Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy

Chapter 3: Shujin Academy

"Hurry up and finish your breakfast or we'll be late, kid." Sojiro gruffly mumbled to me whilst I finished devouring the last of the delectable yet strange breakfast dish that was his signature curry.

"That was amazing. Strange for breakfast, though."

"Oh, shut it. It's been my staple for years now." A look of reminiscence crossed his face quickly replaced by the usual stern scowl.

"C'mon, need to shut the shop so we can get this done. God, what a waste of my Sunday..." You were just going to work though, right?

Sojiro followed me out of the door and quickly locked it, turning the sign to display closed and stepped around the corner back to the road where I had seen the delivery driver yesterday. This is his house, its quaint. Suppose you don't need much more. Wonder if he lives alone...

"Do you live alone?"

"...None of your business kid, just get in the car. I don't usually allow guys into my passenger seat. But today is an exception."

Guess I'll just shut up then.

Traffic was abundant throughout the city, as it pretty much always is. Slowly but surely, we made our way to my new school. Shujin Academy. Eventually pulling into the visitor car park and entering the reception.

"Excuse me, we're here for induction. He's a transfer student."

"Yes. Name, please?"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Indeed, I believe the headmaster and your homeroom teacher are already awaiting you. Let me show you the way."

The short woman walked from behind the registration office and within a few turns directed us to the Head's office. Knocking on the door to alert the awaiting teachers.

"Yes. Come in."

"The transfer student Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and his guardian are here." The receptionist gracefully bowed, quickly making her way back to her station.

"I see you've joined us. How have you found the grounds? I'm sure it's quite modest in comparison to your old school but please make yourself comfortable." 

Not the response I was expecting. Does ANHS really carry this much influence? Or is there something else?

Also, not the appearance that I was expecting. The only thing I could liken it to is if Humpty-Dumpty were made out of slime or jelly instead of the titular egg. Maybe if I tanned a marshmallow and put clothes on it I might get a close enough replica.

Who I assume is my homeroom teacher also looked side on to the headmaster, pondering the sudden change in demeanour.

Her stern face should've wasted her otherwise delicate features, but honestly it just made them better. Big brown eyes, short-frizzy hair, small, cute lips and the grown body of a woman. Is something wrong with me? All that time with Chabashira might have awakened something in me. I'll just hope this one doesn't have the same penchant for trouble.

"I understand the conditions. Should something happen in the class whether you are related or not, that is out of my control. That's your promise right, Headmaster?"

"Indeed, though I wouldn't worry about that much."

"Still, why me? Surely another teacher would be a better fit for this."

"Yours was the only class with a spare seat. Plus, I'm sure an upstanding man able to get into that prestigious academy will behave. Right?"

"I have no intention of misbehaving."

"See, you're worrying about nothing. Kawakami-sensei, please give him the student ID."

"...Here. Meet me in the faculty office at school tomorrow."

I reach for the ID lay on the table. A small flyer lay underneath, crumpled up and just barely out of sight. Just before I reached for the ID it seems she also noticed. She wanted to reach for it yet is reluctant. Hesitating, clearly worried. I'll just take both.

She looked at my face, searching for any betraying emotion that might show I was aware. My face allows no such expression.

"Well then, are we done here? I need to get back to the shop."

"Of course. Ayanokouji I might look favourably on you here and I'm sure you have no intention to cause trouble... But should any arise be aware that I won't be able to help you. Your current circumstances are only known to a few staff members, and I'd like to keep it that way. I trust we both share that sentiment?" A veiled threat. Or maybe just a harshly worded warning... Doesn't matter much either way, I just plan on laying low. Enjoy this new life. I think the first step to that is rather close.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I'll see you tomorrow, Kawakami-Sensei." Her face darkened and she replied with a slight scowl away from the headmaster. I think she still can't tell. 

Sojiro led through the door heading back towards the car.

"So, think you'll manage?"

"Yeah, might even be fun."

"...Let me stop you right now. If I get any trouble, I don't care what the headmaster says, you'll be on the street you know? And you best not get any ideas with the teacher neither."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what you did to annoy her, but she did not look happy with you. I understand why you were looking but have some tact. For your own sake and others."

Was I that obvious? I don't remember staring.

"Are you saying you would teach me then?"

"Hahaha, no. God, no. Stick to girls your own age, get a bit of experience. Trust me, that is more trouble than its worth."

I suppose I have only had one girlfriend before. Would this even be grounds to say we broke up? Things were left rather unfinished back then.

I had said the words. Admittedly, time was cut shorter than I would've liked. Nonetheless, this would make me a single man again... I never really thought about it before. I wonder how she's doing now? With time I'm sure she'll move on, I'll do the same.

"How much experience is enough?"

"Dead set on it, huh? Let me warn you off the bat, I run a restaurant. So don't go making that room into a love-shack. I'll kick you out if you disturb me or the customers."

Does he want me to get experience or not?

Entering the passenger seat we both settle into the car and traverse back to Yongen-Jaya only to be hit with an irregular torrent of traffic.

"Another mental shutdown case has been reported. A train conductor has tipped and blocked the subway. Recovery services at the site have restricted road traffic resulting in heavy traffic through Tokyo centre. Those that can, please avoid using the roads for..." Sojiro cut off the radio switching to a music station.

"God, what a pain in the ass. You'll be getting the train starting tomorrow, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the route."

"Couldn't even open up shop today. What a troublesome one I've taken in..."

I can guess but...

"Why did you take me in?"

"...I was asked to by your guardian. Already been paid for it as well."


"And who might that have been?"

"Hmm. I suppose custody was thrown around quite a bit. But ultimately it was Sakayanagi. He's an old friend."

Looks like I got off lucky. I've caused a bit too much trouble for him to come see me now, not that I'd want to anyway. This is ideal.

"Sakayanagi insisted you were a good but troubled boy needing somewhere to stay. He kept repeating you weren't in the wrong and said this was the only place you could come."

"And what do you think?"

"Remains to be seen. I've only just met you, y'know."

"That's reasonable."

"Besides, it's what happens when you get involved in other people's troubles. You took that risk."

"... I agree. I'd still do the same again, even knowing the outcome." 

"Troubled indeed." Quiet you.

I couldn't just leave him to target other students after all. I was the only one able to handle that situation, thus it just came down to one thing. Handling it myself.

Hmm? Is that true? Was I that kind of person?

Handling him... that part certainly feels true almost like a responsibility. But... preventing the other students, that...

Something feels strange... People there I was protecting... I remember one or two faces. But a lot of it is blurry in my memory, like a foggy mirror only showing a glimpse of the reflection. That's pretty rare... Maybe my nerves got the best of me, it was a pretty dangerous situation.

Not just that, a few things don't add up...

I'm probably just being paranoid. For now, let's just focus on getting used to the new school and this grumpy guardian of mine.

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