gaimon, what is it? You keep on looking at me."

"Oi Taka, you got some guts talking like that to me. We've welcomed you like family here, but it seems you don't feel the same. Got anything to say for yourself?"

Is this about the chest? I didn't notice anyone watching me whilst investigating. There are countless animals on the island so it's possible they communicated my actions to each other. Or is this something else? I mean I'm not exactly a social or particularly vocal person so his misgivings with my behaviour could be noted. I've never expressed particular joy or content with being stuck on this island. But why bring this up now? Maybe he's been having a struggle keeping it to himself for so long. Animals can only substitute for humans for so long after all. "Humans will continue to fight until only one man remains." Or so the quote goes. Is this an application of such logic? Is it impossible to coexist with other humans without friction arising at one point?

Although this could be about the chest, it could also be a myriad of other things. As such I'll simply play stupid, even with the risk of escalating things further. Even if they all attacked, I could evade capture and combat them long enough to escape.

"What are you talking about Gaimon? My actions have been the same ever since I got on the island, right?" This was with respect to both my behaviour and actions along the entire time of my stay. If he reacts negatively then it's safe to say it was the chest that caused this.

"Hah, so he says! You really don't have anything to say for yourself, anything to confess?!" Yeah, this is definitely the chest. I could reveal it, but he likely won't believe me, I'll just wait for him to calm down. 

"No idea what you're talking about. If anything, notable happened I'd let you know. What about you? Why are you here on the island? You've had plenty chances to leave yet you stay, feel like sharing?" This wasn't exactly a lie, the chest was empty, so it was not notable information, at least not for me anyway.

"Tch, whatever I'm going sleep. Don't talk to me for a while. Can't bear to look at that apathetic face of yours."

Seeing no reason to continue the drama I simply face away from the miserable bush man and continue eating, then getting ready for bed and an early start to the morning as usual. Laying in the hammock supported by two sturdy tress and covered with foliage to protect from the weather. I simply drift to sleep, leaving some attention for the surroundings just in case Gaimon decides to do something regrettable.

The dull dawn sky greets my eyes as I awaken and prepare for the chores another uneventful day promises me.

Awakening full of vigour as always, I spring to my feet and meander about the forest getting ready to complete the daily tasks necessary for continued survival. Whilst the dreary thoughts continue to munch away at my sanity a noise resounds through the forest in the direction of Gaimon's sleeping quarters. The sound of a gunshot the smell of gunpowder was also unmistakable. Either Gaimon has shot his flintlock, or we have company on the island. I couldn't see a ship anywhere nearby though, unless they lay anchor by the other beach on the island. 

Setting that aside for now, I should monitor the situation and make my subsequent choices accordingly. Sifting through the vegetation and quickly bounding atop the branches of the trees in the forest. I gaze down upon the intruders of the island. A young man with black hair, a scar under his left eye and a straw hat adorning his head. Another similarly aged man with green hair and three swords attached at the waist lay with his back against a tree. Finally, two more members of the invading group hid behind a tree. A man and woman both shaking in fear due to the creatures of the forest and Gaimon's strange features as well. They both appear to be of comparable age to the previously mentioned assailants. The woman had delicate features; big brown eyes and short red-hair. Her face and body had captured my attention for the time being. Honestly, she was a sight for sore eyes, is this what staying on an island with only an old man and animals does to you?

Nevertheless, the last member was a young man of a delicate build wearing extendable binoculars on his head atop a bandana covering his hair. He also had a characteristically large nose which could even put a certain magical puppet to shame.

Apparently Gaimon must have shot his bullet at one of these assailants. Did he miss intentionally or by accident? None of the people here were injured by the gunshot. His warning seems to have been unsuccessful as Gaimon was in the arms of the straw hat wearing young man. 

Should I come out of hiding peacefully? Or should I...?

Deciding on my actions for the time being I quickly leap from the treetops and take one of the swords dangling at the waist of green hair. Using my lead foot to push kick him away, gaining distance and quickly unsheathing the blade prepared for attacks from any of the members. The two cocksure men should be the largest threats, the other two seem to have minimal fight experience, I'll take them into consideration though. Especially the one with binoculars he could be a marksman.

It seems they didn't recognise my presence at least. It means my stealth and such skills are still useful to a degree. Throwing the white sheath to the ground after revealing the blade, I'm taken away with the quality of the blade. Surely a random pirate shouldn't have a katana of such quality?

"Oi bastard. Give that sword back now, or I take it from your corpse." The sword must hold some deep meaning to him, for him to change from his oafish behaviour to this spine-tingling dread now. The glare was nothing to scoff at either, he truly meant to kill me should I not comply. If he thought I'd give in to such idle threats however, he has another thing coming.

