Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy

Chapter 4: Classroom of the average

"For Shujin Academy? Please cross over to the Ginza line over in the Teikyu building upper level. It's the building you'll see as you come up the stairs." The attendant points towards the exit of the underground station.

"I see, thank you." I nod and move towards the end passing some fliers on the way.

"Hmm... Part-time jobs. Interesting." Taking a brochure and sauntering to the stairs I continue my tumultuous yet liberating journey to school.

Gradually I eclipse the stairs and reach the apex. To my right the Hachiko statue and a lottery booth both stands. Even in the early hours of the day plenty of people take pictures of the statue and convene in the seating area. The city is always bustling and around the station is no different. It probably doesn't help that central street is right next to here, so the business is expounded rather drastically.

In front lay the Teikyu building and the line for the last leg of my journey. I pace without delay, ensuring I don't miss the train on my first day. 

The rail lines come into view and the immense crowd waiting for the train is suffocating. Many students just like me lay in wait, I wonder if some will be my new classmates? Hissing can be heard from nearby, the train is approaching. Hopefully I can find a seat...

Businessmen, housewives, students. People from all walks of life filter out of the train previously crammed like sardines. Only to be replaced with another faceless fish and repackaged. I am one of those fish. Swim swiftly and find your habitat. My incredible maneuvers allow me to reach a single seat that was still open, only to be taken by a student with my same uniform.

She had long red hair contained by a ribbon adorning her head and a badge relegating her as a first-year student. An elderly woman had also approached the seat around the same time as me.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't see you there ma'am. You can have this seat my stop is coming up soon."

"Oh, thank you dear. That's kind of you."

A businessman to my right had taken a rushed step forward attempting to claim the seat for himself. His movement had taken me for surprise and after being nudged I lost balance, slipping into his pathway.

"Ah, my bad."

He came colliding into my shoulder and was rebuffed. Before I could finish apologizing, the elderly woman had managed to settle into the students seat. 

"Here. Are you okay?" The scarlet haired student had reached out her hand for me to grab, to which I take it into my own. Huh? She's rougher than she looks, these are some serious calluses. Kendo?


"No worries. I'm Kasumi Yoshizawa, and you are?"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Ooh? You're a senpai, that badge says you're a second year. I'll be in your care Ayanokouji-senpai."

"No need for all that, I'll be as lost as you. It's my first day at this school."

"Me too!"

"You also transferred late?"

"Yep! Still, I'll be counting on you senpai." For what exactly?

"I see..."

"What school did you come from before this?

"ANHS, what about you?"

"What! You came from that elite school, what are you doing here?" So, the topic is centred around me now. How bothersome.

"Some circumstances caused me to move here."

"...I see, sorry for forcing the topic senpai. Still, surprising someone from that school is attending here."

Good, she can at least take a hint. I don't dislike the school or anything like that, but I don't really want to delve into that topic either.

"... Do you know anyone else at Shujin?"

"Sadly no. That's why I'd be grateful if we could be friends Ayanokouji-senpai!"

"Sure, no need to be formal Yoshizawa." Oops, I'd gotten used to greeting without honorifics I don't think she'll mind though. It'd be bothersome to change that habit now. Just keep on chugging along then.

We ended the short journey on the train with slight conversation, mostly on her part. Yoshizawa was rather gifted with a charming and bubbly personality, which made socializing a breeze for someone as unaccustomed as myself.

"Ah! I just forgot I need to meet the club coach early, I'll need to run. See you later Ayanokouji-senpai!" Wonder what sport it is?

As Yoshizawa's figure blended into the distant crowd, the heavens also began to open. Rather than get soaked I'll just wait for it to die down. We've still got a bit of time before homeroom starts. 

Finding an overhang of a building and situating myself comfortably revealed another student wearing a similar uniform to myself. Well, as similar as they can be given this strange school uniform. That and also the gender differences between us meant that the only shared uniform was that of our blazers, which also held a second-year badge. This girl was also in my year?

The female student pulled back her hood and revealed her face. Wow, she's pretty. Is she half? Looks like some Scandinavian or northern European mixed with traditionally Japanese traits. She had natural blonde hair and blue eyes but a complexion and some facial features more resembling the average Japanese population. Japan with its notoriously isolationist philosophy is almost entirely populated by Japanese people, making foreigners or half-half citizens very rare. Indeed, I had met few of them. Even at ANHS only a few were present; immediately the visages of Albert came to mind. Mii-chan as well though she had Chinese and Japanese parents.

Oh crap. I looked a bit too long thoughtlessly.

The girl noticed my eyes in her direction and sent a small smile my way before glancing at her phone once again. 

Phew. See this is a normal reaction to a glance, have we learnt anything Horikita?

Suddenly, a shiver ran down my spine. She can't hear me, can she? Seriously she's even invading my mind now, is nowhere safe?

Still though, when will this rain die down? I'd rather not make my appearance in class looking like a drowned rat. As if God himself had answered my prayers a car pulled up towards the curb. Of course, being a rationally raised young man I was aware of the dangers of accepting the favor of a random person. Stranger danger and all that. Despite that I also long to dodge this rain, what to do...

"Hey, you need a lift? You're gonna be late."

"Uhm... Sure." Well, that's rather surprising. A teacher or family member, I guess?

"And you?" How fortunate.

