Chapter 11: Wake-up Call
"What should we do?" We returned to the restaurant and sat in one of the booths near the entrance. I wanted to immediately pursue Ayanokouji and retrieve the Going Merry. But we didn't even have a boat to use for that… That and I couldn't leave Luffy and Zoro to follow us. Zoro would be lost even with a compass, Luffy on the other hand was just too careless and would cause no shortage of issues.
Then there was the final issue; Johnny and Yosaku offered use of their small vessel. However, that only left us with a single boat to follow them, if we left then Luffy could be left stranded here. Especially if Ayanokouji and Nami are gone from the island, or we fail to take back the ship.
My eyes rested on the table and the single poster that sat atop it. A fishman. I've never seen one before, but I have heard stories. They were impossibly strong, on both land and in the sea. Fighting them in the sea was a death sentence apparently, after all they didn't need a ship. They could come and go freely between the two environments. That also made my projectiles effectively useless, I wouldn't be able to see them beyond the water's surface and the velocity, and thereby the power would be reduced immediately.
If we had to fight them then the only option was to bring the fight on land. Luckily, they seemed to be positioned on a land operated base by the name of Arlong park. That must mean they have some purpose for staying there. Whatever it is it would be on the surrounding islands of the peninsula. I couldn't understand why else they would proactively take point on an island, if they used an underwater base then they had less likelihood of being found or attacked by the marines or other pirates. It was safe to say we didn't have many means of exploring deep undersea, so it was a missed opportunity. Unless their goals specifically require constant land access.
The real concern I had was: bounty hunters explicitly knew the location of one of the biggest bounties in the East Blue, so why haven't the marines attempted an arrest?
It's hard to believe that it was difficult information to find. Was he just that much stronger than the marine forces nearby? Or was he not causing enough trouble to be immediately apprehended by the marines? It was a strange situation that really should've been rectified by now. Why did this have to come back to us? Marines, do your damn job! But also, don't come looking for us please?
"Enough! Take orders out there, you've destroyed enough dishes for one day!" The sound of a door slamming and a loud impact against the wooden floor could be heard near the kitchen. It appears that the head chef was already losing his patience with his latest recruit, not hard to imagine why. Luffy patted his shorts and back as he looked around the interior aimlessly. His head scouted every table before resting on ours. "Usopp! Zoro! Where's Nami and Taka?" He shouted whilst running towards us.
"Luffy, we need to get out of here. Ayanokouji's taken the boat and Nami, we think they've gone to Cocoyashi island to meet this guy." His finger tapped on the poster pointing at the shark-like man. Or was it man-like shark? Sharkman sounds way cooler so there goes my vote.
"I can't believe they went on an adventure without me!" Luffy groaned and wilted like a particularly depressed flower.
"It isn't an adventure, that bastard tricked us. Knew I should've kept my eye on him!" He slammed the table whilst cursing to himself.
"Sorry, Aniki. You got involved in that fight because of us." Yosaku attempted to placate Zoro.
"Hah? Don't worry about it. It's my own fault." That attitude was a trademark of Zoro's. He had a habit of taking responsibility for things that often weren't entirely up to him. Whilst it was a respectable character trait, I couldn't help but feel that it was condescending, even if that wasn't his intention. The idea that one person was responsible for anything that could possibly go wrong, didn't sit right with me. We were a crew, weren't we? I didn't want to be coddled by the idea that I couldn't look after myself or other members of the crew even with the reality that I was weak. That was one of the reasons I left; to achieve that ability, that strength of character and become a reliable man of the sea… Or at least that was the idea before Gaimon gave me another perspective, my eyes forcefully opened to the things I would be leaving behind and possibly throwing away forever…
"Betrayed? They wouldn't do that!" It was abnormal just how much faith Luffy had in others, despite being shown no reason to believe in such a thing. Ayanokouji never made much of a show of enjoying his time with us, instead we were non-confrontational with each other. The only person he really talked to was Nami, unless he was approached first. It was hard to tell if he even enjoyed the idea of companionship, personally his presence was like a black hole of apathy.
"Luffy, we don't have time for this. Why would they leave without telling anybody?" Zoro said pointedly.
A contemplative face covered Luffy's features as he held his chin in thought. You could see he was actively straining for a thought. "…How do you know where they're going?"
