Chapter 2: New Beginnings
"The next destination is Yongen-jaya, I repeat the next stop is Yongen-jaya. Please ensure you prepare for departure."
A listless voice perpetrates through the intercom, relaying to the passengers the next destination of the train. Thank goodness for that, I hate crowds, and this train has been as cramped as one might expect for a city transit service. Within a minute or so I can finally be done with this hellscape and find my lodging for the next year.
Reaching into my pocket I slowly retrieve a letter intended for the owner of a café Leblanc who will be my acting guardian for the next year. Some situations have occurred during the last year, to be honest it threw me for a loop. I feel like the last few months have rushed by me without any input on my behalf. Regardless, this is the predicament I find myself in. All that can really be done is to accept it and move on, right?
Despite my internal monologue lamenting my future prospects and the situation I find myself in, the world cruelly continues moving forward, with no empathy for the distress I feel. It was at the last second, I realise the doors have opened for the precise intention of disembarking passengers. It would be a travesty if I were to miss my stop and have to make my way here yet again. Thinking as such I swiftly sift through the train busybodies and find my way onto the train terminal. Passing through the turnstile, utilizing my train card to gain passage, and walking up the steps to the Yongen-jaya district platform I find the quaint entrance to the backstreets of Yongen-jaya, the supposed location of my new home.
Upon a brief undertaking of the scenery, I find several interesting sites set before me.
The first is a second-hand goods shop almost like a car-boot or yard-sale. Truly some questionable items were on sale here, in fact a lot of it seemed to be scrap and the like. I mean this could be useful for perhaps artists or tinkerers, but I hesitate to find the use the average consumer would have for this shop. Surely this is a questionable business venture. Although, the owner is elderly. Perhaps ownership is more of a hobby, and they don't intend to make much profit. Or perhaps it's a dastardly money laundering plot, isn't that right old man!? Seeming to notice my gaze in his direction, the shop owner directed the most heart-warming smile imaginable in my direction. Nah... never mind the face of this man is too wholesome for that to be the case. Or that's what you want me to think, huh? Don't think you can trick me so easily buddy.
Giving a simple nod in retaliation to the man's oppressive happiness my eyes take in the other interesting areas of the backstreets. Just past the scrap shop there's a smoking area and batting cages up some stairs to the right and just past that there seems to be a normal grocery store. At least this means I can easily grab ingredients to make meals.
The road then branches to the left, following it down shortly I find a clinic to the left of me and a decrepit looking movie theatre to the right, although a flier to the right stipulates opening in the near future. Hopefully, it opens soon I wouldn't mind enjoying movies nearby, plus I doubt they would have many other customers. I may even have the theatre to myself.
Seeing as the clinic is also nearby, I won't have to get medical aid or check-ups by transit into the city centre. That also means I'll have to register with this practitioner, that can wait for later though.
Turning about face and directly gazing at the supermarket this time I opt to follow the original pathway coming further down the street seems to be just residential buildings. Turning right I see the nameplate for Sakura, the family name of my new caretaker. Outside the property is a delivery driver muttering to himself. "Nobody's answering, I suppose he'll be at the café like usual then."
Although I could make conversation with the delivery driver and easily find the café, I deliberately chose to avoid contact and continue wandering the backstreets, I'll find it in my own time. It's definitely not because I'm afraid of social interactions with strangers, yep definitely just feel like having a stroll... Yeah, that's pathetic. Whatever, let's just scout the rest of the useful places before turning in.
Doubling back down the street and passing the grocery store once again, I swear the clerk probably thinks I'm losing my mind. This time I opt to turn down the road perpendicular to the scrap shop and walk a dozen paces or so before noticing a compartment to the right of me. Upon further inspection the area seems to house a laundromat and public bathhouse. I did worry of the issue about bathing facilities and laundry, in smaller congested living areas these public facilities tend to be more readily implemented to save on space and expenses for some.
I was rather worried about the washing facilities, that worry only seems to have expounded upon this revelation. It'll be my first time using public bathing spaces for a prolonged time, I have a few memories of using similar spaces in the past, but they were not enjoyable experiences. In fact, I'd much rather forget the pain-inducing headaches brought about by those times. Almost as if goading me, I heard the phantom voice of a snakelike figure in my mind. Hah, please leave me alone seriously. I didn't come here to get tormented. This is just bringing down the mood, let's move on for now.
Leaving the washing facilities behind and travelling further down the street exposed nothing of interest but a few vending machines and a few salarymen loitering about in the smoking areas. Nothing of interest to be found here it seems, suppose I should finally enter the café. Incidentally the café was opposite the washing facilities which at least meant ease of access to the facilities, a surprise boon, but I'll take any wins I can at the minute.
