Chapter 10: Conflict of Interest
"Yosaku! C'mon, let's go again!"
Another kick came both their way as he effortlessly dodged their blades. The blonde man was clearly outclassing them, he moved just enough to dodge their swords and as strong as his kicks were, they never did lasting damage to the bounty hunters. It kinda looked like… He was toying with them or taking it easy on them.
I felt conflicted… On one hand they weren't hurt, but this was damaging to their pride. This was their life, they fought and captured bounties to make a living. To be treated as a joke by a waiter as they reached for their target. It set a bad taste in my mouth.
"Another one? I just can't get a break today, can I?" The server said with a sigh.
"I hate to interrupt in another person's bounty, but I can't have you beat them up too much." Both men's eyes lit up as they looked at the green-haired saviour.
"Aniki!" Both men shouted. The swordsman and the waiter-maintained eye contact, ensuring they never gave an opening.
How did they know him? Zoro wouldn't get up to help just anyone, especially in a situation like this, bounty hunters weren't really much better than pirates or bandits after all. It was all blood money. They must be friends(?) from his bounty hunter days.
"Tell them to wait." The ignorant blonde waiter asked Zoro. Standing between him and the starving pirate on the floor.
"Why let him eat, when he's going to starve in some cell eventually?" Zoro asked, his hand slowly tracing the hilt of his sword. The only one on his waist.
"So, you only have the guts to fight him if he's weak, pathetic." Ahhh! This is no good, at this rate a bigger fight was going to break out. Someone, stop them!
"Strong or weak doesn't matter. I just happened to stumble across it."
"Then stumble back into your seat, this doesn't concern you."
"'Fraid, it does."
"I see. You'll get the same."
"Haha! Bring it." The pristine white blade was drawn, the metallic sheen obvious even from this distance.
Even as those hearty words came from Zoro. The two men were staring at each other, making few movements, but clearly not dropping their guards as they scouted each other's ability. You got into this yourself Zoro! Don't go expecting the great captain Usopp to drag you of this mess!
Figuring the underside of the table would be a good place to hide… I mean strategically retreat to, in the event this fight escalates. I take a quick dip under the white sheet draped over the table.
Hmmm… I can't see anything going on now… But I can still hear all the noises outside… If anything, this is scarier.
Emerging from under the table once more, I looked around the restaurant. Everyone was crowded around the fight that was about to start. Even my own table was completely empty. My hawklike eyes, the eyes of a seasoned sniper, the eyes of a victor from hundreds of battles scanned the audience.
That's weird. I can't see Nami or the other guy anywhere.
Zoro quickly ran towards the blonde waiter, his sword levelled as he attempted to slash across his midsection.
He jumped in retaliation, over the sword and Zoro himself. Rolling as he landed.
Zoro turned on the spot his sword immediately rushing through the air, as it reached towards the waiter's face. He immediately ducked further, almost as if he became one with the floor. Spinning like a top he kicked underneath Zoro's feet. Successfully taking him off balance.
Pushing up off of his hands the waiter swung his leg over in an arc attempting to cave in Zoro's head from above.
The swordsman flipped over in an acrobatic fashion, his sword nicking a small piece of flesh along the waiter's leg. His pants splitting slightly across in the lower half, a small unsteady stream of blood trickling from the wound.
They both stood, a few metres apart. Breathing a bit heavier than before.
"We can continue if you want. Personally, I'd just turn him over."
"Stop your yapping. If you want to fight, then fight." The blonde pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. Taking a puff whilst staring at Zoro.
"I don't really want to kill some random waiter. The longer this goes on the more pain you'll be in." Zoro was a lot of things. But I didn't think he would do something like that. I know he used to be a bounty hunter, but he had a conscience. He wouldn't hurt someone unnecessarily, much less kill them.
"Don't worry, it's not like you could do it anyway."
"Your funeral."
This time the waiter ran towards Zoro, his hands in his pocket as he attempted a high kick, aiming for the swordman's head. His hand along with the sword was already in trajectory to block it, if he didn't react more than a small stream of blood would be the payment. He might even take his entire leg off!
This was the difference between weapons, there wasn't much someone unarmed could do against Zoro. The range, strength, even blocking was unlikely.