"We found this hidden, nailed to one of the posts near where we anchored the ship." Zoro once again pointed to the poster on the table.
"So, they left a trail for us?" That was the only misgiving I had with it all. Ayanokouji was a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them. It was the exact opposite. He gave the impression that he was always in control and had the answers for everything. Whether he would deign to give us mortals a straight answer was a different problem entirely.
The fact that Nami managed to hide a poster without him noticing seems far-fetched to me. If he simply didn't care that we would follow that was one thing, but if he could actively prevent it, wouldn't that be the best-case scenario for him?
"Nami left a trail for us, we just need to hurry and find the blank faced bastard."
"We don't have a ship, how are we getting there?!"
"Yosaku and Johnny have a ship, they said we could borrow it for the time being."
"Hold on, Aniki." Johnny raised his hand from the table. His hand gestured for Zoro to stop speaking.
"Hmm? What's the problem?"
"I told you; you can use the ship. But it'll have to wait until we finish this bounty."
"We can't afford to stick around; they might leave the next island, then we'll have lost them for good. We must follow them. Immediately." Zoro stated with a measure of urgency.
"I'm sorry, really, I am Aniki. But we have our own situation here. This job could set me and Yosaku here for life, the entire Don Krieg's crew and we wouldn't have to continue like this much longer."
"Please just wait until this is over and I promise you can have use of the ship. But before then, I'm sorry…"
"Nami could end up dead. Our ship will be stolen. Are you still making that choice despite that?" Zoro's voice took on a grave tone.
"Even if that might be the case… Yes, I am." He gave a once over around the ship and then looked Zoro dead in the eye.
"Wait! Wait. What if you came with us and we took down that guy instead? His bounties' even bigger, that should be good enough!" In my mind this shot down three birds with one stone. We could find the ship, Nami and Ayanokouji. Get a bigger bounty. And avoid fighting the largest fleet in all of the East Blue, even if they are starved.
"If you've been in this game for long enough, you know not to chase two rabbits at the same time. Besides, there's another reason…" Yosaku spoke up from the other side of table, for the first time.
"Yeah, brother. He's inhuman. We don't take fishmen contracts." Johnny nodded along with Yosaku.
"What, just because you're scared?!" I shouted before I even recognised my own voice fill the restaurant. It was a man's honour to take pride in himself and the battle's he faces. To run from them… That's the furthest from the ideal I aim for.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Johnny glanced at me, his beady eyes poking out from the top of his sunglasses.
"…It makes you a coward." Running from an enemy was cowardly, it was hardly the behaviour of a seasoned veteran on the seas. I expected more from bounty hunters.
"That might be so, but running into battles you can't win doesn't make you brave." He said, pushing his glasses up his nose, hiding his eyes from view once again.
There was the perfect retort. It was on the tip of my tongue. But I couldn't bring myself to say it. Because I knew I didn't embody it…
"…" How can you-…
Even in my own head I can't say them. They weren't my words. They were the words of someone much braver and more selfless than I could be. If I were in the same situation then I would do the exact same as these guys. In fact, I'd be worse. Even though it was a group of starved sailors approaching, I was still trembling about the upcoming conflict.
"…I could always just take the boat, you know." Zoro said quietly, his words pointing at the throats of the two bounty hunters.
"I'd hope it wouldn't come to that Aniki…" There was clear regret in Johnny's voice. Though it didn't overpower the understanding that rooted those words.
"No hard feelings. Johnny. Yosaku. We'll bring it back after we're done." He said it as if the matter was already decided. The words I wanted to say replayed in my mind, though I could never distinctively utter them, or my world would change forever.
"Zoro! You can't be serious; those are your friends. Aren't they?!" My voice cried out again before I could even register it. I hadn't seen Zoro act like this before, but he was serious. He would take their boat even if it meant force.
"Take a good long look, Usopp. This is what it means to be a warrior of the sea. When I became a member of this crew, I promised myself certain responsibilities. Unfortunately, you guys come before my old friends." He gave a small nod to the two bounty hunters before he began to stand from his chair. "Sorry."
"…Don't be Aniki. We owe you, but we just can't pass on this." Johnny had his arms still crossed, sat. Reluctant to come to blows, though Yosaku was off-balance prepared to jump at any moment.