After taking a deep breath and mustering the courage necessary, I slowly push open the café door and make my entrance into the store. Almost immediately the owner of the establishment looks towards my arriving figure.
"Ohh... yeah, I forgot that was today." Upon noticing the lamentation of his face, the elderly couple (the only patrons at the time) finished their orders and bade farewell to the owner.
"So-Chan we enjoyed the coffee, thank you for listening to our rambling as always." A smile graced the elderly man as he made his way to leave.
"Think nothing of it, I'll see you next time, yeah?" Such a response came from him.
"Of course."
With that the elderly couple made their exit, scuttling past me to the cafe door. To which I presented the open door to them and held it for their departure.
"Thank you, young man. Do take care of So-Chan for me, will you?" That seemed to be the nickname of the owner, I suppose he must've explained the situation somewhat to this customer. Otherwise, he should've just assumed I was another customer. Seeing no reason not to comply with the request I opted for a simple "I'll do what I can, sir."
"Hoh hoh, good lad." With that the couple seemed to have finally left the store and I can resume my business here.
"Goddamn, 2 hours for a measly cup of joe. Seriously... what a pain."
"Umm... I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I'm assuming you are Sojiro Sakura. I have a letter I'm supposed to deliver to you explaining the situation." Saying as such I reach in my pocket and retrieve the letter addressed to him.
"Yeah, I got the basic situation. He explained briefly over the phone a while ago." Saying as such he accepted the letter from my outstretched hands and carried on. "Look, kid I don't want to get overly invested in your business and I'm sure you don't want to get too nosy in mine. All I have to say is you asked for the situation by getting involved with others' business, it's always a risk at the end of the day. But, setting your life choices aside for the moment, we have to establish ground rules for the duration of your stay."
His thoughts on the situation weren't something that deeply affected me, so I opted to ignore that statement. On the topic of ground-rules though, this is crucial when living with someone for the first time, it'd be easy to step on each other's toes otherwise. Especially if the new tenant in question is a dependent which you have to pay for, after all its likely Sojiro Sakura's café will become the business which allows me to eat and sleep for this extended vacation.
"First order of business; You'll be staying in the attic of this shop, meaning you'll have to make do with the space you have but also have to clean up the place. Obviously, also make sure to not disturb the customers, after all I'm trying to run a business here. The reason you aren't staying at my place should be abundantly clear by now, no?" Honestly, I'd question his choices if he were to let me; in all aspects a stranger with a problematic background suddenly intruding upon his house and home. So, its within expectations that I'd be staying here, it also gives me plenty of privacy. Which is another blessing. Seeing no issues, I simply replied "Of course."
"Then next we should come to terms with my expectations of you during your time here." Saying as such he continued on. "Seeing as you'll be dependent on me for the time being I expect no trouble coming back on me from school or outside the shop, help with work around the café at a moment's notice and generally no funny business from you, is all that clear?"
Sending a small grin my way "Good, then final item on the list." Reaching into his back-pocket he pulls a small black diary out and presents it to me. "You are to make a diary and record your behaviour and actions for the next year, they mentioned it's an effective way for rehabilitation and a necessary step to complete your probation."
I see, I mean I suppose I'll just write whatever comes to thought at the time. I've never tried journaling, my interest piqued I decided I might as well comply. Well, not that I really had much of a choice in all this. But it's important for people to at least have the illusion of choice, perhaps that'll make the current situation easier to accept over time.
"That's that then, with business out of the way. I'll acquaint you with the room you'll be staying in." Turning on his heel, Sojiro made towards the stairs at the back of the shop and begun ascending, not even waiting for me to acknowledge him. I silently followed after him and also ascended the stairs.
Each step and shift in weight atop the stairs seemed to send a creak through its wooden body. I thought they might collapse on the way up them. I should be careful whenever I come back for the time being.
Entering the confines of the attic I'm met with an otherworldly stench of dust and possibly mould? Something smells bad in here and there's no wonder why, with a single glance around the room... It's a mess no matter who looked at it. If you asked 10 people whether this was hospitable grounds for the human species, they'd all say no immediately. Not to mention the clutter of objects, seemingly being stored in this room, no doubt a reason to allude to the congested dust and grime. The surfaces of the desks, shelves and dresser are all caked with dust, clearly lacking attention for what seems like years. A second inspection of the ceiling shows plenty of cobwebs and spiders, at least the roof looks secure though. So, I don't have to worry about it caving in and burying me tonight, although that may actually be less painful than the cleaning that's no doubt in front of me.
"So, what do you think problem-child?" Sojiro directed a pointed look towards me as if asking me to criticize the conditions offered here.