The straw hat was the quickest to pick up on the situation and dropped Gaimon. About-facing me and throwing his arm back as if to punch me. There's no way he could, the distance is much too far for that. What's his intention with such an action? Perhaps he's going to throw something? I can just deflect it if that's the case, bring it straw hat.

"Taka watch out he's-...!"

Before he could finish the warning, the young man's arm stretched and got exceedingly close to my face. Letting the actions of my reflexes take over I narrowly evaded the blow and readied my stance to retaliate. 

What happened there is impossible by any stretch of the imagination, he basically mimicked the elastic recoil of a rubber band. Muscles do react in that way as well, but to a much more subtle degree. His situation can be explained later. The only thing to keep in mind is defeating the enemies in front of me. Anything else can wait till later.

Luckily the rebound of his actions gives plenty of opportunity to attack. Grabbing his arm and intending to slash the outstretched surface. The marksman aims a rock at my face using a slingshot and the swordsman aims a double horizontal slash at my body. 

Decent teamwork. Shifting the blade to deflect the projectile and using the outstretched arm as a vault I somersault over the arm and throw straw hat at the marksman. 

Let's review them for now. The straw hat has properties of rubber, pinching the skin had no effect when I threw him. He seems to have no response to blunt force trauma. Thus, sharp weaponry seems to be the only efficient means of attacking at the moment. The swordsman has rather strong attacks and from my kick earlier I can tell his physique is rather developed. The marksman is rather impressive, accurately aiming at vital points and hitting them whilst I was in motion. Add that to his proclivity for cowardice implies a good sniper. Finally, the woman has yet to show any abilities thus it'd be prudent to assume her efforts lie elsewhere. She could be the navigator, chef, doctor, perhaps tending to the crew at night? The sea is vast, and travel takes months at times. I can't imagine many women would sign up voluntarily for such a role. Yet she doesn't show any fear or apprehension to her crew, maybe I was mistaken? She's probably just logistical personnel.

"Zoro!" The Straw hat shouts and looks to the swordsman.

"Yeah. Usopp, Nami take cover at the rear. Stay a decent distance from us. Not too close, not too far. If you get out of our cover this could end badly for us. This island has a monster on it." Seems the swordsman has locked in as well. They seem to have gotten more serious than before. This could be a good chance to test my abilities upon arrival in this world.

Knowing who to look out for in the fight I ready my stance once again, prepared to bury the opponents in front of me if the need arises.

"Guys let's stop this, surely we can just talk?! You guys are stuck here, right? We could organise transport off the island so long as you stop fighting now!"

So, she's the rational head behind the group. If she were a prostitute taken to sea, she wouldn't have any ability to suggest this. This is only possible because the crew regard her as an equal, meaning she must also contribute to the crew. Likely navigator I'd say. The compass poking out of her hip satchel and the parchment covering it would be good indicators.

"Urgh... Taka let's truce for now." Were those words for me or for the invaders?

I'll just go along with it for now. After all they may be my ticket off the island, they certainly have that bargaining chip in the mix. Should anything come up, I could simply take the ship from them. Whilst they may be strong, they still have plenty openings which could be extorted in the right circumstances, judging from their behaviour. If I were to take a hostage, they would no doubt comply with my demands, of course I'd gain the scorn of the group in the meantime, its inconsequential in the broader scope of things.


"But just in case I'll be holding onto the sword for a moment, I don't really trust you guys yet. I hope you understand that." They have no option but to comply with that demand, I can't afford to put myself in such a wary position with 4 or more potential aggressors.

"Fine but at least sheathe it and we'll find somewhere to talk this out." That I can do, it won't make much difference whether sheathed or not. It'd also be a shame to allow such a good weapon to be exposed further.

"Oi Nami! Tell this brat to give me the sword back. I ain't-...!"

"Quiet Zoro, we'll get the sword back after the discussion, some things come first. Just follow my lead, please." Putting her hand up in front of the swordsman she addresses him with a hint of fear in her voice. But it didn't seem directed at Zoro, I didn't really do anything that would bring about such a response, right?

"Jeez, woman. Fine, let's get this over with." Dropping the matter entirely at that display the green hair now identified as Zoro quickly walks towards Gaimon who led the disorganised group to his makeshift shelter.

"Please treat that sword carefully, it's important to him." The fiery negotiator also known as Nami quietly mentioned to me. Although she wanted to avoid the attention of Zoro he seemed to have noticed. I can use this.

"I wouldn't mistreat such a wonderful blade, you have my word." Zoro's ears perked up at my reply. That seemed to make him rest somewhat, as his apprehension dropped. He must have found a kindred spirit in me. Whilst the sword itself didn't hold such sway over me it was important to lay the impression upon him that it did. Couldn't have him acting awry after all.