Even Ayanokouji, as scary as he is. Used weapons to beat Zoro. If he couldn't deal with the sword then he didn't have much of a chance.
Rapidly, the waiter's foot redirected, shifting his weight and power, to purposely hit the sword. Is he serious? That's just asking for an injury.
Surprisingly, the sword was blown back and there was no visible injury on the blonde, other than the previous cut.
Just what were those shoes made of?!
Using the surprise of the attack, the blonde rapidly spun, and his other leg delivered a cruel back kick to Zoro, making an impact on his ribs. He went barrelling towards the crowd. To which they all quickly ran out of the way, his acceleration eventually stopped by a table that splintered apart as he crashed into it.
Despite the impact, Zoro patted his shoulders. Removing the debris from his clothes and standing once more, not showing much damage from the attack.
"What was it, I'll be in more pain as this goes on? Maybe you should be a bit more worried about yourself." The waiter stood, his hands in his pocket. A smug smile could be seen even through the haze of smoke erupting from his cigarette.
"…Not bad. Johnny, Yosaku. Swords."
"You got it, aniki!" One of the men threw their sword into the air for Zoro to catch the other slid it across the floor towards him.
He caught the airborne sword easily in his right arm, quickly placing his katana into his mouth, the sword slid across the floor. Was stopped by his foot and kicked up into his arm in just a moment. It was a fighting pose I had only seen once before. When we fought Kuro and his gang. Though there one difference.
He wasn't wearing the bandana. It was still resolutely tied around his arm. Was there a reason for it?
Calmly, with a fierceness in his eyes. Zoro approached the waiter. His swords flurried about, all attacking from different angles, putting the blonde under more and more pressure.
They both dodged, countered, feinted and continued to cut and bludgeon each other.
However, the gap was becoming slightly clearer. The ability to attack from three different directions was becoming more and more difficult to contend with for the waiter. New grazes were becoming prominent after each bout. Though, Zoro also sported some bruises from the countless kicks that contacted him.
The waiter ran at the swordsman, cartwheeling and barrelling into a powerful kick aimed at his torso. In response, Zoro's three swords converged on a single point, meeting the kick at its apex. Rather than being pushed back, both men continued to push, fighting a battle on the ground. Trying to take the other's balance and take the advantage for themselves.
Zoro's muscles tensed and bulged like an ox.
"Three-hundred-pound cannon!" Like a flash the waiter was sent sliding across the floor towards the previously starving pirate. The one this whole commotion had started over.
The waiter lay still for a few second before his hand once again came up to his face, grabbing the cigarette out of his hand and puffing the last few spurts of smoke from the now dying cigarette.
"Why?... Why are you fighting for me?" The weathered man still crouched on the floor on all fours, asked as he looked over the blonde man. Tears welling in his eyes as he asked his benefactor.
"You're hungry. I don't need any other reason."
"Thank you! I owe you, my life. Please, I must request you help my captain! The crew as well if you can!"
"They'll die! I know I ask for too much, but you're the only person I can rely on." He pleaded as tears continued to spill onto the oaken floor.
"…Bring them. Anyone hungry is welcome."
"…Thank you. Thank you! I'll never forget this!" He wiped his face immediately. Jumping up from the ground and attempting to leave.
"Oi, that wasn't the deal." Zoro said whilst grabbing the katana from his mouth. Directing those words to the waiter on the floor.
"Get going, Gin." Even whilst lay on the floor, the harsh gaze directed at Zoro could be felt from the waiter.
"Thank you, I'll forever be in your debt." The scruffy man said as he rushed towards the exit. Followed immediately by Zoro, who sped through the restaurant like a bullet. His swords shone in the light as they approached the man, even as his back was turned.
Before any of the swords could meet him, they were stopped. By a single kick.
"'Wait until he finishes eating.' That didn't hold up in the end, did it?" A small laugh came from the green-haired swordsman, though it was overshadowed by the scorn in his voice.
"This isn't related to him. I was just thinking I can't stand the look of your face, damn moss head." The waiter replied in an equally venomous tone.
"That's funny, I was thinking the exact same thing. Shitty cook." He glared into the eyes of the blonde waiter. The man he had just saved ran towards a small vessel, unhooking the ropes attaching it to the restaurant and attempting to sail into the distance.