"It's pretty messy, huh?" Seriously, look at me like that all you want, anyone would say the exact same thing.
"Haah... yeah, you're not wrong. Got some guts at least kid, although I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given your record. Well, you can whine about it as much as you want. But it's probably a better use of your time to get to work instead. It's getting late after all, you at least want to have a bed tonight, right?" Sojiro finished his dialogue with a smirk pointed right at me. This guy...
Internally drowning a sigh, I instead opt to solve this nightmare and get to bed. "If you look in the cabinet under the stairs it has the bathroom and should be stocked with all the cleaning supplies, you'd need for now." Not sparing another glance at me, he heads down the stairs and continues managing the café.
The sooner the better, thinking as such I trudge down the stairs and make for the facilities. Opening the door and finding a small cabinet on the left-hand wall. Opening it I find some cleaning supplies; surface cleaner and detergent, a mop, a bucket, duster, rubbish bags etc. Stuffing most of it in the empty bucket and making my way upstairs I shortly store the items needed and rush back down the stairs to fill the bucket.
The best plan of action would be to do things in the most optimal order where I won't have to retrace steps. Therefore, first I'll remove all obstacles such as rubbish or clutter about the room and set them apart in the necessary bags. I'll use the rubbish bags and set aside all similar items so Sojiro can have a look through them later. Then I can dust the surfaces and get rid of the cobwebs as well as use the surface cleaner on the desk, shelves, and dresser. Finally, mopping the floor. The hardwood flooring can be mopped, I just need to be vigilant of the amount of water used. After that I can make the bed and get to sleep. Although, it might take a while it should be mostly completed today. That's what I'll aim for, then the menial tasks can be done on a needs basis.
Resigning myself to cleaning the room for the next couple of hours I immediately started drowning out the noise of the surroundings, anything unnecessary to the current goal faded away and my penultimate objective was always in mind. That very unenticing bed has my name on it, just you wait!!!
- 4 hours later -
I got to the café around 5-6 PM, meaning it was now likely 10 PM and what feels like half of the active hours of my day have been spent merely shuffling around the confines of this room, cleaning the dreary space to at least make it hospitable enough for a person to live here. Which thankfully I can say has been accomplished for the most part. Of course, there are a few more things to do. Like clearing these bags, however I'll need Sojiro to go through the items to throw or keep what he needs. For today what needs to be done has been done.
Thinking as such I quietly sit down on the bed that I just made having a brief respite before preparing to sleep in anticipation of tomorrow.
"I gotta say you got more done than I thought you would, it's actually cleaning up pretty nicely huh?"
Without taking notice of my apparent fatigue Sojiro appeared atop the stairs and inspected the room while I did agree with him, I'd still much rather never do this again. Oh well, it's already done now suppose I should quickly make arrangements to sleep. Having a similar train of thought Sojiro also started to speak.
"Well, it's time I close up shop and get gone. Make sure you also get some sleep we'll have an early day tomorrow for your induction at school. Can't have you wasting my time with your listlessness."
Ye of little faith, huh? Well, I want to get some sleep anyway, this day has been full of new experiences. Not all of them great, nonetheless new things tire me out. Simply nodding in Sojiro's direction I make for the bathroom downstairs and grab my things preparing for bed.
Sojiro had already left the building and by the time I was able to slip into the covers of the welcoming bed, the phone downstairs begun to ring. Thinking it'd be best to at least answer it in Sojiro's stead I make headway downstairs again. Quickly answering the landline I'm greeted with the same gruff, hostile voice I accustomed to just today.
"Kid, flip the sign of the shop to closed for me, will ya? I forgot to do it on the way out." I could joke around or refuse at this point but seeing as it would just be a pain to do so I affirmed him and finally get in bed which has been calling out to me for the latter part of an hour now.
Setting an alarm on my phone on the odd chance I sleep too long. Just as I was prepared to set the phone to the side, something catches my eye on the screen. A strange looking application, a black and red symbol with an eye in the middle. This isn't something I've downloaded before; it isn't an app which has updated and changed icon either. In the first place I don't really use my smartphone for many applications anyway. Tapping on the application doesn't seem to do anything either, strange. I'll just delete it instead, doing as such and then quickly tossing the phone off to the side and finally embracing the sweet comfort of sleep.
A new beginning awaits, huh? How exciting, my heart races despite the painstaking efforts taken to avoid this. Plenty of challenges may arise. But in every challenge, there is opportunity for greatness. Not a predefined greatness, not goals given meaning by others. But a goal all of my own, life worth living solely for my sake, derived by my own formulae.
It's hard to hide that anticipation.