Following one after another the entire group consisting of the invading pirates' party, Gaimon, his animals and me all arrived at the campsite. Several logs felled from the trees of the forest lay around a campfire along with several other furnishings that Gaimon created over the years. His shelter, crude tables and desks for work equipment and tools etc. Gaimon sat on one of the trunks facing the campfire with animals surrounding his back as if showing allegiance. The straw hat and his group all gathered at the log directly facing Gaimon and his animals. Finally, I placed myself on the log to the immediate left and right of both crews respectively as if I were the judge presiding over this case.

"Alright, let's get the situation sorted out first, okay?! We came across the island to explore and rest after a long voyage when suddenly we were threatened by you and then shot at! Only to then get attacked by Mr. Moody over here who not only stole my companions' weapon but also threatened our lives! How exactly do you intend to compensate us, huh?!" The ginger girl stated these facts as if they meant anything at all. We're supposed to be in a grand age of piracy, aren't we? Of course, your life would be in danger if you suddenly invaded a persons' home, even if it was accidental.

Taking the moral high-ground and immediately assuming we were wrongful in our approach isn't a bad plan by any means especially if they were pirates and were looking for a quick buck. However, it isn't the best option by any reach. Its reminiscent of the scams Japanese youths would use to scam others of money by pretending to be injured, I suppose some things are timeless.

Who's in the wrong is inconsequential especially in such a world. Surely pirates should realise this though? Even for a group as young as this, they should notice that some things are just unimportant. Unless this is a group of dreamers with their heads in the clouds? Unfettered by the constraints of common sense and instead focused on accomplishing their ideals. A crowd like that, might be ideal...

"Hold on girlie, I did shoot but I also gave you a warning to leave the island. Don't leave that out of your explanation so easily!" Seems he was telling the truth about driving others off the island before, the question is why though? You can't use the treasure here, it seems illogical.

"Indeed, I suppose these knuckle-heads are to blame for that. Keeping that in mind, we should reach a compromise quite readily don't you think?" She immediately brought the attention and some blame back to the strongest of the group to allow the conversation to progress smoothly. She wasn't intending to scam us then, instead she wanted to balance the investment of both groups by taking some blame. This woman is good at negotiations, Gaimon would likely play right in her hands, her looks are also part of the equation here, but I digress.

"What do you suppose then?" Gaimon, bewildered by the sudden change in attitude.

"Well first let's all introduce ourselves. We can be a bit more comfortable with each other that way, right?"

"I suppose so, name's Gaimon I've been surviving on this island for years with these guys giving me company. I used to be a pirate years ago, but I've left that life behind me."

"Wonderful Gaimon-san, nice to meet you! My name's Nami, I'm the temporary navigator for this sorry bunch you see here." So, I was right, she is the navigator. Good it wasn't one of the alternatives, i wouldn't have a use for her otherwise. Her skills are imperative to learn from now on then. Basic navigation and the weather cycle are known to me, but that's only assuming that everything works the same as in my previous world which is too much of a risk to simply take at face value. But temporary, huh? Is that her way of saying under the right circumstance she would betray them? Or perhaps that the deal between them is contractual or has an expiry date? Something to keep in mind.

"Oi Nami, who you calling sorry, huh!? I'll have you know this man here is the great warrior of the sea, Captain Usopp! My name is revered through both the seas and Earth as a man of immense capabilities. My army has amassed to a size of 3 million men and shall one day conquer the seas under my immense strength. And don't you forget it!" Interesting, his nose didn't seem to lengthen, so he isn't actually Pinocchio. The strange urge to call him Yamauchi lurks within the deepest recesses of my brain though.

"Nyahaha, the name's Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna' be king of the pirates one day. Nice to meet you!" A childish grin, the likes of which eclipses any previous memories of the depiction of joy from my home world adorn his face. This boy seems to whole-heartedly believe in and reach towards that goal of his. It's a lofty ambition, but the honesty with which he asserts that wish is something very few can replicate.

"Zoro. Roronoa Zoro. Now you, gloomy guy. Give me your name and the sword as well when you're done." I thought I had placated him enough with the words I shared with Nami. Seems the lion wants to bare its fangs once more.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, washed up here a month or so ago and have been living with Gaimon ever since. Other than that, I seem to have a case of amnesia, or so I've been told." This would likely arise in conversation later anyway. Hiding such things would only make them more on guard in the future which would just become more troublesome. I simply ignored his demand, seeing no reason to comply with the last request.

"Bastard, are you ignoring me. Huh?!"

"I'd prefer not to fight, but should the need arise I'll bury you all here."

"Heh, bring it dumba-!"