"Maybe I should just get rid of you. Then there'll be no need to wait. I hate waiting." The blonde's pupils darkened and steeled into daggers aimed at Zoro. The tension caused hair to spring up from the nape of my neck. Goosebumps appeared along my arm as I reluctantly grabbed the slingshot in hand. I wasn't a fan of this fight, it was nonsensical, if anything I empathised more with the cook… But that wasn't what this was about. Zoro is a comrade. I can't watch them risk their lives over a fight they don't need especially if there's something, anything I can do… Although, I really wish Nami or Ayanokouji would do something instead… Why is that guy never around when I actually need him!?
A loud cough and grunt gathered the attention of the crowd. Though Zoro and the waiter were still staring at each other in a deadlock.
The elderly chef walked calmly towards the two of them, his large hat billowing from the wind of the open doors.
"That's enough. Sanji, are they bringing the rest of the crew?"
"Yeah, Gramps. Gin's bringing the lot of them." He said through grunts as the two men continued to push against each other.
"All hands, get back in the kitchen and prepare enough food for a hundred men. And you, swordsman. If you make any more damages, that captain of yours will be working it off for the rest of his life."
"Tch…" Zoro gave a small look to the older man. He clicked his tongue once and placed his sword back in its holster. Immediately sitting in the closest chair and grabbing a drink from the table.
The waiter, Sanji I guess, levelled his gaze at Zoro for a few seconds. Seeing that my companion had no intention of continuing the fight relieved himself of duty and returned to the kitchen. Now… Where are the others?
Wading through the slowly fading crowd towards my alcoholic companion. I heard the voices of the two bounty hunters as they greeted the swordsman once again.
"Aniki!" They said in unison. Corralling around the man with cheerful smiles on their faces. My mind returned to the island I had grown up on. It was the same faces that my old crew flashed me every day. Even after knowing of my lies, they still had that same faith in me… It hasn't even been that long and I'm already feeling sentimental. Get it together, captain!
If we're men, we'll meet again! We'll meet after we've accomplished our dreams. Whenever that is… Hell, what even is my dream? To be captain? That's out, it's Luffy's crew. And he deserves it.
Then what? To be the captain of a different crew? Did I really want to separate from these guys? Strangely enough the answer was immediate. No. I don't want to separate from these guys. I enjoyed their company, the quiet days, the strange adventures. It was dangerous, probably too much at times… But wasn't that what I was prepared for in the first place? No one should expect the sea to be a safe place.
I was struggling to express in words just what exactly my goal was when coming here. Well, not here exactly, but to the sea! To adventure! What did it mean?
Those words replayed in my mind every day since we left the island. I've been losing sleep, every conscious moment has been in battle against the recurring desire to return. Ever since Gaimon planted those ideas in my head. If only he didn't say anything!
"...Nothing. I mean I left ages ago. I was sailing a year or two before I even ended up here. No doubt she forgot about me a long time ago. Time passes by people move on. After all, you can only live your life where you are in the moment. Especially during this time, who knows whether tomorrow is promised..."
Was that true? Would she really forget about me? I felt like the bond we had was special, it was strong… But if this adventure went on for ten years, 20 years, what if it was longer? No one had found the One Piece since the pirate king himself, we don't even know if it really exists. The worst thing is… I couldn't even blame them. Wouldn't it be selfish of me to expect them to all await me, for however long this journey this may take? Saya wasn't in good health either, even if she was successful in her medical studies, it doesn't mean other things couldn't happen.
If those were the only thoughts in my mind then I would've already turned back, but then he reaffirmed my choices! He understood the need for adventure, it was his own reason for leaving.
"But look on the bright side. If your dreams matter to you then you should still chase them, otherwise you may still be filled with that regret for the rest of your life. If you're lucky that special person will be waiting for your return with the good news!"
My one main concern was… Would I end up like Gaimon in the end? He was happy, he had companions, you could even say that he found the treasure he was searching for in the end… I wanted to believe in the fantasy of achieving your dreams despite the odds… But in the end, I was a pessimist, yes in the end I was always like that. It was exactly why I always wanted grand dreams to be true and for them to happen to me.