Before Zoro could fully stand and approach the two men, his head shot forward as a rather loud bang erupted from beside me. He clutched the back of his head in anguish as a comically large bump appeared above his hair. Smoke appeared to billow from both his head and the outstretched fist of a certain angry looking captain.
"Luffy! Bastard, you wanna die?!" Still holding his head, he regarded his assailant with fury.
"Shut up! Idiot, octopus head, three-sword style. Bleh." He stuck his tongue out at the angry swordsman. I couldn't help but notice that the last comment wasn't much of an insult.
"Haah?!" He was trembling, the sword in his hand could've unholstered from the gleam in his eye alone.
"We're waiting until we can use their boat." Resolutely, those words were uttered. As if it were a natural law, a rule of the land. I felt compelled to agree.
"…I already told you-!"
"Don't hurt your friends for us. Believe in Ayanokouji and Nami, they wouldn't betray us." Luffy slowly pat his hand onto Zoro's shoulder. Zoro looked bewildered before forcefully removing his captain's hand.
"I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the people you say won't betray us are; someone who openly says they aren't a member of the crew and describes this situation as temporary. And the other nearly killed us the first time we met him!" When you say it like that, I also begin to worry.
"Yeah, that's right." Luffy said whilst picking his nose. Not an ounce of care in his face.
"…I'm going insane." Zoro face palmed whilst not even attempting to contain a sigh.
"What's got you so wound up?" Luffy said with a clueless look on his face.
"Nothing. Whatever, I'm going for a nap. Wake me when those pirates arrive." He slumped and immediately lay down along one of the rows of the booth. Still within earshot but turned from the group he continued to lie down, his breathing settling as his shoulders heaved slightly every few moments.
"Are you sure we couldn't take Arlong? You already know Zoro, but Luffy's strong as well!" Even if the fishmen were monstrously powerful, one could say the same about Luffy and Zoro. A sick feeling remained in my gut when I noticed I couldn't resolutely offer my own support, even if it wasn't worth much.
"No. If that guy really did join Arlong as well then wouldn't you be in trouble?" A shiver ran down my spine. The forest, going through that again. I would rather avoid that… Though, if I wanted my ship back then I had to confront him… I really don't want to!
"Besides, what do you think is gonna happen if we all leave?" The Don Krieg pirates would come here… They were starved. Surely, they wouldn't injure anyone so long as they got food. Gin seemed like a good guy. I couldn't imagine him betraying Sanji's trust, not after that display.
It was naïve to think that. This was the high seas now, I need to be prepared and expectant of anything. Even in Syrup village we weren't safe from plots. The butler posing pirate Klahadore was planning to take Kaya's inheritance for three years and the only reason he failed was because Luffy, Zoro and Nami arrived. A captain with thousands of troops behind him, coming to this little restaurant. He could do anything to get what he wants, who's to say he doesn't get angry when there isn't enough food?
I can't believe I missed these obvious signs.
"…I misjudged you. Johnny, Yosaku. I apologise!" I insulted his honour. A man that was far better a person than me. Even when he was trying to spread good in the world, I was spitting venom at him. The self-hatred and shame I usually felt deepened slightly.
"What are you apologising for? You had me right from the beginning, I couldn't exactly give up this pay day. Can't live with empty pockets. Hahaha!" Although his words indicated that, I was certain his thoughts were entirely opposite. Yosaku sat with a contented smile on his face, his eyes closed as he listened to his partner's lies.
It was honourable, he acted in a way that benefitted the people around him, but didn't ask for anything in return. In fact, if they thanked him, I was sure that he'd just say he was doing his job and go on his merry way. Yes, he might be getting paid for his work. But that was beside the point. I could see why Yosaku followed Johnny, he had a sense of bravery and honour. The type that I might not have been aiming for but was all the same still brave and manly. It made me want to try and be better, to at least contribute what I can in the time we had. But that brought a worry to my mind…
"Hold on. Why are they all still here?" There were a few ships tethered to the docks last I checked. Why hadn't they all run as soon as they heard Don Krieg was coming?
"The lords and ladies have already left, the rest are probably the residents." Some of the tables were devoid of customers despite uneaten food gracing the tables.
"Residents? This isn't just a restaurant?"