"Zoro, stop he's serious. You should realise from the fight alone, he's not someone we should take needless conflict with." Sweat seemed to be pouring from her head and Nami's eyes were laced with fear of the prospect. I didn't think the threat was that terrifying though, is there some aspect I'm missing? Unless she already measured my capabilities above her crew, that shouldn't have been possible from what I deliberately shown though?

"Hahahaha, Oi he's serious! I like you, you're strong wanna join my crew?!" Or so Luffy said. He didn't seem to mind the threat. I won't lie, he is interesting, and I do need to get off this island. For the time being I could agree and then ditch them if need be.

"We should leave that matter for after. For the time being let's reach a conclusion on the current subject matter. We can simply forgive each other for the current passings. You guys have trespassed on our territory without knowledge, and we have attacked to defend our own home. Neither party is hurt thankfully, thus dropping this matter is a simple solution." Laying the situation out in an easily digestible manner, the earlier threat also allows them to more readily accept the circumstances. This way both parties can forgo responsibility and shove the ordeal under the rug.

"That's something we can agree on it seems. Now let's tell a bit more about each other before making any other decisions." Nami makes this suggestion. Perhaps in hopes of scouting our background and behaviour to ultimately decide whether we are trustworthy.

"I don't mind but I don't really have much to disclose you realise that, right?" I thought they would realise, what with amnesia and all.

"You really have no idea how you got here?" Seems she just wants to probe. Her attempt to pierce this stone-cold mask is as pointless as any previous attempt. If she thought I'd give information away so readily, then she's sorely mistaken.

"No not a clue, my name is about all I remember." This isn't true, but its the story I'll go with. I mean how would you react if a random guy suddenly told you he came from a different world? Yeah, that wouldn't go down well. It isn't like I couldn't share any information, if necessary, in the future, I could always pretend the memories are slowly coming back.

"I mean... it's just... you're awfully calm if that's the case. Are you not worried about the current situation?!"

"Say what you want. Worrying or acting frantically would hardly help anyone. For now, I'll just act as necessary until I uncover the situation in full. That's all there is to it." There's no need to hide such worry or thoughts, they know nothing of my character. Plus, pretending to be scared and frail would just be exposed as fraud when speaking to Gaimon or remaining in my presence for too long. Maintaining such a farce is too far removed from the ideal my life will shape into in the future.

"Hoh, I'm getting fired up! Yeah, that confidence just gets me ready for a fight. What say we start a round up once again, Mr. Cool?" Why is he so blood-thirsty? I just want to get off this island. Nonetheless he ceremoniously lay his hand on the katana by his side, threatening to unsheathe the weapon and start once again.

Are negotiations breaking down? Perhaps, Nami has little sway over the swordsman? Or the sword really means that much to him? 

Speaking of this is a pirate crew, right? Surely one of them must hold the leadership in the crew. Long-nose is out due to the lack of drive or strength in response to danger, Nami has a good mind but lacks the strength to lead them. This swordsman especially only responds to the strong. But he doesn't seem to hold such authority, then the straw hat. He did mention Pirate King after all, it would be a safe assumption to pin Captain on him. In which case I should direct conversation with him instead.

"You, with the straw hat. You said your name was Luffy, right?"

"Yeah! That's me! What's up?"

"Are you willing to take us off the island on your ship?"

"Sure! Let me finish exploring, though!" He exclaimed as if this were the natural progression. Completely forgetting the battle waged before this.

"You say explore but there's nothing of value on this island, right Gaimon?" This hint should be enough.

"Hah... Don't try and pull that crap Taka! You know damn well there's something here!" Internally swallowing a sigh. Apparently that hint was in fact not enough. His delusion has gotten hold of him, my explanation will do no good now. I'll just distance myself from the group. No need to be amicable with Gaimon, this will likely be one of the last times I see him after all.

"No there really is nothing of value. I hate to disappoint you, but that's the undeniable truth."

"Bastard. After all the hospitality I showed you, you dare to spit in our faces!"

"Get them to help you then. See if I care. Search for your precious meaning on this island, you will find naught in terms of value." Deciding to wash my hand of the conversation, I leave those words for the group. With my back still turned I express my request for passage aboard when they've finished their business here.

"Let me know when you leave the island, I'll take that trip aboard. Until then suit yourselves."

Taking the sword with me and retreating into the depths of the forest. I'll make sure they have no option but to collect me from the island. The swordsman Zoro can't leave without it, even if the other members tried to convince him, he'd stop them through force if necessary.

With this, everything is looking up for my departure from the island. It's been fun Gaimon, and I appreciate your knowledge and company, but I'll be leaving with or without you. This shall be the end of our union, hopefully you don't decide on a drastic outcome, and we can part peacefully. 

Know that if the opposite occurs then I will show no mercy to those who cross me. From now on I will not deign to the objectives of others. My freedom has only just begun.

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