Piracy? Unchanging facade in a new world!

Chapter 5: Bump in the night

"Takaaaa! Where are you? Let's eat, already!" Gaimon's voice had resounded through the forest. The pair had made a habit of eating together at the camp every day since their meeting. That was only cut short due to Gaimon's own false conclusions.

"Zoro! C'mon we've got food ready! Hurry up, or there'll be nothing left!" Nami shouted out into the forest hoping to reach the two outcasts. A bitter look on her face all the while.

"Food! Food! Zoro, hurry!" Luffy maintained the same lackadaisical attitude as usual.

Meanwhile Usopp simply looked around from the top of a tree to parse through the dense forestry.

"Damn. Can't see much even up here."





I know that voice anywhere, seriously where did he develop that foghorn of a mouth?

"Seems they're looking for you."

"...Yeah..." Turning back towards the noise I slowly walk in its direction.

"...You coming?" As much as I'd prefer, he didn't, probably best to keep him in sight at least.

"...That isn't the direction of the noise."

What now?

"It clearly came from that direction, though." 

"...You'll get lost in that forest if you walk around randomly, you know?"

"Pfft. Whatever you say, no way I'm getting lost. See ya." Backing into the forest and walking back in the direction of that shout. 




Not even 5 minutes later Zoro came right back out of the forest where he had entered and came face to face with me once again.

"Hey, you following me or something?" Is this guy stupid?

"...This is the same place we just fought..."

"...So, it is..."

"Got lost already?"

That was shockingly quick, almost a talent.

"No, no. Just checking if you changed your mind on the sword!"

"No. I didn't."

"...Damnit. Sure, you aren't coming with? Wouldn't want the sword getting lost now after all."

The audacity of this guy...

"Nah, I'm good here. Head in that direction this time..." I point in the same direction as before.

"...What scared I might take the sword off ya?"


"Tch. Mark my words, I'll get it back soon."

Those as his parting words he walked through the shrubbery in the direction of his crew. Hopefully he won't be back again.





The entire crew had made it to the plains I inhabited and slowly looked down to the broken swords which littered the ground a short distance from my feet.

"Oi! You see Zoro?!" Those words came from Luffy. Meanwhile Nami and Usopp had grave looks on their faces.

"Luffy! Zoro wouldn't leave his swords here, they clearly fought. Hey you, where's Zoro?" The marksman weakly shouted that from behind one of the trees whilst unholstering his slingshot.

"He walked in your direction just now. I'm surprised you didn't meet just now."

"Likely story. There's no way we'd miss each other. Where is he really?" Nami didn't seem to buy that story. I guess, they don't know that much about each other then? I feel like his terrible sense of direction would become a blatant problem if they had travelled together longer.

What a pain. No answer will be good enough for them. Is there any reason to be so hostile all the time?

"...I don't know what you want from me. Call for him if you want, he gets lost easily though."

"...Luffy! I don't-" Don't finish that sentence, I'm through with drama today.

Before Nami had finished her sentence Luffy rocketed towards me with an arm outstretched behind him, clearly planning to use the recoil on me.

Looks like I'm getting a fight either way...

Dashing around to his left flank I quickly use the sheathed sword length to jab at the back of his knee and jab his head into the collision course. Allowing his own punch to smack right into the back of his head.

I wonder if his resistance to physical strikes also applies to himself. I'd guess it does, simply due to the fact he shrugs off any damage the recoil might have when throwing these punches.

In response the rubber man goes barrelling off into a tree in front of him.


"Take this! Sure kill- egg star!" Is this guy really throwing eggs right now?

Dodging the projectiles I ponder if I should just get rid of this guy. It's more annoying than anything else, I'd much rather not have to clean this up after.

Deciding to get rid of the marksman restricting my movements I rush towards him and Nami. 




AAAAHHH! He's coming towards us! Seriously, Usopp think before you attack him. Or at least don't get me involved!

"Crap. Run!" Those very inspiring words came from Usopp, great captain of the high seas. At least he's focusing on him and not me.

Usopp's silhouette barrelled through the forest back towards Gaimon's camp.

...Me and my big mouth. The monster stopped at the tree and just stared at me for what felt like a minute or two.

"Can you not get these guys to stop fighting me?"

"Why would I do that!? You've clearly hurt Zoro, there's no way he would've missed us! Don't try and trick me!"

"Just calm down for a minute and we can wait for him. You guys attacked me in the first place, I had no plans to attack you guys. Besides there's no blood or any limbs here, only the swords. Only the fact we fought here is evident, nothing more than that." 

Blood or limbs! Even when trying to convince us he can't help but think of mortality. Exactly like that monster.

"You could've taken him away somewhere or gotten rid of his body. You can't fool me, I know how your type acts. You just can't help but destroy everything around you, monster!"

"There's no proof for that. In fact, if that were the case then you should listen to me so you can find where he is, no?"

"As if you would tell the truth!"

Understanding how useless his words are, slowly he makes his way towards me and reaches out his hand to grab me...

Crap, please Luffy c'mon. Knock this bastard out!

A blur flashes in my vision. A cloud of dust billows from the rubble of the trees completely decimated by the attack.


Both of Luffy's arms had drove into him from a distance, surely that had taken care of him!

...Or not. He was completely unscathed despite knocking down a tree in the distance.

"Nami, are you alright? Where's Usopp?"

"I'm fine, he went running off to the camp."

"Good. Stay back, I'll handle this! Give it your all Taka, or I'll pummel you!"

"...I think I've been fair enough. It's only reasonable I can finally use self-defense, right? Don't blame me for what happens next."

The scenery itself seemed to warp and darken. A deep sense of foreboding emanated from his being. Slowly he unsheathed Zoro's sword and clenched the hilt bisecting his body. A neutral stance, yet it was completely void of any openings. Just witnessing his appearance developed a sense of fear and anxiety within me. Approaching that must be gut-wrenching and beyond terrifying.

"Nyahaha! Let's go!"

Luffy ran forward with a bright smile on his face, as if nothing in the world would make him happier. What's wrong with pirates? Or maybe there's just something wrong with Luffy? Probably both.

Luffy drew ever closer to him, contact was inevitable any second now. Nothing could interrupt this clash between the two beasts...

...Except a green haired idiot which slowly crept through the bushes right into the fray of the ongoing battle, only to land in-between the two parties.

"Oh, Luffy." 


"Is that the best you can do? WE ALMOST ALL DIED BECAUSE OF YOU! And all you have to say is; Oh, Luffy."

"...About time."

"Oh Taka, there you are. And the rest of you as well, let's go get some grub yeah? What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?"

I can't right now...

Given Gaimon had finally met with us once again we decided to put our differences aside and return to the camp.

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