I guess I just never realised exactly what it was that I was throwing away for that to become true…
"Oh, Usopp. Where are the other two?" Zoro's boisterous voice interrupted my bleak thoughts. A wide smile was plastered on his face as he had one of the bounty hunters under each of his arms. I had missed the merriment in my despondent ponderings. How dreadful.
"Uh. I actually haven't seen them since the fight broke out…"
"Both of them?"
"…Yeah. Haven't seen Luffy either, I assume he's in the kitchen…"
"Crap." Zoro's face shifted from his smile to an immediate scowl. He jumped from his seat and ran towards doors, barrelling through them and running towards where we had anchored our own ship. Ah, the Going merry. My baby.
My heart set with a bittersweet tone as I approached the ship's whereabouts. I felt conflicted, ever time it came into view was a reminder of Kaya, our friendship and our farewell… Although, that emotion was very quickly overcome by a sinking feeling, I felt sick and below that an immeasurable anger.
It was gone. It wasn't even in eyesight anymore. My stomach sank like an anchor to the bottom of the sea. Sweat quickly doused my body as my mind was racing. How would we find them, how would we get it back? What direction did they go in? Why did they leave?
"Fuck! I knew I shouldn't have taken my eyes off of him!" Zoro cursed as he kicked one of the barriers. It creaked upon the impact, the ship swaying slightly. Upon the movement I could hear the ruffling of paper. The wood bent unnaturally… Reaching towards the implement. It was a poster. It was nailed to the post loosely, slightly out of sight, specifically near our ship. A wanted poster of a fishman.
Zoro tutted under his breath, removing his gaze from the sea he looked down towards me. "Wanted poster?" Gesturing to the two bounty hunters. "You guys know his whereabouts?"
They both gasped. "Arlong! Aniki, give it up. That guy's dangerous. Worse than Gin or Don Krieg!"
"Can't. Nami must've left that message for us. She knows the seas, it was probably a clue."
"What're you saying?"
"Who do you think stole the ship? He probably needed a navigator to get there. Why do you think he's been trying to get closer to her?" Zoro sighed, exasperated by my questions. It made sense, none of the others could have taken it. Ayanokouji was always flippant with his past, he was using the guise of his amnesia to avoid questions. That meant he was related to this Arlong in some way, but how? Was he a member of his crew?
Questions would only get me so far, we needed to find them fast. Before they moved to the next place.
"Where are they going?" I asked the closest bounty hunter, he pushed his sunglasses up against the bridge of his nose. Despite their dark hue I could feel the penetrative gaze piercing through me.
"I can't tell you. You're a friend of aniki, I can't in good faith send you to death. I'm sorry." In any other situation I would've appreciated that warning. But right now, that was a gift from Kaya. The last gift I had from her, my only physical reminder of the bond that we shared. That wasn't something I could let go of, not by a long shot.
"…Some things are more important than my life, this is one of them. Please." Despite the quiver in my voice, I managed to reply with a sincere plea to the man.
"…I don't like this. I don't like it at all. Yosaku, it's your call." My eyes travelled to his companion, the man with plaid shorts and the red headpiece, regarded me with a stern gaze.
"…Cocoyashi island. Arlong park's located on the peninsula around it, that's probably your best bet if you want to make a quick pass by there. If you land in Arlong park, you're as good as dead."
Bowing my head to the men, I thanked them from the bottom of my heart. How would I get there? Who should I take with me? Will I even be able to do this? Plenty questions assaulted my senses and negative answers crawled out of the woodwork… But this was not something I could allow, it was my pride, my connection with a treasured friend and the gift they had given me in good faith. Above all else, this was using the term Luffy and Gaimon had used before me. This was my treasure. And the only feeling I had left in me after the grief from it being wrenched out of my hands was an utter damnation of the one that had taken it. I was separated from it be Ayanokouji…
By any means.
On my pride as a man, I would get it back.
Word count: 3511
It's been a while, sorry about that. Been a busy month.
Not much to say here, sorry for the late upload. It was supposed to be released a few days ago, however had a family situation so I was waiting in ER for a good 5-6 hours pushing my schedule back a bit. Though that situation has been resolved now.
As always let me know your thoughts on the story so far. Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time.