"The other floors, there's dorms for clients up there. They take a few people as they sail between small islands where they restock. It's predominantly a restaurant on the ship, but it acts as a cruise for some." That isn't good, collateral damage would be the worst-case scenario. We needed to get civilians out of the way otherwise they could come into the enemies' hands.
My heart sunk. "The other boats… wouldn't even take them?" Swivelling to look through the windows, ships were sailing in a single direction, I questioned if they all had the same destination, or they were simply following the wind to move as fast as they can from the oncoming battlefield.
"They're still here, aren't they? There's your answer." Heartless bastards.
"When they arrive do you plan to let them eat?" If they were at least still half-starved we might stand a chance against the crew, but I had my doubts whether someone like Johnny would allow it. It was the sort of convenient thoughts that only a coward could come to.
"I don't think that cook would give me much of a choice, even if I didn't want to."
"All the same, will you let them?"
"In that case I have an idea of how to handle them without fighting."
"I think I know where you're going with this. It won't work."
"How do you know?"
"Don Krieg's careful, exceedingly so. He'll probably have the food tested. If they find anything wrong with it, they could start firing indiscriminately. I'd rather avoid that. Besides, the cook would never agree to it."
"But if it works, not a single person would be hurt!"
"All the same he won't agree. Because of the risks I won't either. The cook has his own sense of justice, I have mine."
"Usopp, I don't have a problem with the way you're approaching things. Honestly, if we were the ones preparing the food and there were no civilians I'd use that plan immediately. But it won't work here."
"I know it's cowardly, but… it could save a lot of lives!" I was frustrated that the first plan I could arrive at was once again something that resorted to tucking my tail between my legs and hiding until everything resolved itself. I couldn't help it, it was what I was good at. Maybe it would be the only thing I was ever good at. I couldn't be like these guys, throwing myself on the front lines, sword to sword.
I looked down to the slingshot and bag of trinkets on my belt. It was all I had.
"They're here!" A sailor from the Baratie shouted to the entire hall. The previously seated guests were ushered upstairs by the staff corralling them.
Seconds passed by slowly, then what felt like minutes as I waited for the double doors to burst open.
Slowly the doors inched open, a slit, then a gash, then enough for a man to squeeze through. Blinding gold armor shone through the harsh sunlight; the hulking giant was slumped against the figure of a smaller man wearing a hat. Gin. He struggled to hold the giant up by his arm, practically dragging the figure as the heavy man slid, his gold boots scraped a weary song across the floor.
"Please food… I need food. I can pay!" A shriveled voice struggled to cry out. His figure was antagonistic to the pleas escaping his mouth. Gin followed with his own pleas as the two came to a stop at the front of the shop. The smell of fresh cooked eggs and rice permeated from behind, the cook stepped forward placing the large platter onto a table awaiting the Don.
"Enjoy." The cook stepped back as the rest of the staff clutched utensils close to themselves. The mood is heavy and brusque. All the while the silhouette of a ruined ship sat in the background through the door opened a sliver.
Word count: 3418
A bit of a heavy chapter as far as dialogue goes, but hopefully I'm bringing the character of Usopp to life. To me he's an interesting one, because if any of us were in the one-piece world, I know for sure I'd be Usopp. The guy is surviving by sheer coincidence most of the time. He's riddled with self-doubt, fear and ambition to rival them.
I think it's cool how he wants to change but isn't exactly sure of how to do it, in some ways it mirrors Ayanokouji. I mean it's all well and good saying be brave or don't be a manipulative bastard and start caring for people. But how do you even do it? What does it look like?
Usopp wants to be a brave man of the sea, but what does that actually mean? Does he realize just what he's giving up back home to have this adventure? I'm having some fun exploring those ideas. If I were in his shoes, especially with how often he complains about danger, these are thoughts that would plague my mind all the time. This is only expounded by the fact that he is in most ways the common person among the group and one of the weakest. Well, those are my main thoughts about him.
Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know your thoughts on the story so far.
P.S. I'll be providing an update as to why it's taken so long for the chapter shortly. But to get the general point across, I now have a Patreon. You can access it here:
Chapters will be released monthly as was the intended schedule beforehand. The patreon is just for early access to three more chapters from each of these fics. Any support is appreciated greatly, thanks for your patience and support.
Until next time.