"I'll be troubling you, thanks."

I situate myself in the back passenger seat just behind the girl who had also been offered this favour.

"... Stupid pervy, teacher-...!" A debase string of insults barrelled from the outside world. In the mirror was a student chasing after the car. The female student on the other hand was off in her thoughts staring out the window, not noticing the student in chase. The benevolent teacher on the other hand pretended not to notice the chase. Not that I blame him, I also wouldn't feel comfortable extending the same favour to someone obviously hostile.

Relative silence continued for a minute or two before the teacher directed his attention to me.

"So, I haven't seen you here before. Am I right in assuming you're the new transfer student?"

"Yes sir."

"Just call me Kamoshida-sensei. I heard you came from that elite school, how was it?"

"Interesting. I'm afraid I'm not allowed to say much else about it."

"That's unfortunate. If you're feeling up for it, why don't you come to the sports hall some time. I'm intrigued to see how well they've taught you there."

"I might disappoint you on that front. I'm grateful for the invitation though."

"Please I do insist, I'm sure you're being modest. After all, the principal tells me you caused quite the stir in your first year." To think they even gave them records, I suppose it might be unavoidable.

"As a coach I just can't miss that opportunity, we might just get an aspiring recruit."

"I don't think I can answer your expectations."

"Well then, just a practice game? You don't have to do anything else. Just call it professional curiosity." He's rather insistent, I guess I'll just go along with it for now.

"...What exactly will we be playing?"

"Hmm. So, the rumours are true... Why don't you take a guess?" Rumours, what rumours? They aren't about me, are they? I thought the principal said few people knew. Unless he's one of the few, let's just pray he doesn't intend on spreading those claims. On the other hand, what sport? He's rather tall and broad, he also specified the sports hall for an indoor sport. I'd wager its either basketball or volleyball maybe. Other sports wouldn't require such muscle mass from him, in fact it'd likely be detrimental. 

"...Basketball or volleyball I'd guess." His ears perked up towards the end of the sentence.

"What gave it away?" My assumption is correct. I'd double down on volleyball after his reaction.

"...Just intuition."

"Hm. I hope you put up a good fight. Ah, here we are. Make your way towards class. Takamaki-san show him the way, you'll be in the same classroom after all."

"...Yes, sensei." She didn't seem too thrilled at the prospect.

We both ejected from our seats whilst Kamoshida-sensei drove to the parking lot. Takamaki simply kept walking in the direction of the school, not paying any attention to me behind her. She continued inside the school building and up the stairs to the second floor all the way to class 2-D. Wow, Deja vu. Is this where the concept that every Japanese high school has a similar S-system is revealed? Nah, no way. In fact, I'm begging that isn't the case. I don't need a Chabashira 2.0. Let me rest, please.

"...This is our new classroom. Ayanokouji-kun was it?"

"Yeah. Do you know the way to the faculty office? I need to meet our homeroom teacher first."

"Oh, you should've said before. Just go down that hallway opposite the stairs, second door on the left."




"...No, it doesn't matter, sorry." Not divulging whatever information, she intended to Takamaki returned into the classroom.

I quickly stride to the faculty office to get this over with sooner rather than later. With a little excitement for meeting my homeroom teacher once again. Hey, I can't help it.

Knock, knock. 

Can't just burst inside it wouldn't set a good example after all.

"Yes, come in."

"...Ah, Ayanokouji-kun. Take a seat for a moment please." She's trying to maintain a straight face, that hesitation was all I needed to know she still remembers the induction. It wouldn't matter anyway she'll never breach the topic herself. Which means I can leave this matter for a while.

"You understand your position, right? Please try and make a good introduction to the class whether you mean it or not."


"...Did you bring the student ID with you?" Well colour me surprised, if my face could show the emotion of surprise, it might very well be painted upon it. Unfortunately, for both me and Kawakami-sensei that isn't the case.

"Yeah, here. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no nothing at all. Did you pick something up along with it?" She's getting awfully confident with these questions, is she not worried this might backfire?

"There was some scrunched-up pamphlet with it. I just assumed it was rubbish you intended to throw away, should I have returned it?"

"I see. I just don't want you getting the wrong idea, a student was holding that flier, so I confiscated it from him. If that's the case, then everything's fine." Is it though?

"I didn't look at it to be honest." She sighs in relief.

"Still. What was on that flier to worry you so much Kawakami-sensei?" At that she looks towards me and a small sheen gathers on her head slowly due to the pressure.

"Oh... That... I-It's nothing to worry about. If you didn't see it then that's for the best after all, better for students not to be distracted from their studies. Hahaha..." Seeing Kawakami-sensei try and worm out of it was rather funny. She didn't have anything to worry about, I didn't really care after all. It isn't uncommon for teachers to have another job, even if the occupation itself is shady. My own teacher last year would twilight as a demon, so it isn't that uncommon.

"I see, I can't lie. That just makes me even more intrigued."

"Too bad. For now, focus on making a good introduction to the class." 

"I'll try my best."

"...Is that going to be enough?" She muttered to herself. 

Well, that was rather rude. I'll have you know my introduction last time went... Yeah, no it went horribly. Can't exactly blame the lack of confidence.

"...Well then follow me to our classroom."

Noticing that the conversation had played its part I just followed behind my homeroom teacher quietly.

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